Caressed by a Crimson Moon (Rulers of Darkness) (23 page)

BOOK: Caressed by a Crimson Moon (Rulers of Darkness)
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“What is your price?”

“Simple. I want Sir Falcon Kenwrec.”

Hadrian’s scowl grew darker. “I do not understand.”

“His fealty is to you.”

“His fealty is to the Validus Clan.”

“No.” Silvie shook her head, sending the tight ringlets bouncing about her shoulders. “If his loyalty were to the clan, then he would have become king long ago.”

“He is my second. I cannot release him from that pact.”

“Unless he does something worthy of banishment,” Silvie added. “I’m not asking for you to release him of his obligations. I merely require his services.”

“You want him as your guard?” he asked.

“It is an ancient tradition. One not practiced much these days because of security systems, LoJack, and aforementioned seeking and maintaining of peace. However, a girl could still use a bodyguard from time to time.”

“You have no need for a personal guard. The Voidukas provide your tribe with plenty of knights and I’ve no doubt you are more than capable of protecting yourself.”

“Look,” Silvie sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose. “I know I’m supposed to talk in riddles and be cryptic, but I keep failing the test. So, I’m going to be as straight with you as I can. Something is going to happen in the coming weeks that will force the gallant, chivalrous Sir Kenwrec to make a decision that will cost him everything.” She drew her index finger across her throat and clucked her tongue. “But you can save him by releasing him to me. Right now. All you have to do is say the words. Falcon can remain here, with you and your clan. I do not require his physical presence.”

Stress pounded at his temples. Despite her argument, the witch was speaking in riddles. What could she possibly want with Falcon? And what would drive him to turn his back on his clan? Hadrian wracked his brain desperately seeking the answer. He thought of every possible scenario and every outcome. None would lead to Falcon’s banishment or death…except Sonya.

Silvie smiled as if she knew his thoughts. “This will be our secret,” she said with a wink.

Chapter Twenty-Four






Eva stretched, reaching for the ceiling. Hinging at the hip, she bent, wrapped her hands about her ankles and pulled her chest flat to her thighs, her chin touching her knees.

Amazing. There was no other word for the way she felt. The pain of her transition was gone, nothing but a horrific memory. Hadrian had been right. She woke up feeling wonderful, her mind buzzing from her super sexy dreams of the sinfully sexy vampire king. The world was brighter, her vision sharper. She had quickly found out her hearing had improved as well. Eva had come down to the gym for a quick and simple yoga session, a brisk jog and a few rounds with the punching bag—her morning routine.  Hopping on the treadmill, she popped her ear buds in, fired up her iPod, and cranked the volume, as usual. But this time she nearly died of a heart attack. Her ears were still ringing and she had run ten miles and even pummeled the bag.

She laughed when she checked her watch, normally she would be feeling tired by now, panting, craving water, breakfast and good shower. But she felt fine—no, better than fine. She was not even close to winded.

Super, extra stamina, score, exercise will be a breeze.

She could definitely give Hadrian a workout in the sack. That is, if they ever ended up in bed together again. Eva prayed yesterday would not be a one time thing. He had given her exactly what she craved and more. She had orgasms before, but nothing like he showed her.

Eva had once wondered how people became sex addicts. Well, she got her answer. All she could think about was Hadrian’s lips on hers, his hands caressing her body, his hard chest pressing her down into the mattress, her thighs gripping his hips as he pumped into her.

Maybe she could use a shower after all, a cold one.

Sometime in the night, when she was surely snoring like a lion, Hadrian had cleaned up the glass. She had briefly thought about asking what happened, but decided against it. The man was not the sharing type and she would not press to know what had made him snap.

Eva gathered her things: a small white towel, her iPod, and a roll of Ace bandage that she used to wrap her knuckles, and jogged to her room. Her muscles relaxed and her body heated when she reached her room. Hadrian had just been here. His scent still lingered in the air.

“I guess my sense of smell also improved,” she said to herself, as she closed the bedroom door.

