Betrayal: Brianna's Secret (The Betrayal Series) (12 page)

Abby moaned loudly at the warmth and pressure of Brianna’s mouth on her fingers. She was wrong. Brianna licking her own juices off her fingers was the most sensual thing Abby had ever seen.

With Abby’s fingers still in her mouth, Brianna grinned, a wicked sexy grin that drove Abby even crazier with lust. After sliding Abby’s fingers out of her mouth, Brianna took a second to gather her wits after that mind blowing orgasm she had just experienced. She closed her eyes and clasped Abby’s hand against her heaving chest while a delirious chuckle tumbled off her lips.

Abby watched her with a self-satisfied grin on her face. But she did not get to revel in her proud achievement for long. Within seconds, Brianna was hovering over her. “That was amazing, Abby,” Brianna gushed, her breath still ragged, her voice low, raspy and sexy. She cocked her head to the side. “Have you done any of that before?”

A wide-eyed Abby shook her head and pursed her lips. The way Brianna was grinning at her was making her, for the first time, feel self-conscious and bashful. A nervous giggle broke through her pursed lips.

Brianna giggled and shook her head as she witnessed a flush creep across Abby’s cheeks. She sighed, realizing that while Abby may be very skilled with her hands and tongue, she was still the sweet, innocent girl she had fallen in love with. She leaned in and muffled both of their giggles with a kiss that was so passionate, it made the hair on the back of their necks stand up.

Brianna pulled her lips off Abby and a euphoric smile stretched her face. She stared down at the beautiful Abigail Slone lying under her and still wondered if it was all a dream.

 Brianna could not remember the last time she felt that much joy. She was giddy but also burning with lust. She ran her tongue over her bottom lip. After their encounter at the library, Brianna craved another taste of the sugar between Abby’s legs. It was all she could think about ever since it happened.

“You took care of me. Now it’s time for me to take care of you. Brace yourself, Abigail,” Brianna warned before her face disappeared between Abby’s legs.

The warning did not prepare Abby for the hungry assault that Brianna’s lips proceeded to carry out against her throbbing sex. Her lips were hungrier, more desperate than the last two times they ravished her delicate flesh. The sensation was also a million times more orgasmic than before. Abby clutched the bed sheets under her and arched her back, overwhelmed by the nonstop explosions washing over her.

Brianna was relentless, sinking her fingernails in Abby’s thighs while her very talented tongue flicked and sucked Abby’s delicate folds. Abby was in such a daze, she lost count of how many mind blowing orgasms Brianna brought her to that Saturday morning. With her eyes closed, she pleaded for Brianna to stop so she could catch her breath, but Brianna ignored her pleas.

Abby opened her eyes and looked down. She locked eyes with Brianna who was peering at her with a devilish gleam in her eye while her tongue continued to toy with Abby’s swollen clit.

 Watching Brianna’s tongue writhe like a snake over her folds before disappearing inside her was too much for Abby to handle. She had to look away while the intensity and frequency of the explosions detonating in her lower belly threatened to drive her to madness. She writhed, panted and moaned with abandon until she couldn’t take it anymore. With tears in her voice, she begged Brianna to stop.

Brianna could have gone hours and hours tasting that delicious sugar but decided to show Abby some mercy. After giving Abby’s clit a final tug, she crawled up and crushed Abby’s lips with hers.

Abby parted her lips to allow Brianna’s restless tongue to slide in. The more she tasted herself inside Brianna’s mouth the more she liked it. While Brianna assaulted the inside of her mouth with another hungry kiss, Abby realized that she still had a lot to learn about pleasing another woman.

The things Brianna did with her tongue were going to take her a while to learn and master, but Abby was not the type of person who cowered from a challenge. She looked forward to learning and mastering all of Brianna’s moves even if the whole thing still scared her a little.

With their legs tangled together and their arms wrapped around each other, Abby and Brianna lay on the king size bed, listening to each other’s heartbeats and the faint sounds of the busy city outside. They broke into delirious giggles once and again while enjoying the warmth and softness of each other’s bodies. They both wished they could’ve stopped time and stayed in that bedroom forever.

