Read Demons of Bourbon Street Online

Authors: Deanna Chase

Tags: #paranormal romance, #demons, #Fantasy, #empath, #Romance, #Witches, #Contemporary, #dreamwalking, #Angels, #Paranormal, #psychic, #Fiction, #bourbon street, #General

Demons of Bourbon Street (34 page)

Mom stood across from me. Her gaze met mine as she held a hand out to both Kane and Gwen. They each clasped her hand, and I reached out to each of them, forming a circle. A lump clogged in my throat as I recognized the blessing. It was the one to strengthen family bonds.

Mom had recited the incantation at every solstice and every important event throughout my childhood. But no one other than Gwen had ever been invited to participate. It had either been just Mom and me or the three of us.

I glanced at Kane. Did he have any idea how much meaning the ritual held? The pride and nervousness radiating from him suggested he did. I squeezed his hand and stared at the candle dancing with life in front of me.

Four souls, four flames. Tonight we cast a circle of strength. One bound by trust and love.”

One by one, each of the flames doubled in size and brightened, burning almost white.

We stand together as one unit, one family.”

The flames turned electric blue, much brighter than the usual ice blue produced by Mom’s words. A surge of excitement ran through me. Mom’s magic was powerful, but I’d never seen her perform this ritual with such strength. Maybe it was because I’d finally embraced my own magic. I didn’t care about the cause. A strong family bond would only help me in my quest to save my soul.

Goddess Hera, join us in our blessing. Honor us with your gifts. Two flames, two souls joined and supported by two flames, two souls.”

I jerked my head up, my eyes boring into my mother’s.

She smiled and said, “Two flames, two souls.”

Kane and Gwen repeated her words in unison.

I stood still, my mouth open, unable to form words.

My mother’s smile widened. “Jade, you need to say the words to complete the blessing.”

I swallowed, not daring to look at Kane. If I wasn’t mistaken, Mom had just performed a very specialized blessing. One I’d read about, but never witnessed.

Jade?” Kane said softly.

I met his concerned gaze. His lips turned up in a small hopeful smile, love pouring out of him as if he held his heart in his hand.

My own heart swelled and my breath hitched. Everything stopped, and I whispered the words they were all waiting for. “Two flames, two souls.”

A short blast of air came out of nowhere, extinguishing the candles. Then everything was still as Kane and I stared at each other.

Gwen dropped my hand, and I vaguely heard her say goodbye as she and my mother slipped out of the house.

When the door clicked closed, Kane grabbed my other hand, turned both over, and kissed each of my palms. “Don’t say anything yet. I have something for you.”

Totally speechless, I nodded and let him guide me back into the chair. It wasn’t until I picked up my water glass that I noticed the shaking. Before I drenched the tablecloth, I set the drink down and clasped my hands together in my lap.

Kane returned bearing a small round cheesecake adorned with chocolate-covered strawberries and what appeared to be homemade whipped cream. He’d combined all my favorite desserts into one mouth-watering piece of perfection. But that wasn’t what caught my eye.

Right in the middle, surrounded by the chocolate-covered strawberries, sat a red embossed jewelry box.

This was it. I’d known it as soon as Mom had called upon the Goddess Hera—the goddess of marriage—in her blessing. Suddenly my lungs didn’t want to inflate.

Kane placed the plate in front of me and pulled his chair over so we sat almost touching. I continued to stare at the cheesecake, afraid to look at him.


Hmm?” Light from the chandelier bounced off the shiny red sections of the jewelry box.

He dipped the fork into the dessert and offered it to me. “Take a bite.”

I pressed my lips together, somehow convinced if I didn’t open my mouth, we’d stay frozen in this moment forever. I would never hear what he said next, and I wouldn’t have to answer.

Tears burned my eyes. Despite my best efforts, I had no hope of blinking them back.

Slowly, Kane put the fork down and ever so gently wrapped his arms around me. “Shh, it’s okay, love.”

I snuggled into his shoulder, grateful he didn’t ask me what was wrong. He already knew. How could I let him ask me to marry him? At any moment, my life could be stolen from me.

As he held me, my despair quickly turned to anger. This wasn’t fair. Life wasn’t fair. I’d been proposed to once before by a man I loved deeply, but that time I had secrets to deal with. And when I’d come clean, Dan hadn’t been able to deal with them.

This time, Kane knew everything about me. I wanted this. I hadn’t realized it, but now that the moment was here, I wanted this more than anything.

Damn Meri and her soul-sucking curse. She couldn’t have mine. It already belonged to someone else.

I pulled back and wiped the remaining tears out of my eyes. Then I leaned in. “I think you have something to ask me.”

His lips quirked up in a half-smile. “You sure you want to hear it?”

More than anything.”

