Read Dangerous Surrender Online

Authors: Carrie Kelly

Tags: #romantic suspense, #bbw romance, #bbw erotic romance, #erotic romance, #bbw, #contemporary romance

Dangerous Surrender (13 page)

“No. I mean, I hate lying about this, but I understand why it’s important.”

My fingers flitted over the fabric. Everything was made of silk or cotton, the sewing impeccable. I held a dress up to myself and glanced in the mirror. “Did you tell them my measurements?”

Jack shrugged, his lips barely suppressing a grin. “There’s more in the suitcases. It should replace everything you lost – including your camera.”

I set the dress back on the rack and sat down. “All this just to keep a secret?”

He shook his head and sat next to me, taking my hand. “No, Mattie. All this is for the help you gave our mission
for keeping a secret.”

“Right. You up for that shower?”

“Always, love. Always.”

Like the rest of the suite, the bathroom was the picture of elegance. A huge soaking tub took up the center of the room, and the beautiful walk-in shower featured one of those rain showerheads. Stripping off my clothes, I glanced at Jack’s smooth golden skin. He’d cleaned the cut on his head, the Band-Aid just visible in his hairline.

His strong shoulders, sculpted chest and narrow waist begged to be touched. The flat muscles on his stomach bent as he slipped down his boxers, revealing the trail to his slick member.

Lust pooled in my sex as I tossed off my bra and panties, avoiding the huge mirror. My fair skin, scattered with pale freckles, wasn’t a sight to behold.

Hot water poured out the showerhead, steam filling the room quickly as I stepped under the spray. Jack’s presences loomed behind me, his palms trailing down my arms and capturing my wrists. He fingered the bluish purple bruising left from the rope.

“Those bastards will pay for this, Mattie.”

The strength of his arms surrounded me. His heart pounded against my back, a steady and solid reminder of his love.

“I know. But I’m the one who caused the bruises. They barely hurt.”

He rumbled something incomprehensible and reached for the shampoo. A moment later, his lather rich hands ran through my hair, scrubbing it gently. The touch sent shivers of delight over my flesh.

“You don’t have to do that,” I breathed and leaned into him.

Lips brushed my ear. “I want to, love.”

He guided me under the water and rinsed my hair, his purposeful hands running through my straight locks with ease.

“Are you going to put conditioner in too?”

He smiled and picked up a bar of soap. “After you’re clean.”

The soapy cloth slid over my skin, his fingers guiding in up and down my back – goose bumps rising along my body at his caress. My breasts heaved into his hands, but his fingers didn’t shift their focus like I wished. His eyes sparkled when they met mine.

It was like Jack to get me all worked up!

When he came to my legs, he knelt in front of me, the sudsy cloth slipping across my thighs and calves. Lifting each foot, he scrubbed them as well. Then the cloth neared my sex, and his strong palms forced me to open wide.

My breath caught in my throat. “I can do that.”

“No, love.”

Fabric brushed against my aching clit, and I grabbed his shoulders for support. The barely there pressure slipped over my need like fire through a dry field. Biting my lip, I groaned at his touch.

Carefully, he set the cloth on the floor and rinsed me clean with his hands. My whole body trembled. Anticipation building on my skin like static electricity. What would he do to me next?

“Do you want me to wash you?” I asked his bent head. Touching him like he touched me – what could be better?

A smirk slide of his lips. “Not yet. We aren’t finished here, Mattie.”

“What do you mean –oh!”

He buried his cheeks between my thighs, the rough edges scratching my delicate skin, as his tongue flitted over my folds. Each lick awoke new nerves in my body. The tender lapping contrasted perfectly with his grip on my legs. My knees buckled, but he held me still. Magic – that was the only word for what he did.

Moaning, I leaned back into the tile. The wall cooled the fever rising across my flesh. Every tickle of his tongue forced my thighs open wider – the passion radiating through every vein in my body.

Hands wound up my stomach, his palm stroking the curve of my breast. As he caught my nipple, I heaved into his touch.

“You taste like a dream, Mattie. Just like a dream,” he groaned as his mouth moved over my clit – suckling at the tender flesh with velvety vigor.

He swirled and slid. Danced and glided. Trembling and gasping, the pleasure of the assault overwhelmed my whole being.

