Read Double the Price (SeXlection #2) Online

Authors: Flynn Eire

Tags: #Paranormal Romance

Double the Price (SeXlection #2) (16 page)

“This isn’t over, Neil,” Tommy threatened, sounding like a lunatic as he kept repeating it even after he was taken outside of the house. The moment he was, Neil turned to me and pressed me up against the wall.

“Are you okay? Did he hurt you?” he worried, checking me for any signs of injury. “I’m so sorry, Cecil. I never thought Tommy would have the balls to show up here and—”

I grabbed his head and pulled it to mine, not caring who was around. My mouth and face had already healed from Tommy striking me, and other than that, he hadn’t done much. Nothing that a few drinks and a couple of kisses from the most important person in my life wouldn’t make me forget.

“I love you too, Neil,” I whispered, leaning my forehead against his.

“I’m sorry I said it like that for the first time,” he sighed, brushing my hair away from my face. “You’re amazing, Cecil. When I saw what he was about to do to you, I thought my heart was going to stop—”

“I’m fine. We’re fine. And I’m so proud of you for being so damn smart to know the district attorney was standing right here. When I heard your heartbeat pick up, I didn’t have any clue what you were up to.”

“And the district attorney is going to ignore that it wasn’t Mr. Morgan who deactivated the collars if they get right back on the shifters,” the DA offered, clearing his throat. “Smart thinking, Cecil, but let’s keep that quiet.”

“Yes, sir,” I agreed. I nodded to my fellow shifters, and they changed back, putting on their collars and Neil reactivated them.

He even smiled at the brothel cats. “Thanks, guys. You were awesome.”

“What you said was true,” Lev admitted with a shrug. “You’ve been nicer to us than any human ever has our whole lives. I wish I could work for you at parties always. Serving and flirting with a little something extra on the side has been the most fun any of us has ever had in our lives.”

“We do know someone who owns a catering business now,” Craig muttered to Neil, knowing full well the shifters could all hear. “Could be a good investment opportunity.”

“Turn your brain off for one night,” Neil drawled. “I’m having a moment here with my mate.” He focused back on me. “Who I love.”

“And that alone will have you explaining a few things to your guests,” Craig informed him.

“Let’s handle that and tonight you can show me all the ways you love me and then maybe I’ll claim you too,” I purred, taking his hand. Then I thought better of it and stole one more kiss. “My master saved my life.”

“You saved mine first by coming up to me at that ball and making me happy,” Neil assured me. He wasn’t one for mush, but that melted my heart right there on the spot with everyone watching. I felt my cheeks heat up, and even as he filled in our guests about our bond and what imprinting really was, I was still practically swooning over the comment.

My mate loved me and I was his—forever. His equal in all ways even if the law didn’t agree. That made me the luckiest ocelot in the world, and I would show him I felt that way every damn day of my life.


The End





Sneak Peek:
Cost of Love

(SeXlection 3)




We weren’t really sure what we were doing the night of the fake dinner. Mr. Morgan and Cecil had explained things to us as to what was going to happen at the dinner and how it was different from what we were used to at the brothel and the parties they threw but the
dinner seemed more like an opportunity for Mr. Morgan’s friends to take
for a free spin.

But then I laid eyes on the most attractive human I’d ever seen and I didn’t care if he spun me, twirled me, spanked me, fucked me on my head, or
me. Everythinged me. Yes, I was even making up words, he could do that much to me.

The human laughed and his bright blue sapphire eyes sparkled as the light seemed to catch his deep chocolate hair that was perfectly manicured and I wanted to muck up… In bed. I felt like I was reading a fortune cookie because it seemed as if everything the rest of the night was going to have me adding
in bed
after it.

“So, pretend this is the dinner, our guests are arriving, and—” Cecil started to say.

“Got it,” I interrupted and turned on my heel so no one else got to my human first. I sauntered over to him, biting back a smile when he saw me and did a double take, spitting out his drink. Picking up a napkin from the bar, I dabbed his jacket.

