Agent U7: Keegan (The D.I.R.E. Agency Series Book 7) (18 page)

Tristan lost his father, while Aidan found his again. Clint had no doubt Tristan was happy for Rachel and his best friend. However, he had to feel the loss more so, knowing the two men had also been best friends.

“It’s so good to have you back, Dad,” Rachel smiled up at him.

Looking at the last photo in his hand, Jim glanced at Clint. His gut clenched right below the burned area on his chest. The man walked over to the bed and gazed down at him with the same grey blue eyes he saw in the mirror every day.

In that moment, Clint’s voice escaped him. He couldn’t seem to get words past the globe in his throat.

Aidan frowned as he walked to the opposite side of the bed, Rachel beside him.

Keegan sat beside Clint on the bed, surprising him. Her nearness made his recovering heart pound. “Clint is Jim and Carol’s son. We discovered it through the DNA tracker.”

“You’re my brother?” Rachel said, her eyes bright with excitement.

His face pulled tight when he smiled, making him wince. “Looks that way.”

Shaking his head, Aidan grinned at Clint before his gaze went around the room. “Can this get any freakier?”

Keegan squinted her eyes and grimaced. “Mmm, maybe.”

Clint glanced up at her, surprised at her words. “What now?” He didn’t think he could take any more surprises.

She looked at Rachel and Aidan. “Do you mind taking Jim down the hall to see Dr. Brentwood? He wants to run some tests to see if there’s any way to expedite the purge process.”

The room emptied on a chorus of goodbyes. Clint watched Keegan shut the door behind the others, leaving the two of them alone in the room.

The door hadn’t closed completely before she started in on him. “Dr. Robinson, you and I need to get a few things straight.”

She wanted to have a serious talk when all he could think about was the way that Kevlar suit hugged her breasts? He knew they had some talking to do before they went their separate ways. He just wanted to prolong it as long as possible.

Shifting to relieve the pain in his back, Clint winced as he held out his hands to halt her. “Before the games begin, I just wanted to tell you that you were incredible out there. It takes extreme concentration and quick thinking to use those enhancements together.”

Sauntering over to the bed, she said, “Is that so?” before shocking the hell out of him by stretching out beside him, head in her hand.

He stared at her beautiful, smudged face, uncertain just what she was doing…exactly. “Yes. It takes a sharp mind and fluid eye/limb coordination.”

Placing her hand on his thigh, she trailed it up his leg to his crotch, before rubbing it with sure, languid strokes. It swelled shamelessly. “Like this?”

Shutting his eyes, his breath turned shallow as he stiffened beneath her supple palm. “Having the coolest tattoo
all of the D.I.R.E. enhancements aren’t enough power for you?”

Her soft giggle made him try to grin again, eliciting a string of curse words in his throat.

“Well, your mother used a serum to keep your father devoted and attentive. I’m just trying to figure out what I have at my disposal. Besides, I haven’t even seen my tattoo, yet.”

He stilled, unwilling to move, wondering if they’d given him heavy drugs that caused hallucinations. “I thought you hated me?”

Her fingers found his bare manhood beneath the covers and toyed with the tip. “I did—until I understood what you’d done.” Her playful tone segued into blatant pain. “You should’ve told me your plans. It killed me to wake up and find you gone.”

With a healthy moan, he swallowed hard. “I was trying to keep you safe. I thought by giving you the enhancements right before I left, the recovery process would keep you grounded until I could do something to stop James and my mother.” She caressed him, nearly making him explode. He cursed again. “I…should’ve known better.”

“Yes,” she said, stroking him up and down his length. “You should have.”

Straddling him on the bed, she gave him a sly grin as she slid over the cover on her armband and placed her forefinger on the scanner. A bright flash of light appeared. Clint shut his eyes a moment before opening them to find her gone.

He felt her shift on top of him. Oh hell, she was not going to-

Her mouth closed over him, taking him deep in her throat. She pleasured him in ways he shouldn’t be experiencing right now with his body fresh from his injuries. A loud groan escaped as she took him to the brink of orgasm. “Shit, Keegan, someone could come in…”

Her teasing lilt felt warm against his length. “
won’t be embarrassed.”

A string of curse words floated from his mouth, making her laugh. “We’ll have clear communication from now on, right, Doctor?” She ran her tongue over the tip of his manhood.

“Crystal,” he said, with labored breath.

“And, you still promise me peace?” Her tongue played along his length.

He choked out a laugh. “You’re the first woman to be a D.I.R.E. super agent. There’s no peace in that.”

“Don’t turn chauvinistic on me now, Clint—just when I thought you were perfect.”

