Dirty Little Secret: New Adult Rock Star Romance (Not Exactly A Stepbrother Romance Book 1) (11 page)

BOOK: Dirty Little Secret: New Adult Rock Star Romance (Not Exactly A Stepbrother Romance Book 1)
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Chapter Fourteen


I didn’t have to tell Bret to take his clothes off when he followed me to my room. As soon as he closed the door, he peeled his shirt away from his dewy body and dropped his shorts. Tonight he was larger than life, filling the room more than he ever had before. Tension took up the rest of the space, thick, full, and heavy. Just like us.

I let my dress fall to the floor. The hand that held the rope grew clammy. Bret’s body rippled with anger and need, and if this were a normal arrangement, I’d expect him to push me on the bed. Against the wall. Down to the floor. Take the rope from me and bind me with it, or make good on his promise from a few minutes ago. But we were in my bedroom, and he waited for my instructions.

I still didn’t have any control over the situation.

Words would fail me, so I jerked my head in the direction of the bed. Bret didn’t say anything. He complied, looking for confirmation, lying on his back, cock at glorious attention. Yes. That was exactly what I wanted. I nodded, and he relaxed, peace falling over his body.

I climbed on the bed and settled on the pillows, with Bret’s head between my legs. His only movement was a slow blink. I tangled my fingers in his silky hair. Sun and salt water had bleached it out, and buttery blonde streaked its usual honey tone. If he still took sailing lessons, he did them shirtless. His face and the skin that peeked through the tattoos were deeply bronzed, the only tan lines falling from his hips to just above his knees. It wasn’t fair that a human being could be so breathtaking. Especially when he was my stepbrother.

I began massaging his scalp, roughing his hair. I worked slowly, round, firm strokes starting at the top of his head and circling his hairline with just the right amount of pressure. Bret turned to putty under my touch, as I worked the top of his spine with my thumbs. His mouth parting was the only reaction he gave me, as I ran my finger along the outside of his earlobe, stopping to play with each piercing.

He was mine.

The massage continued. I followed the line of his eyebrows, ghosted my fingers over his lips, and ran my thumbs along the stubble on his jaw, before falling to his collarbones. This was the fun stuff. I traced over his tattoos. The grayscale wings that spanned his pecs, meeting a skull with stars for eyes that decorated his sternum. More stars and feathers fell over the plane of his rippled stomach before meeting the full-color flames the rose from his hips. I’d never taken the time to consider his artwork, and now I saw it for what it was. A slow, beautiful descent into Hell.

Bret swallowed hard when I picked up his nipple rings and tugged, before rubbing the taut nubs between my fingers. His gaze was fixed on the swell of my breasts, I wouldn’t have expected anything else.

I rose to my knees. “You never told me your safe word.”

His lashes fanned over his cheekbones, as he shook his head.

I dropped my face to his, letting my hair cover his skin. “Say it out loud.”

Bret tensed under my touch. “I don’t have a safe word, Gemma.”

“Neither did I, until you made me come up with one.” I pulled the rings, straightening my body so his nipples stretched when I moved.

He bowed his back, and his eyes snapped back open. Frigid green-gray steel. “I don’t need a fucking safe word.”

“Okay.” I picked up the rope that lay beside my leg. “You can borrow mine if you change your mind.”

We locked gazes, as I untangled the rope above his head. His mouth was set in a hard, angry line, and I hoped he was too pissed off to notice my hands shaking. I leaned over his body and took a firm hold of his cock, before slipping the rope under his balls and looping the slack several times around his shaft. Bret gasped as I tugged on the rope to make sure the knot was secure.

I positioned myself over his face, surprised I didn’t drip on him. I tightened the rope between my fingers. “Eat my pussy,” I rasped, barely able to speak.

Bret’s arms tensed, his fingers twisting into the sheets like a cold, hard machine, as he braced himself to obey my command. Electricity raced through my veins at his first contact. He swirled his tongue, as tense as the rest of him, sucking my clit hard. My core pulsed, spasms overruled heartbeats, and I floated above his body, hoping I could retain control. Bret licked, nipped, and devoured me like a condemned man having his last meal before being led to the electric chair.

A sleeping lion had awoken below me, and I knew better than to provoke him. In theory, anyway. In reality, I was going for broke. I pulled the rope and Bret groaned, his roar echoing against my pussy and bringing my orgasm to life. It rocked through me with an intensity I was stupid not to expect. I braced my arms on either side of his body, but Bret didn’t stop.

