Read Date Night Online

Authors: Eliza Lentzski

Date Night (22 page)

"You always get me so hot in public," the Chosen One breathed.

"And you're complaining?" Faith chuckled, not abandoning her task.

Buffy swooned when Faith's teeth scraped against her jugular. "N-no, n-not complaining," she sputtered, struggling to form complete thoughts.

"Then what are you saying?" the Boston girl asked, her breath coming in bursts against the elder woman's neck.

"We're running out of new places to have sex," the blonde pouted.

Faith groaned, and stood upright. Her face looked as though she was in pain.

Buffy gazed at her lover in alarm. "What's wrong?"

The Boston girl grimaced. "I think you just made me ruin the inside of these pants."

The golden-haired slayer looked confused momentarily before her hazel-green eyes went wide with recognition.

The sound of a nearly imperceptible scoff caught the attention of the two slayers. Buffy's teenaged sister stood near them, her arms folded across her chest and a slight smirk on her face. "God, you two," she lightly laughed. "Get a room."

The California slayer blushed under the dance club's flashing lights. She really hoped Dawn hadn't overheard her conversation with the dark-haired Bostonian. It wasn't that she and Faith were hiding their relationship anymore, but the thought of having her younger sister overhear anything having to do with sex was mortifying.

Coming Out to her friends hadn't been as hard as she'd imagined. Willow already had an inkling after walking in on her and Faith during the engagement party, and of course Kennedy was in the know. Dawn had squealed with joy, quickly embracing both her sister and Faith when the slayers had revealed their relationship. And Xander's remaining good eye twitched when Buffy told him the news, but even he was soon able to accept the idea of the two former enemies romantically involved.

"Don't you have someone else to bug?" the Chosen One grumbled.

The teenaged Summers girl smiled sweetly. "But it's so much fun to bug

"What do you want, Dawn?" the blonde complained. She rubbed at her temples. Even though she loved when Dawn visited her during her college breaks, the youngest Summers girl still knew how to grate her elder sister.

The Former Key stuck her bottom lip out in a Buffy-like pout. "I'm out of money, and I'm thirsty from all the dancing."

Faith fished into her back pocket and found her duct-taped wallet. She pulled some money out of the inner pocket. "Here ya go, brat," she said, handing over a twenty-dollar bill. "Go crazy."

"Thanks, Faith!" Dawn beamed.

"You didn't have to do that," Buffy insisted as she watched her sister skip off in the direction of the bar.

"Sure I did," the Boston slayer grinned. "I'd give her everything in my wallet if it meant I got to be alone with you."

Buffy playfully slapped her partner's arm. "You have a weird way of saying sweet things."

Faith wiggled her eyebrows at her girlfriend. "So what do ya say, B?" she asked mischievously. "Wanna cut this party short and ‘get a room'?"

Buffy shook her head stubbornly. "Not before I get to dance with you," she smiled.

The Boston girl took her partner's hand and pulled her in the direction of the dance floor. "Then let's stop wasting time gabbin' so we can get down to the fun stuff," she chuckled.

Buffy allowed Faith to lead the way until they found a spot on the dance floor just large enough for the two of them. The dark-haired girl spun around to face the smaller slayer when she was satisfied with their location in the club.

"Don't you think that this is the fun stuff, too?" Buffy asked innocently, placing her hands on the brunette's hips.

Faith's roaming hands found their way to Buffy's jean-covered backside and she pulled the small blonde even closer. "Everything we do together is fun, B," she murmured in Buffy's ear, over the music. "But some things are just

The blonde grinned. "I don't think that's a real word," she observed cheekily.

The Boston slayer couldn't help but laugh. She twirled her partner around and pulled her back close. "So Buffy Summers is giving me a vocabulary lesson?"

Buffy tried to look mildly annoyed, but with Faith's body pressed into her own as they danced, it was hard to concentrate on anything else. Lately their bodies hadn't fit together quite as naturally as before, however, due to Buffy's rapidly growing abdomen.

"Do you think I'm fat?" she asked in earnest.

"Oh my God, B," Faith exclaimed, the unexpected question causing her to stop dancing. "You're not fat, you're

Buffy stuck out her bottom lip. "Yeah, but it bothers me that guy didn't want to buy us a drink."

