Read Dangerous Surrender Online

Authors: Carrie Kelly

Tags: #romantic suspense, #bbw romance, #bbw erotic romance, #erotic romance, #bbw, #contemporary romance

Dangerous Surrender (5 page)

We stopped in front of an expensive looking restaurant, and the driver opened the door. Jack climbed out and offered me his hand. His fingers sizzled against my flesh, and we walked inside.

Just as we got in the doors, Jack pulled me aside into a little alcove and kissed my neck. The rough edge of his cheek tickled my delicate flesh, and I gripped onto his tense biceps to keep my balance.
Maybe I shouldn’t have worn heels!

“Our last name is Spear,” he whispered in my ear right before he suckled on the tender lobe.

My heart slammed in my chest, and I leaned away from his succulent lips. His last name was actually Anderson. Why the change?

“What? Why?” I breathed.

Sharp blue eyes bore into mine with a look so intense a shiver traveled up my spine. “That’s just the way it is, love,” he said and kissed my temple before sweeping me inside.

What game was he playing at
? I didn’t have time to find out.

He introduced me to his business associates, and we sat at a long table. We ate exquisite food for dinner, most of which I couldn’t pronounce if they paid me. The men from the textile company brought their wives, but they didn’t speak very much English.

Thankfully, none of the women seemed to care about their curvy figures. They ate just as heartily as their husbands and urged me to do the same.

I could get used to living in Thailand.
I thought

Jack chatted with everyone, his usual charm back in place. Although I did notice the way he glanced around the restaurant from time to time – like he was waiting for someone. I shook my head and sipped from my glass.

After six courses and two glasses of wine, I was stuffed and the restaurant was almost empty.

Strange. Hadn’t there been more guests here before?

I’m not sure what happened, but the conversation suddenly got louder. Since they all spoke in Thai, I couldn’t understand a word they said, but it sounded angry and accusatory. One of the men slammed his hand on the table and pointed at Jack. The waiters hung back in the shadows, avoiding our table, as the other men nodded and pointed.

A moment later, the women rose and hurried out of the room, casting me one last glance as they disappeared. What the hell was going on?

Jack lifted his hands and shook his head, his killer smile cemented on his lips, but it did nothing to calm the riled up men. Did this mean the business deal was off? I hoped it wasn’t my fault, although I couldn’t think of what I did to offend them.

As the men stood, Jack’s smile slipped from his lips and he gripped onto my arm.

“Stay close to me,” he whispered in my ear as we walked backwards toward the door.

A bead of sweat ran down my back. The men who’d been friendly and laughing just ten minutes before took on a sinister air. What happened to my relaxing vacation? And why couldn’t we just
turn around
and walk out?

I tripped over my heels right as we reached the door and Jack grabbed me, his arm strong and safe. Something about the movement caught the men off guard – gave them the wrong idea. Every single one of them pulled out a gun and pointed it at us.

My heart stopped beating. My life flashed before my eyes.
Coming to Thailand was a terrible idea! I didn’t want to die here, even standing next to Jack!

Before the men could move, Jack reached into his jacket and pulled out a gun of his own.

I yelped, my eyes wide as everything around me seemed to slow down – just like it does in the movies. The air, still thick with spices, hung heavy with heat. Every step we took toward the door felt like an eternity. Would we make it outside alive or not?

A bang ripped through the air, shattering the stillness of the restaurant. A moment later, Jack pulled me into a run and shot at the men behind us. Bullets flew past as we bolted into the hot Bangkok night.

Shouts rose from the men, and I stumbled after Jack – my previous buzz wearing off in an instant. I kept nearly tripping over the stupid heels, so I kicked them off right as we turned the corner. It wasn’t the time to ask questions.

My heart raced. My body trembled. What the hell was going on?

Our car wasn’t waiting for us as we burst out the doors, so Jack jumped into the nearest cab instead. The man didn’t hesitate to drive when he noticed the gun in Jack’s hand.

“What’s happening?” I screeched as the cab took off into the crowded streets.

“Not now, Mattie. I’ve got to keep you safe – then I’ll explain.”