He reached over and grabbed the fork he’d discarded. “Take a bite first.”

Chuckling, I opened my mouth. The sweet, creamy goodness made me sigh in pleasure. “Oh my Goddess, that’s good,” I said after I licked the fork clean.


I nodded, acutely aware of the sugar jolt reviving my energy.

Good.” He plucked the tiny red box from the center of the gorgeous cheesecake. In one smooth movement he pushed his chair back and dropped to one knee.

My heart picked up pace, and I couldn’t tear my eyes from his.

Before I ask, I should tell you I purchased this ring not long after you woke up from your Roy-induced coma.”

You’re kidding.” He had to be. We’d only been dating a few weeks when Roy, the previous owner of Wicked and all-around evil ghost, had trapped me in an alternate reality. “We barely knew each other.”

He lifted a shoulder, indicating the fact wasn’t significant. “I knew then you were the one for me. And I know it now. I’ll be damned if I’m going to let you go. No matter what happens, I’m ready to commit a lifetime to you. A long lifetime. I’m aware deep down you doubt your strength, but I don’t. You can fight this. We can fight this together. As one.”

A swarm of butterflies took flight in my stomach.

He opened the tiny box. The most gorgeous round emerald, surrounded by a circle of diamonds, twinkled up at me. “Jade, my pretty witch, I love you more than words can express. I’m on one knee, offering you all that I have. Body, soul, and spirit.” He freed the ring from its velvet bed. “Will you marry me?”

All my reservations disappeared. Even if we were only happy for one day, it would be worth it. Besides, he knew the risks. He’d been living this crazy life right along side of me the last few months. I didn’t hesitate. “Yes.”

He slid the ring onto my left hand and studied it, as if admiring how it looked on my finger. His joy sent sparks through my arm, and my heart fluttered as I felt him treasuring the moment.

Kane stood, wrapped me in his arms, and swung me around. I laughed, hugging him fiercely. He was right about one thing: I would fight this. With everything I had, because I wasn’t letting him go, either.

He cradled me against his chest and headed toward the hall. “Come on, pretty witch. It’s time to show you just how much I need you.”

Wait,” I said.

He paused, but didn’t turn back.

I want my cheesecake.”

Of course you do.” He returned to the table, and I grabbed it and a fork. “Save at least a bite or two for me,” he said.

I sent him a wicked grin. “Don’t worry, pioneer man. By the time we’re finished with this, you won’t be unsatisfied.”


Chapter 23


With the help of the cheesecake’s sugary goodness, my energy level managed to sustain itself through the night while I found plenty of inventive ways to express exactly how much I adored my fiancé.

Fiancé. Just the word sent my heart into my throat.

The bathroom door creaked. Kane walked out, his hair wet, a green towel hung low on his hips. “Good morning.”

I took my time admiring his well-defined chest, narrow waist, and the dark trail disappearing beneath the towel. God, he was gorgeous. And he was all mine. Meri could have ripped the rest of my soul from me right then, and I’d have been happy to fade away on my cloud of supreme contentment.

Morning.” The bed shifted as Kane sat next me. I laced my hands around his neck, tugging him down for a gentle kiss. I barely brushed my lips over his and murmured, “I could stay right here with you forever.”

He nuzzled my neck, his feather-light kisses producing chills over my naked body. Those magic lips made their way to mine, and the kiss turned heated until he pulled back. He gave me a rueful smile. “Tempting. Especially since you look thoroughly ravished and sexy as hell.”

So what’s stopping you?” I brushed a strand of wet hair back off his brow. A bead of water ran from his neck, down to his shoulder. Gently, I traced a finger over the trail.

He sucked in a shaky breath and closed his hand over mine. “The people waiting for you in the living room might get a tad bit impatient.”

I groaned. A glance at the window confirmed the weak morning sun was starting to peek through the blinds. Damn it. My perfect night with Kane had come to an end, and it was time to scour the bayou. Lifting myself up on my elbows, I gave him one last kiss before climbing out of the bed. I paused before disappearing into the bathroom.

Kane watched me, his eyebrows pinched and faint worry lines crinkled around his eyes.

A strange sense of finality settled over me, as if we’d come to the end of something. The end of us as we knew it. A sharp arrow tore through my heart, leaving a small ragged hole right where all the warmth of the night before had been.

Grabbing the door frame, I steadied myself.


I’m fine.” My answer sounded timid and unsure even to my own ears. I cleared my throat. “Nothing a little breakfast won’t cure.”

I closed the bathroom door and leaned against the frame, listening to Kane move around in his room. Cripes, what was that? Some sort of premonition? Or my fear manifesting itself? I wasn’t a psychic. Never once had I even come close to seeing the future. Empaths weren’t usually gifted with such abilities.

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