Humor shook his chest, shooting fiery pain throughout his body. “No,

Her mouth left him then, her voice turning solemn. “I’m not the kind of woman you want. I don’t want to stay at home and raise your children.”

Clint stilled, astonished at her words. He had to see it for himself, had to see the truth in her exotic, green-gold eyes.

Shaking her shoulders, his tone was all business. “Reappear, Keegan.”

With a bright flash, she rematerialized, her long limbs stretched out on his body. Her lips were swollen and red, her eyes downturned. Placing a hand under her chin, he raised her gaze to his.

“What are you saying?”

Her eyes glowed with honesty. “I’m saying that I love you, too.”

There was no way he could keep the grin off his face now, pain or no pain. “Really?”

Her radiant smile made his manhood harden all the more. “Yes, you silly scientist.” She held up her wrist. “Want to check my pulse?”

Clutching her head in both hands, he kissed her hard on the mouth, making his burn.

She said, “And, don’t go telling me it isn’t possible to truly love someone.” Her voice lowered to a soft caress. “Because today, you weren’t the only one that was willing to die. I would’ve gladly sacrificed my life and anything else to save yours.”

“I love you, Keegan,” he said, reaching for the zipper at her throat and tugging it down. “Now, about this crisis you’ve created down south…”




Arms outstretched, Keegan stood on the chapel wall of Dunnottar Castle in Aberdeenshire, Scotland, the brisk, April wind whipping at the skirt of her strapless gown. The cliff top fortress sat atop majestic bluffs one hundred and sixty feet above the waters of the North Sea. The deep blue vista stretched as far as the eye could see, blending into a stunning sunrise of amethyst and ginger.

A perfect day for a wedding.

Looking down on the grass below, she shivered, smiling at the seven couples waiting on the clergyman to arrive. Rather than having seven different weddings within months of each other, Rachel had invited the others to get married with her and Tristan at Dunnottar Castle. Each bride’s dress suited her own personality, the grooms all wearing exactly what they’d been instructed to wear.


Submissive, indeed.

As fathers of the brides, even Jim, Luke and Dan wore kilts. Even her fetching scientist wore a kilt, his tanned knees putting all of the others to shame. She had every intention of finding out exactly what he had on underneath, if anything.

“Would you quit messing around and get down here, woman?” Clint smiled up at her, his muscular chest peeking through the loose ties of his linen shirt. Tall boots covered his long legs, his blonde hair pulled back from his face in a small tail.

She couldn’t wait to get a hold of

“You’re the world’s only female super agent and you’re going to die of a head cold.”

It wasn’t often that the entire team of super agents convened in the same place. She’d worn the backless dress to remind them that Clint had given her the best tattoo of all. It was her way of showing dominance in the testosterone-laden environment.

Other than d’Artagnan, none of them could argue her point, since Clint had combined all of their tattoos to create her own, unique tat. Dar remained the only agent with the ability to time travel.

However, it was the peace sign in the center of her tat that made it exceptional. It represented the man she loved above all else, her haven in the storm of life.

Her peace.

Holding up his hands, Clint caught her to him with a kiss. In the seven months since the ordeal at the farm, they’d never talked about marriage, although Clint had told her time and again that he would never ask her to give up her freedom. The truth was, she wanted to—with him.

Being with Clint didn’t feel confining at all. He gave her free reign to do what she pleased. If he didn’t agree with something, he gave her calm, logical reasons why. In his free time from the lab, he helped her perfect her system skills, and once a week, she teleported them somewhere in the world for a hot date.

It worked because they always made time for each other, regardless of the other’s workload or occasional need for solitude. They were each other’s top priority—and best friend.

Keegan could never imagine living without him.

“So, what are you doing later? After the wedding?” Her palm skimmed up his chest.

Placing his jacket around her shoulders, he gave her a wicked grin. “Are you trying to make a move on my kilt?”

She laughed. “Maybe.” With a shy grin, she placed a strand of hair behind his ear where the wind had pulled it from his tail. “So what are you doing?”

Frowning, he shrugged. “I don’t know. I assumed we’d celebrate with the others before they took off for their honeymoons. Did you have something in mind?”

She studied the blond hair curling over his shirt ties. “What do you think about a honeymoon?” Her gaze flew to his face, her heart pounding.

Mouth agape, he stared at her with wide eyes.

Nerves made her voice shake. “If you don’t watch it, a seagull is going to land on your tongue.”

His voice was quiet when he spoke. “Are you sure, baby?”

Taking a step back, she inhaled deep and let it out. Maybe
didn’t want to give up
freedom. Clint was a cool, rational man. Not one for prompt decisions. Maybe he needed time to think about it.