No shots rang out behind us, but we didn’t stay in the cab for long. After several blocks, Jack paid the driver and pulled me onto a street crowded with tourists. As we rushed down the dirty concrete, I wished I’d ripped the heels off instead of discarding my shoes completely. Gunshots can really make a girl forget herself!

“Aren’t we going back to your house?” I asked as we turned down yet another alleyway.

Jack peeked out and pulled me after him, past a sleeping bum and a stray dog. “No. It’s not safe there anymore. My position’s been compromised.”

“But my things are there! And what position are you talking about? Your contract work? And why do you have a gun, Jack?”

He pinned me with his eyes, a street lamp illuminating the frown on his face. “Not now.”

I glared at his back, but I didn’t say another word as we crept along the streets like criminals in the shadows.

It was a far cry from back home. I spent most of my time sitting in a room sewing or pinning fabric to dress forms. This was supposed to be a relaxing way to get over Steven – not a trip to my death!

Jack’s calloused hand squeezed mine, giving me the strength to keep moving. After what felt like hours, we finally stumbled upon the canals.

“Here,” Jack said and pointed at the shape of a boat bobbing against the concrete.

I put my hands on my hips. “I’m not getting in that thing until you tell me where we’re going.”

He sighed and ran his fingers through his hair. “Somewhere safe, Mattie. That’s all you need to know.”

Tears stung the corners of my eyes, and I fought to hold them back. My entire trip was ruined and I had no idea why. “We’re leaving Bangkok, aren’t we?”

“Yes. Now get in. I don’t think they’re following, but I can’t be sure.”

With one glance behind us, I climbed into the boat and we set off. That area of the canals was silent so late at night. The gentle slap of the oars hitting the water were the only sounds in the world. Farther and farther we rowed, leaving the light of the city behind us.

All my things were back at his home – but that’s not what upset me the most. I could buy new clothes, but Jack wasn’t the man I thought he was. All this time, I’d idealized him as Mr. Perfect. Mr. Wonderful. Now he was a total enigma.

I thought I knew Steven too and look what he did.

For all I knew Jack was some kind of international smuggler!
What the hell did you get yourself into now, Matilda? Better than Steven? At least he never almost got you killed!

The bright rays of sun peeked over the horizon right as we docked at a little house hanging over the river. Grassland stretched all around us, dotted with random palm trees. It was no shack, but it wasn’t like his huge wooden home either.

The outline of the city pressed against the horizon. We left it all behind, and I wanted to know why!

Jack helped me out of the boat and onto the dock. My legs and backside ached from sitting still so long, but I didn’t stretch until we got inside. Then I yawned and glanced around.

The house was only one room with a bed, a small kitchen and a bathroom tucked behind a curtain. The mattress called out to my weary bones, but the bathroom called to my dirty feet – the bathroom won.

After washing up, I stepped out and found Jack leaning against the wall. His expression was stoic verging on angry – a look I didn’t even know he could muster.

“Well?” I asked and plopped on the bed. “What’s going on?”

“I said I’ve been compromised only I don’t figure how,” he said and slipped off his jacket gingerly. His whole left sleeve was soaked through with dark red blood.

I jumped to my feet. “Are you shot?”

He flashed me a smile. “No, love. Just a scratch. I’ll wash it up and fill you in as best I can.”

I shook my head and stepped near him. After everything we’d been through that night, I wasn’t waiting any longer for an explanation. “How about I wash you up while you fill me in?”

“Fair enough,” he said and pulled back the bathroom’s curtain.

He winched and yanked off the bloodied shirt. There sure was a lot of blood for a scratch, but most of it was already dry. At least the bathroom was stocked with a first aid kit.

I carefully cleaned off his arm, my fingers flitting over his warm skin, as he started his tale.

“I do contract work for a certain government agency. I was undercover as a buyer trying to nab some human traffickers, but someone must have tipped them off. Now they know I was a plant. Bangkok’s not safe for me or you now.”

My body shook as I wiped disinfectant over his scratch. “Not safe? So we can’t go back? What about the plane ride home? And what government agency?” My voice rose with each question. “The CIA? What?”

“Shh,” Jack said and put a finger to my lips. “I can’t tell you whom I work for, Mattie. All I can say is I’m sorry. I had no idea I’d be compromised like that.”

Pouting, I wrapped a piece of gauze around his arm tighter than necessary. “Does Cheryl know?”