“Ah! Jack.”

My body rocked with the orgasm as desire bathed me from head to toe.

His lips smiled against my inner thigh. “I do love how much you enjoy that.”

Slowly, Jack got to his feet and grinned at me, licking his delectable lips. “What do you say to room service?”

I no longer had the breath to argue.





An hour later we lounged in bed, and Jack held a third chocolate covered strawberry to my lips.

“This is my last one,” I said and opened wide, a smear of cream landing on my lips.

Leaning forward, he licked up the sticky mess. “More for me, love.”

My fingers trailed over the gentle bulges of his muscles. “I’m sure you can work them off.”

He grinned. “Wait. Is that the only reason you’re dating me? My hot body?”

A flush crept over my skin. I couldn’t deny he was the best looking man I’d ever done
with. “We’re dating?”

Jack’s eyes sparked as he set the tray of food aside. “No. Actually we’re in a very serious relationship. Completely exclusive. What do you say?”

He probably heard the thundering of my heart. “We are in love. It only makes sense.”

“Perfect sense,” he growled and rolled on top of me.

Lips caressed mine with passionate abandon as his arms wrapped around my back. My breasts pressed into his powerful chest as our mouths mingled in glorious harmony. Every moment with Jack clouded my heart with desire – my brain with lust.

As I spread my legs for his slender hips, he rolled over again, pulling me on top of him. With my thighs straddling him, there was nowhere to hide! He’d see every ripple and bulge – every unpleasant curve.

“What are you doing?” I gasped and looked down at his handsome face.

“I want to watch you, Mattie. I want to see every moment of pleasure etched on your face.”

“Why?” I breathed.

“Because you’re the most beautiful woman in the world, and I love how completely you succumb to me. Please, love? Do this for me.”

The slick heat of his cock pressed into my sex – the hard length throbbing. A bead of sweat ran down my back. Heat settled over my chest and face. His eyes burned into mine, their urgent desire radiating into my heart. Unlike Steven, Jack’s lips didn’t turn up in disgust – nothing but pure acceptance shone from his face.

Slowly, I nodded.

Jack smiled and leaned into me again. The fervor of his lips drowned me and any negative thoughts drowned as well. The pounding intensity of his shaft pressed into my clit, exciting the over-sensitive nerves with every gentle brush. My body flooded with need for him as I rolled my hips, dripping and ready.

“Mm,” Jack moaned and slipped a finger across my greedy pussy. Positioning his slick head, he eased his weeping member inside.

I gasped at his entrance – my thighs spreading to admit him and my walls held him close. He throbbed inside me, every gentle vein pumping with lust rich blood.

His lips slid into a seductive smile and his strong palms caressed my thighs. Easing up and down, our bodies met in the middle. Each thrust awakened new worlds of delight. We moved in perfect unison, his cock slamming into me with enough delicate force to drive the breath from my lungs.

Lips brushed my chest, lapping at my hardened nipples. His teeth pulled as his tongue scorched a trail of passion over my sweat-slick flesh. He suckled and teased, each touch stroking the flame of my pleasure. Building it up – higher and higher.

His smooth shaven cheek brushed my neck as his fingers flitted over my eager clit.

I bit my bottom lip and groaned, rolling my hips over his faster and faster – the momentum impossible to stop.

“Mattie,” he growled and captured my lips as my body gave into the moment. The walls of my pussy gripped onto him just as his turgid cock burst inside me. The slick warmth of his seed spilling out.

I writhed, my back arching into the grand desire. My entire being felt free: free of any negative thoughts, free of anything but Jack’s overwhelming love and affection. Why did I hide from it for so long?

Slowly, his hands crept over my hips, resting there while I caught my breath.

“I love you so much,” he said, his chest heaving.

Leaning down, I kissed his gorgeous lips. “And I love you.”






A warm ocean breeze blew through my hair as the sun dipped low to the west, lighting the ocean a brilliant reddish-orange. White sand, cool and welcome, squished through my toes right before the water rushed up to wash it away.

