Read Desire Unleashed Online

Authors: Layne Macadam

Desire Unleashed (31 page)

Sunrise was lightening the sky when he pulled on a pair of shorts and padded into the kitchen to brew some strong coffee. It was going to be a long day, and he had a feeling he would need it. Moving automatically around the confined space, he spooned coffee into the coffee pot, and popped bread into the toaster, his fingers itched to dial Frosty’s number for a report. He fought the urge, figuring he should at least wait until seven before calling. Taking a bite from his toast and picking up his coffee, he marched into the living room to wait for the magic hour.

Frosty answered his call on the second ring. “Hell man, it’s about time you phoned, Sarah and I have been worried sick. How’s Kathy doing?”

“She had a shitty night.” He kept his voice low as he clued Frosty in. They spoke for a few minutes, arranging to meet later that morning for a full report. Frosty offered to bring the team up to speed, and Sarah, who was still reeling from the shock, offered to call Margaret for Kathy. It was only fair, Sarah told them, to give the principal a heads up as the police would want to interview her too.

“Shane, where are you?”

“Gotta go, Kathy’s awake.” Ice hung up and hurried into the bedroom. The sight of Kathy’s face in the morning light had him gritting his teeth. Her cheekbone was puffed up and multicolored, vivid purple and blue shaded her eye, but the ugly stitches in her breast had his blood shoot from simmer to boil in a heartbeat, and he wished that he’d finished the guy off.

With a mighty effort, Ice forced his temper down. “I’m here babe, I was just in the other room.” Lowering himself onto the mattress beside her, he stroked her undamaged cheek. “How are you doing this morning?”

“Numb inside, like it was all a bad dream. Then I move and the stitches sting and I know it’s real.”

Kathy’s eyes filled, her bottom lip trembled. Ice touched his mouth to hers. “Babe, I’m sorry we didn’t get there sooner.”

“Shane, don’t be silly. It’s not your fault, you’re my hero. If it wasn’t for you and Frosty, I’d be dead.” Kathy’s voice broke, and shoulders shaking, she cried in earnest. Ice crushed her against his bare chest, patted her back, and ran his fingers down the silky length of her hair at a loss as to what he should do next.

He wasn’t good with crying women, had little experience of them. They were like another species as far as he was concerned. If you let ‘em get under your skin, they could rip out your heart with their tears. The guys had talked about the subject at length one night over a few beers and had come to the conclusion that there was only one way to deal with a crying woman—agree with everything she said, do anything she asked, and wait for it to pass.

“Can I make you some hot tea and something to eat?”

“Later, all I need now is you.” She hiccupped as her sobs subsided. Ice obliged by kissing her long and deep as he lowered her against the mattress. This he understood. This he could handle.

His kiss trailed down her breast taking care to avoid her injury. When her nipples puckered, he laved them with his tongue. His hand slid down the swell of her belly, through the downy curls, and beyond. She parted her legs as the heel of his palm pressed firmly against her pubic bone, and that’s when his desire ignited.

He wanted to taste her, fill his senses with the flavor that was erotically her. His lips followed his hands, and he took her with his mouth, teasing her clit until she was a quivering mass. Her movements were uncoordinated, jerky, and sensuous. She begged for release, and he complied. His assault merciless as he suckled her into a mind-blowing orgasm.

“Oh God, Shane, that was incredible.”

With a catch of her breath, Kathy sat up and pushed him back against the pillows. “Now let me do it to you,” she whispered.

“Babe, I don’t expect…”

“Be quite, lay back, enjoy.”

Ice closed his eyes inhaling sharply as Kathy took him into the velvet heaven of her mouth and teased the sensitive head with her lips. As she worked his cock, vibrations ripped up his length causing shards of pleasure to shoot clear to his toes, and the thought that her sweet mouth was made for more than just smiles popped into his mind unbidden.

As she continued to pleasure him with long drawn-out pulls, he thrashed on the bed, jerking his hips, and knowing that at this rate, he wouldn’t last. “Enough, I’m going to come,” he panted, pushing her face away from his groin, but Kathy would not be deterred.

“Then do it, I want to taste you,” she purred, taking him back into her mouth.

Caught between ecstasy and agony and hanging by a thread, when she cupped his balls and gave a gentle squeeze, he lost it. “Geezus Kat,” he howled, releasing into her mouth as stars shot before his eyes.