Faith shook her head and laughed. "You're such a little weirdo," she chuckled, leaning down to kiss her partner.

Buffy looked warily at the taller slayer. "As long as I'm a
weirdo and not a big one. I don't want you to be embarrassed by your fat girlfriend."

Faith rolled her eyes. "C'mon, babe, let's not hop on the fat train again."

"Do you still love me even though I'm fat?" Buffy pressed. She knew she was being ridiculous, but she still had to ask. Faith had always oozed sex appeal. The brunette could take home anyone, of either gender, any night of the week.

"How about this, babe?" Faith proposed. "I'll let you get as big as a house. But once you pop that little rugrat out, you'd better get your pre-pregnancy body back."

Buffy looked momentarily horrified. "You're terrible."

Faith snickered. "You know I'm just kidding. Kind of." The Boston girl rewarded her girlfriend with a dazzling smile. "There's just more of you to love, babe."

"So you
think I'm fat!" Buffy exclaimed.

Faith let out a disgruntled noise and shook her head. She clamped onto one of Buffy's hands and proceeded to lead her off the dance floor.

"Wait!" the blonde protested. "Where are we going?"

"To my apartment," Faith called over her shoulder.


"Just think of me as your personal trainer," the brunette laughed. "I'm gonna help you work off some of those extra calories."


Faith tossed her keys onto the small table in the front foyer.

"I don't know why you're wasting your money on an apartment," Buffy announced, closing the front door behind her. "We could be pooling our savings if you lived with me. Besides," she pointed out, "there's plenty of room at my house. Dawn's in Columbus at college for most of the year. It's just me and my big ‘ol belly tottering around in that house."

Faith bent at the waist to pull off her boots. She and Buffy had had this conversation numerous times ever since she agreed to leave Boston and move to Cleveland. "After the baby is born, I will," the brunette reminded her girlfriend. "But for now, I want to keep my space."

"You're not feeling trapped are you?" Buffy worried aloud. She wiggled out of her jacket and hung it on a hook in the entranceway.

"No, babe. Not at all," the brunette insisted as she pulled off her shoes. "I just wanna enjoy my bachelorette-hood a little longer."

Buffy scowled at her girlfriend's response. "We're not married, you know."

Faith righted herself. "With a baby on the way and living under the same roof, we might as well be."

"Is that a proposal?"

"Hell no," the Boston-born slayer rushed out.

"I'm sorry, I didn't know the prospect of being married to me would be so insulting," Buffy huffed.

Faith captured the moody slayer in a tight, but non-crushing embrace, before the blonde could storm off. "Stop it, B," she gently chastised. "Stop trying to pick a fight with me."

The Chosen One was quiet, wrapped inside Faith's warm hold. "You really don't want to get married some day?" Buffy pouted after a moment.

"I love you, and I want to grow old with you," the dark-haired slayer noted, holding the smaller slayer at arms-length. "Isn't that the same thing?"

The blonde snorted. "Not even close, buddy."

Faith bit her tongue. She wanted to retort that Buffy had already had her chance at a wedding - she'd bought a dress, flowers, photographer, caterer, the works. But the dark brunette wasn't an idiot, and she wasn't about to say the one thing that would set off her overly hormonal girlfriend.

"How about this," the Boston girl started. She pulled Buffy back into her arms, and kissed her temple. With the gesture, she felt the pregnant slayer's figure immediately relax in her arms. "After the baby's born and I move in, we'll re-examine this topic."

"Really?" Buffy asked in a hopeful tone.

"I'm not saying we'll definitely get married or have some kind of ceremony," Faith pointed out. "I'm just saying we can talk about it again when the baby's born. Is that good enough for now?"

Buffy spun in the taller slayer's arms so she was facing Faith. "Yes."

"Good. Now kiss me," Faith ordered. "We've spent far too much time tonight talking when our mouths could be doing something more fun."

Buffy's lips twisted into a wry smile. She reached up and stroked her fingers through her girlfriend's loose hair. "Don't you mean

The blonde slayer let out a high-pitched squeal when Faith suddenly and unexpectedly swooped her off her feet and began to carry her back towards the bedroom.

"Put me down!" Buffy lightly protested, swinging her legs as much as she dared. "You know I hate it when you carry me."

