Read Beautiful Chances (The Beautiful Series) Online

Authors: Alicia Rae

Tags: #Contemporary Romance

Beautiful Chances (The Beautiful Series) (14 page)

BOOK: Beautiful Chances (The Beautiful Series)
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Afterward, we decided to sit in the glider on my patio overlooking the ocean. The waves were calm, and the sun was reflecting off the water. Kyle pulled me into his chest. I rotated my head and rested my hand over his heart. His heartbeats were strong and rhythmic.

When my phone beeped, I grabbed it from my back pocket. It was a text from Luke.

Hey, Lil. Just checking to see if you are going to dinner with us this evening. Should I pick you up?

“Would you like me to head out soon, so you can get ready for dinner with Luke and his family?” Kyle asked neutrally as he stroked my shoulder lightly.

I assumed he knew that the message was from Luke.

I sighed. I knew I needed to go. Luke was my friend, and he needed a wingman with his family. They were like vultures, trying to take over his life. “Yes, I do have to go. I can’t let him face his family alone. I was expecting you to be upset,” I said nervously as I turned to face him, looking up into his eyes.

“I don’t care for it much, but he is your friend, Lily, and I respect that. As long as he doesn’t cross any lines, then I can tolerate him, but he should know his place now.”

Oh boy, the alpha presence is back.
“Well, he definitely got the hint today. I don’t think he’ll try again. I’m sure his feelings are hurt.” The thought made me frown.

I texted Luke back quickly.

Yes. I’ll see you soon.

“His ego may be wounded, but I’m sure he’ll be okay.” Kyle pulled me closer and gave my lip a gentle bite. “No one touches what’s mine,” he growled in my ear, sending a shiver down my spine.

“Yes, my sexy alpha.”

His eyebrows rose in amusement at the word
, but he didn’t ask me to elaborate.

I leaned up and kissed him. “Guess I should get ready.”

I put on my sundress with matching sandals while thinking of my good-bye kiss from Kyle. My thoughts seemed to be drifting to him quite frequently lately. I couldn’t seem to control it.

I was reaching for the front door just as Luke knocked.

“Hi,” Luke said nervously as he shifted on his feet.

I felt bad that he was now so nervous around me, but to be honest, I also felt different. I hoped we could forget this morning’s incident and go back to our easy friendship.

“Hi,” I said shyly back.

“Ready to go?”

“Yep, just let me grab my purse.”

I turned to get my purse off the table. I kept my awkwardness at bay by looking for my keys.
Why am I nervous to be around Luke?
He was my friend, it had always felt natural before.
I’m just overthinking about it.
Surely, we could hang out without any issues. We
to. I could not lose him.

I locked my door, and we walked to his car in complete silence.
Yep, this is not what I imagined.

On the drive over to the restaurant, we continued to have a soundless gap between us as if we both felt uneasy to speak to one another. This proved that even the strongest friendships could be tested…or even broken. Apprehension was strong in my gut.

As we pulled into the parking lot, Luke broke the silence first. “Okay, I’m sorry.” He sighed deeply. “I didn’t mean to throw all that on you this morning, but I was just really caught off-guard.” He shook his head as if ridding the thoughts from his mind. “But now that you know my feelings…I don’t want anything to change between us.” He gestured the space between us with his hands. “We are still friends, no matter what, right?”

Well, he definitely cut right to the chase.
Thank God he feels the same way.
“Yes, Luke, you are my dear friend. I don’t ever want to lose that.”

It saddened me to think of Luke no longer being a part of my life. I had already lost so much. Even one person coming and going seemed like it would be agonizing.

He released the breath he had been holding. “Okay, good. So, we can discuss the rest of it later. Right now, we are just two friends hanging out?”

“Of course.” I had caught the “discuss the rest of it later” part.
That did not sound good. Damn, how am I going to fix this?
Hopefully, Luke would get the hint soon. My sexy, overbearing alpha was in no way going to tolerate Luke trying to stake his claim.

We entered the restaurant, and we were immediately taken to our table. Luke’s parents were already sitting at the table with drinks. We were at least five minutes early, which apparently meant we were late to Luke’s parents.

Caroline and Jim Thompson were a whole other breed of humans. They were overachievers to the max—always pushing, always wanting more. Nothing was
good enough for them. Luke had wanted to please them, and he had tried to in every way, but there was always something that they wanted him to perfect. It was extremely disheartening to witness. I’d learned quickly why Luke had left, and I didn’t blame him. In fact, if I were in his position, I would have run far, far away much sooner.

Jim stood as we approached, and he offered his hand to me. A fake smile spread wide across his face. “Miss Tidsdale, it’s a pleasure to see you again.” He leaned forward and kissed my cheek.

I plastered on my guarded smile. “Hello, Jim. Great to see you, too.”

“Yes, well, I wish it were under better visiting circumstances, but we still do love our son.”

“Okay, Dad. That’ll do.” Luke turned to embrace his mom. “Hello, Mom. You look well.”

Caroline smiled up at her son. Her smile was much more genuine, but she still looked displeased that she had to come all this way for
the talk
. “Thank you. It’s so good to see you, Luke. I miss you.” She turned her smile my way. “Hello, dear.” Her gaze traveled up and down my attire. “You look beautiful as always,” she said as she hugged me.

