Read DangerousLust Online

Authors: Lila Dubois

DangerousLust (11 page)


Chapter Eight


Brad stood, followed shortly by
Master Clay. They towered over me, one on each side. I had a vivid image of
myself kneeling, one of them fucking me from behind while the other’s cock was
in my mouth. Taking a breath, I let it out slowly.

Brad cupped my breast, dipping his head to suck my nipple,
clamp and all. He bit down on the clamp, closing it tighter around my sensitive
flesh. I cried out, back arching.

“Too much?” Brad asked.

I nodded, then shook my head. I didn’t know, couldn’t tell.
I was so aroused that I was overly sensitive, while at the same time I wanted
more of everything.

Master Clay grabbed the chain connecting the clamps and
pulled hard. The clamps bit in before slipping off my nipples.

I yelped, squeezing my eyes shut as pain radiated from my
nipples up my chest and down my belly to my pussy. Brad’s arm wound around my
waist, tugging me away from Master Clay. After a moment he released me, as if
his first instinct was to protect me, but then his kinky side told him to let
me go. And wasn’t that just so damned sexy?

“Do you have a mat or bed or something?” Brad’s voice was

“Of course. Help me set it up.”

Brad leaned in for a quick, hard kiss. “Don’t move.”

As the men walked away I licked my lips, anticipation warm
and tingling inside me.

“Come here, Princess,” Brad said.

Keeping my eyes down I made my way around the couch, headed
for his voice.

“Crawl,” Master Clay demanded.

I stopped, then carefully dropped to my hands and knees.
Taking a moment to compose myself I focused on breathing. With the leash
trailing along the floor under me I crawled across the large room until I saw
shoes—Master Clay’s shiny black dress shoes and Brad’s brown lace-ups.

On the floor in front of them was a thick mat, about the
size of a double bed. It was covered in a soft-looking blue material. When no
one said anything I crawled onto the mat. The padding was a welcome relief from
the hard floor.

“Give me your hands,” Brad said.

I sat back and held out my hands. Master Clay handed Brad a
coil of bright-white rope. Brad looked from it to me, then handed the rope

“You do it,” he said.

I bit my lip, unable to decide if I should be scared or
excited. I shifted, offering my wrists to Master Clay. He unwound a few coils, dropping
the rest to the floor. Loop by loop he bound my wrists, the smooth nylon rope
both wrapping around my wrists and snaking between them, binding them together.
He tied off the rope, the remainder trailing off the mat to lie like a white
snake on the floor.

Brad grabbed the trailing rope and looped it over a bar
suspended from the ceiling. He pulled on the rope until my arms were above my
head and kept pulling until I had no choice but to get to my feet. When I was
standing, he tied the rope to a hook in the wall five feet away. There was
plenty of slack—my bound hands couldn’t drop lower than my waist, but it wasn’t
nearly as limiting as the St. Andrew’s Cross or stocks.

Brad toed off his shoes and stepped onto the mat. He brushed
my hair back from my face and leaned in, his breath washing over my neck as he
whispered, “I’m not going to fuck you, not like this. The first time we have
sex is going to be just us.”

He pulled back and kissed me softly.

My heart melted. Raising my bound hands, I hooked them
behind his neck and kissed him. As erotic as this situation was, I would
happily give it up to spend hours kissing Brad.

But that wasn’t my decision to make.

He lifted my arms, sliding out of my hold. Taking a step
back, Brad looked at Master Clay, who tipped his head to the side in question.

Brad shrugged. “There may be a slight flaw in my plan of my
taking the lead. I’d be happy to just make out with her for a few hours.”

“Are you asking me for help?” Master Clay tapped the crop he
was holding against his calf.

“No,” Brad said quickly. He looked at me, then back at
Master Clay.

“As competent as you are, you’re essentially a novice, and
emotional involvement with Leona makes this a very difficult scene to
orchestrate.” Master Clay laid a hand on Brad’s shoulder. “Dominating a woman
you see socially is the most difficult of tasks. I’m going to orchestrate the
evening, while you still take the lead.”

Master Clay’s voice was smooth, inviting agreement. Hearing
him like this made me understand why he was so successful in business.