“Holy hell Kat,” Shane exclaimed as she crawled up his body. Elation at his fulfillment coursed through her. She opened her mouth, inviting his kiss. His lips claimed hers with a passion that ignited and heightened the senses. Their tongues mingled experimentally, savoring the taste of their own unique flavors. It was a new level of commitment, a cementing of their relationship. She felt him harden again and drew back. “I want you inside me Shane. Now,” she cried and pulled him over her.

He’d only just entered her, when a sharp wrap at the door interrupted them.

Shane cursed. “Frosty’s timing sucks.” Sliding out of her and off the bed, he dragged on his shorts. “We’ll finish this later babe,” he promised and went to let his bud in.

Kathy shoved back the covers and swung her legs out of bed, no point lying in now. Frosty had arrived and with him the moment of truth. Stalling wouldn’t lessen the embarrassment, and he had to be faced sooner or later. Okay, so he’d copped a bird’s eye view, but she couldn’t change that, so she’d just have to brazen it out.

Tingling still from her arousal, she stepped into her panties and pulled on a pair of sweat pants. Not bothering with a bra, she slipped her arms through a loose button down top. The fabric wasn’t rough but snagged her stitches anyway causing her to grimace as she drew the edges together. She went to the bathroom and washed up, and then picking up her tortoiseshell brush, she smoothed her hair until her scalp tingled. She then set about making the bed. With that task complete, her eyes mapped the room for something else to do. Stop stalling and go face Patrick, she berated herself. With a bracing breath, she went to get it over.

* * * *

Frosty stood as Kathy entered the room. The flush of sex bloomed on her skin and shone from her eyes. Heck, she was hot, so hot he could almost smell it. Ice was one lucky SOB. He remembered her last night, bare-assed naked, the flare of her hips, the color of her curls, the curve of her breast. It was almost enough to give him a hard-on, had he been a single man.

He gave himself a mental shake and kissed the cheek she presented to him. “How are you Kathy? Sarah and I have been worried sick.”

Kathy blushed at his knowing gaze. “Still bewildered. I never suspected Len for a minute, we were friends. So much for my judgment,” she scoffed.

“Don’t be too hard on yourself.”

Ice stepped forward and placed a possessive arm around Kathy, guiding her to the couch. Just as they all sat, another knock had Ice leaping to his feet. “I’ll get that,” he announced to no one in particular.

Frosty slid into the seat Ice vacated and taking the opportunity of being alone with Kathy whispered, “I’ve got something for you.”

Her eyes held inquiry, and he gave her a conspiratorial wink as he took the folded photo from his jacket pocket and handed it over.

She unfolded it slowly and relief washed over her. “I don’t know what to say,” she blubbered, all emotional and teary. “I spent half the night worrying about this photo and the repercussions to my career if the press ever got hold of it.”

“You don’t have to say anything sweetie, and you can quit losing sleep. I figured the police had enough evidence, so I pocketed it and deleted the original from the camera before they arrived. No one need ever see it.”

“I’m so embarrassed … ah … about everything.” Her candid eyes lifted to his face.

He picked up her hand and sandwiched it between his. “You’ve got nothing to be embarrassed about. You’re beautiful and adorable and sweet, never doubt that Kathy. What I saw, or didn’t see, has been erased from my memory, so don’t sweat it.”

“Thank you Patrick, thank you for everything.” Kathy leaned forward and lightly kissed his lips.

It was a kiss of gratitude and friendship and secrets shared, and the thought that sprung into his mind, was that he hoped Ice realized what a treasure he had in this little lady.

“Nice one Frosty. I thought she’d at least be safe with an old married man like you.” Ice accused as he re-entered the room followed by Wolf.

Frosty ignored the jibe and chucked her under the chin, “Anytime sweetheart.”

Kathy gave him a grateful smile and stood.

Wolf’s eyes swept over them, his gaze landing on Kathy’s swollen cheek and black eye, his reaction predictable. Outrage spread across his face. He masked it quickly and gave her a hug. “Nice shiner Kathy.”

Kathy touched the injury. “It’ll fade quickly, and I’m lucky, it could have been a whole lot worse.” She shuddered.

Putting her from him, Wolf took hold of her hands and searched first one arm then the other. “Frosty said you needed stitches, so where are they?”

The bewilderment in his voice was clear, but before he could give Wolf, the heads up, Kathy parted the top of her blouse.

