Read Desire Unleashed Online

Authors: Layne Macadam

Desire Unleashed (19 page)


Bewilderment crossed her features. Kathy clutched at the sheet and with a self-conscious tug pulled it up over her bare breasts, her eyes bright with unshed tears. What did Shane mean and why was he cursing? He’d never used language like that to her before, and his tone was so cold and accusing, as if she’d done something wrong. She’d assumed the roses were from him, took great pleasure in the fact that she’d been in his thoughts while he was away. She gave an involuntary shiver as comprehension dawned, and the icy hand of fear gripped her. If Shane hadn’t sent the flowers then who had? Her bottom lip trembled, a single tear slipped over her lashes, she brushed it away. She’d done nothing wrong, and Shane was acting like a total jerk. To top it off, there were roses adorning her living room with explicit messages from an anonymous stranger, someone who knew where she lived.


Ice winced at Kathy’s hurt expression, knowing that he was the miserable son of a bitch who’d put it there. He controlled the urge to take her into his arms. She looked so vulnerable staring up at him with big doe eyes, liquid brown and ready to splash over her lashes, but he’d be damned if he was going to apologize.

No fucking way.

“Sorry babe, let me rephrase that.” His treacherous tongue betrayed him. He took a breath and tried again. “Kathy, would you mind telling me who sent the flowers you’ve got decorating the whole goddamned fucking apartment.”

“I don’t know. I thought they were from you.”

“What do you mean you thought they were from me?”

“The concept’s not that difficult, Shane. The cards weren’t signed. And as I’ve only ever warmed
bed and been
you, I assumed you’d sent them. A natural mistake I’d say.”

Well that put a different spin on things. Who the hell could have sent them? White was the color of purity. A single rose stood out among the many. Wolf’s words crashed back to haunt him sharp and clear. “Forget it Ice, she’s too pure for you.” Ah, of course, Wolf and the boys. Fucking comedians.

“Kat, I’m sorry I…”

“Sorry for what Shane?” She snapped. “Sorry for swearing at me? Sorry for thinking I’d slept with someone else while you were away, or sorry for being a prize jerk?”

Kathy didn’t wait for his reply, just sidled out of bed dragging the sheet with her and winding it around her slight form. When she tried to shove past him, he caught her by the upper arm.


“Let go of me.”

“First let me explain.”

“How about you first explain casual to me, because it’s clear I have no idea of the definition? You see, I thought when you said no strings attached, you meant the freedom to date other people, but apparently that privilege only applies to you.”

Ice flinched, her voice was as cold as a witch’s tit, and her breath came in sharp bursts as she glared up at him more like a spitfire now than a contented kitten.

“If I wanted to fuck someone else Kat, I’d do you the courtesy of telling you first.”

“Now see Shane, there’s the difference between us. I wouldn’t have sex with anyone else while I’m seeing you.”

“You know that’s what I meant.”

“Oh, just let me go.”

Ice stood his ground and held her firm, “Come on Kat, I’ve said I’m sorry. Seriously I don’t know what came over me.”

“I need to use the bathroom.”

Ice had no option than to release her arm, but this was not over yet. He sat on the bed to wait for her return. Kathy was right of course, he’d acted like a jerk and stuffed up big time, letting his emotions get the better of him. It was so out of character, but around her he felt like he was on a carnival ride, spinning out of control and not knowing which way was up. Damn, the day had started on such a high, held such promise and in a blink had gone to hell in a hand basket, through his own stupidity.

The toilet flushed, and he waited for her to return, but instead he heard the sound of the shower running. He imagined her discarding the sheet and stepping into the cubicle, saw her in his mind’s eye, and his mind’s eye had twenty-twenty. He visualized the steamy water as it cascaded over every curvy inch of her.

Making a snap decision, he pulled the polo shirt over his head, dropped his shorts, and snatching a foil package from the bedside dresser, strode butt naked into the bathroom.

Ice stepped in beside Kathy and pulled her hard up against him. He didn’t think about it, just reacted. God, she was sexy with more curves than a racing car circuit.

“What are you doing?”

“What I should’ve done when you first opened your eyes this morning.” He bent his head and caressed her lips with his. She resisted for only a moment then entwined her arms around his neck and pressed her body against his. Her mouth parted and he deepened the kiss. It was completely sensual, erotic, unlike any kiss he’d experienced. He lingered over it, letting the water pour over them. “Forgive me?”

