Read Commitment Online

Authors: Nancy Ann Healy

Commitment (35 page)

“It’s who she is,” Rose finished Cassidy’s statement. “Yes, I know. There is a lot I don’t know, Cassie. I am confident of that fact. I do know Alex. You need to trust her.”

“I do trust her,” Cassidy said confidently. “I just don’t want to lose her.”

Rose held her daughter close. Alex and Cassidy had almost lost each other more than once in a short period. She vividly remembered seeing the haunted look in her daughter’s eyes after Alex had been shot. It mattered little that Alex was home and safe in abating Cassidy’s fears. Cassidy was a master at self-control outwardly, but Rose could often see the evidence of the inner turmoil her daughter struggled with. Loss was something Cassidy had faced early in life. The sudden loss of her father embedded a deep-rooted fear in Cassidy’s heart. She hid it well from nearly everyone, but it was no secret to her mother.

“Cassie, listen to me. I know how much losing Alex frightens you,” Rose said. She felt Cassidy stiffen in her arms. “No, now listen. You forget sometimes how much Alex needs you. When you came home that night after your abduction; you were upstairs in bed, and Alex came down to talk with Nick and Barb and me. You didn’t see her. I knew well before that moment that she loved you; that you loved her. But, Cassie…I have never seen that expression on her face, not once since. It was as if her world would end without you. All that mattered was that you were safe, that you felt safe and that she took care of you and Dylan. She knows that fear too. One day it will happen, my love. That’s part of life too. Unfortunately, you had to learn that very young….much too soon. Don’t let that fear taint all the wonderful things you have now,” Rose implored her daughter.

“I know. I do know,” Cassidy answered. “I just wish I could make it all go away.”

Rose chuckled knowingly. “It will be all right Cassie. Alex has a great deal to look forward to.”

Cassidy took a deep breath and tightened her hold on her mother. “We both do. I love you, Mom.”

Rose closed her eyes. She felt transported to a different time. Somehow Cassidy felt so small in her arms at this moment. It was almost impossible to believe that the daughter she held now was carrying her next grandchild. No matter how many ticks of the clock passed, Cassidy remained the most precious gift in Rose’s life. “I love you, Cassie. You are the best thing that ever happened to me. Makes all the bad stuff you keep worrying about seem so small,” Rose said as a tear fell down her cheek.

Cassidy closed her eyes in contentment. She could faintly hear Dylan above their heads playing in his room and her hand instinctively drifted to her midsection. Her mother’s words and the gentle arms that held her gave her permission to be a small child for a moment. She felt safe and loved, just as she did when Alex held her. Cassidy gave into the emotional fatigue and slowly drifted off enjoying the closeness of the woman who had protected her for so many years.

Alex slipped silently into the room and caught sight of the two women dozing on the couch. She marveled at them. It was no secret to anyone in Alex Toles’ life that Cassidy meant everything to the agent. Cassidy had come into her life like a tornado. She uprooted the wobbly structure that had been Alex’s life and replaced it with a much stronger foundation. Rose McCollum was a force of nature, and Alex adored her mother-in-law. She understood that Cassidy’s strength and compassion was rooted in her mother’s love and support. It was a relationship that Alex envied on many levels.

Rose opened her eyes slowly. Alex smiled and nodded toward Cassidy. “She all right?” Alex whispered.

Rose nodded and looked down at her daughter, still sleeping in her arms. “She’s worried about you,” Rose said.

Alex shook her head. “I’m okay,” she winked. Cassidy began to stir, and Rose beckoned Alex to them. “What?” Alex asked Rose.

“This is your place now,” Rose gently extricated herself from her daughter’s grip, allowing Alex to slide into her place. Alex nodded gratefully as Rose left the room. “I’ll have Dylan spend the evening with me,” Rose offered.

Alex only nodded again, feeling Cassidy snuggle closer. She wasn’t certain how long had passed before Cassidy spoke. “Is he gone?” Cassidy asked softly. She knew what the answer would be, but she still felt the need to broach the subject.

“Yes,” the simple response came.

“How bad?” Cassidy asked.

Alex nestled against her wife and sighed. “Bad. Twenty-two dead including Russ. At least that’s what Pip was able to confirm. The only good news is the diplomatic team never arrived.”

“Are you leaving?” Cassidy’s voice quivered.

“Tomorrow night,” Alex replied honestly. She felt Cassidy shudder against her. “I’ll be fine, Cass. I’m not missing any appointments. I already told you that.”

