Brothers Black: Wyatt the Heartbreaker (12 page)

“I can just imagine how great you will be at keeping our children in line,” he says huskily in my ear. “Thinking of you with my baby growing inside you is such a turn on.”

I suck in a breath at his words as he pinches my hardened nipples. I can already envision a little boy with his golden eyes and a sweet little smile on his face. The thought is startling because this is all so new and I don’t know where it all will lead.

I try hard not to think about Wyatt being the heartbreaker everyone knows him as. I keep telling myself to push it to the back of my mind, but what really makes me so special that he will finally change who he has always been. Hearing him talk of a future between us makes me more hopeful than I can afford to be.

Wyatt growls in my ear. “Stay with me.” His lips capture my lobe, and he nibbles as his hands move to my waist.

He starts to bunch the hem of my dress in his hands pulling the fabric up over my waist. I shiver in anticipation for what he has planned for me. Before Wyatt, I hadn’t really craved sexual contact. Now I am in constant need of his touch, his body, his lips, to feel his hands on me, inside of me.

“Wyatt,” I cry out as he pulls my dress over my head and tosses it across the room, before his lips move to my neck to suck, his hands cupping my breasts once again.

“You like that, Baby,” he groans in my ear.

I nod not able to find my words.

“Oh no beautiful, you are going to have to use your words if you want what I have for you,” he chuckles deeply against my temple.

“Y-yes, pl-please Wyatt,” I stammer out.

“Please what, Nellie,” he punctuates his words by pinching my nipple.

“Please babe, please make me cum,” I say breathlessly.

“Is that what you want? You want to cum,” he hisses in my ear.

“Yes, I want to cum for you,” I purr.

He growls and slides his hand down my front shoving it roughly into my panties. I arch my back against him and start to grind against his fingers as he pushes two inside me. I am so wet, his voice alone is enough to turn me on. Thinking of all the things I know he has already done to my body heats me from head to toe.

“Is that how you like it,” he asks as his thumb makes circles around my throbbing clit.

“Yes,” I whisper.

“Do you want more,” he groans.

“Yes, please,” I gasp.

We are in the middle of his kitchen, with dinner forgotten as I feel my body racing for my orgasm. My knees are growing weak as I stand here in my lace panties and heels. When he buries his face into my neck, I reach back and lace my fingers in his silky locks on top of his head.

The moment I feel his teeth sink into my neck I explode. Wyatt chuckles into my ear as he wraps his arm around me to keep me upright. He kisses me behind my ear before lifting me into his arms.

“I’ll come back to put everything away later. I have something else I want to feast on,” he says against my temple.














Chapter Fifteen


I have a goofy smile on my face Monday morning when we enter the office as a couple. Wyatt has a latte in one hand and my left hand in the other. He happens to be wearing a satisfied grin on his face as well.

That smile may just be the result of the hours he spent giving me just what I asked for last night, orgasm after orgasm after orgasm. He hadn’t penetrated me with his delicious rod once. He used his mouth and hands to please me until I couldn’t take it anymore.

I woke this morning to him dropping kisses all over my face before he had me once more for breakfast. I have to wonder if he is making up for all of my horrible experiences with Barry on some level. I wouldn’t put it past him.

Everyone, except Toby, seems to be in a great mood as we enter the conference room. I wrinkle my brows as I wonder why Toby has such a deep frown on his face as he looks down at his phone. That thought is forgotten when I hear a loud slap followed by a deep roar of laughter.

I turn to see Braxton holding his cheek as Heather glares at him. Wyatt shakes his head. As he pulls my seat for me. I sit, and he takes his seat.

“I see you two are back at it,” Wyatt says raising a brow before taking a sip of his latte. “I guess you were just on your best behavior because Nellie was new.”

The others around the table are shaking their heads as if this is the norm for them. I watch on in interest as Heather’s cheeks stain lightly, despite her trying to hide her face. Braxton murmurs something else to her, which causes her to glare at him again.

“One of these days Heather, one of these days,” Braxton chuckles putting his hands behind his head and leaning back in his seat as Joe and Uncle Rob enter the room.

Joe is nodding his head as a voice I don’t recognize comes through his cell phone that is on speaker in his hand. Uncle Rob has a grim look on his face as he listens in as well. Wyatt even sits up and turns his attention to the call. All playfulness leaves his face as he listens in.