She kicked off her running shoes, slipped out of her yoga pants and tossed her tank top to the floor as she crossed to the bathroom. She paused, her gaze falling on a large white box resting on the bed.

Excitement shot through her as she rushed forward. A present? Hadrian had brought her a gift.

Her fingers made quick work of the red bow. Impatiently, she threw the top of the box aside, her hands diving into the white tissue paper. Eva’s breath caught. A floor length, silk, crimson gown was gently folded and snuggled in the box. She stumbled forward, her toes hitting something hard. She bent down and found a pair of black, strapped heels. Taking them up, she set the shoes beside bed.

“Wow,” she sighed, lightly tracing the deep v-neckline. She was almost afraid to touch the dress.

She snatched the envelope that was propped against the pillows. She ripped it open, caring not where the paper landed.

She wanted to squeal with excitement—she did. Hadrian was inviting her to dinner.

A date
, she wondered and prayed that it was, even though she had been telling herself all morning not to expect anything from the vampire.
Don’t get your hopes up
, she thought. They had slept together, he stuck by her side during the transition, and cared for her when it was over, but that did not mean he wanted anything more.

She spun and headed into the bathroom. Flipping on the light she was pleased to discover a new mirror had been mounted. She stripped and studied her reflection. Leaning over the counter she inspected her teeth, her incisors looked a little longer. She ran her tongue over them and winced, they were sharper. Glancing down at her hands she tried to get her nails to grow. Earlier in the gym they had lengthened to claws as she attacked the punching bag. Now, they did nothing.

She shrugged. Maybe they were triggered by adrenaline. She turned her hands over. Frowning, she studied the odd-shaped scar on the inside of her right wrist. She had first noticed the mark when she was brushing her teeth. It didn’t hurt, it wasn’t even red, but white like it had been there for years.

“Could be a weird witch thing,” she said, turning away from the mirror. She would ask Hadrian if he knew anything about it at dinner.

Deciding to pamper herself, Eva filled the Jacuzzi tub and sprinkled some aromatherapy bath salts into the water. She settled beneath the bubbles. Leaning her head back, she let out a long sigh and allowed her mind to wander. It did not take long for her thoughts to focus on the interesting subject of Hadrian. And his body.

She ran her tongue over lips as she thought about tasting him. She wanted to stroke his shaft with her hands and it into her mouth…

What would they talk about tonight? She certainly had more questions about what she could expect. Would she go into heat? The transition only came when the body fully matured. Females generally went through their first cycle of heat three days after their change, which meant she had two days. Would Hadrian help her through the need? Her body tingled from head to toe as she thought of a sexual marathon with her dark vampire.

No, not mine
, she chided herself. Eva would not delude herself. Sure, she had been a virgin and yes, that made her experience with Hadrian all the more special. But she was also a twenty-six year old and knew how the world worked, even if she had spent the last nine years in a jungle.

Besides, the rational and sensible part of her wondered if she should want a relationship with Hadrian. It wouldn’t work. There were two simple facts that could not be overcome: he was a king, she a half-breed. He was just returning to society after being lost in the forest of crazy in his mind and he had a Clan to integrate into. Having her on his arm would only make things more complicated. Once everything about her transition was figured out, she would leave and most likely never see Hadrian again.

A low growl slipped past her lips as something within her rebelled. Eva shifted, suddenly physically uncomfortable, her muscles coiled with tension despite the hot water and her claws scraped along the porcelain bottom of the tub.


Eva took in ten measured breaths to calm her sudden need to hunt Hadrian. Something primal roared within her to take the vampire and…mark him. Images of entwined limbs, twisted sheets, teeth and blood danced in her mind.

Mine. Bite. Mark
. The words whispered over and over.

Eva shook head trying to cast aside the feral desire. Why was her shifter side obsessed with Hadrian?

, her instincts screamed.


Chapter Twenty-Five







Hadrian paced like a caged lion before the open mouth of the hearth in the main hall. He was eager to see Eva. Too eager. All he could think about was tasting her lips as he buried himself deep inside her body.