We’d done all the things Jack told me about. We skinny-dipped on a private beach. The warm Gulf of Thailand sweeping over our skin as we soaked in the calm beauty of the bright blue sea. We rode an elephant through the jungle, and it was easier than riding a horse since the saddle was more of a box with low seats in it than an actual saddle. We even took another boat ride to beautiful temples, their white and gold spires shining in the sunlight.

Since we were no longer on the run, I even called Cheryl and told her about us. She said, “I told you so.” Then asked when the wedding was – a knot forming in my stomach at her words. My last wedding hadn’t gone over as planned. What would happen with Jack?

I sighed and glanced back down the beach. We’d only just started this relationship. It’s not like I wanted to rush him into marriage and scare him off, but marrying him would make me happier than anything else in the world.

For the hundredth time the last two weeks, I glanced at the stupid band on my finger. The ring that was supposed to symbolize eternal love but ended up symbolizing nothing. Why did I still even wear it?

Jack walked up the beach behind me. His swim trunks hung low on his slim hips, showing off the muscular lines that led to his bulge. My sex tingled at the thought.

I had Jack. I didn’t need that stupid trinket anymore.

With a gentle yank, I pulled the ring off and weighted it in my palm. So light. So insubstantial – just like my relationship with Steven. The only real purpose of it was to bring me to Jack. I saw that now, and I’d thank my ex-fiancé as soon as I got the chance.

But I didn’t need the ring.

“Throw, Mattie, throw,” I mumbled to myself and tossed the ring as far into the sea as I could.

A wave rolled in, obscuring the splash, but I smiled nonetheless.

Then I turned and walked back to Jack.

“Hey,” he said and grinned. “You didn’t wait for your drink.”

Taking the glass, I raised an eyebrow. “Champagne? What’s the occasion?”

He grinned ear to ear, his white teeth flashing in the golden light. It was the same smile that set my heart a-light all those years ago. “To celebrate our engagement of course.”

My heart stood still, and I froze mid-sip. “What?”

With his eyes locked on mine, Jack knelt in the sand. “I’ve been waiting for you to take off that old ring for nearly a month, love. I promised myself when you did I’d ask.”

I glanced at my newly liberated finger. “But I
took it off. How did you--”

He winked. “I notice things from time to time.”

My legs trembled, threatening to buckle. How could it be hard to breathe outside?

“I know we’ve only just started, Mattie. But the truth is we’ve been at it for a lot longer that these last few weeks. I’ve loved you for years, and I think you feel the same. I’m tired of waiting. Will you marry me?”

I nodded furiously and the glass of champagne slipped from my hand, bubbling and soaking into the sand.

“Yes. Yes!” I wanted to say it for the rest of my life.

Jack discarded his glass on the sand next to mine and scooped me up in his arms, twirling me out over the water. “Oh Mattie.”

Our lips melted together, a fire burning between our bodies as the water rolled over our feet. As we went up for air, his hand caught mine and slipped a ring on it. Delicate silver etched leaves wound around my finger with a little jeweled flower in the center. Each piece sparkled with a stone set in pale yellow or purple.

“Is that an orchid?”

Jack kissed my hand. “It reminded me of you and of our time here. But if you don’t like it we can get a new one, love.”

My heart sang. “No. I love it. I love it so much. I love
so much!”

He gathered me into his arms again, his fingers gripping my back as I wound my hands through his hair. If we stayed like that forever, I’d die happy.

“It looks like we have a wedding to plan. Do you want to reuse the same things from your last one? I’m not sure how this all works.”

For the first time, the thought of all those cancelled orders and panic inducing phone calls to friends and relatives didn’t upset me. This time was different – this was Jack.

“Well, maybe we could have a small destination wedding. How’s that?”

He grinned, the corners of his eyes crinkling. “What would the destination be?”

Shrugging, I kicked at the sand before I bent to pick up our discarded glasses. “Maybe a beach? Some place tropical and romantic?”

“Oh, like Hawaii or the Caribbean?”

“Maybe – or some place even further out of the way. Like--”

“This? You want to get married here?” he asked and took my chin in his powerful hand.

I leaned into his touch. “I don’t care where we get married, Jack. Here. New York. Australia. To tell you the truth, I just want to live my life with you.”

Lips brushed my forehead and his arm slipped around my shoulder, pulling me into his chest. “I feel the same, love.”

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