Brooke, Leah - Panthers' Prey [Black Panthers 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) (4 page)


His name slipped from her lips with an ease and familiarity that shouldn’t have been an issue under the present circumstances, but she didn’t care. His overwhelming presence made it hard to care about anything except the heat and strength surrounding her.

Tugging the sheet to the side, he slid his hand down her belly and over her mound, the sizzling warmth from his hand making her abdomen and pussy clench again, releasing even more of her juices.

Her insides turned to jelly, every inch of her skin quivering with nerves and a need unlike anything she could have ever imagined.

Bending, he touched his mouth to hers, the nip to her bottom lip startling her into parting her lips, allowing him access. He took full advantage, sweeping her mouth with his tongue, the tenderness in his kiss in no way masking the strength and possessiveness in it.

She moaned again, a moan he swallowed, as his fingers closed on her nipple, rolling it with a sure touch and making her pussy clench even harder. Rubbing her thighs together for relief, she touched her tongue to his as another moan escaped.

A low groan rumbled from his chest, one deeper than she’d ever heard before, a raw, sexual sound that spiked her arousal.

Lifting his head, he licked his lips as if savoring the taste of her, his eyes flashing dangerously.

“It’s not enough. What the hell have you done to me, woman?”

The desperation and confusion in his tone got to her, making her feel like a temptress for the first time in her life. Her body came alive under his touch, every erogenous zone going on full alert.

Releasing her nipple, he dropped to his knees in front of her, yanking her thighs apart with another of those deep groans that sent a heart-racing thrill through her. His eyes met hers as he lifted her knees, urging her onto her back.

“I could eat you alive.”

His provocative statement in that low, almost growling tone and the sharp, barely leashed hunger in his blue eyes had Bailey’s clit tingling and her pussy clenching with a intense hunger that made her toes curl.

She didn’t even consider trying to stop him.

Her breath hitched as she watched him lower his head, her heart pounding nearly out of her chest as he parted her folds. The shock of his tongue on her clit made her scream, a high-pitched, pitiful screech that sounded nothing like her at all.

Fisting her hands in the covers, she thrashed on the sheets, trying to escape the most incredible pleasure she’d ever experienced.

He feasted on her. There was no other way to describe the way he used his mouth to explore her.

His tongue moved everywhere at once, dipping into her pussy and teasing her clit with a forcefulness that left her teetering on the edge between fear and ecstasy.

She couldn’t fight it, though. She stood no chance of resisting as the tingling pleasure swept over her, tightening her body and sending a rush of heat from her cheeks to her toes.

The low growls coming from him as he lapped at her juices sent a chill of fear through her, but in no way deterred from her pleasure.

The almost animalistic way he ate at her, his hands not as gentle now as they tightened on her knees, made her feel more desired than ever, sending her closer and closer to the edge.

Her body tightened and bowed as the enormous pressure built inside her. Her clit burned. Her pussy clamped down each time his tongue slipped inside her, releasing more of her juices, something that seemed to excite him very much.

Those throaty noises coming from him, sounds that sounded hungry and delightfully primitive brought her own hunger to the surface with a force that both alarmed and thrilled her.

With each pass of his tongue over her clit, the tingling grew sharper. Her stomach muscles tightened under the onslaught, and instinct had her trying to close her legs against such an extreme sensation, crying out as it threatened to consume her.

Marc growled again, a low menacing sound, filled with impatience and an underlying threat. He tightened his hold on her knees, pushing them back to expose her even more, letting her know without words that he wouldn’t be denied.

Reveling in his dominant display and obvious hunger for her, she writhed as he ate at her. Her breathing quickened as his movements became rough and even more demanding as he apparently attempted to draw every drop of moisture from her.

She’d never been wanted like this.

She’d never had a man take her over completely this way, to take what he wanted and drag her into a web of erotic pleasure with a speed and determination that she had no chance of resisting.

Her body tightened even more as the pleasure at her slit exploded.


Arching, she cried out as her orgasm slammed into her, the sizzling heat racing outward to touch every part of her.

His rumble of satisfaction and hum of approval sent her soaring even higher, and before her first orgasm ended, she came again.

Her clit burned under Marc’s decadent caress, the firmness in his hold exciting her even more. No matter how much she bucked, she couldn’t escape his ministrations and burned even hotter with every stroke of his tongue.

Her senses went on overload, the tingling so sharp and intense that sanity seemed to slip through her fingers. To her amazement, instead of coming down completely, she eased back to the edge and remained there. Several small orgasms in rapid succession had her twisting restlessly and did nothing to satisfy her enormous hunger.

Every inch of her body trembled, her breath catching over and over as she tried to adjust to, and then fight, the incredible pleasure that just wouldn’t stop peaking.