Gods, those sounds she made when she came...

He growled, his steps growing faster. He would never hear those sounds again. Never. He could not allow himself to grow accustomed to her presence and her warmth. She would be leaving soon and he would go back to his life and to focus on his Clan.

He rubbed his chest. Why did he feel as if someone had just driven a dagger into his heart?

Hadrian sighed and turned towards the table. The new butler he had hired this morning had spared no expense, but wasn’t that what he had told the man? New China, crystal, and linen had been purchased, along with numerous floral arrangements. The man had done an amazing job selecting a dress for Eva. Hadrian hoped it fit since he guessed her size. He had also arranged for the chef to come tonight and from what he could scent, the food would be excellent.

His mind began to wander, as it had all day while he lay in his bed refusing the siren call of sleep.

Did Eva think this was a date? Had he intended it be? He didn’t know, but a part of him hoped it was. He had read about dating, seen how it was portrayed in films, and even observed the custom during one of his rare visits to town. Mortals placed a high value on the social ritual. Besides, he wanted to give her something normal.

Hadrian winced. He was so far from normal it was laughable.

Rolling his shoulders he tried to loosen the tension that wound about his muscles. The black jacket he wore stretched, the seams protesting his movements.

The garments were confining and he was glad he had decided against the tie. Instead, he left the collar of his black button up open. He prayed he looked suitable, unwilling to check his reflection, terrified of what he would find. He could not bear to see Titus’s image staring back at him or the vile demon.

He let loose a string of curses and took up his pacing once more. This was ridiculous. What had he been thinking? A date would not change anything. It would not soothe his heartache when she was gone. He had told himself repeatedly that he needed to protect her and the best way would her leaving. No attachments. Yet here he was.

Gods, was he trying to change himself for a woman? He had always hated wearing finery, he was a soldier to the core and he felt more at home in armor and leather. Well, now it would be jeans and a t-shirt, but this suit certainly was not him. Nor were the candles or the flowers that were arranged on the table. He glanced back at the place settings and cringed. Hell, he was considering eating for Eva, to make her feel more comfortable. It had been 1,967 years since he last ate. He remembered his last meal perfectly, a skin of wine and a loaf of rustic bread.

Hadrian’s steps paused, his gaze falling to the fire. His stomach knotted. He had barely been able to swallow the food, anger pumping through his veins like boiling tar. Revenge. He had spent a fortnight hunting the demon that had taken his brother.

Hadrian scoffed, his hands curling into fists. A trap. It had been a perfectly planned trap organized by Imbrasus himself. The vampire had stalked him for months, learning all his strengths and seizing upon his only weakness, his twin.

Fury spotted his vision as he continued to stare into the flames.

Titus had not been taken. Titus had embraced the evil that wanted to claim their souls

“I could not bear to be alone. I need you. I need my brother.”
He heard the words as if Titus were standing at his side.

The flames in the hearth flickered as the memories assailed him. The soldiers had whispered of a pale man with white as lightning eyes stalking the battlefields. Hadrian had thought it a rumor spread by the locals to frighten his men and ruin moral. But the beast was real and it captured Titus.

Hadrian’s body shook as violent waves of rage coursed through him, burning his veins. His fangs elongated, his eyes sparked with hell fire. The impulse to kill, to maim, to destroy was consuming. He took in a breath, his lungs filling with heated air. His chest expanded as a roar built in his throat. The demon sneered as it pawed back and forth in his mind, ready, eager for release.

The delicate scent of vanilla crashed over him in a rush. The comforting aroma was like physical caress. As if on command, his body relaxed, his mental shield went up blocking the vampire. He exhaled an easy sigh.

The sweet perfume drew his gaze to the main staircase. His jaw slackened as his eyes fell on Eva. The red dress clung to her like a second skin and flowed with every step. Her hair was swept up in a mass of curls fastened by a red rose clip, exposing her long, elegant neck. Her pulse drew his attention before his eyes continued their decent. The plunging neckline complimented her full, high breasts. Her tanned skin shimmered like gold in the candlelight.