I still had him by the balls. I tugged the rope, and he clamped his lips on my clit in response. Once I steadied myself, I took his cock in my hand, rubbing the shaft underneath the rope and manipulating the steel balls that pierced it. The sounds coming out of Bret couldn’t belong to a human. The vibrations along the surface of my skin were the only thing keeping me from falling on top of him.

Bret’s shaft swelled. Neither of us could keep this up much longer. I slipped my lips over his cock and sucked hard on the metal ball at the tip. I found the other end of the piercing with my fingers, caressing the spot that drove him wild while I worked the head with a completely different intensity. Bret startled me, when he grabbed my thighs so hard I thought he was going to rip me in two. I didn’t stop, I took as much of him in my mouth as I could. I didn’t have the control over my body I usually did, and I had to try like hell not to choke to death on his dick. What a way to go.

I milked him with my lips and tongue as he came. He panted against my pussy, completely spent. I dropped to his side, my fingers trembling as I untied the rope.

“Holy shit, Gemma.” Bret trembled with aftershocks from his orgasm. “You just stepped into my dirtiest fucking fantasy and made yourself the star of the show.”

I knew it.

“I’m hurt.” I pouted, sat up, and ran my fingers through his damp, sticky hair. He may have actually looked better this way. “I should’ve been there already.”

Bret shook his head, but worked himself against my hand, still wanting more. “I never gave that person a face. I didn’t think they’d ever be able to live up to my expectations, and it wouldn’t be fair to anyone when I was disappointed.”

I caressed his head and lips just as softly as I began, and he eased his arm around me, like he did on the boat. Instinct took over before reason could tell me to run, and I lay down beside him, my head so close to his chest I could hear the frantic beat of his heart. Mine was going haywire too. Shit. This plan was going to backfire.

Chapter Fifteen


“I have an idea.” Bret startled me when he sat beside me in one of the lounge chairs by the pool. It was late afternoon, the time of day when Hell’s gates opened and spewed out the heat of its fury. He pulled his shirt up over his head, nearly messing up his topknot in the process. “You just have to trust me.”

Already it sounded like a disaster. “You’ll have to follow me into the pool if you want to tell me anything. I’m melting.” I put my Kindle down and headed to the water. I was soaked with sweat and could hardly concentrate on the words in front of me anymore, let alone on whatever Bret was about to propose.

“I’d follow you anywhere, Gemma,” Bret said in a voice so low, I wasn’t sure I heard him right.

My heart and pussy pounded in tandem. I stopped before I got in the pool. “What did you say?”

True to his word, he was right on my heels. His mouth dropped. He must not have meant to say that out loud. “Nothing.”

Bret had taught me many things over the years. When his signature grin that meant nothing but sex and sin spread over his face, it gave away two things—I’d heard him just fine, and he was done for.

“That’s what I thought,” I said as I stepped into the water.

We both needed relief from the relentless heat outside and between us, and we dipped underwater right away. Bret paced, splashing water between his hands, while I settled on the lowest stair that still allowed me to keep my head above water. “So what’s this great idea of yours?” I asked.

“What are your days off next week?” He dropped to my eye level, on his knees.

“Tuesday and Wednesday, same as always. Why?”

“Perfect.” Bret started pushing water between his hands again. “I was thinking of a little road trip.”

“Have fun?” I wasn’t sure where he was going with this.

His hands stopped, but the waves reflected in his eyes. “I want you to come with me.”

“Bret.” I groaned. “That’s a terrible idea.”

“Why?” He splashed me. Like we were kids again, I pushed the water back at him harder. Our competition didn’t start this summer. We just upped the ante. He wiped the water from his face before explaining himself. “I think it may be good for us to get out of the house. Be on neutral ground. Switzerland, so to speak.”

“My passport expired.” I leaned back, letting my breasts bob on the surface of the water. “Anyway, it’s a terrible idea.”

“Very funny. I was thinking more like New Jersey.” Bret never got sick of staring at my tits.

I thought about teasing him with a nip slip, but Mom would choose that moment to come outside, and I really didn’t feel like being homeless. “Even worse.” I laughed. “Why? And how would we ever pull it off? Can’t be like,
oh hey, Mom, Bret and I are going on a road trip together

Bret raised an eyebrow, looking a little disappointed. “Why not?”

“Because the rest of the world thinks we hate each other. They aren’t that far off.” His eyes changed again. Fuck. There was no way I could go to New Jersey with him. “It’s weird, even if it was somewhere good. And neither of us have any money. That’s what this whole thing is about. Remember? Which of us is poorer? We’d have to pay to stay in some fleabag, no-tell motel on the shore. If we’re lucky, they’ll let us pay by the hour.”

