Read Dangerous Surrender Online

Authors: Carrie Kelly

Tags: #romantic suspense, #bbw romance, #bbw erotic romance, #erotic romance, #bbw, #contemporary romance

Dangerous Surrender (4 page)

“You are lovely, Mattie,” he groaned into my neck and suckled my tender skin between his lips and teeth.

“Jack,” I pleaded, although I wasn’t sure if I wanted him to stop or keep going. My mind swam, a strange mixture of fatigue and desire overpowering any reasoning I had left.

Fingers pinched at my nipples. The hardened nubs ached under his grip, my whole body shuddering with need. His other hand flitted over my weeping sex, pulling the lace aside and stoking my clit.

“Already wet? God, you’re so perfect,” he said and fingered my fleshy nub with barely realized brushes, like the wings of a butterfly.

My muscles tensed, a knot of hunger forming in my belly – hunger for release. I eased my thighs wider with each touch, willing him to take the plunge. Deep and soft, my hips flexed with each stroke. I no longer controlled my body – Jack did.

“Do you like this?” he asked and sucked on my delicate earlobe, his tongue tickling the piece of skin into a frenzy of delight.

How could I lie?

“Yes,” I breathed and balled my hands into tight fists.
First the plane and now this? Why did he insist on tormenting me?

Lower and lower his fingers roamed, until one probed my pussy, the wall tightening around it involuntarily. His digit slipped inside, hooked in a way that rubbed the walls of my cunt and my clit at the same time.

I gasped with each thrust inside – each heavenly penetration. Passion radiated across my entire body, my legs and chest humming with it. His finger swirled inside me, enticing my flesh in ways I never knew possible. The burning allure overwhelmed my senses; electric need flowing thought my veins in place of blood.

Another thrust, and I jerked and spammed in his arms. My body lost to the onslaught of pure pleasure, twitching and gasping for air as the passion of the moment consumed me. Fuck. How did he manage to do that twice? Sex with Steven was never that achingly wonderful.

He breathed in my neck, holding me close as the after effects of my orgasm eased over my body.

“Jack,” I moaned as my eyes slid shut. The stiff length of his cock pounded against my fleshy backside, but I could hardly keep my eyes open any longer.

“Rest, love,” he whispered in my ear, lips brushing my cheek.

I could do nothing but obey.





The next morning would have been awkward, if not for Jack’s typical charisma. Thankfully, he didn’t bring up the previous night. The whole experience seemed like a vivid dream -- something too good to be true.

We, ate and I told him what sights I wanted to see in Bangkok. To my surprise, he agreed to everything in my itinerary. His only concession was dinner with the textile company he was trying to woo.

For the day, I slipped on another light cotton dress that fell just past my knees. While it plunged slighting in the front, it didn’t show off an abundance of cleavage. The sleeves fell in loose billows over my arms, prefect for the heat. I tied my hair back into a braid again, for convenience, and slipped on a pair of sensible flats.

Jack, like usual, looked god-like even in loose fitting cotton pants and a skintight undershirt. I’d seen several other local men wearing a similar style the day before. I guessed that’s how he dressed in Thailand, and I couldn’t blame him. Even in the middle of winter the temperature climbed toward one hundred degrees Fahrenheit.

Once we got outside I expected to head back to the boat, but Jack pointed at a moped instead.

“This is faster, Mattie,” he said and handed me a helmet.

“That? It doesn’t look safe at all,” I said and my stomach tightened. Dying in a fiery moped wreck on my fake honeymoon sounded like one of the worse ways to go. Considering my luck lately I didn’t want to chance it.

“It’s safe as anything,” he said with a grin and placed the helmet on my head. After he clicked it in place, he put on his own helmet and sat on the wide, black seat.

My heart hammered in my chest, and I wiped my palms on my dress. How could I tell him it wasn’t just the moped or the crazy Bangkok traffic that scared me but the size of the vehicle as well. I knew how much I weighed. What if I gave the damn thing a flat tire?

But Jack wouldn’t take no for an answer. He grabbed my wrist and pulled me on the seat behind him. With trembling hands, I gripped his slender waist and pressed my chest into his firm back.

Just as he took off in a puff of smoke, I squeezed my eyes shut and squealed.