“No. My identity is supposed to be secret from everyone, even my family.”

“So you agreed to go on this trip for me so you could spy on some human traffickers?” Talk about a buzz kill! It had nothing to do with concern for my well-being. Or maybe even honest to god attraction!
How could I be so stupid!

Jack sighed. “No, Mattie. I agreed to go because I knew you’d never back down. If I hadn’t offered to come with you’d have gone on your own. You think you wouldn’t, but you're a stubborn mule when you want to be.”

I dropped my hands to my sides and scowled at him. “Right! So I’d be in more danger on my own than with a spy!”

He gripped my shoulders, his palms hot against my flesh. “Yes. I know too much about how these men work to trust them. I wanted to show you a good time and protect you. Why can’t you believe that?”

“How am I supposed to believe anything you say when everything you are is a lie?” I shouted, surprising even myself.

Jack studied me, his face set in stone. “Everything isn’t a lie, Mattie. I’m as honest as I can be. Did I protect you? Yes. Did I put your safety above all else? Yes. Now I’ll get you back to the U.S. as soon as I can.”

My heart ached.
Back to the U.S. and away from him
. I frowned at the wooden floor. “How? My passport is back at

All I had in my purse was my wallet, phone and spare lipstick.
Talk about being prepared!

Strong arms encompassed me, his rough cheek pressed into my forehead. “I’ll find a way, love. I’ll always find a way.”

Trembling, I melted into his body – the heat of it calming my nerves. Then he leaned down and kissed me. His lips surged into mine with a passion I’d never felt. Like we only had this last moment together and he wanted to make it count.

A shiver shot from my head to my toes, and I opened my mouth and gave into his powerful presence. I pressed my hands against his chest in an effort to push him away, but my arms didn’t have the strength to resist. Our tongues flicked together, tasting and teasing, as our lips sizzled.

Without a word, he lowered the zipper on my dress. Rough fingers slid down my back, pulling the silk bodice down with it.

“Jack,” I said and tried to keep my dress up. If he saw me now, naked in the cruel morning light, he’d never want me. Plus, I hadn’t really forgiven him yet.

He persisted, yanking the smooth fabric over my hips and pushing me against the wall. Lips found purchase on my neck and trailed down my chest as his hands cupped my breasts like they were some kind of prize.

“Lovely, Mattie,” he groaned and took my right nipple in his mouth.

I gasped as tongue and teeth licked and pulled at the tender nub, tangling my fingers in his hair. The bare wood was smooth enough that it didn’t scrape my skin as I leaned into it. His palms blazed over my full hips and he grabbed my butt.

“Why are you doing this?” I moaned.

Instead of answering, his fingers gripped my panties and pulled them over my full hips, leaving them to pool on the floor. Lips trailed down my stomach, and he yanked my legs wide.

I squeezed them back together. He was just trying to seduce me into forgetting everything he’d lied about. Even if I wanted to, I couldn’t give in to him like that.

 But he was too strong. His fingers pulled and pried until my full thighs popped open, revealing my sex.

“Let me taste you,” he breathed and leaned into my aching mound.

The first flick of his tongue, rough and wet, set shivers of sheer ecstasy through my veins. I nearly fell to floor from that first touch, but Jack pressed me to the wall with powerful hands and traced his tongue around my swollen lips, stroking my clit with eager tastes.

“Mm, so good,” he groaned and slid a thick finger inside.

“Ah – Jack,” I gasped at the sudden intrusion and pulled a fistful of his hair.

“You’re so wet. So delicious. I want you, Mattie. I want you now,” he said and licked me full force.

His tongue worked magic across my needy sex. The probing finger driving me closer and closer to my peak. I writhed on his hands and mouth, my body moving of its own accord.
How could he entice me at a time like this? And why did I love it so much? Dammit!

The tight ball of passion grew with each lick, every thrust. My mind blurred. The world narrowed. All I felt was Jack’s touch and the wall on my back. Then, fireworks exploded inside me. The heat of the orgasm rushing through my entire body like a bomb of pure pleasure.

Slowly, Jack eased his finger out and stood up, holding me steady against the wall. My legs shook so badly I didn’t even think I could stand without his help.

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