“How can I not when you ask so nicely, but Shane if it wasn’t you then…”

“Shh, we’ll think about that later, for now, let me make it up to you.”

As he spoke, he encased his penis in the protective shield with speed and dexterity. The steam from the hot water rose around them, making the cubicle like a sauna. Her chestnut hair fell to the two provocative dimples just above the swell of her ass. Ice draped it over her shoulder and pressed his chest against her bare back, she was soapy and slippery and smelled of jasmine.

“Hands up babe,” he murmured, his lips against her neck.

Kathy placed her palms against the tile for support, and he entered her from behind. His rhythm was smooth, her counter thrusts set the pace, and he quickened his strokes until her movements became frantic. On the down stroke he cupped her breast and the nipple budded beneath his touch, the heel of his other hand he pressed against her pubic bone and drew his finger along her cleft.

“Yes, Shane yes,” she cried.

Her shudder of pleasure and the sweet breathy sound she made when she moaned in relief brought on his own earth shattering orgasm.

Ice planted a kiss on the back of her neck. “Have I told you how great you are?” he asked as he eased out of her.

Kathy pivoted to face him. “Well I had a good teacher,” she said, giving his lips a quick kiss before turning off the faucet. “What was it you wanted to talk to me about last night?”

“Let’s skip it for now, it’s not that urgent.” He’d promised himself to end it but hell, after what had just transpired, now was not the optimal time to call it quits. The skiing trip was today. He remembered how excited she’d been by Wolf’s invitation and couldn’t spoil that for her. Besides, delaying a few more hours wouldn’t make squat of a difference.

Ice stepped from the shower, took two towels from the rail, and handed one to Kathy. When he’d dried off he said, “I’ll go into the kitchen and start breakfast while you’re finishing up.”


Kathy hummed as she towel dried and braided her hair. She’d been looking forward to spending the day with Shane and his friends all week, and was glad that their kafuffle was over and wouldn’t spoil the day. In fact, now that she was calmer and thought about it, his outburst could only mean he was jealous couldn’t it? That thought made her smile.

Kathy finished dressing in a flash, the smell of grilling bacon beckoned. When she entered the kitchen, Shane was in the process of dishing out two large helpings.

“Hope you’re hungry.”

“Famished. Aw, you’ve made me tea as well, how sweet.” Kathy appreciated the gesture as she picked up the steaming mug from the counter. As she sipped the hot brew, her eyes were drawn to the vase of flowers that only yesterday had given her so much joy.

The mug hit the bench with a clunk. Kathy marched over, collected both vases from the tabletops, and tossed the contents into the bin. “If you didn’t send them I wonder who did?” she asked, taking a seat at the table.

“Any ideas at all… an old flame perhaps?”

She racked her brains. “I thought I saw an old beau yesterday, but he didn’t respond to my wave, so I’m guessing I was mistaken.”

“Maybe not.”

“Liz said Ian’s still keen on me, but he’s never sent flowers before. It wasn’t that kind of relationship. We’d been on a few dates, exchanged kisses but that’s it.”

“He didn’t push for more?”

“Well kind of, but when I explained I wasn’t interested he stopped.”

“Just like that, he stopped.”

“Not exactly.”

“How exactly?”

Kathy exhaled. “We were parked in my drive kissing. He slid his hand under my skirt, I told him no and he removed it. We started kissing again and he grabbed my breast, he got a bit miffed when I pushed him away.”

“Did he try and force you?”

“No, of course not. Ian’s not like that.”

“Are you sure about that, Kathy?”

“Yes, I’m sure, but who could have sent the flowers with those awful messages? Oh God, what if they’re connected to those phone calls?”

“Put it out of your mind, and don’t worry about it today, Kat. I’ve got a few ideas and I’ll let you know how they pan out. Today is just about us having fun, okay?”

Kathy nodded.

“Good girl.”

Chapter 10

The Marina was a crush of people by the time Ice and Kathy had unloaded the skis and picnic hamper.

“Seems like we’re the last to arrive.” Kathy observed, taking his hand.