Brianna couldn’t wipe the smile off her face. She couldn’t believe she had that beautiful, sweet girl in her arms. Two weeks earlier she hadn’t even met Abby, but lying there in that bed, Brianna felt like she couldn’t live without her. She couldn’t stop placing butterflies kisses all over Abby’s heart-shaped face while Abby giggled like a little girl.

“Thank you,” Brianna breathed, staring into Abby’s eyes and no longer giggling.

“For what?” Abby asked.

“For giving yourself a chance to be happy. For giving me a chance to make you happy. I love you Abby.” Brianna did not let Abby say it back. She didn’t need to hear what she already felt in Abby’s touch and kisses. She claimed Abby’s mouth once more with a kiss that was restrained and tender, but just as intense as the other ones they shared that morning.

“I need to go home,” Abby breathed, after Brianna pulled her lips off her and turned her attention to Abby’s neck.

“No. I don’t want you to go,” Brianna whined while nibbling the curve of Abby’s neck. “Let’s spend the rest of the day here on this bed.” Abby giggled, but Brianna was not joking about wanting to spend the rest of the day in bed. She couldn’t get enough of that pretty hazel-eyed girl.

“I can’t,” Abby countered. “I haven’t been home since last night. I have to go feed my fish.”

Brianna froze upon hearing that last sentence. She narrowed her eyes at Abby and cocked her head to the side. “Your fish?”

“Yes. I’m not making it up. I swear. I do have a fish, and I need to go feed it.”

“Today is my day off. I want you to spend it with me. How about we get dressed, go to your apartment so you can feed your fish and then spend the day shopping and sightseeing. What do you say?”

“Okay,” Abby replied without giving it much thought. The laundry and the other chores she had to do could wait. She too couldn’t get enough of Brianna and wanted to spend more time with her.



Chapter VIII



After getting dressed-Brianna in her khaki shorts and white tank top and Abby in the clothes she was wearing the previous night-they left Brianna’s apartment, got in a cab and headed to Abby’s and Kyle’s apartment in The Village.

At the apartment, Abby cringed when she unlocked her apartment door and Brianna walked in. The apartment was so tiny compared to Brianna’s palatial apartment in midtown. Abby knew she shouldn’t have felt embarrassed by her modest living quarters, but she did.

“So, this is where you live?” Brianna asked as she glanced around the small living room painted and decorated in bright colors. “I like it. It’s very cozy. It’s very you.”

Abby chuckled nervously. “It’s a shoebox.”

“Is that your fish?” Brianna asked after spotting the colorful goldfish swimming inside a bowl on top of a shelf. She walked over to get a better look.

“Yeah. That’s Joaquin,” Abby replied, walking over to the fish bowl to join Brianna.

Brianna snapped her head towards Abby. “Joaquin?”

Abby sighed. “You don’t want to know.”

Brianna giggled and shook her head. “You’re so damn adorable, Abby,” she breathed before cradling Abby’s face and placing a pair of tender kisses on her forehead.

“I’m going to go change and then we can go,” Abby announced after feeding Joaquin.

“Okay,” Brianna mouthed and watched Abby disappear inside the bedroom. With Abby gone, Brianna roamed around the small living room. She couldn’t believe she was inside her brother’s apartment finally. She had lost count of how many times she had asked Kyle to invite her over, but he always refused, giving her every excuse in the book.

Kyle’s presence in that living room was impossible to ignore. The shelves and tables were filled with pictures of him and Abby hugging, smiling, and looking happy. Brianna sat on the couch and grabbed a digital picture frame sitting on the coffee table. The guilt and sadness that overcame her as the pictures flashed on the screen felt like hands squeezing her heart. One picture showed them cuddling at Time Square on New Year’s Eve. Another had them goofing around at a Yankee’s game. Another had them cracking up at something while posing at the top of the Empire State Building.

The reality of what she and Abby were doing didn’t really hit her until she looked at those pictures. Kyle was an asshole to her, but Brianna believed he did not deserve the pain that she and Abby were about to cause him. Brianna loved Kyle in spite of everything. He was still her little brother, and her heart ached for him. But she also understood they couldn’t turn back time. What was done was done.

Brianna had not noticed Abby was back in the living room until she felt her sit next to her on the couch.