“Sam, I still have you on speaker, but I have my team here as well now,” Joe says to the voice on the other end. “I like the whole idea and where your brother and Nate want to take things, but you guys are right in thinking there could be some blowback with all of this.”

“I understand if you all don’t want the risk,” Sam says.

“Hey Mairettie, how’s it going,” Wyatt calls out.

“Everything is good, Wyatt. We should talk soon,” Sam replies.

“We will, so I am gathering from the conversation that I have heard that you are going after the trafficking ring,” Wyatt responds. “Can you get me up to speed on what exactly we are getting into here.”

“As I was telling your father. Briggs Security and my brother Bobby are looking to make some changes. We think we can accomplish this by offering an out to some of the individuals they are trafficking,” Sam says. “We are not going to force them, and we’ll get anyone not interested settled into a safe situation. However, we feel the offer we have is a far cry better than what the Russians plan to push them into.”

“I hear you. I see where you are going here. So you guys need some special backup on this,” Wyatt nods.

“Exactly, someone to have Nate’s back without him having to use too much of his team. The idea is not to leave a trace and, if possible, confuse them with the differences in the two teams. You guys do things a bit differently than Nate; it should work out for the best,” Sam replies.

“Sounds like we are finally getting some action around here,” Braxton croons.

“You are not getting anything,” Joe speaks up. “We are sending a limited team for this one.”

“I agree,” Wyatt nods. “I’ll go. I think Noah, Johnathan, and Felix should be the team to follow.”

Joe shakes his head. “I like this team you picked, but I need Felix for something else. Toby should go.”

Wyatt turns to look at Toby, whose head just snapped up at the mention of his name. He is frowning even deeper than before. He grumbles something under his breath but makes no other protest.

Wyatt eyes his younger brother warily, but he shakes his head in agreement with his dad after a while. “Set up a call with Briggs. He and I can discuss logistics,” Wyatt says after a beat.

“I’ll send over everything I have on the ring Bobby and I are still keeping an eye on,” Joe nods.

“Thanks, guys, this means a lot,” Sam says before Joe ends the call.

“I don’t have to tell you how sensitive this one is. You boys don’t want to bring any of this back to our doors. This has to be clean Wyatt,” Joe says sternly.

“I’ll keep it as tight as I can on my end Dad,” Wyatt nods as I watch the wheels turn in his head.

I have sat and listened to all of this and something about the case leaves an uncomfortable feeling in the pit of my stomach. I am quiet throughout the rest of the meeting. My thoughts wander a few times to that call and the words of warning from Joe.

I don’t know if it is just worry for Wyatt or if it is the assignment itself; I just don’t like it. When a Nathaniel Briggs calls, Joe ends the staff meeting and clears the room of everyone except the team that will be going on the assignment.

I don’t get much work done while they are locked away in the conference room. Each time I try to focus on my computer screen, my eyes wander back to the door of the conference room. I feel no better when the door flies open and Toby is the first to storm out of the room looking pissed off.

Wyatt exits after him staring after Toby with questions written all over his face. He sighs and turns his attention to me. His brows furrow for a moment and then he starts for me, and this is when the feeling in my stomach increases so much I unconsciously place my hand over it.

“Baby, come to my office for a minute,” Wyatt says softly.



Shit never stays quiet around here for long. I feel like I called this shit up. The Mairetties are old family acquaintances and all around good guys. I know what they are doing is really noble, and it’s not a half bad idea if we can pull it off without it coming back to bite us in the butt.

I actually don’t even mind the mission. Like I said it has been a bit too quiet lately when it comes to assignments where we can get a little messy. However, there are a few things that have me on edge, one of those being Toby.

He is already a handful at times, but something is up with him lately. If he doesn’t get his shit together, he could get us all killed. That makes me think of Nellie. I have her to think about now. I don’t want something I do out in the field to ever come back to her.

This assignment is that type of assignment. The Russians won’t be happy with just going after my team that goes up against them. They will come for our families as well. This has the potential to be a shit storm.

I sensed in the meeting that Nellie understands this and the look on her face when I walk out of the conference room says so much. My concerns don’t just stop there. Her ex is still out there somewhere and with this assignment I will be off the grid for at least two weeks. With so many of my brothers coming along with me, and Felix being sent off on a different assignment I have an uneasy feeling.