“I don’t like it, but it’s probably best.” Brad folded his
arms, eyeing Master Clay suspiciously.

Master Clay stepped up to the edge of the mat. Reaching out
his arm, he put the tip of the crop under my chin, nudging my face up.

“Remove your thong, Leona.”

Standing on my toes, I pushed the edges of the thong down my
hips. I wiggled my hips, trying to get it to fall, but the fabric was trapped
between the cheeks of my ass.

“I’m sorry, Master Clay. I can’t.”

“You have until the count of ten to get it off.” Master Clay
looked at Brad. “One.”

I caught the hint. Taking a few steps toward Brad meant that
I had to raise my hands above my head as the rope pulled taut.

“Would you help me?” I asked Brad softly.

Master Clay’s crop caught the underside of my left breath. I
yelped, taken by surprise.

“You will address my guest properly, Leona, or you will earn
another real punishment.”

I whimpered, shifting foot to foot. Looking at Brad I opened
my mouth to repeat the question, but “Master Brad” didn’t sound right in my

Brad’s arms were crossed, his handsome face set, gaze
intense. He radiated power, a barely leashed intensity that was normally buried
under his easygoing demeanor.

I lowered my gaze and whispered, “Master.”

His hands cupped my waist, sliding down the outside of my
legs, hooking my thong and dragging it down.

Brad dropped to his knees before me and tugged my hips
toward him. The bar in the ceiling was several feet behind me, meaning that my
arms were stretched up and back by the rope. He spread my legs, curling one
hand around my thigh to steady me as I struggled to find my balance.

Two fingers traced the lips of my pussy and I moaned,
straining to press myself against his hand. He kissed my mound, inhaling
deeply. I waited for his lips to dip lower, to find my clit, but he rose,
stepping back and breaking contact with me.

I groaned and had to bite my lip to keep from begging.

“Turn and bend. Spread your legs so that we can see your

Master Clay’s words startled me. For a moment I’d forgotten
about him. It was a testament to my connection with Brad.

Turning relieved the strain on my shoulders. I spread my
legs wide, not caring if it made me seem slutty or wanton. Right now I was
slutty and wanton. Despite my bruised ass, part of me wanted a spanking, wanted
that sweet, naughty burn.

Master Clay spread the cheeks of my ass, making sure I was
on display.

“Would you like to use a plug on her?” he asked Brad.

Brad didn’t say anything, but I saw him walk to the cabinets
on the wall. He opened drawers, pulling things out before returning. He dropped
a pile of dildos, plugs, beads, tubes of lube and gloves onto the mat under me.

“Couldn’t decide?” Master Clay asked, a hint of amusement in
his voice.

“No. I want to fuck her and I want to rescue her.”

“It’s hard to be both the villain and the hero—the greatest
threat and the only hope of salvation.” Master Clay stooped and picked up a
large glass dildo. “Enjoy yourself.”

Master Clay urged me to step forward until I was standing
under the bar. When I was positioned with my legs spread, my arms resting
comfortably at my waist, Brad knelt in front of me. His blond hair glinted in
the small spotlights that lit the play area.

He had the dildo in his hand, and without any warning he
opened my pussy lips with two fingers and pushed the dildo into me. I gasped,
dancing up onto my toes at the sudden invasion. The dildo was cold and thick.

“Keep your legs spread,” Brad barked.

I widened my stance, my body responding to the order before
my brain had fully processed the words. “Yes, Master.”

Brad rubbed the hood of my clit as he started to work the
dildo in deeper. Master Clay grabbed a string of large anal beads and some
lube. I heard the click of a cap and then something smooth and slippery pressed
against my ass. The anal beads were large, and combined with the thick dildo I
feared I wouldn’t be able to take them in my ass.

But Master Clay applied pressure, forcing the smooth ball of
an anal bead into me. I dropped my head, panting as he started to push the
second one in. I shifted, Brad’s fingers sliding over my clit as I did. A
frisson of pleasure spiked through me. I almost came from that quick,
accidental touch.

“You don’t have permission to come, Leona,” Master Clay
warned me.

“I…I won’t be able to stop it. I’m too… I’m too…” I licked
my lips, so focused on the dildo, Brad’s fingers and the beads that I couldn’t
complete the sentence.