Now wearing a strappy summer dress, Abby took the picture frame from Brianna’s hands and gazed with nostalgia at the pictures-the sad, cruel reminders of a once solid relationship that was about to end. The whole thing was still hard for her to believe. Just a few days earlier, Abby was sure she was going to marry the man in those pictures. She had been planning a life with him pretty much since the day she met him.

“Amazing how a person’s entire world can be flipped upside down in the blink of an eye,” she marveled, almost to herself. There she was, sitting next to her new lover and mourning the death of her relationship with the man she thought was going to be her partner for life. Abby let out a heavy sigh. The whole thing just felt very surreal to her.

“Let me be there when you tell him about us,” Brianna pleaded, gazing at the picture frame.

“No. I don’t think that’s a good idea,” Abby countered, also gazing at the picture frame.

Brianna turned her head to face Abby. “Please, Abby. Let him yell at me and be angry at me.”

Abby turned her head to meet Brianna’s gaze. “No. I must do this alone. I must take responsibility for what I’ve done and face the consequences alone. Besides, he already hates you enough as it is.”

“But Abby…”

“My mind is made up about this. Don’t worry about me. I’ll be fine.”

“What are you going to do after you tell him?”

Abby shrugged. “I’m not sure yet. But it looks like I’m going to have to quit working at the bookstore and go back home to Michigan until the fall. Kyle will probably ask me to move out, and I can’t afford an apartment by myself. I’ll talk with NYU and ask them to let me move back in the dorms for my final year there.”

Brianna took the picture frame off Abby’s hands and placed it on the coffee table before turning her attention back to Abby. “I don’t want to be away from you the entire summer. Come stay with me.”

Abby scoffed. “You want us to move in together? Don’t you think it’s a little too soon for that?”

“I know it’s too soon, but what other options do we have?”

Abby shook her head. “I don’t know…”

“Come on. Please. You won’t have to quit your job if you stay with me. I’ll let you pay me rent if you want. I just don’t think I can stand being apart from you a whole summer.”

Abby thought about it for a bit. She needed her bookstore job to pay her bills. She wasn’t going to find summer work in Michigan, and she didn’t want to be away from Brianna for three months. “Okay,” she finally replied. “But only for the summer, and I will pay you rent. I’m no freeloader.”

Brianna could not help but giggle and shake her head. She gave Abby a kiss on the temple and stood up. “Let’s get out of here. We have a lot of shopping and sightseeing to do.”

Abby and Brianna spent that whole afternoon in and out of the trendiest stores in midtown Manhattan. Abby felt intimidated walking into those places, afraid she was going to be charged just for being there. After taking a peek at the price tags of some of the things on sale, Abby was very careful not to touch or break anything. Brianna offered to buy Abby a few things, but she adamantly refused, much to Brianna’s dismay and frustration.

With all the shopping, there was very little time to do any sightseeing. They did, however, find the time to sit down at a table in Central Park and learn things about each other. They chatted for hours while enjoying some delicious vanilla swirl ice cream.

Brianna told Abby the story of how she was discovered by a talent scout while working at the restaurant job Andrea had helped her get. They both laughed and cringed at some hilarious and other not so hilarious stories Brianna told about outrageous auditions, sleazy casting directors and unscrupulous talent agents.

Abby told Brianna about her being a top cookie selling Girl Scout when she was a kid and the many trips she earned. She spoke fondly of the pet chinchilla she had growing up and her days as a cheerleader in high school.

They had such opposite experiences growing up that Brianna wondered if they would have gotten along had they met as children. Brianna hated cheerleaders, but Abby made it clear that she was one of the nice ones. They both concluded that they would have gotten along great because of that special connection they shared.

Abby was having such a good time hanging out with Brianna that she didn’t notice her phone had died. She had missed three calls from Kyle, but she would not know about them until she got home that night and recharged her phone.



Chapter IX



Meanwhile in Montana, Kyle sat on a wicker chair in the backyard of his mother’s house.  He stared at his phone screen wondering why Abby was not answering her phone. There were children running and squealing around him and adults trying to get his attention, but Kyle could not hear any of them. He was consumed with worry. Since Abby had said she was at work, Kyle decided to phone the bookstore.

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