When we step into my office, I close the door behind us and pull Nellie into my arms. I watch her worried eyes search my face, and I wish I could take that worry away. This is foreign to me. I have never had to answer to anyone about my job before.

Having Nellie not only in my professional life but also in my personal life now is going to be a bit of an adjustment. I won’t be able to hide the seriousness of the job or what I really get into from her. There are times when I will have to rely on her for support out in the field as well as, as my woman. This is going to be one of them.

“Baby, I know this is bad timing right now, but we will be leaving for this assignment in a few months. It will be our focus until then. I’ll be gone for about two weeks with no communication home. Contact will be strictly for Intel. I can already see you worrying. Don’t, my brothers and I have grown up around what we do. This is who we are and we are the best at it,” I start off.

“I get that,” Nellie nods. “It doesn’t mean I like it, but I get it. I just want you to be careful and come back to me safe.”

“Always Angel,” I say, before dropping a kiss to her lips. “Now I need a favor from you. Ryan and Braxton are the only two staying behind. I would feel so much better if you would stay at my place while I am gone.”

She frowns at me, and I know she is about to protest. I cup her face and shake my head at her. “Listen to me Nellie, you have become so important to me so quickly. If something happens to you while I am gone, I am going to lose my shit. I need you to stay at my place.

“All of my brothers and Dad are linked to my home security system. If something is wrong at my place, they will be alerted and will come running to make sure you are okay. My place is like Fort Knox. No one can touch you there, and I will be able to focus on my job if I know you are safe.”

Nellie sighs, but nods. “Okay, but only because I need to know you are safe as well,” she relents.

“I will take care of this and then we will go on that visit to your mom,” I say with a smile. “I already talked to Dad.”

Nellie beams up at me and I feel my world righting itself. I pull her to me by her hips and capture her lips. I kiss her with the depths of my feelings for her fueling the kiss. I can still see the worry in her eyes, but I know I now have someone I need to come home safe to.








Chapter Sixteen


,” I growl, as I hold Nellie’s legs over my shoulders. Her ankles are crossed around my neck as her sexy heels dangle in the air. Her tight pussy feels so good wrapped around me. I can’t believe how tight and wet she is. With each thrust, she gushes more of that sweet cream on me.

“Wy, harder babe,” she pants as her brown eyes stay locked on mine.

I start to pound her tight body harder and the sound of the legs of my heavy wooden desk knocking up and down fill the room. I can still taste her pussy on my lips. I swirl my tongue around my own mouth to savor her flavor. My balls tighten as she flutters around me. My thoughts are lost and there is so much I want to say to her, but I know none of it will come out as words right now. I am going to blow.

, Nel,” I growl, as I buck my hips forward pinning Nellie as I release my nut into her tight cave of heaven.

Four months and I can’t get enough of her. It’s not just the sex, that is phenomenal, but I have so many other things I love about her. She is incredibly smart, extremely caring, her laughter is infectious, and I swear she lights up a room when she enters without even trying.

I think I love that shyness that still peeks out more than anything. Like right now she is looking up at me with a shy smile on her face after we have just fucked on my office desk. It wasn’t supposed to go that far. She had only come in to ask me if I wanted her to wait for me or would I be okay if she left with Heather.

I leave tomorrow for this mission. A mission that I have become more unsure of the closer it comes. Usually, I would call things off if they don’t feel right, but I’m not sure if I am thinking straight. This is a first for me, but I am crazy about Nellie, and I can’t think around her at times.

It could just be my anxiety about her safety. Nellie’s ex is still off the grid, which makes things in my head much worse. I know that fucker is out there lurking, waiting for the right moment to strike. It is a feeling I just have in the pit of my gut. I know he has not disappeared to be quiet and forgotten. At least not for long.

I don’t want this to be his opportunity. So yeah, I have been a little more possessive in the last week and when she walked into my office looking all cute in her denim skirt, white tank top, black blazer and black heels I had to have her. I’ll be away from her for two weeks, and I won’t be able to let all these feelings I have had surface.

“I guess that means you want me to wait for you,” Nellie pants from her perch on top of my desk, that little smile still in place.