Another small orgasm drew another series of whimpers from her, frustrated sounds because no matter how many times she came, she couldn’t get enough.

Breathless now, she kicked at him, inadvertently hitting her ankle against his shoulder.

She cried out again, this time in pain, which Marc seem to realize almost immediately.

Lifting his head, he stared down at her, his expression hard and slightly dazed.

“What the hell?”

He blew out a breath, shaking his head as though trying to get his bearings.

“Your ankle. Hell. I’m sorry. Let me see.”

He lifted her ankle, his gaze going frequently to her slit as he licked his lips, lips that still shone with her juices.

Now that the pain in her ankle had eased, she pulled at the sheet with her fisted hands and rocked her hips, the need for his touch making it impossible to be still.

Marc’s gaze met hers several times as he inspected her ankle, the knowledge of her predicament in his eyes. He ran his fingers over her ankle, setting off a series of tingling ribbons shooting up her leg. He settled her foot on the pillow again, a muscle working in his jaw as he pulled his hand away.

With his hands on his hips, he stared down at her, grimacing as he adjusted his dark trousers, drawing her attention to the huge bulge pressing against his zipper.

Her pussy clenched with the need to have that hardness inside her, and without thinking, she sat up and started to reach for him, a little startled at her forwardness.

She’d never been shy about sex, but she’d never been in a position like this before, and she’d certainly never let lust rule her actions.

Right now, though, nothing mattered but fulfilling this aching need.

She throbbed everywhere, the awareness in her pussy and clit close to driving her insane.

Instead of taking her hand and coming forward again, Marc stared at her with a strange look on his face, half stunned, half furious.

He closed his eyes and lifted his face to the ceiling.

“Fuck. What the hell am I doing?”

He dropped his gaze again to hers, his sensuous lips thinning and his eyes hardening even more.

“What the hell are you doing to me?”

He turned away abruptly, but not fast enough to hide the hunger in his eyes, a hunger she wanted desperately to satisfy. Slamming his hand on the heavy armoire, he spun back to face her.

“I told you to stay in bed, damn it. I’m doing my best to stay the hell away from you, and you do something stupid like that and hurt yourself. I sat there in agony all night, breathing in your scent and imagining sinking into you. It was hell. After peeling you out of those clothes, I knew what that body looked like. I know how soft you are. Your scent is all over me. Fuck. Cover yourself, damn it.”

He turned his back to her with another of those fierce growls, bowing his head and muttering under his breath, his anger apparent.

Insulted, but still consumed with an arousal so strong it made it difficult to think, she gathered the sheet, her hands shaking as she pulled it to her neck. Nervous at the situation she found herself in, and with a man she suspected could be far more dangerous than the one she’d encountered the night before, she took a deep breath, fighting for calm.

“That man last night—” She stopped abruptly, gasping as he whirled, his fury unmistakable—and terrifying.

“He’s gone.”

The finality of his answer sent a chill through her.

Shaking uncontrollably, she swallowed heavily, forcing a calm into her voice she was far from feeling.

“What do you mean, gone? What happened to him? Did you scare him away? Did you even see him at all?” She swallowed again, trying to clear the huskiness in her voice.

Marc’s jaw tightened, but she could see the effort it cost him to keep his voice low and even.

“We saw him. We stopped him. That’s the end of it.”

“We? You said that before. Who’s

Straightening, he looked expectantly toward the door of the room as though he heard something she couldn’t hear.

Following his gaze, Bailey stared in horror as the doorknob turned, stiffening as the door slowly opened.

Not knowing who would be coming in, or even if Marc had lied and it was the man from last night, she cursed and scrambled toward the headboard, wincing each time she hit her ankle. She reached for the lamp to use as a weapon and braced herself on her knees to give herself enough leverage to swing it.

“Stop that!” Marc leapt forward and reached for her, yanking the lamp out of her grasp with an ease that both shocked and infuriated her. Keeping his eyes on hers, he set it back on the table, holding his hand out as though expecting her to reach for it again.

His voice held a calm that belied the storm brewing in his eyes.

“I told you that no one is going to hurt you. This is James. He and I have been taking care of you. Hell, woman, if we’d wanted to hurt you, we would have already done it.”

Pulling one of the soft pillows in front of her, she gripped it and the sheets tighter and kept both men in her sights, studying the other man carefully.

Hell, who was she kidding? If possible, he was more handsome than Marc and just as compelling. He had the same black hair, but had dark-brown eyes that melted her insides instead of a blue so deep she could drown in them.

His features weren’t as hard as Marc’s, and he had a cleft in his chin that she couldn’t look away from. Even from this distance she could see he had about the same lean, muscular build and, like Marc, moved with the same stealthy grace as a hunter.

She didn’t much care for the feeling that she was the prey.

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