Brothers Black: Wyatt the Heartbreaker (11 page)










Chapter Fourteen


“We are so late, Wy,” Nellie groans.

“No, we’re not. I told you, we usually trickle in whenever as long as we make it for breakfast. Mom is usually just getting everything on the table by now. We’re fine,” I turn to face her in the truck and lean in to plant a kiss on her swollen lips.

I was so turned on when Nellie walked in on me taking out my piercings this morning. We have been having so much sex that I thought I’d take them out to give her a break from them. The way her eyes lit up as she licked her lips, it drove me insane.

She had tried to go down on me last night, but I told her that it could be uncomfortable for her with the bars in. I would have taken them out then, but I needed to get inside her that minute. I didn’t have the willpower to take the time to do anything else.

However, this morning, seeing her eye my cock like candy had me hard as a rock. Nellie was on her knees in my bathroom before I could even blink. My shy girl was nowhere in sight. Watching her lips wrapped around me was one of the most erotic things I have ever seen. Nellie had me convinced that my cock was a lollipop.

The way she sucked and licked at it had my toes curling. I had to grab the bathroom countertop with one hand as I gripped a hand full of her curls with the other. When she started to deep throat me, my eyes rolled into the back of my head.

I can’t remember the last time I came so hard. I tell you now, I don’t know if those piercings are ever going back in. Not when my woman gives head like that. Of course, that blowjob led to me returning the favor in the shower, which turned into me pounding into her hot pussy.

When we finally stumbled out of the shower, we were running late for breakfast with my family. Nellie has been freaking out since. She is so adorable. How can I not be falling in love with her? I even love her new nickname for me.

“I’m going to be so mad at you if we are the last ones to arrive,” she pouts.

“Baby, Braxton is always the last one to show up. Toby has even been coming late, lately. We will be fine,” I reassure her.

“Well, we aren’t getting there any faster sitting here in the car,” she says lifting a brow at me.

“I just wanted you to myself for a few more seconds. Besides, we would have been on time if you didn’t attack me in my bathroom,” I tease and give her a crooked smile.

“Ha!” She throws her head back and laughs. “We would have been fine if you’d just taken my gift and then gone to get ready.”

“How about we skip breakfast and you can give me all the gifts you want,” I murmur against her lips before kissing her again.

When I pull away, she stares up at me dreamily. I can tell she is thinking about my offer. That is until my brother starts to bang on the window of my truck. I mentally promise Braxton an ass whipping as Nellie jumps in her seat. I lean into her to nip her neck before kissing it and jump out of my truck to open her door.

Braxton is already pulling Nellie out of the truck and into a bear hug by the time I round the car. I glare at him, and the little shit swings her around just to piss me off. Braxton is laughing so hard he has to hold his stomach by the time he does put Nellie on her feet.

Nellie turns to look at me. I love that she has her glasses on today. She looks gorgeous in the fuchsia sundress and grey heels she is wearing. If she would have said yes I would have skipped breakfast and taken her back home. She looks like a little angel with the sun haloing around her curls, hitting them in a way that picks up on the red strands of hair mixed in with the brown.

“Wy, fix your face. You know he is only goading you,” Nellie smiles.

“Wy…,” Braxton scoffs. “He lets you call him that. Oh, wait until everyone else hears this. He hates that name.”

“Shut up,” I grumble and pull Nellie into my arms as her little face crumbles.

I kiss her forehead and lean into her ear. “You are the only person I like hearing it from, and you better not stop,” I whisper to her in more of a command than a request.

With her smile back in place, I am the happiest man ever. I wrap my arm around her shoulders, and the three of us head into the house. As always the Black house is loud and active. I can hear my mother fussing at Felix in the kitchen, and my Dad’s laugh is like a greeting at the front door.

When we step into the dining room everyone pauses when they see me and Nellie walk in locked together. My Dad’s eyes twinkle as his shoulders bounce with the laugh he is trying to suppress. I roll my eyes because I know what is coming.

“Well Nellie, I’m glad you have finally put the miserable pissant out of his misery,” my dad barks with laughter.

“So now I know why you were sending me to voicemail all day yesterday,” Ryan chuckles.

I look down at Nellie to see she is blushing. So damn adorable, I can’t help it. I lean in and kiss her lips before tugging her in front of me, her back to my front as I bury my face in her neck.

“You all know what you can do for me,” I retort to my family that’s laughing and tossing more jokes around.

“I don’t know what you want with this guy,” Johnathan shakes his head.

“Whatever,” I toss back.

,” my mother coos when she comes out of the kitchen followed by Felix, who has a tray of bacon and sausage in one hand and pancakes and waffles in the other. “The boys told me that Wyatt abducted you, but I didn’t believe it. How did he get you to fall for his shit?”

I throw my head back and groan; my mother and her mouth. Nellie bursts into a fit of laughter as my mother wraps her into a hug. I love my mother, she is the glue in this family. I couldn’t imagine what we would do without her.

“Hi, Mrs. Cassidy,” Nellie giggles.

“You’re such a sweet girl; I have told you a million times to call me Cassidy. Now answer the question, how did this one, charm your pants off. I thought I gave you a good talk about staying away from heartbreakers and wayward dicks. This one,” she tosses a thumb at me as I cringe inside. “Thirty and his cock has seen more pussies than the cat lady up the block. I’m lucky not to be a grandmother by now with these boys.”

Okay, even I have to laugh at that one. Ms. Shumen has lived on this block longer than we have and she has a ton of cats crawling around her property. My father can’t stop laughing. He learned a long time ago not to try to filter my mother. What makes it really funny is my mother’s Irish lilt.