I lean in and kiss her deeply. “You know I told you I want to go to your place with you,” I say when I pull away.

“I just thought I would get it out of the way so you can focus on packing for your trip,” she says as she runs her hand through my sweat soaked hair.

“Well, I’m sure Heather got the hint and took off by now,” I smirk and peck the palm of her hand. I tuck myself away and move to pull tissue from my desk drawer to clean her up and fix her clothes.

“Yeah, well I’m glad everyone else is gone for the day,” she blushes as I lift her onto her feet. She wrinkles her nose and looks up at me. I know she has something on her mind. “Are you sure you want me to stay at your place for an entire two weeks?”

I knew this was the question rattling in her head for the last few days. I have grown to know my woman very well. Although she hasn’t spent a single night in her own apartment since that first night she came to my place; she still won’t retrieve the mail, answer my landline, or answer the door.

I keep trying to get it through her head that she is not a guest. I wish she would just move her things into my place. It would save us these trips to her place every few weeks.

“Nel, if you would just move in we wouldn’t be having this conversation. Baby, you know I want you to be safe, and my place is where I think you will be safest,” I reassure her as I wrap my arms around her waist.

“I just don’t want to overstay my welcome. I don’t want you to get tired of having me in your space,” she says.

I lean into her neck and growl as I inhale her sweet scent. I pull away to look into her eyes. I want to see her face when I speak my next words. “I am too deeply in love with you to get tired of you,” I say.

I know it is the first time I have said this out loud to her. I think it all the time, but I know Nellie, and I know she is still easing into our relationship. It is one of the reasons I have been reluctant to push her in other ways in our relationship. Nellie still has a lot to learn about me.

Nellie’s eyes widen and begin to tear up. I cup her face and kiss her trembling lips. She lifts on her toes and pulls me tightly to her. The kiss is passionate and speaks to all the feelings that have gone unspoken to this point. I pull away breaking the kiss because I know we will just end up on the desk again or up against a wall.

“I love you too, Wy,” she says breathlessly.

“So it’s settled when I return you are moving in,” I say with all seriousness and a firm nod to myself.

Nellie throws her head back and releases one of those beautiful laughs. “Uh, no,” she shakes her head. “It isn’t settled, but I will think about it.”

“Yes, it is. I just have to show you what all comes with your new living space and amenities,” I croon in her ear as I pull her in for one more embrace before we have to get going.

“Do these amenities include you cooking and rubbing my back,” she purrs as I pull her into my side and head for the door.

“That and so much more,” I growl and slap her ass.

Nellie yelps and shakes her head at me as she playfully slaps my chest. The next two weeks couldn’t go by fast enough for me. I have been working long hours on the prep for this mission. When I return, it is going to be all about my woman and me.

Now that I have confirmed that she is in love with me I plan to unleash everything I am on her. It is going to be just what the doctor ordered for the both of us. It will also tell me if her love for me is as strong as mine is for her because there is nothing Nellie could say or do that would pull me away from her.



I look at Wyatt as he drives us to my apartment to get some things I will need so I won’t have to return there for anything while he is away. I am still tingling inside from our lovemaking in his office. I can’t believe I let him talk me into doing that.

Not that I know how to refuse him, but a part of me did it because I am going to miss him like crazy. I reach my hand over and run it through his still damp hair from the sweat we worked up on his desk. Wyatt reaches for my palm and pulls it to his lips as he keeps his eyes on the road.

I can’t believe he told me that he loves me. I am still all giddy inside and honestly in awe that it has been four months since we started this relationship and we are still together. I never thought in a million years that someday I would call Wyatt Black my man.

He has no idea how much I have fallen in love with him. It’s not just the amazing sex because it is amazing. Even though I have sensed that he is still holding something back. Sometimes I feel like he treats me like a precious treasure he doesn’t want to scar or damage.

I wish he could see how much stronger I have become just from being in his arms. Heck, I even surprised Noah when I asked him to teach me how to shoot and for more training than the usual self-defense and basic stuff he and Steve have ingrained in me, although I know I already know a little more, than most. He was surprised but wasted no time in getting into both trainings.

Saturday mornings are the only times Wyatt lets me out of his sight for more than an hour. That is when Noah takes me to the range. Monday through Thursday I spend my mornings before work with Noah, Wyatt, and any number of the brothers in the gym down in the basement of the office.

