Read A Forbidden Taking Online

Authors: Kathi S Barton

A Forbidden Taking (14 page)

Mac, I can’t do that thingy. I don’t have a clue how to move like that. I can

said no. Beau, take her, please. I need her there. You’ll bring her with you,
please?” Aaron wasn’t used to begging anyone, but he knew that his son would
live because of her. “Please, Megan, he’s my little boy.”

right. I’ll come with Beau. You take him there and we’ll be right behind you, I
guess. You’re doing fine, Mr. Mac. Just fine.”

shimmered in the hospital seconds later. He didn’t want to put Mac down, but
the staff seemed to be ready for him and he had no choice. Mac was rushed away
before he could tell him anything else. Aaron felt someone come up behind him
and was startled to see Colin and his mate Shade.

fell. Mac is hurt and I…I…” Suddenly, he was engulfed in massive arms.

hugged like he did everything, with all of him. Aaron didn’t want to pull away.
He hadn’t realized how much he needed this until he had it. Tears welled in his
eyes. Sara and Mel were there seconds later along with Beau and Duncan.

brought her. She’s with Thomas. I went back for Duncan. He wanted to be here
too,” Beau said before Aaron could ask him.

of course. Duncan is his honorary grandfather; of course he’d want to be here. We
should sit. I’m going to go and check on him. I’ll be—”

couple came into the room then another. Pete and Dominic and also Tristan and
Bailey. Aaron was so overcome with emotion that he had to take several breaths
before he trusted himself to speak. But Sara seemed to know and pulled him into
her arms.

have no idea how much we needed you all here. We can’t thank you enough for
this. Mac would be so embarrassed by all this fuss.”

saw Lizzy and went to her. Mac’s twin would feel his pain more than any of them
and his little girl seemed so small sitting there. Aaron pulled her in his lap
and held her like he had when she was small.

in good hands, love. Very good hands. Megan is a great doctor. I have heard so
many good things about her and if Mac can make it, she’ll help him.”


Megan worked like she never had
before. The lacerations in his thigh had cut through his vein and he had been
losing blood quickly. She tried not to think of the vibrant little boy she knew
and instead kept her focus on his wounds and saving him. Megan had ignored the
man lying next to him at the house, but not the woman in the other room. Sara’s
cries had been driving her insane. It wasn’t until Thomas put his hand on her
shoulder that she calmed down.

“She’s hurting as well. You can do
this, Megan. Keep breathing and you will save him. I have no doubt and neither
should you.”

Now they were in the operating
room. She had just closed up the wound on his leg and was stretching when
Thomas winked at her over his mask. “Got a good set of hands on you, girl. I
think I might keep you for myself. Where’d you learn to stitch like that?”

“I have no idea. I’ve never done
more than sew up a couple of knife wounds before tonight. And set a few bones,
but never anything on this scale.” She was dizzy now and staggered to the wall.

“Forgot about that, you being a
new vampire. You must feel the sun coming up. Let me get Beau for you. He’ll
see to your needs.” Thomas stopped just outside the operating room. “You did a
good job, Megan. Nobody else would have been able to save that kid but you.
Once he gets a little blood in him, he’ll be good as new.”

She watched while they put
wrappings around him and then wheeled Mac out. She must have fallen asleep
because the next thing she knew Beau was picking her up in his arms.

“Hi. I’m really tired. Just put me
in a dark room and I’ll be fine.” Megan couldn’t hold her eyes open. “I think
he’ll be all right, don’t you?”

Beau tightened his hold. “Yes. He’ll
be fine. Thomas said you did a good job, that you saved him.”

“Thomas is over exaggerating. He
was right there too.” Megan closed her eyes again. “Beau, will you let me sleep
with you tonight?”

mon amour
. Tonight
and every night.”

She heard him and wanted to
comment, but it was too much. Weak and tired, she didn’t fight it any longer.
Sleep claimed her long before they were in his bed.


~Chapter 16 ~


wasn’t in the bed when he woke up. Beau was irritated to say the least and got
up. He spotted the note as soon as he turned on the light.


Duncan took me back to the hospital. I needed to check on Mac. I hope I can be
back before you get up, but if you’re reading this, I wasn’t able to be. Mr.
Duncan lent me his cell phone. You can call me if you want to.


If he
wanted to? What he really wanted to do was cuddle next to her and make love to
her, but he could almost understand that she would need to see her patient. He thought
about what had happened yesterday and what Megan had done to save the master’s

had saved him, there was no doubt of that. But it was how she had done it that
amazed him. She had leaped over the railing, landing like a cat, and was beside
the child before Beau had been able to get there. He doubted that she was even
aware of what she had done.

made his way up the stairs without much hope of finding anyone at home, fully
prepared to go to the hospital to be with her. He was surprised to find Mel and
her mate Shamus there with little Lizzy.

all at the hospital. I’ve come to be with Lizzy and to try to keep the home
fries burning.” Beau grinned at Mel.

