Read Beautiful Chances (The Beautiful Series) Online

Authors: Alicia Rae

Tags: #Contemporary Romance

Beautiful Chances (The Beautiful Series) (11 page)

Oh man, do I ever want to have my way with him.
However, it stunned me that he could read me like an open book. My lips parted while I thought of ways to touch his delicious body.

“Oh…that sounds wonderful.” My body wanted him, I wanted him, and I wanted to feel his skin on mine.

“It sounds as though I might have a little minx on my hands.” His mouth split into a wide grin. “You can have your way with me after our date, beautiful. Now, you better run off to your bath before I change my mind.” Kyle started backing toward the door with difficulty.

This date sounded like it was very important, and it made me curious. I turned on my heels and walked toward the bathroom as I tried to think of what he had planned. Butterflies started to dance in my belly as I thought of what my second date with Kyle could be.

After two hours of driving, we arrived at an ATV outdoor trail-riding park. When we pulled up a long driveway, I saw the sign for the first time. A huge smile was on my face as he put the car in park. He turned to face me and judge my reaction.

“Four-wheeling?” I all but squealed. I had not been riding since I left home, and I truly missed it.

Kyle gave me a sexy to-die-for grin, sending butterflies fluttering deep in my stomach.

“Yes, I thought maybe you might miss it, and you sounded as though you really enjoyed it. This place is huge with lots of trails because it’s on a national forest preserve.”

My eyes watered at his thoughtfulness. Kyle had taken mental notes in our conversations, trying to learn more about me. No one had done anything like this for me in a long time, and the sweet gesture Kyle had made was overwhelming.
Too much, too fast.
But I didn’t know if I would be able to stop my feelings for him now. I felt as though I was already in too deep, and I didn’t want to stop it. And I didn’t know
to stop it.

I blinked up at him while reining in my emotions. “Thank you, Kyle. That was extremely thoughtful. Thank you.” I grabbed his hand. “Thank you for listening.”
Listening in more ways than one.

I had told him more about my family than I had told anyone. Though I didn’t have the answers as to why, I knew I just had to follow my heart. He tipped up my chin, and as I looked into his eyes, I saw so many emotions running through them, reflecting my own.

listen, Lily. Don’t ever forget that.” He kissed me oh-so softly. “And you’re welcome.”

This man had a way of pulling strong emotions out of me that I had kept closed before. I felt an inner battle brewing within myself. I was not ready to have these intimate moments with him. I still had so much to learn about him.
And how much do I want him to know about me?
Of that, I was not sure.

Now was not the time though. I wanted to enjoy our date, and I wanted it to be lighthearted and fun.

“So, are you ready to lose against a girl?” I tried to lighten the mood.

His laughter was downright sexy. “Oh, Lily, do you really think I would bring you here if I couldn’t keep up?” His grin was infectious.

“We shall see, Mr. Madison. I have plenty of experience from riding with my sister and three male cousins, so I will be the judge of your skills,” I said with a wink before I turned to open my door.

As we stepped out into the Florida heat, I pivoted to take in the view. Paths went off in various directions. It looked like it was going to be a great time. Two teenagers were putting on gear as we walked the length of the parking lot, heading for the main doors. I was looking forward to a good time with Kyle. He was so intense at times, and with this change of pace, he would be able to relax, and I could see another side of him.

Management quickly took our required license information while going over safety instructions. We walked off with our keys and headed to the main garage to pick up our wheels. Kyle chose a dark blue one while I picked a purple one.

I wish my sister and I would have been taught all those safety techniques.
When my sister and I were younger, our only lessons had been from male family members who said, “Don’t crash!” and “Make sure you shift, or you’ll burn out the clutch!” My mother had worried about us, but she had been quickly outvoted by the men, who would say, “They’ll be fine!”

Looking back on it now, I remembered all the great times I had shared with my family outdoors. I felt very blessed to have those opportunities. I just wished I could have had more.

“Hey beautiful, come back to me,” Kyle said, pulling me out of my wandering thoughts.

He started to put on his gear, and I followed suit. I was glad Kyle had told me to bring extra clothes since I would definitely need them today.

“Are you ready?” An eager smile spread across his face.

He looked hot, all dressed up with his helmet in hand.

“Yep, just need to put on my helmet, and then I’m good to go,” I said, just as excited.

“Stay behind me until we make our second loop. We don’t know the routes or how many people are on them, so I’ll go first,” he said protectively before giving me a quick kiss. He grabbed my helmet, put it on me, and tightened the strap.

I rolled my eyes at him.
Of course, he wants to lead. Heaven forbid I round a corner and fall off a cliff from not paying attention.
I quickly decided I probably would not win this battle. “Okay, just don’t go too slow,” I teased.

It was his turn to roll his eyes and shake his head. He fastened his helmet while I climbed on to my four-wheeler.
Time for some fun
. He gracefully hopped on to his.
Now, this is a sight to see. Maybe being in back will have its perks after all.

We took off to the first trail on the right that instantly curved before a large hill. Kyle swiftly maneuvered his machine while I easily kept pace behind him. The paths were just the right width, and they were clearly marked. It was fun to ride in a new area, especially the one we were riding on. I had done lots of riding in my younger days, here and there, but these pathways were different from just riding a few acres around our home. They were a whole new level of fun.

Some of the trails were a bit muddy. They must have had a rain shower before we arrived. The weather channel had called for a brief shower and then sunny skies the rest of the day. With Florida weather, it could downpour and then be clear and dry in an hour or so, which was perfect for four-wheeling. We hit several large puddles that were unavoidable. I laughed as my body quickly got covered in mud. I didn’t mind the mud. I welcomed it. It felt so good to be behind a machine and enjoy this carefree time with the warm breeze on my face.

