Read Demons of Bourbon Street Online

Authors: Deanna Chase

Tags: #paranormal romance, #demons, #Fantasy, #empath, #Romance, #Witches, #Contemporary, #dreamwalking, #Angels, #Paranormal, #psychic, #Fiction, #bourbon street, #General

Demons of Bourbon Street (33 page)

She tossed me a new package of Junior Mints. “Don’t let that man of yours wear you out.”

Laughing, I slammed the door shut and watched as she sped off. The humor faded as I wondered if she’d ever get a chance to tease me again. I bit my lip and hurried into my sanctuary, popping a handful of minty chocolate. It would be enough to get me through at least a few hours of studio time.

I hit Kane’s number on my phone. After filling him in on the Philip sighting, I let him know I needed a few hours to myself.

Sure, love,” he said. “But don’t be too late. I’m making dinner.”

I won’t.” I smiled at the idea of him slaving away in his kitchen. “And, Kane?”


I love you.”

Love you, too, pretty witch.”

The line went dead, and I sat at my work bench. For years, glass had been my escape from my empath gift. Imagine going through life not only knowing everyone’s emotions, but experiencing them right alongside them. Sure, joy and happiness were a bonus. Who didn’t want that little boost? Unfortunately, just like a sugar high, a few hours later I’d come crashing down. And don’t get me started on those who were suffering their own demons. I had enough of my own to deal with. The world was filled with far too many unhappy and deeply wounded people.

To block everything out, I’d turned to glass. Alone in my studio, the lure of the flame called to me. The perfect thing to calm my nerves.

After two weeks of neglecting the studio, I first checked the pressure on my oxygen tanks and then the gas line. Mollified everything was in working order, I flipped the switch to turn my kiln on and lit my torch.

The tight pinpoint flame flickered to life, strong and steady. I dipped the end of a glass rod into the two-thousand-degree heat and as it melted into a molten ball, the tension drained from my temples, and the last of my headache vanished.


Chapter 22


A few hours later, a dozen steel rods adorned with glass beads poked out of my kiln. I set the digital controller to run and sat back down to pull a bunch of spaghetti-thin glass stringers. It was a ritual I’d gotten in the habit of doing over the years. I loved being ready for my next torching session.

The simple act of preparing for a future settled me. Growing up, my mother always told me the best way to accomplish what you wanted was to look in the direction you wanted to go.

Well, I wanted a future. One with my mother, Aunt Gwen, Kat, and the rest of my friends. And most especially, I wanted one in New Orleans with Kane.

Kane. Tonight could be my last night with him. My heart squeezed. What was I doing? Abruptly, I put the glass rod down and turned off my torch. I’d made a dozen beads. The act of crafting product for future sales was enough affirmation of a future. Now it was time to do what Lailah said. Cherish my loved ones.

I stopped at the front desk to say goodnight to Dave, the shop manager, and squashed the unwelcome thoughts of possibly never seeing him again. Instead, I waved and said, “See you in a few days.”

Have a great night,” he called as I left the building.

I turned back to wave and forced a smile. One thing was for sure; I planned on making it a night to remember.

Ten minutes later, I let myself into Kane’s house. Despite the copious amounts of Junior Mints I’d downed during the short walk, my mouth watered at the delicious scent of garlic and heady Cajun spices. I headed straight to the kitchen and paused in the open doorway, admiring his profile while he stirred with one hand and sampled a sauce with another.

Hey, pioneer man. Whatcha making?”

His lips turned up in a slow smile. “Something guaranteed to inspire you to thank me in a variety of inventive ways.”

Really?” I sauntered over and peered into the pot, wrinkling my nose. “Spaghetti sauce?”

Spaghetti sauce?” He turned, mock horror on his face. “Tell me you did not just say that.”

I wrapped my arms around him and gave him a half-shrug. “Oops, guess I was wrong.”

He narrowed his eyes. “If mamaw ever caught you disparaging her
recipe in such a way…”

I grinned. “
you say?”

You know damn well it’s
.” He closed the distance and pressed his lips to mine, cutting off my bubble of laughter.

All the playfulness faded away as he pulled me closer. A small shiver tingled down my spine. I pressed my body against his, wanting to feel every part of him. He trailed kisses along my jawline until he reached the soft spot on my neck just below my ear.

I sighed and melted into him.

Jade,” he whispered and tightened his grip as if he might never let go.

I’m right here,” I whispered back.

And that’s where you’ll stay. Here. With me. Always.” He buried his head in my neck, his big hands splayed across my back.