Cassidy giggled as her tears began to flow. “I’ll make the appointment for a Friday,” she promised.

Alex laid back on the sofa, pulling Cassidy on top of her. She still couldn’t rectify in her rational mind how feeling Cassidy beside her could eclipse all of the confusion and pain that surrounded them. Tomorrow would come much too quickly for them both. “Tacos would be good,” Alex whispered.

“What?” Cassidy asked.

“We haven’t had them in a while. When I get back,” Alex answered.

“I’ll see what I can manage,” Cassidy promised before allowing sleep to reclaim her.

“Yeah,” Alex said as she held Cassidy close. “You, me, Dylan and tacos. Good stuff.”

“Get out!”


“Marcus, get out of here!” Claire Brackett screamed.

Agent Marcus Anderson looked on as his partner’s cool façade crumbled in front of him. Gone was any evidence of the brazen siren he had come to know as Claire Brackett. In her place stood a woman shattered. Anderson had never seen his partner show compassion for another human being, and he wondered what compelled him to make such an overture to her now. Perhaps it was the transformation of her features that seemed to soften her. He puzzled over the form in front of him. It seemed as if within seconds, her manufactured bravado had been stripped away revealing a vulnerable child cowering beneath the surface. He stepped cautiously forward and called to her again. “Claire, it’s all right.”

Claire Brackett collapsed onto the end of the bed and hung her head. Her mind was clouded by a dense emotional fog that her thoughts could not penetrate. “No,” she said so quietly that he strained to hear her. “Nothing will ever be all right again.”

“Where are you?” a man’s voice asked in desperation.

“Still in Moscow,” was the rattled response.

“Can you get to the border?”

“I don’t know. My contacts here….they’re gone,” the voice trailed off.

“Sit tight. I will get you out.”

Non! père, vous ne pouvez pas risquer une autre personne. Je vais trouver un
(No! Father, you cannot risk anyone else. I will find a way),” she scolded.

Eleana, il y as beaucoup de chose pour nous a discuter. Ce n’est pas l’un de ces points. Tenez-moi au courant. Ils vont vous rejoindre
. (Eleana, there may be much for us to discuss. This is not one of those points. Keep me apprised. They will reach you,” Edmond Callier answered. “
Rester en sécurité
(stay safe),” his voice softened.

Je suis désolé
(I am sorry),” she said as the call disconnected.

Edmond Callier collapsed back into his chair and placed his face in his hands. He had managed to keep his nightmares at bay for many years. Now, they seemed to manifest in his waking life. He retrieved the phone at the center of his desk and placed the call. “I need your help.”

Tuesday, January 20th

re you sure about this?” Alex asked her partner as they disembarked the small plane. “I’m betting you didn’t tell Edmond your plan.”

“No, I didn’t. Trust me when I tell you that Eleana will agree. With what you saw on Daniel’s desk and her knowledge…. well, Eleana is our best chance to get into ASA headquarters,” Krause answered.

“You have an affinity for her?” Alex observed.

Krause kept his movement steadily forward. “I do,” he said.

“More than an affinity?” Alex questioned curiously. Krause continued to focus on their destination and remained silent. “Pip?” she grabbed his arm.

Jonathan Krause spun around and faced Alex. “She’s a friend.”

Alex narrowed her gaze. “Krause,” she drew out the length of his name slowly.

“It’s not what you’re thinking, Alex. I’ve known Eleana for years. I was the one who convinced John to bring her in. He was reluctant. Edmond never wanted her in this. For years, he managed to keep her away from this life. She’s persistent,” he said affectionately.

Alex slid into the passenger seat of the car, considering the tone in Jonathan Krause’s voice. It seemed evident to her that his feelings traveled deeper than mere respect for the young woman, and that piqued her curiosity. Although Alex was aware
of her friend’s history with Jane Merrow, she knew that Cassidy still held his heart. She couldn’t pinpoint the exact mannerism that gave him away, but the change in his demeanor when he spoke of Eleana Baros was apparent. “You’re concerned for her; aren’t you?” Alex asked.

Krause set the car in motion and nodded. “She reminds me of someone else I know,” he said. Alex watched him closely, waiting for him to continue. Krause glanced over to see the anticipation in Alex’s eyes and chuckled. “She’s honest, Alex. She has integrity. Somehow she’s managed to keep that intact.”

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