“Are you all right, sir?”

“Yes, yes I’m f-fine,” he stuttered, staring down at me with big eyes. He was a tall one, maybe six-five with big, broad shoulders. I took his drink and set it on the bar.

“Club soda please?” I asked the bartender as I slid my hands under his jacket and took it off him. Then I dabbed the napkin in the liquid before laying the jacket out on the sofa adjacent to us. “We wouldn’t want this stain to set on such fine material.” I batted my eyelashes at him as I leaned over, jutting out my hip so my ass was completely on display. “Sir, would you mind giving me an extra set of eyes so I don’t miss any spots?”

“No—yes—I’ll—” He cleared his throat and stepped towards me. “It’s my jacket you’re being kind enough to take care of. Of course I’ll help.”

“You’ll have to move closer, sir. The light isn’t good enough from there,” I murmured as I worked on a few of the stains. He did but not where I wanted him to. “A little to the left, sir. You’re blocking my light now.”

“Oh, sorry.” He groaned deeply when that put his groin right up against my ass. “Sorry.”

“For what, sir?” I purred as I shifted my hips. “I think it’s a nice fit myself. Did I miss any spots?”

“No, you’re perfect,” he breathed as his hands moved to my waist.

“I meant the jacket,” I chuckled and nodded to it. “But thank you, sir.”

“Right.” His hands tightened on my waist but he glanced up and cleared his throat. “Looks wonderful. Thank you…”

“Sage, sir. I’m Sage Massey,” I hissed as I turned in his grasp and hopped up on the arm of the couch, angling my leg so he was now in between mine.

“Craig, good, you’ve met Sage,” Mr. Morgan chuckled as he joined us. “Sage is one of the ocelots we need an eye kept on so why don’t you be in charge of him since you guys are already friendly.”

“He fixed my jacket,” Craig explained, leaning over me and reaching for it which only pressed his hard-on against mine and I just about creamed myself right then. Jesus, he was
for me.

I loved that in a man, especially when they weren’t tiny and they were big enough I could feel it when they were fully dressed as he was.

“That was nice of you, Sage,” Mr. Morgan mumbled as he glanced between us. But then someone called him and drew his focus. “Just make sure to watch him, Craig, tonight and at dinner. No one can imprint on him or they’re buying him.”

“Got it. Watch him,” Craig agreed as he dropped the jacket. Mr. Morgan walked off and Craig stared down at me. “I’ll watch him with both eyes like a hawk.”

“Hawks are gorgeous creatures, sir.”

are gorgeous.” He slowly leaned down and then shook his head, pulling away. “I’m sorry. That—I’m—wow. Would you like a drink, Sage?”

“A drink would be lovely, sir,” I agreed as I slid off the couch. I about melted. My human was a sweetheart. How rare was that? He didn’t want to move too fast just because I was a slave or a whore.

I could fix that. I only had limited time with him and he had no reason to not dive in.

“Craig, Craig Ross,” he muttered, glancing at me. “Call me Craig if no one’s around. I hate that
shit. I know it’s the rules, but if no one else is around, please don’t call me that.”

“You don’t believe slaves are possessions then?” I hedged, accepting the drink he’d ordered me when it was ready.

“No, of course I do,” he answered firmly and my heart sank until his gaze darted towards the
bartender. “I simply don’t like being called
as if I were my father.”

“Of course.” I nodded my understanding and sipped my drink, glancing around. “We have time before dinner and Mr. Morgan explained to you the rules of being around an ocelot. There’s no reason we can’t continue this conversation out on the balcony alone.”

He studied me a moment. “I don’t like being played or fake people, Sage.”

“Who’s playing?” I took his free hand and he was easily led after I threw him for a loop like that. Once we were outside and the door closed behind us, I snatched his drink from him, set both on the table, and hopped up on the ledge, pulling him back between my legs. “You see me as a person, don’t you? Not a slave.”