Jack laughed. “Come on, love. It’s not scary. You’ve just got to get used to it,” he cried over the wind.

True. We didn’t go very fast on the moped, but as it dodged in and out of traffic all much bigger than we were, I couldn’t help gripping him just that much tighter. My thighs hugged the seat and his hips as my hands wound around his washboard stomach.

He probably got the wrong idea, but loosening my grip wasn’t an option at the moment.

True to his word, Jack took me to all the major tourists sites in Bangkok from the royal palace to the temple of the reclining Buddha. We ate glorious food for lunch and drank too much Thai iced tea. For the first time since Steven left me, I was truly happy.

I didn’t realize until we made our way back to Jack’s house to get ready for dinner that I hadn’t thought of my ex-fiancé all day. At least I was making progress!

While Jack didn't walk in on me in the shower again, he was waiting when I stepped out. That charming smile spread across his lips, his white teeth flashed in the evening light and a long box rested in his hands.

"Got you something, love,” he said and handed me the box.

While I picked up a few souvenirs for myself I hadn't expected him to buy me anything.

"You shouldn't have," I said and awkwardly tried to take the box with the towel still wrapped around me.

His blue eyes trailed over my exposed flesh hungrily, and I wished I had a larger towel. My legs bulged under the thin terry cloth, which barely stretched over my full hips. A blush seeped over my cheeks and my towel slipped lower down my back.

"Can you just set it down?" I asked and pulled the towel tight.

Jack chuckled. "Here I thought I'd get a little show. Maybe after dinner," he said and ran his forefinger under my chin.

Locking my hazel eyes with his knocked the breath from my lungs. My cheeks burned, and I turned away.

"Jack, not that again," I said and walked toward my suitcase.
He better leave the room while I changed!

He stood there for a moment and didn’t say a word as I slowly picked through my underwear.
Just take a damn shower
, I thought.

Then he took a deep breath. "Sorry, Mattie. I put you in an awkward position."

I froze. My stomach tightened into a sick knot, and I bit my bottom lip harder than necessary. Right. He must be talking about the day before. All his flirting, his kisses and exquisite caresses were nothing but a show. Probably his way of trying to make me feel better about Steven. Couldn't he get that it just made me feel worse?

Slowly, I forced myself to nod. "Does that mean you'll stop?" I asked in a tiny voice that sounded nothing like my own. How could he break my heart worse then my own fiancé?

No. It wasn't that. But we had such a wonderful day together. He'd held my hand like a new husband would. Indulged me in every way – and then reality struck. We weren't married. This wasn’t our romantic honeymoon. I was alone. Brokenhearted. The fat girl nobody wanted. How could I forget?

"No," Jack breathed. "You still have to be my wife, if just for the moment. Remember I'm looking after you and your safety above everything, Mattie. No matter what happens I'll protect you."

Swallowing the lump in my throat, I forced myself to look at him again. Jack didn't return my gaze. Instead, his eyes focused on the slick wooden floor, his hands balled into tight fists.

What the hell did he have to protect me from? The people at the textile company or something else? Well, he lived in Bangkok. Maybe the city was more dangerous than tourists knew.

"Fine, I'll still be your
wife," I said with more venom then I meant.

Jack’s usually charming smile was nowhere to be found. In its place he wore the most serious expression I'd ever seen.

"Stay in the house until I'm done," he said and walked into the shower.

A chill went up my spine.
What the hell was that about
? I wondered as I slipped on my underwear and bra. Then I flipped the lid on the box and gasped.

I'm not sure what I expected, but it wasn't a gorgeous dress laid out on the pile of gold tissue paper. It was a rich burgundy that complemented my fair skin and strawberry blond hair perfectly. I ran my fingers over the thin material. Silk. Just like I thought. Thailand was practically drowning in it.

Pulling it out of the box, I draped it across the bed. The bodice was beaded in an intricate design of black and gold. The skirt was a wrap design with a slit on the right side for movement. Thin spaghetti straps held it in place. Good thing Cheryl packed my strapless bra!

Wait. I couldn't wear this. The skirt was much too tight – it’d hug my round hips instead of hide them. And even though the bodice was reinforced it would still show unflattering bulges. As a costume designer, I knew how to dress my figure. This was all wrong.