Always,” I agreed, running my fingers through his short, dark hair.

We held each other for a long time until footsteps on the hardwood broke us apart. A few seconds later, Mom and Aunt Gwen appeared. Gwen sent me an apologetic smile. “Sorry, but your mother is finally hungry.”

No need to be sorry, Ms. Calhoun. Have a seat.” Kane gestured to the table. “I made plenty for everyone.”

Call me Gwen. Family shouldn’t be so formal.”

Kane glanced at me, pleasure clear in his eyes. I moved to Gwen’s side, squeezed her hand, and mouthed ‘thank you.’

She shrugged, but a knowing smile tugged at her lips.

What exactly was she thinking about? I didn’t have time to ask before Kane set a large bowl of rice and the
pot on the table.

He picked up a bottle of wine and announced, “Dinner’s ready.”

I took a seat and sat back, watching while Kane served everyone.

This smells delicious, Kane,” Mom said.

Yum,” Gwen murmured after her first bite.

Thank you.” Kane poured the wine and settled next to me. He glanced over, worry clouding his eyes. He leaned in. “Everything all right?”

With damp eyes, I nodded. In this moment, life was perfect.

He nodded in understanding and placed a soft kiss on my temple. “The first of many nights to come.”

Mom and Gwen raised their glasses and repeated his words in unison.

Love warmed my insides, and I joined them in the toast. Whatever tomorrow had in store for me, tonight I was surrounded by those I loved best. Nothing could take that away from me.

For the next hour, Gwen and Kane monopolized most of the conversation. Gwen spoke of her farm, and Kane of his life in New Orleans as a child. My mother interjected with a few nostalgic moments of my youth. I sat quietly and soaked all their words in.

Finally, after the plates were scraped clean, I rose and started clearing the dishes.

Excuse me,” Kane said and joined me at the sink. “You’ve been quiet.”

I picked up a plate, smiling. “I was just enjoying the atmosphere.”

He took the dish from me then placed it in the dishwasher. His warm hand slipped into mine, tugging as he guided me back to the table. “The evening isn’t quite finished.” He pulled my chair out. “Take a seat.”

I eyed him. “What are you up to?”

He raised one eyebrow and nodded toward the chair.

Hmm.” I sat, turning my attention to Mom and Gwen. “Are you in on the secret?”

Mom smiled, and Gwen shook her head innocently.

Yeah, you’re definitely up to something.” I accused Kane. “Well?”

Give us just a minute.”

Each of them scattered into the kitchen, gathering various items. Mom returned with four pillar candles, Gwen with two wine glasses and a bottle of Riesling. She placed one glass in front of me and one in Kane’s spot.

Are you and Mom converting to teetotalers this evening?”

She laughed. “Hardly.”

We’ve got plans to meet your friend Pyper for a night cap,” Mom said.

I raised an eyebrow. “Night cap?”

Pyper and Ian are taking them to a jazz club,” Kane called from behind the refrigerator door.

Tonight?” I stood up and wedged myself between Mom and Gwen, linking arms with both of them. “But we’re supposed to be spending the evening together.”

We did, shortcake.” Mom cupped my cheek. “We’ll be back soon. Right now, you and Kane need some privacy.”

I stiffened. Was my mother actually leaving so my boyfriend could seduce me?

Relax, Jade. This is a good thing.” Gwen gently removed herself from my grip and gestured to Mom. “Ready?”

Mom gave me a small hug and instead of turning to leave, retreated back to the table and repositioned the candles to stand in the middle of each place setting. “Jade, honey, would you light them please?”

Sure.” I reached over and grabbed a box of matches from the counter.

No.” Mom held up a hand. “I meant magically.”

Oh. I’ll try.” With how weak I’d been the last few days, I hadn’t worked any spells. My magic was draining. I was conserving as much as I could, but because Mom asked, I couldn’t say no. Especially since she seemed to be behaving so normally.

I turned my focus inward, searching for my spark. To my surprise, it instantly flared to life. A huge grin tugged at my lips as I whispered, “

Four blue-tinged yellow flames did exactly what I asked. Gwen reached over and dimmed the lighting. The white pillars glowed.

What’s going on?” I asked again.

That’s for you and Kane to discuss. Now stand behind your chair.” She glanced over her shoulder. “Gwen, Kane, you too.”

Everyone did as they were told, each of us staring at Mom expectantly. I got the distinct impression I was the only one in the dark about what was to come next.

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