“Were you going to kiss me inside?”

“Yes, but I don’t ever kiss people who don’t want me—”

“If I gave you anymore green lights that I wanted you, Craig, I would have gotten naked and presented my ass to you in front of everyone in that room.”

His breath hitched but still he hesitated. “I have to ask. I’m sorry if it’s crass but—”

“You need to know I’m not a whore throwing himself at you to try and find a master,” I hedged, studying his eyes and seeing the worry there. Craig gave the slightest nod and I took pity on him. “You are the most attractive human I’ve ever seen. Bastard Bob pushes me towards one rich human or another to sample me for a sale, not caring where I end up as long as there’s money involved. This is the most freedom I’ve ever had to choose who touches me and then I saw you. I’m not wasting this opportunity or night, Craig.”

“Works for me,” he growled, grabbing my head and pulling me down to him. His mouth crashed into mine and he
my lips. I melted against him, more turned on from that kiss than
my encounters over the course of my long life combined. His hands moved to my ass and I mewled like a cat in heat wanting so much more. “Fuck, you are perfect.”

He leaned me over the stone balcony so I was looking out at the New York City skyline and pushed aside my slave grab, careful not to rip the silk. I smiled, thinking I was going to get fucked good but then almost fell off in shock when he licked my exposed cock.

“We should move you somewhere more steady,” he mumbled as his arm slid under my back.

“No, I love it up here,” I panted, spreading my legs wide and balancing my arms at my sides. “This is exhilarating. No one’s ever blown me before. It caught me off guard.”

“I always suck the cock of any man I want inside of and to be intimate with. Your being a shifter doesn’t change that.” He swallowed me down and lights flashed behind my eyes as I stared out at the city that had taken so much from me. His hands held down my hips to keep me balanced and the crazy, conflicting sensations and Craig’s mouth took me to heaven. I bit my lip to keep from screaming as I came down his throat seconds later, the best pleasure in my life ending too soon.

He pulled me back to sitting up and I kissed him as I quickly undid his pants. Then I slid off the stones, ignoring the chaffing on my naked ass and smiled up at him when I caught myself before landing hard on my knees.

“God, you’re agile and flexible,” he whispered as I fisted his cock. Fuck, he was a big,

“You have no idea, Craig,” I purred, licking the drops of precum taunting me. He moaned and ran his fingers over my hair. “My turn now.”

He stopped me before I could swallow him down. “Only if you want to.”

I blinked up at him and shivered with lust at the way he was looking at me as if I
was special and even precious. “The only thing I want more than to please you on my knees is to have you find joy in my body all night until neither of us can walk, Craig.” A little spurt of precum hit my lips, and I smiled, knowing he liked the idea just as much.

Mr. Morgan came out in the middle of my worshipping Craig’s cock, and I was glad it was then and not the other way around because I didn’t know how much trouble Craig could have gotten into.

“There you guys are,” Mr. Morgan chuckled, glancing over Craig’s shoulder and watching the fun. “Pizza’s here, so don’t take all night. Not exactly how you’re really supposed to entertain at the dinner party but, um, sure. Just make sure you’re not caught alone and someone can imprint on you, Sage.”

“I’ll be watching him at the dinner,” Craig snapped, fisting his hand in my hair almost possessively.

“Oh, I’m
you will be.” Mr. Morgan walked away and his laughter followed after him. I didn’t care… But I did speed things along. We didn’t want others noticing we were gone and causing issues.

“Fuck, yeah, Sage, oh
,” Craig moaned as he started gently thrusting down my throat. “I just want to grab all this gorgeous blond hair and go wild.” I moved his other hand to my head, giving him a clear signal he could. He growled and started pumping his hips as I relaxed my throat and let him take over. Normally I
when the humans I was with got aggressive but with Craig it was different. He wasn’t trying to dominate or own me, he just
me that much he lost control.

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