“Oh my God, I can’t believe she just said that,” Johnathan’s girlfriend, Missy says with disgust.

“Oh my God, I can’t believe my son is still dating you lass, but indeed, he is, for fucks sake.” My mother places her hands on her slim hips and glares at Missy.

“Cass,” my dad chides. My mother waves her hand and turns back to Nellie.

“I have no idea why your mother hates me,” I hear Missy huff to Johnathan. I chuckle to myself. If only Missy knew, none of the family likes her. Sometimes I think that includes Johnathan.

“Come, dear, you’ll sit by me so we can gossip on how hot pants here got an innocent girl like you to fall for him,” my mother says to Nellie as she leads her to the head of the table to sit by her.

That little creep Braxton tries to steal the seat next to Nellie, but I am quicker this time. My brothers have been giving me extra shit about wanting to date Nellie, but I know they all mean it in fun. Doesn’t mean I’m not going to beat the crap out of them.

I grab the orange juice after claiming my seat next to my woman. Turning to Nellie I ask, “Baby, you want some juice,” as I hold it over her cup.

“Please,” she replies.

The room goes silent again; I look up to see everyone staring at me with their mouths hanging open. “What,” I frown at my family and Missy, who looks like her eyes are going to fall out of her head.

“You have never called anyone baby,” Noah snorts.

“It gives them the wrong idea,” all six of my brothers say in unison.

I just shrug and continue to pour her juice.

“And since when are you so attentive,” my dad joins in on the teasing.

“Leave my boy alone, the lot of you,” my mom says with a warm smile. “He is finally proving I did something right. Nellie here may be able to make an honest man out of one of you after all.”

“Come on, Mom, we’re not that bad,” Noah chuckles.

“Don’t even get me started,” Mom scoffs. “I birthed you all and I know each of you better than you know yourselves.”

Mom looks pointedly toward Noah and Toby. I laugh to myself as they squirm in their seats. When my mother starts in you would think we were all small boys again. She is a tiny little woman, but it isn’t wise to underestimate her.

“I’m starving,” Toby grumbles. “Can we just eat already?”

I narrow my eyes at my brother. He is going to have to fess up to what is really going on with him and soon. I’m getting a little tired of this grumpy act he has going on. I’ll let it go for now because at the moment he has pulled the attention off of Nellie and me, but we will be locking horns soon.



I really had more fun than I expected to at breakfast with Wyatt’s family. I learned that not only did Cassidy, not like Missy, but I myself am not too fond of her. I think the guys hide their dislike for her much better than Wyatt’s mom does. Once I realized she wasn’t worth the time I ignored her the rest of the day.

We pretty much spent the day with his family. What should have been breakfast turned into breakfast and lunch. Toby was the only one that didn’t stick around. Missy had made her excuses, but much to her displeasure, Johnathan stuck around.

Cassidy completely embarrassed Wyatt with family photo albums that held pictures and even artwork from grade school. All of the guys were adorable as little boys, but there was something mischievous about Wyatt’s grin in all of his photos. I loved watching him with his family. It was something I always wanted, a large family that I could just be myself around.

I guess that is why I clung to Bean when I met her. She was the sister I never had. I smile at the thought of the laughter that filled the Black home and how I felt like a part of the family I always wanted. I hadn’t realized that Wyatt was watching me so closely.

He is sitting at the island supposedly looking over some files on his tablet while I wash some vegetables for our salad for dinner. I have steaks marinating from this morning before we left for his parents’. Wyatt had already made it clear that I would be sleeping over again tonight.

Honestly, I feel safe in his arms at night, so I don’t mind staying over. My smile grows more as I think about that. I can’t remember the last time I was this happy.

“What are you smiling about,” Wyatt asks with a grin in his voice.

I look up from the tomato I am washing and see him smiling at me with assessing eyes. “I was just thinking about how much fun I had with your family. I just always wanted that you know,” I shrug with a smile still on my lips.

He tilts his head to the side, “Wanted what?” He asks curiously.

“Siblings, the big family, I think that is what drew me to Barry. He had lots of friends and family. I just needed that when I was going through things with mom. It would have been nice to have a bunch of siblings I could count on for support,” I say as my mind travels to all the times I felt alone.

Sure Steve was there, but he was busy making sure Mom was comfortable. When he wasn’t taking care of her, he was exhausted. I think that is the real reason I agreed to the morning workouts when he suggested them. I was starved for comfort and attention.

“I was only seventeen when Mom was diagnosed the first time. At first it was hard to wrap my head around it and then I just started to feel …lost, I guess,” I try to explain.

I am so lost in the memories of that time I don’t realize Wyatt has gotten up, rounding the island, until his arms wrap around me bringing me back to the present. I blink away the memories as I sink back into his arms.

“You know you don’t have to worry about that now. I will always be here for you. Anytime you need me I’m here for you,” he murmurs into my neck.

I nod my head because at this moment his words feel true, and they are what I need. “Must have been great to grow up with your brothers,” I say wistfully.

“It had its ups and downs, but I wouldn’t trade any of them in for anything,” he chuckles. “Mom, now she may say differently. She threatened to ship us off to Ireland more times than I can count.”

“Do you have family there still,” I ask as I cut the sink off,” I place my hands on top of his as he gently strokes my belly.

“A few relatives and trust me we didn’t want to live with any of them,” he gives a throaty laugh. “You think my mother is feisty. You haven’t seen a thing.” 

“I think she is great,” I laugh. “She needs to be tough to keep the bunch of you in line.”

Suddenly the atmosphere in the room changes, Wyatt’s hands move up my sides, and his large hands cup my breasts. I moan and bite my lip. I can feel his arousal grow and start to poke me in my soft behind.

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