He laughed. “That’s exactly why we can and should go. We tell Ellen we’re getting out of here to settle the will business. As I said, neutral territory. Away from anything that reminds us of Dad. She’s been on my case about it—yours too, I bet—so she’ll go for that. Since that money is all but legally mine, the trip’s my treat.”

“And they say chivalry is dead.” I attempted a smile, but my blood boiled at the thought of losing to Bret. Did refusing to go on this trip count? “Why can’t we go to the Cape or to Boston? Or the city.” Or anywhere but New Jersey. In college, that’s where we went to get drunk and act stupid. Going there with Bret would be nothing but trouble.

Bret had an agenda. The same smirk that spread over my face minutes ago was now mirrored on his. Checkmate. “Since there’s only a couple weeks before we give the lawyers an answer, I want to make good on my promise. And I want you to be able to fulfill your fantasy.”

I knew it.

“How?” I dragged the word out.

“Tuesday is amateur night at All Eyes Gentlemen’s Club.” Bret nodded as I gaped at him. Yup, trouble. “My buddy owns it. I’m not throwing you to the wolves. Of course I’ll be there. No one’s going to fuck with you. I’ve never mentioned you to him, you can give a fake name, and he’ll never know who you are.” That stung, when it shouldn’t have. “You can be whoever you want to be. You’ve got the I’m-studying-to-be-a-doctor story going for you. Strip, dance a little, let everyone in the room drool over those amazing tits, and make some money. You get to live out your fantasy of having everyone watch you.”

My body went haywire at the possibilities. “What do you get out of this?”

“The satisfaction of fucking the girl everyone wants and no one can have.” Bret shrugged, like it was that simple. “Strippers give the best head.”

Classy. “And if I say no?”

“You lose.” He smirked. “I hit your limit. We tell the lawyers our decision, and I get the money.” Bret stood, water rushing along every cut line of his body, and then walked up the stairs. “But like I said, it is more money than I know what to do with. I’ll make sure I take care of you, Gem.”

I glared as he went back to his chair, and he met my stare when he sat down. Fuck. He had me right where he wanted me. All the times we were together, and I asked if it was okay if I said no or used my safe word, he said it was, and that I’d know when I hit my limit. He’d just rang it like a bell. How was it that the thing that turned me on so much scared me the most?

So even if I did it—and I couldn’t believe I was considering this—it was crazy. Bret might think I looked good naked, but I was nowhere close to having a stripper body. Those girls were perfect. I was… too big to be wearing a bikini in public. I’d make an absolute fool out of myself. I didn’t know how to dance. Don’t get me wrong, I liked dancing, but I looked more like a sitcom gag than a professional. I hated even talking to large groups. Maybe that was why it was my fantasy. It embodied overcoming every hang-up I had about myself.

“Oh, good. You’re both out here,” Mom called over the deck. She was obscured by the flowers Bret had planted in hanging boxes. He kept the yard perfect all summer. “I picked up some steamers. Want to help me start the clambake?” she asked.

“Sure.” I chuckled, getting out of the pool. If I didn’t laugh, I’d cry. And if it wasn’t for Mom trying everything to keep her family together, God only knew what would be happening this summer. It would be even crazier or nothing. I wasn’t sure which one appealed to me more.

“Think about it,” Bret said quietly, bumping against me as we went up the stairs. “I’m not asking you to do anything I haven’t done. I’d stand naked in the middle of Times Square if I could. And fuck with everyone watching. You should try it, Gemma. It’s the most liberating thing you can do.”

I didn’t have a chance to answer him before we were within Mom’s earshot. That had to be his intention. He’d been playing me like one of his guitar solos all summer long. Thrilled to death we were playing nice, Mom went back in the kitchen.

I stopped in front of Bret. “I’ll think about it”—what the hell was I saying?—“but we should go out with Nikki and Matt some night this week, first. We need to practice behaving in public.”

“Deal.” He held out his hand to shake it out. I rolled my eyes before I took it, and he pulled me into him. “But we’re going fucking crazy in Jersey.”


A quarter of a million dollars’ worth of debt guaranteed one thing—I’d whore myself out to someone to keep my head above water. At least I could stay sort of safe with Bret. He wouldn’t let anyone hurt me. Even if I lost, a possibility that loomed larger than ever, I might be able to live with his terms to get me out of debt. I’d have to suck his dick for the rest of my life. So what? Worse things happened to better people.

“I’m so glad you came out with us.” Nikki squealed, as the guys went up the bar to get us beer. We’d let the pandemonium of Bret Starling showing up clear. After the initial wave of selfies and fist bumps, people usually acted normal around him.