They have all taken a part in helping me learn various fighting techniques. Joe and Uncle Rob even show up at times to help out or cheer me on. I don’t know, it’s just that I never want to feel the way I did the night Barry attacked me.

I don’t know what happened at first. I was either in shock or pure disbelief of what was happening before I started to really fight back. I guess that I had been taking his verbal abuse for so long that I didn’t know how to react at first.

Being with Wyatt makes me wonder who that girl was that was in that relationship with Barry. Wyatt has a habit of making me take things head on. My mom is still skeptical about Wyatt even after Uncle Rob and Steve have told her that he is so good to and for me. If I hadn’t known Wyatt when he was younger, I would never believe the stories about him being a heartbreaker.

Despite knowing my mom isn’t too fond of him yet. He is nothing, but respectful to her when we talk on the phone. I know she is just worried about me. Wyatt has taken me to every family breakfast since that first one, four months ago. He makes me feel like a part of his family.

There is nothing better than a smart man and Wyatt is like a genius. All of the brothers are very smart. How can I not be in love with him? Our love is an intense one. Although I am in awe of his words and surprised he said them out loud, I have always felt his love.

It is in the way he looks at me. Some mornings I wake to find him already up. He just sits there and watches me. Just this morning I woke to his mouth warming and devouring my core. Once we were sated, he told me he just couldn’t keep his hands off me. Watching hadn’t been enough this time.

There was a moment during our love making when I thought he was going to say those words, but he opted to kiss me passionately instead. Even with him being so busy, he is still attentive to my needs.

“Nel, I need you to promise me if you need anything from your place that we don’t get now you will just replace it or let Ryan or Braxton go to get it,” Wyatt says breaking into my thoughts.

“What if they are busy? I don’t want to be a pain. Besides, I don’t want to waste money. I have rent and I still have to pay for my ticket to go visit Mom when you get back. I don’t want to cut into my savings for something I already have,” I mumble.

Wyatt pulls into a parking space as we arrive at my apartment. He cuts the engine and turns to me to glare. “First off, I’m paying for the trip to see your mom and Steve. Next, you wouldn’t have to pay rent if you would just move in with me,” he pauses to give me a pointed look. He reaches for my cheek. “As for my brothers, you are a priority for the next two weeks with Ry, Brax, and my Dad. You are not a bother Nel, Angel you are my world, they know this and will drop everything to make sure you are safe and happy.”

“I’ll be fine, please stop worrying about me,” I relent.

His golden eyes search my face as he reaches for his wallet with his free hand. Releasing my face, he pulls a card from his wallet and hands it over to me. I look down at the credit card, I take it from his hand and read it. I look back up at him confused.

“Don’t freak out on me, Baby,” he starts giving me that look he gets when he is about to tell me something that brokers no arguments. “I added you to a few of my bank accounts. Dad will have your other cards in a couple of days. I had this one rushed.”

“Wait, what,” I knit my brows as I look at this gorgeous, crazy man sitting before me. I can’t take his money. He already refuses to let me pay for things or even get my own car. He insists on driving me everywhere or that I use one of his cars.

“Baby, I want to make sure you have everything you need. I would be really happy if you took some time off with Heather and Bean to go shopping. You have been working so hard, I want you to pamper yourself. Just make sure Brax or Ry tag along,” he says with an impish smile.

“You’re crazy babe, you are my boyfriend not my husband, why would you put my name on your accounts? Who does that, Wy?” I shake my head and press my lips trying to hand him back the card.

“And that, baby, is why I trust you. Besides,” he says with a crooked smile. “I’m not your husband… yet.”

With that, he pushes my hand back toward me with the card clenched in my fingertips. He plants a kiss on my lips and turns to get out of the car. I shake my head as he rounds the car to open my door, he is insane.

I tuck the card in the back of my wallet with no intentions of using it. I have no idea what he was thinking in the first place. Opening accounts with my name could give Barry a trace on my location. I start to chew on my lip as I think of that. I have used cash for the few things I have taken care of myself.

I know Wyatt will keep me safe, but I am still cautious. I shake the thought off and get out of the truck. We still have a lot to do before Wyatt leaves tomorrow.




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