She was beautiful, radiant.

He took a deep breath in through his nose, his body hardening. And when she smiled, his heart stopped.

My mate. My Eva.

He shook himself mentally. He had bound them together, but no promises had been made. He could not afford to grow attached to the half-breed, even if she was his mate. She desired freedom and he would give it to her. Besides, he was not what women would call ‘relationship material.’

“Good evening,” he greeted, coming forward. He met her at the bottom of the stairs. She took his arm and allowed him to escort her to the table.

“This looks lovely,” she said, taking her seat beside him at the head of the table. “And thank you for the dress. It is beautiful.”

Hadrian leaned in, his lips brushing her ear as he whispered, “You look delicious.”

She smiled. “So do you.”

He pulled back, his gaze lingering on her lips. Chills of anticipation sprinted down her spine. 

The sound of hurried footsteps shattered the moment.

Eva glanced about wondering who could be coming their way. The footfalls sounded nothing like Clare’s, the chef. A short man dressed in all black, with the exception of his white gloves, appeared carrying a bottle of wine. He paused at the end of the table and bowed. Hadrian waved him forward.

“Eva, this is Mr. Banik. I hired him this morning. He is the new butler.”

“My lady,” the man said with another bow.

“Hi,” Eva said, unsure how to greet the man. She had never been addressed as ‘my lady’ and it threw her.

“Wine, Your Majesty?”

Hadrian nodded then instructed Mr. Banik to leave the bottle at the table.

“Shall we have a toast?” Hadrian asked once Mr. Banik hurried off. He waited for Eva to take up her glass. “To life.”

She smiled and took her very first sip of wine. The red liquor felt heavy and pleasantly warm. She returned the glass to the table with a smile.

“What is your secret?”

Eva laughed. “I’ve never had wine before. When I was younger, I did sneak a beer or two from my uncle’s fridge, but that’s all.”

“Is it to your liking?”

She nodded and leaned back in her seat. Mr. Banik had returned, serving the soup course.

Eva took up her spoon and waited to see if Hadrian would do the same. He did not.

Hadrian eyed the spinach cream soup with apprehension. Would he have to force his digestive tract to function or would it work on its own? It had been so long since he used those organs. Would it be painful or a mild discomfort?

“You don’t have to eat,” she said as if reading his troubled thoughts.

Hadrian hesitantly wrapped his fingers about his spoon. Fortifying his resolve, he took a sip. Nothing happened. His stomach did not revolt like he had suspected. It felt…normal. Just as it had when he was mortal. He sighed in relief and pushed the bowl aside.

Mr. Banik brought the next course, sautéed shrimp over a bed of chopped cherry tomatoes and bell peppers.

After a few bites, she noticed he did not try this dish.

“So, are you like Falcon and only like hot fudge sundaes?”

Hadrian frowned. “I have never had a hot fudge sundaes.”

“Really? Wow, you don’t know what you are missing.”

“Perhaps you can show me.”

Eva bit her lip as she envisioned Hadrian licking ice cream and chocolate syrup from her body.

“Truth be known, I have not eaten a single morsel since my transformation,” he said.

She set her fork down. “Really? I can’t imagine going without food for that long. I enjoy it way too much.”
Probably because I’ve lived on the edge of starvation for so long,
she thought. “If you don’t mind me asking, when were you changed?”

He was silent for a moment before answering, “I was born in A.D. 14.” He paused. “I became a vampire when I was thirty-two.”

Eva sipped her wine. The air thickened with tension. They needed a subject change. “On the topic of transitions, I don’t remember much of last night, aside from the excruciating pain. But I vaguely remember you giving me your blood.”

He straightened in his throne-like chair. “Yes, I apologize. I know you despise the sight, scent, and taste of blood.”

“I liked it,” she said a little too quickly. She blushed and dropped her gaze to her lap.

Mr. Banik was back. He cleared away the plates and presented an asparagus salad.

“Why did you give me your blood?”

BOOK: Caressed by a Crimson Moon (Rulers of Darkness)
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