Looking away, she said, “It’s okay. We don’t—”

Grabbing her around the waist, he crushed his mouth to hers with bruising force, infusing her with a passion and excitement she would never, ever tire of.

Breaking away, he lifted her into his arms and carried her to the area where the others were lining up in front of the minister. “If you think I’m giving you a chance to change your mind, you’re sadly mistaken.”

Looking beyond her shoulder, he yelled, “We have one more.”

Whistles and catcalls carried over the wind and out to the sea. Clint set her down beside Riordan and Natalie. She hugged her sister close, a huge smile on her face.

After all of the “I Do’s” were said and they were all officially married, Jim led them to the edge of the rock, an urn cradled in each arm. They’d talked about resurfacing time travel technology, but had decided to honor Mitchell’s adamant orders to leave fate to its own decisions. After all, he and Angela were together and that’s all they’d ever wanted.

The minister said a few prayers before Tristan and d’Artagnan opened the urns and scattered the ashes to the winds, amidst tears and heartfelt goodbyes. Keegan held onto her new husband’s arm, cradling her head on his shoulder as she ignored the sniffles he quietly shed beside her.

With the new dawn, they said goodbye to old friends and welcomed a time of family, peace and hope in the years to come. As they stood there in silence, staring out over the water, Teague wailed and caught her stomach.

“Oh God, I think my water broke.”

* * *

“Max said you and Clint are supposed to run D.I.R.E.”

Riordan, Jaydan, Aidan, Dar and Austin sat in a corner of the waiting room at Spring Valley Hospital in Las Vegas, talking with Clint and Tristan. After Keegan and Tristan had teleported Teague and Dylan to the hospital, they went back to Dunnottar and retrieved everyone else, a couple at a time. The kilted men continued to draw stares, especially from their brides. It looked like the honeymoons would have to wait.

“That was only after Mitchell and Jim were both gone,” Tristan said. “Jim is still around.”

“He doesn’t want it,” Aidan said, looking at Clint. “He’s still suffering with guilt over Mitchell’s death. He needs time to heal and he wants to do that in Creekmore.”

Clint looked at Tristan. “He has experience we can use.”

Nodding, Tristan said, “I agree. I think we need to talk him into at least a consultant’s position.”

Col. Montgomery,” Clint said. “Monica’s father was invaluable to Austin. Plus, we’re going to need all of the contacts we can get, now that we’ve lost Mitchell’s close ties.”

Dylan’s voice came over the agents’ armbands to echo in the small space. “Do you want to meet my new daughter or not?”

Cries of joy followed them as they made their way down the hall to Teague’s delivery room. Walking inside, Keegan laughed at the absolute rapture on Dylan’s face, as he cradled the little pink bundle. Teague’s face was drawn and white, though her smile shined through.

“Congratulations, Mom.” Keegan leaned over and gave her a hug, while the others crowded in on the baby. “What’s her name?”

“Jordan Diana McCall.” Her smile was melancholy. “After my mother.”

After the women had oohed and aahed over Jordan, they moved on to Teague. As they cleared the area, Keegan turned to find Clint smiling down at the tiny baby in his arms. Wearing a kilt, with his muscular chest exposed through his shirt, Keegan had never seen anything more breathtaking in her life.

Glancing up, he caught her smiling at him. “Come look at her, Keegan. She’s beautiful.”

Walking over, she stared down at the tiny baby sleeping in his arms. She had never seen a baby in person, had never been exposed to them on the island. They truly were a miracle, this one created from the love between Teague and Dylan. The geneticist had the family she’d wanted despite her MS, and Jordan was perfect.

In that moment, Keegan wanted to give Clint children. He needed to be a father. Yes, he thought he couldn’t be responsible enough to raise them, but she knew better. There was no man more patient and considerate than her husband.

Passing off the baby, he placed her in Keegan’s awkward embrace. Jordan squirmed beneath the tight blankets, but settled back to sleep. Tears filled Keegan’s eyes as she took in the tiny nose and hands.

“I want one,” she whispered for Clint’s ears only. She looked up at him. “Do you think I can do both?”

His face lit up before he leaned over and kissed her. “If anyone can be a super agent and a mother, it’s you, baby.”

With their D.I.R.E. family and her father, any child they had would always be surrounded by love, protected and free to be whatever he or she chose. What more could she ask for out of life?

Leaning in for another kiss, she said, “I love you, Clint.”

“I love you, too, Keegan.” His smile turned sultry. “What do you say we get out of here and practice making babies on our honeymoon?”

Grinning, she said, “I thought you’d never ask.” Handing the baby to a curious Dylan, she backed against Clint, her hand reaching under his kilt to find him bare. “Oh, this experiment should be fun.”

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