“Yeah, but that’s okay, they won’t leave without us,” Ice said as they walked by Hawk’s pickup toward the pier where Wolf’s boat was moored. He sincerely hoped that the guys would behave and not read too much into Kathy and his relationship. Yeah, fat chance of that happening bud. Wolf’s invitation to Kathy all but proved that. No point in bitching about it though, knowing what the guys were capable of when they got a notion into their heads, he should have known better than to show up at Frosty’s with her on his arm. He’d never done anything like that before and berated himself for slipping up. He was always careful to keep his women on the fringe; it was cleaner that way when the break came.

Ice noted as they approached the group that they had already been spotted holding hands, and even at this distance, speculation could be read in more than one pair of eyes.

“Hi y’all,” Kathy greeted his friends.

Sarah, always demonstrative, stepped forward and gave them each a peck on the cheek.

Frosty nodded, “Ice, Kathy.”

Wolf gave Kathy the once over, took hold of her shoulders, and planted one on her cheek too. “Nice to see you again Kathy, you’re looking good.”

Ice had to agree, Kathy looked fantastic. Fresh faced and leggy perfection covered by a skimpy pair of denim shorts and a plain white T-shirt that accentuated her great breasts. Yeah, he knew what Wolf saw, sex on a stick.

“As are you.” Kathy returned the compliment. Wolf was decked out in a pair of cargo shorts and a short-sleeved shirt that he’d left unbuttoned showing off his tanned body. Not the body of a gym junkie either, but the lean hard body of a man used to physical exercise. Ice glared and grunted at Wolf. His barely civil greeting did not go unnoticed by Frosty, whose face erupted into that sanctimonious expression that was starting to seriously piss him off.

“Yeah, looking good Kathy,” Hawk chimed in, agreeing with Wolf.

“Ditto, glad you could make it,” Havoc said from under his low tilted Akubra in that slow talking Aussie drawl that women found so sexy.

“Now that the mutual admiration committee has said their piece, maybe we can get on with it.” Ice thrust the skis and picnic hamper at Wolf, who stowed them on the boat with a grin.

The guys exchanged smirks.

“Hey, no problem boss,” Havoc appeased.

“Oh hell, I forgot the bait. I’ll just race over and get some now.”

The entire male contingent groaned and sent Hawk a dumber-than-dog-shit look.

“What? It’ll only take a minute. Shish.” Hawk threw up his hands and set off at a run in the direction of the tackle and bait shop.

“It’s a great day for skiing, you’ll love it Kathy. And I’ve brought my gear for you to wear. I certainly won’t be needing it.” Sarah giggled, patting her baby bump as she handed over the black and pink wet suit.

“Thanks, that’s sweet of you Sarah, but I don’t think I’ll need it either. I can’t ski or even swim, so maybe I should just stay on the shore and watch.”

“Nonsense Kathy, you don’t want to miss all the fun. I’ve got life jackets and we’ll give you lessons, won’t we Havoc?” Wolf volunteered.

“Too right, it’ll be a pleasure, nothing I like better than teaching a pretty woman new tricks.”

Havoc tipped his Akubra and slid Kathy a suggestive wink. The big Aussie and Wolf were as thick as thieves, and it was clear they were in cahoots to test his patience.

“Sure, it’ll be fun and after a few weeks, you’ll be doing it like a pro.”

Ice groaned inwardly, wishing Wolf would just shut the hell up.


Kathy turned her attention to Shane, who shrugged. “Your decision Kat, whatever you’re comfortable with.”

She wasn’t comfortable with the idea of skiing nor was she confident in the water, but not wanting to appear ungrateful, she compromised by agreeing to have a shot at driving the speedboat. That brought about the realization that although they were ready to leave not everyone was going to fit. She frowned.

“We’ll make two trips,” Wolf explained. “We all take turns at driving, skiing and lookout duties. First I’ll take you, Ice, and Havoc over to this little cove we know, and then come back for Sarah, Frosty and boy blunder.”

Kathy laughed at Wolf’s description of Hawk as Shane took her elbow and handed her down into the boat. Water slapped against the hull as she stepped aboard, causing the boat to rock precariously from side to side. She almost lost her balance and grabbed Wolf by the shoulders to steady herself. She would have toppled over, but he caught her under the arms.

“Careful Kathy, we wouldn’t want you to fall,” he whispered into her ear, his palms brushing her breasts where he’d caught her to him.

Kathy blushed at his intimate touch—the heel of his hand was still pressed against her breast. Flustered by the lingering contact, as quick as a thought, she dropped her hands from his shoulders. “Ahh thanks, Wolf.”

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