"No way, B. You're totally in trouble now."

The Boston slayer effortlessly carried the pregnant woman back into her bedroom and plopped her unceremoniously on the queen-sized mattress. Luckily the Cleveland apartment had come fully furnished; Faith doubted her old futon would have been able to handle their recent bedroom antics.

"I need you naked like five minutes ago," the brunette nearly growled.

Wasting little time, Faith attacked Buffy's jeans, pulling them down her toned legs while the Californian worked on removing her peasant top. The dark-haired slayer quickly removed her own clothes while Buffy finished removing her bra and underwear.

The Boston slayer climbed onto the bed, her knees sinking into the soft mattress. Buffy scooted herself back towards the headboard. Faith licked her lips and drank in the sight of her completely naked lover. She never tired of moments like this - the realization that after all this time, Buffy Summers was completely hers.

It wasn't just that the sex was mind numbingly intense. Sex with Buffy had long ago proven what she'd always suspected -
Slayers did do it better
. But beyond the sweaty skin, claw marks, and multiple orgasms, Faith realized that what Buffy brought her was completion. She had never said the words aloud, however, for fear of sounding like a bad movie cliché.

Faith ran her hands along the sides of her girlfriend's body. "I don't know why you keep saying you're fat, babe," she purred, intimately stroking her fingers along miles of exposed flesh. "You know I love you body - even if it does look like you swallowed a bowling ball."

"Not helping your cause, Fai," Buffy retorted, despite feeling breathless from the Boston girl's caresses.

"How about if I do this?" the dark girl proposed as she captured a stiff nipple between her lips.

"Uhn," gasped the blonde, arching into her lover. "That's a good start." Buffy's nipples had always been sensitive, but pregnancy had only exasperated the fact.

Faith released the rosy-pink nub and smiled. "And how about this?" she continued to taunt. Holding the blonde by the hips, the Bostonian dipped her head and placed wet kisses between the elder woman's breasts, trailing her mouth down Buffy's abdomen.

"Yeah," the Chosen One panted, "keep going."

Faith released her hold on her girlfriend's hips and trailed a hand between the juncture at Buffy's thighs.

"God you're wet, B," the dark-haired slayer murmured, sliding her fingers through the elder woman's slick folds. Her digits were immediately coated with the Californian's arousal.

"Mmhmm." Buffy bit her bottom lip.

"So what do ya say, B?" Faith slipped her fingers across the golden-haired woman's clit. "Hard and fast the first time, and then slow and drawn-out for round number two?"

Buffy could only whimper her agreement.


The two slayers reclined together, naked beneath the queen-sized sheets. Buffy lay on her back, two pillows propped behind her head while Faith rested further down on the mattress, her head against the Chosen One's swollen stomach.

Faith drummed her fingertips against Buffy's taunt belly. Her skin was warm and smelled faintly salty. "Hope I didn't traumatize ya, kid," she chuckled.

Buffy ran her fingers through the brunette's dark waves and gently massaged her scalp. "I'm sure he or she will get over it," she countered with a lazy smile.

"Speaking of which...what do you think, B? Is it gonna be a boy or a girl?"

"I'll just be happy if it doesn't have a tail," Buffy reflexively quipped.

"I'm kinda hoping for a girl," Faith revealed.

Buffy sat up slightly, hefting herself up with the help of her elbows. "Really? You've thought about it?"

Faith looked up at her girlfriend. "Sure," she easily admitted. "I mean, I'm not gonna be the kid's real parent or anything, that what you and Preston are for, but if you and I are together and I'm living here, I hope you'll let be a part of the little rug-rat's life."

The brunette rested her head back on the elder slayer's stomach. "I'd love to give her everything I never had growing up," she continued wistfully. "All the girlie things that girls are supposed to have...Barbie's, tea parties, Disney princess dresses. She could even join the Girl Scouts, and we'd take her around the neighborhood selling cookies."

Buffy could feel the tears starting to prick at the corners of her eyes. "You're kind of remarkable, Faith Lehane," she choked out.

"What can I say?" the raven-haired woman stated with practiced nonchalance. "I'm full of surprises."

"Oh!" Buffy exclaimed. "I almost forgot. I've got a surprise for you."

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