Kyle slowed in front of me, signaling for me to pull up to the shoulder. I carefully stopped alongside him. After taking off our helmets, Kyle took my hand, and we walked to the edge of the trees. The view was beautiful. Up on the hill, we could see a few different pathways weaving in the trees below. Kyle stood behind me, wrapped his arms around my chest, and pulled me close. My body instantly relaxed in his arms. We stood quietly for a few minutes, taking in the sight before us.

He turned his head and kissed his way up my throat. “Shall we continue? There is a place at the next stop where we can have lunch.”

“That sounds great.” I shifted to face him, noticing that he had as much dirt on him as I did.

He looked down into my eyes and smirked. “The trail seems easy enough to maneuver along. I’m
confident you could lead us.”

I opened my mouth and inhaled, pretending to be offended. “Oh! Well then, guess I’ll have to leave you in the dust. Let’s see if I can make you eat dirt!” I said playfully, storming off.

I glanced at a few puddles lingering in the tree area where we were parked.
Oh yeah. Game on.
I started my four-wheeler as Kyle was leisurely putting on his helmet. Revving up mine for a second before popping the clutch, I hit the gas and spun my wheels as I quickly shifted my weight.
That should do it.

I stopped on the side of the path twenty yards ahead and turned to look at Kyle who was shaking with laughter. I had splattered mud up his riding jacket and helmet. I laughed so hard. I loved how we could enjoy the moment together and how normal it felt to be with him.

He shook his head while starting his motor. His body language insinuated retribution.
Shit, should I make a run for it?
I quickly calculated which way I should go. Taking off and not looking back, I made a hard left and came up to another small hill. Kyle effortlessly kept on my tail as we weaved up and down the paths. It was truly a massive place. After a few miles of speeding through the dirt trail, we came up to the end. It had led us to the lodge area. I slowed my four-wheeler to a stop. I was hoping all had been forgotten.

Kyle stopped next to me and removed his helmet, and it took my breath away to look at him. He had sexy helmet hair and a bit of dirt streaked on his face.
He looked sexy as hell.

“Well, well.” I grinned playfully. “It seems that you have decent ATV skills,” I teased, looking over my shoulder at him.

A smile tugged his lips. “As do you. That was great! And I definitely enjoyed riding behind you. You have some skills, Lily.” He laughed. “I’m starved. Let’s eat!”

He quickly grabbed my hand, and we headed for the diner. The man was on a mission for food. The diner was very small and cozy. The staff was exceptionally friendly, and they seated us right away. Kyle motioned for me to sit first, and I quickly chose the side of the booth closest to me. He surprised me by sitting next to me rather than across from me, and I was comforted by his closeness.

Between the hot weather and the use of my muscles, I decided a cheeseburger was exactly what I needed. We both ate our food quickly.

“So, back to the heavy stuff. I had some more questions I wanted to ask you,” he said, his tone serious. “I want to know more about you.”

“You already know more than most people.” I blinked apprehensively at him. His stare was intense, and my eyes immediately dropped nervously to my hands. I sighed worriedly. “What do you want to know?”

“Tell me about your sister.” He tucked a long strand of my hair that looked to have a streak of mud in it behind my ear. “You mention her here and there, and I want to have a clearer image of her,” he said softly.

I sat quietly for a moment. This was so personal and something I did not want to talk about—ever. I hesitated, not knowing where to start. I was scared to talk about her, fearing the pain it would bring, but with Kyle, my mouth just seemed to open, and I decided to push past my uneasiness.

Here goes…again.
“Annie was the one who was full of life, and she always had a smile on her face. She could light up a room. Everyone just sort of gravitated toward her. She was beautiful. She was just an inch or so shorter than me, and we both shared the same long blonde hair and blue eyes, but many said we looked very different.”

The bottomless ache in my chest started to burn, and I put my hand over my heart. Kyle grabbed my other hand, helping me to find the strength to continue.

“Annie and I were only one year apart. We were joined at the hip all throughout our childhood. She was the best part of my day. We told each other everything. After she moved away for college, she dated a few times, and she would come home and tell me stories about the guys. Even while apart at different colleges, we managed to talk at least twice a day.”

Kyle continued to stroke my hand with his thumb while listening to me.

“Annie wanted to be a veterinarian. She was extremely book smart and didn’t have to study much. A passion for animals and wanting to help them came naturally to her. She even nursed this one baby bird that had fallen out of its nest in our yard. My dad tried to tell her it was too little to save, but Annie wouldn’t hear any such thing. She was compassionate, kindhearted, and full of so much love.” I frowned. I missed her so much.

“She sounds extraordinary, Lily. I wish I could have met her.”

“I wish she were here,” I whispered.

“Me, too, Lily.”

He pulled me closer to his warm body, and I leaned my head on the side of his chest.

“Have you ever lost anyone close to you?” I asked, my voice still laced with sadness.

“Yes, my cousin passed in a house fire when he was eighteen. My best friend, Drake, helped me through it. It was a tough time for my family and me.”

I was glad that the diner was not busy. We were lost in our conversation, secluded in the booth, our own little bubble. My heart ached for his loss, especially since I had a firsthand experience with it. It was a darkness that could overtake, consume, and swallow a person whole. I fought it almost daily.

I tilted my head to look up into his eyes. “I’m so sorry you lost your cousin.”

“I’m okay, Lily. It’s you I’m worried about. I see your sadness every day, and I wish I could take it away. No one should have to experience that.”

He had such sincerity in his words that I could not stop the tears forming in my eyes. My vision blurred, and I blinked the tears away.

I leaned forward and kissed his cheek. “Thank you, Kyle. Thank you for this date and for being here with me. I’m grateful that you came into my life.”

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