“Here, would you like to see?” she asked.

“Over my dead body.” Ice’s words bounced off the walls. His jealous routine was becoming all too familiar. In other circumstances, Wolf and he would have paid him out, as it was though, they were unable to hide their amusement, and Ice’s lip curled.

“Oh Shane, relax.” Kathy crossed to Ice and linked her arm through his. “I’m not going to show him my breast for heaven’s sakes, just the top where the stitches are.”

Frosty sent a cautionary glare to Wolf as he opened his mouth to speak; this was not the time to grace Ice with their usual wit and charm.


“I forbid it,” Ice growled, not knowing where that had come from. As a rule, he couldn’t give a rat’s ass who eyeballed his squeeze. But the thought of Wolf ogling Kathy made him want to rearrange his face. His reaction was over the top, but he was powerless to retract his words.

Kathy’s eyes stretched wide. “Give over Shane, Wolf’s seen more of me in my swimsuit.”

“It’s not like he hasn’t seen stitches before either, so he really doesn’t need to see yours,” he pointed out, trying to sound reasonable.

The lifeline came from Wolf and that surprised him. “He’s right Kathy, if you’ve seen one set of stitches—you’ve seen ‘em all. How many did you get anyway?”

“Eleven,” she replied as another knock sounded.

“I’ll get that.” Ice disengaged himself from Kathy’s arm, grateful for the distraction.

As suspected, it was Havoc and Hawk, and Hawk was bearing flowers. “We’re all in the living room, but don’t even ask to see her stitches.” Ice snarled at Hawk as he flung wide the door allowing them in.


“Ah, forget it. I’m going to make coffee.”


Kathy beamed when the newcomers entered the living room, and Hawk handed over the flowers. “Hell Kathy, you look like something the cat dragged in.”

As usual, the kid engaged his mouth before his brain, and Wolf elbowed him for his bluntness. “Ease up Hawk.”

“I look worse than I feel.”

“Is that true love?” Havoc shortened the distance and scooped her into his embrace. “But for once the kid’s right, you do look bad. Are you in a lot of pain?”

“Of course she’s in pain you big dumbass, she’s got stitches. Where are they anyway Kathy?” Hawk gave her the once over trying to ferret out where she’d been sutured.

Kathy wisely ignored Hawk’s question. “These flowers are lovely Hawk, thank you. I’ll just get a vase and put them in some water,” she said and left to join Ice in the kitchen.

No sooner was she out of earshot when Wolf enlightened him. “There on her tit, so don’t think you’ll be copping a look you little pervert.”

Hawk reddened. “Hell man, I didn’t know, I’m not a fucking mind reader, you bastards tell me nothing.”

“Yeah, and if you know what’s good for you, don’t mention them in front of the Iceman.”

“Why, has he put on another shit attack over her? I tell ya, I’ve never seen anyone get as bent out of shape as he does. What does he think? That one of us is going to run off with her?”

“Just watch your big mouth around him, he’s got a hair trigger where she’s concerned.”

“God, if that’s what love does to you, then count me out.”

“Well kid, let me tell you, it’s not something you have a choice in, when cupid fires that arrow, its good night dick.” Frosty clued them all in.

Kathy re-entered the sitting room with the flowers she’d artistically arranged in a vase and set them on the dining table. Ice followed carrying a tray of coffees and cake and told them to tuck-in.

Havoc poured a coffee and stirred in sugar, his brow furrowed. “I think I speak on behalf of everyone here when I say how sorry we are Kathy that we failed to protect you from that sadistic lunatic. It was unforgivable.”

They all nodded in silent agreement as Havoc aired his thoughts. The men took their assignments seriously, and although the danger had seemed to have passed, in their minds that wasn’t an excuse.

“Havoc, this wasn’t anyone’s fault. I thought Len was my friend. I had no inkling he was infatuated with me, so how could I hold any of you responsible? You all protected me so well and then when they found Dawson dead, we all believed it was over.”

“I never liked Baker,” growled Wolf. “I failed to act on my instincts, if this is anyone’s fault, it’s mine.”

“You’re not listening guys, this is no one’s fault except Baker’s, and if you keep beating yourselves up about it, I’ll only feel worse.”

The guys drank their coffee in silence. It was good of Kathy to absolve them of blame, but they knew what they knew, they’d been too quick to relinquish their guard, and it could have cost Kathy her life.

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