But the shower still poured in the bathroom. Maybe I could just try it on? No use letting such a beautiful dress go to waste.

The silk slid over my bare skin like a dream. After I zipped up the bodice and tied the wrap skirt in place, I glanced at the full-length mirror. It fit perfectly, but how was that possible? How did Jack know my exact measurements?

Then it hit me. Cheryl! She knew my measurements. She probably ordered the dress in advance. I smiled as I thought of my best friend – she always knew how to cheer me up!

Just then the bathroom door squeaked open and Jack stood with his mouth hanging open.

"Oh. I was going to change," I said and reached for my suitcase.
Stupid! I should've known even I couldn't look good in a gorgeous gown like this.

"No," he said. "Keep the dress. It's for you, Mattie. You look stunning and it's perfect for tonight."

My heart slammed in my chest. Dammit. How could he do it to me? One moment I'm sure his kisses meant nothing and the next he stared at me with those sparkling blue eyes and that charming smile. My knees weakened just looking at him.

"Fine. For tonight," I said and brushed my hair.

As I wound it into a bun, Jack caught my arm – his calloused fingers electrifying my flesh.

"Keep it down. I like it down, love," he whispered in my year, his voice husky.

Shivers traveled down my back.

"This is a formal dress," I said, although I know it was a weak excuse. Plenty of movie stars wore their hair down to formal events– why was I any better?

"I won't pretend I know anything about fashion, but you’ve worn your hair up your whole life, Mattie. Wear it down this once, for me?"

Shit. I didn't have the strength to hold up under that kind of assault. There was a time when I would have done anything for Jack. Now my mind urged me to fight against that sick desire. It would get me nothing but another broken heart, and I knew it.

But he was also right; I always wore my hair up. Matronly Mattie – that should be my new nickname.

No. This time I’d wear my hair down. In fact I’d wear my hair down in style!

I grabbed my makeup bag and rushed into the bathroom. "I'll be out in ten minutes," I said and slammed the door.

It took fifteen to trim a new set of bangs and apply my makeup. The fringe just brushed my eyebrows and accentuated my hazel eyes. I slicked on green shadow and black mascara for extra oomph. A little pink blush and red lipstick, and I was ready to go.

"You can do this," I whispered to my reflection.

The girl staring back at me was someone I almost didn't recognize. Not frumpy. Not scared. She was the girl Jack fooled around with the night before – the girl who never even dated Steven in the first place.

Taking a deep breath, I stepped out to face Jack.

It was my turn to gape. Instead of his usual casual attire, he wore a black suit with a white dress shirt. It was cut perfectly to fit his broad shoulders and slender waist. Even the pants hugged his firm ass. A loose tie hung around his neck, and he grinned when he caught my eye.

"Beautiful as always, love," he said and fixed the tie around his neck.

"Likewise," I mumbled.

He raised an eyebrow. "What was that?"

"Nothing! Your hair?"

Jack's shrugged and ran his fingers through it, leaving it carelessly messy. Sighing, I grabbed my comb and stepped up to him.

"Oh? Are you going to fix me up nice and proper?" he asked and his eyes sparkled.

My panties flushed with heat, and I fought not to bite my bottom lip. I'd just have to reapply my lipstick. "You could use it,

He grinned and leaned forward as I smoothed and parted his hair. His minty breath tickled my nose and my stomach fluttered. Maybe being so close wasn't such a good idea.

"There." I stepped back to admire my handiwork. Even though he was always drop-dead handsome, with his hair parted and brushed to the side he actually looked pulled together.

"See? I need you, Mattie," he said and slipped his arm around my shoulders.

Something hard and solid pressed into my hip – something tucked into his waistband. I ignored it. Maybe he was carrying a canister of mace for protection.

"We’re not taking the moped, are we?" I asked as he led me down the stairs.

Jack chuckled and shook his head. "Of course not. I hired a driver for the night."

The driver stood in front a fancy sports car, all black and sleek with a purring engine. He opened the door and we both climbed in the back. At least this car had seatbelts!

As we took off the night streets of Bangkok flashed by us -- light and noise and glorious freedom. Even with the windows rolled up the city pulsed all around, alive and vibrant, just like New York. It reminded me when I first moved to the city as a kid. The overwhelming presence of action took my breath away.

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