Luke pulled out my chair for me and then sat beside me. The young waitress came and quickly took our orders. I ordered a chicken salad because keeping up with Kyle’s appetite had been very fulfilling this morning.

Jim wasted no time before diving into the purpose of the visit. “So, I see you’ll be graduating with a bachelor’s degree soon. I’m hoping you will be done with all this nonsense and move home. The company needs you.”

His father’s voice was so stern, and he spoke with such finality that I wondered if he had talked that way to Luke as child. I would have hidden in my room if that were the case.

Luke’s body immediately tensed, and I tried to give him a comforting smile as his mom and I sat quietly at the table. Her eyes were glued to Luke’s, watching closely for his reaction.

“Actually, Dad, I’m applying to medical schools, and I’m searching for another scholarship to cover the cost. I have at least four more years to go and then an internship, so I don’t think I can help you.”

The waitress picked the most perfect time to arrive with our food. I could see his father’s nostrils flaring, and his mother’s smile was torn between being happy and sad.

“That’s wonderful, dear. I’m so proud of you, but we need you home now,” Luke’s mother replied cautiously.

“That is preposterous!” Jim cut his wife a hard glare. She immediately quieted and removed herself from the conversation. “Why on earth would you do that? It is completely unnecessary and a waste of time. We need you back home. It’s time to grow up and take responsibility. I heard you’re working at a concessions stand right now.” Jim shook his head in disapproval. “That is an embarrassment to our family name.”

Tilting his head toward mine, Luke whispered, “Eat quickly! This will be over fast.” He cut his steak and began to eat, completely ignoring his father.

I felt hard stares on us as I tried to keep my head down and take a few more bites of my salad.
At least the chicken was grilled perfectly.

“Luke James Thompson, what do you have to say for yourself?” Jim’s hard voice sliced the air.

My head whipped up at his tone, and I glared at Jim. Luke’s quiet demeanor was almost more frightening, and I glanced over at him, waiting for his response.

Luke turned to me with an apologetic face. “I’m sorry, Lil, but we definitely won’t be making dessert.” Then, he faced his father with cold black eyes. “And you…I already made myself clear long ago. I have no desire to take over the family business. And I never will. I’m sorry that I’m not the perfect legacy son and all, but I’m applying to medical school. I’m not wasting my life away, for Christ’s sake! Maybe you could say, ‘Hey, son, that’s great news!’ or ‘We’re very proud of you!’ But what in the hell was I thinking? You will
say that, and it’d be in
best interests to remember that.” Luke slowly folded his napkin, stood, and walked to his mother’s side. He bent down and kissed her cheek. “Good-bye, mother.”

Luke turned to me and I swiftly rose out of my chair. After helping me into my coat, he pulled me after him. With that, we walked off without a backward glance to his father.

I let Luke have a few quiet moments in the car. I could tell by the way he was blowing smoke out of his ears that he needed space.

After some time, he finally said, “Awesome support, huh? I think he would plan every aspect of my life if I let him.”

“I see that, but I just don’t understand why. I mean, you are in college. You’re getting a degree and applying to
medical school no less.” I frowned. “Why can’t he just be happy for you?” I added, almost to myself.

“I don’t think my father knows the definition of the word
I should send him that page from the dictionary with the word and meaning highlighted,” Luke said sardonically.

I felt so bad for him. I had no experience in this area. My family and I had always supported and encouraged each other to reach for the stars, and we’d always been open with our feelings. We had been so happy and close. Sometimes, it just didn’t seem real that they were gone. I closed my eyes, silently wishing that they were here. My dad would have been a great person in Luke’s life. He would have told Luke not to let anything hold him back.

Luke did not realize that I was off in my thoughts. “I’m so done with it.” He let out an exasperated deep breath. “So, want to hang out a bit before we turn in?” His voice was hopeful as we made the drive home.

“Sorry, Luke. I don’t think I’m up for it tonight. I’m actually exhausted, and I have another long week of writing ahead of me. Rain check?” I really was tired. A good night’s sleep was in order before my brain would function enough to write.

“Okay. Maybe we can hang out sometime this week. You never know when I’ll need help with writing my college papers,” he teased.

“Very true. Heaven forbid you ever just pay attention in English class. You know, you could learn a few things.” I gave him my stern face.

“Now, why on earth would I do that when I have you?” He grinned boyishly.

“Uh-huh. I’m glad that’s working out well for you.” I couldn’t help but laugh.

We pulled up to the parking lot, which was pretty empty for a Sunday night. Even though I’d promised myself that I wouldn’t look for it, I noticed Kyle’s rental car parked in his spot. I wondered what he was doing in his free time. I thought about what hobbies he might have or which TV shows he enjoyed watching. I found myself still wanting to know more about him.

Stepping out of the car, I shook off my drifting thoughts. Luke walked alongside me as we rounded the corner to my cottage.

“Good night, Lil. Thanks for being my wing…woman.” He gave me a quick hug and let me go.

“Night, Luke.” I gave a soft smile before I walked inside.

My cotton PJs, fluffy socks, and soft bed were calling my name.

BOOK: Beautiful Chances (The Beautiful Series)
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