“This place is awesome. Everyone’s older, as you can tell, but Matt really likes the band. They’re pretty good, and no, they don’t play covers.” She rolled her eyes. “I know how seriously the guys take that stuff. I don’t care, as long as I can dance. You’re going to dance with me, right?”

“Of course.” I needed all the practice I could get before I made my big stage debut next week in Jersey. I probably should’ve declined the beer, since I was going to be mostly naked in a room full of strangers in a week. That wasn’t the only reason I should’ve said no. Booze in general made me frisky, and I was supposed to prove I could behave myself. I had to be on my A-game. “It’s been a while. I’m rusty.”

“That’s what beer is for,” Nikki said. Bret and Matt returned, distributing drinks accordingly. Bret pressed his hand on my back to get by me to his stool. I stopped breathing until he let go, as if it would make me invisible. We knew people here. We couldn’t fuck around. The town was too small, and mouths were too big. Besides, everyone in the room stared at Bret. They kept their distance, but they watched his every move.

“How’s the entertainment center search going?” Bret asked Matt.

“We’ve found a place in Central Falls that we can lease cheap. It’s part of an old mill, but there’s a huge lot we could turn part of into the mini-golf course. And the way it’s zoned, the bowling alley could have a bar and a stage, so we could hire bands to play.” Matt practically glowed as he talked about his dream.

“How are you paying for this?” I asked. “It sounds expensive.”

Some of the shine faded from his expression. Man, I knew how to party.

“Crowd funding for some of it. We’ll play some shows to raise funds, too. A couple friends with money,” he said.

“I might be able to help you out,” Bret said. “We’ll talk as it gets closer.”

“I think it’s going to be really cool.” I took a long sip of my beer, letting the fizz settle into my bloodstream. Maybe it would go straight to my head.

“I’ll definitely help you out.” Nikki giggled. She wasn’t talking about the entertainment center, and she did something under the table that made Matt jump. He grinned at her, before taking her face in his hands and kissing her.

I couldn’t take my eyes off them. Something I hadn’t felt since the last time I lived in Newport, a long time ago, burned deep in the pit of my belly. Jealousy. As Bret had so generously pointed out, I’d never had mind-blowing sex before him, but I had a lot of the regular kind. I wasn’t a shy lover, and PDAs were usually par for the course. Not being able to touch Bret in public was excruciating. The sneaking around, the lies, the fucking drama… I didn’t realize how little they left me with.

How much I needed more.

Bret’s expression turned to stone. He looked right through Nikki and Matt. They weren’t tongue tied anymore, but they were barely an inch apart, radiating lust and all the good things that the beginning of a relationship promised. I smiled weakly at Bret, and he squeezed my hand under the table. He felt it, too.

“Let’s go dance.” Nikki grabbed my arm that rested on the table. I was shell-shocked. Bret still held my hand under the table. Until she broke the spell, I’d been aware we were attached, but it felt so right I didn’t want to break away. “We can leave the boys alone to talk about their music.”

“Yeah, tell me how the new songs are going. I can’t wait to hear what you come up with.” Matt tipped his beer in Bret’s direction as Nikki ripped me away from him.

“Matt’s amazing, don’t get me wrong, but all he talks about are his music and the business he doesn’t have yet.” Nikki groaned after she led me to the middle of the crowd.

There was plenty of room on the dance floor, and we were the youngest out here by about ten years. Not that it mattered; everyone was here for the same reason. I loved this kind of people watching.

“It’s his passion.” I pushed her arm playfully, as we fell into the beat of the song. “You don’t want to be with a guy who doesn’t want anything. The next thing you know, he’d move into your apartment and make the place smell like beer farts. Beer you paid for.”

“I know.” She laughed, taking another sip. “My passion is animals, and I manage to talk about other things.”

“All you talk about is men!”

“So?” She swayed to the beat, twisting in time to the music. “I guess you could say they’re another passion of mine.”

“It’s a good hobby to have.” Dancing felt good. I’d been holed up all summer, practically on house arrest. Bret offered to pay my way tonight. He said he’d start a tab for me, reminding me how he’d like the debt taken care of. Whatever. I’d pay him back in fucking pennies once I got my inheritance.

Nikki leaned in, her forehead against mine. “I know you say there’s nothing going on there, but if I were you, I’d totally fuck the shit out of Bret.” I gasped and pulled away, but she went on. “You guys aren’t related by blood. So it would be weird, but—”

“Nikki. Stop it.” The room spun around me. I was going to throw up.

BOOK: Dirty Little Secret: New Adult Rock Star Romance (Not Exactly A Stepbrother Romance Book 1)
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