Master Clay forced another bead in hard and fast. I yelped,
the sound almost drowning out his footsteps as he walked away. The rope
loosened further.

“Hands and knees, Leona.”

Brad leaned away from me. I dropped to the mat, and on
instinct turned so that my ass was facing Brad. The dildo nearly slid out of my
pussy as I moved, but Brad reached out and shoved it deep inside me once more.

Master Clay knelt at my head, his hands on his belt.

I watched as he undid his belt and then the button of his

“Wait, Wayne.” Brad grabbed my hips and pulled me back a few

“You object?”

“You’re damned right I do.”


“Because she’s mine.”

“In that case I think you should order her to suck my cock.”


“No? You don’t think the pretty Leona finds the idea of
sucking my cock while you play with her pussy arousing? Or that the idea of
being ordered to suck another man’s cock doesn’t turn her on?”

I held as still as I could, struggling not to react to
Master Clay’s words. I wanted him to be wrong. It was one thing to be a good
sub, one who was willing to touch and be touched by other people. It was a
whole different thing to want your boyfriend to order you to give another man a
blowjob while he watched.

Brad’s hands were still on my thighs. Tension stretched
between the three of us.

“Leona?” Brad asked.

I bit my lips, refusing to respond.

“Leona, do you want to suck Clay’s cock?”

“No, Master.” There was enough truth in that statement that
my voice was nearly perfectly steady.

“That’s not the right question,” Master Clay said.

There was a beat of silence before Brad asked, “Do you want
me to watch while you suck his cock?”

“Don’t ask me that,” I begged in a whisper.

“Do you want me to order you to suck another man’s cock?”


“Do you want him to fuck your mouth while I fuck your ass?”

“Master, don’t ask me. Please.”

Master Clay grabbed a fistful of my hair, jerking my head up
and forcing me to twist to look at Brad.

“Answer him, Leona.” Master Clay pinched my nipple, twisting
until pain shot through me. But that only increased my arousal.

“Answer my questions, Princess.”

I met Brad’s gaze. There was no disgust, no condemnation.

“Yes, yes.” The words burst from my lips. “I want you to
order me to suck him, and I want you to watch, and I want you both to fuck me
at the same time, and I want to fuck another woman and I want to have sex with
you in the back of a crowded club and I want to go out with a plug in my ass
and I want to sleep next to you while you keep your fingers buried in my pussy
all night.”

A dark smile curled Brad’s lips. “Oh Princess, we’re going
to have some fun.”

An answering smile worked its way across my face. Master
Clay released my hair and finished undoing his pants.

“Leona,” Brad said, “suck Clay’s cock.”

Before I could answer, Master Clay’s cock pressed against my
lips. I opened my mouth, taking the head in as the dildo pushed in deeper. The
double penetration had me shivering. Brad tugged on the beads buried in my ass,
adding pressure and sending my arousal to the next level.

The first anal bead slipped free, stretching my ass open
wide as Master Clay pumped into my mouth. I wished there were a mirror so I
could see Brad as he worked the dildo into me and toyed with my ass.

The second bead was pulled free and I sucked hard on Master
Clay’s cock, wanting, needing the stimulation. If my hands hadn’t been bound
together I could have toyed with my nipples or dug my fingers into the abused
flesh of my ass just for the pain stimulation.

Brad must have read my desperate need for more because he
jerked the final beads free in one hard pull. I pounded my feet against the mat
as pleasure-pain flooded me. I thought I’d orgasm but the tension coiled in my
belly remained.


I didn’t know what Master Clay was referring to until Brad
forced me to bend my left leg until my heel was against my ass. Using the slack
in the rope he bound my leg in that position, then spread my knees even farther

Master Clay was now pumping into my mouth. He seemed less
restrained than ever before. I could tell he was close to coming—it seemed I
was not the only one who found this whole thing amazingly sexy. Remembering how
ambivalent I’d been about sucking his cock last time just reinforced for me
that the reason this felt so different was Brad.

The dildo was pulled from my pussy only to be inserted into
my ass. I pressed forward until my nose hit Master Clay’s belly. The head of
his cock was in my throat. I swallowed and he grabbed my head, groaning.

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