home fires burning, love, not fries,” Shamus told her with an affectionate pat
on the head. “Mac is doing well. Megan is with him, as are Aaron and Sara. Thomas
cannot stop telling everyone how she saved Mac. Megan is hiding from him. He
keeps dragging her around the place and showing her off as his find.”

didn’t like that much, but didn’t say anything. He sat in the chair next to
Lizzy and winked at her. “How you holding up, kid? Your brother was pretty

nodded. “He talked to me last night in his sleep. We can do that, talk to each
other without being in the same room. Momma said it’s because we’re twins.
She’s probably right. Momma is always right.”

grinned at her. “I’m sure she tells you that a lot, hum?”

grinned back at him. “Yeah, that’s how I know it’s true. Megan said that she
didn’t know how she saved Mac. She said she’d never done anything like that

thought Lizzy might have misunderstood and let it go. Megan knew what she was doing;
there was no doubt in his mind. She was just too skilled at it not to be. Beau
was quite proud of his mate for what she had done.

went to the hospital soon after Lizzy went up to her room to take a nap. She
wanted to be able to be up when her parents got home.

were a lot of people still hanging around the waiting room. He didn’t see Megan
or the MacManus’, but when he asked a nurse she led him back to a room. He
could hear voices before he opened the door.

be stupid, Megan. Of course we don’t care. Call them. If they don’t want to
answer your questions I’ll have Aaron go over and drain them for you.” Beau
could hear the humor in Sara’s tone, but had no doubt that she would do it.

thanks. I think we’ll try that one next, if they don’t help me because I
called. Okay?”

walked in just as Megan was pacing the room. She was beautiful and Beau wanted
her now. He walked over to her when she turned to look at him. “Hi, mon
You were not in bed when I woke. How is your little patient today?” Even though
he had whispered he knew that both Sara and Aaron had heard him.

“Hi. Look,
Mac is awake.”

had to work at it, but he managed to tear his eyes from Megan. She was all he
wanted and more.

Mr. Beau. Megan was just telling us about her parents. They aren’t so nice
people. I think you should go over and beat them up.”

Maybe you should get better so that you may join me. I could always use another
man to help me with the infidels.”

groaned. “You should have heard his father. Beau, don’t encourage him. I
just…he’s my little…I’ll be back.”

sped out the door before Beau could say anything. He looked at Aaron then at
Megan. They both looked sad.

sorry, master. I didn’t mean to upset your mate. I was only kidding with the
child. I thought to make him laugh.”

stood and went to the door. “Don’t worry about it, Beau. She’s just still upset
about the fall. And the baby is making her hormones all over the place. I’ll be
right back.”

sat in the chair next to the bed. She looked so good sitting there that Beau
wanted to scoop her up and make use of the other bed. He realized she was
speaking to Mac and decided to try and curb his hunger for her. He grinned when
he thought about getting her home with him.

can handle my parents, but I thank you for offering. I’m going to call them
soon. I have lots of questions for them.”

lifted Megan up and then sat her on his lap. Mac laughed. He knew the boy would
be used to seeing couples touching and holding each other. Sara and Aaron were
always touching each other. Megan, however, wasn’t quite so receptive.

me down, you idiot. What’s the matter with you? Stop that.” She smacked his
hand when he started to rub her arms up and down. He wanted to pull her tighter
against him to show her how much he wanted her, but knew the exact moment she
figured it out. He shifted in the seat when she moved. His cock hurt it was so

wanted to grab her up and take her to the nearest dark private room, but he
knew that she was exhausted. Her hunger beat at him as well. He was about to
tell her…no, ask her to come with him when he felt it. Someone was in his mind

a quick look around the room he realized it was just the three of them; Mac,
Megan, and him. He knew that anyone within the building could have been
responsible, but somehow knew that it wasn’t. Then he spoke to Beau, whispered
through his mind.

you love her?”
Beau knew it was male.
He wasn’t sure how he knew, but he was positive of that.
“Do you love her, vampire?
It’s a simple question.”

my mate. Who are you and what do you want?”
Beau demanded of the voice.

She is your mate, but you didn’t answer the question.”
Before he could, the voice went on.
“She needs a
mate. She was meant for greater things. But you…we’ll get to that in a bit. You’re
a vampire. Not an old one, but strong.”

shivered and smiled at Megan. He wasn’t sure if she could hear the person or
not and didn’t want to alarm her.

she’s unaware. I have waited for a time when you and she were together when you
weren’t having monkey sex.”
rippled in Beau’s mind.
“I love that description of sex. And so apt to what
happens between two people who enjoy it.”

made him angry.
“What do you want? Who the fuck are you?”

male didn’t answer right away. Beau wasn’t sure, but he felt humor, not anger
as he had expected in return for his outburst.

girl is my niece. I do not know her name and it is best that I do not. For now
at least. Tonight I will visit you if the beast does not rise. You will not
speak to him if he contacts you. It is best that you do not let him take the
girl. He will without a doubt kill her.”
Beau felt him moving from his mind.

The beast…you called him the beast. I need to know who he is and what he is to
my mate.”
Beau had caught himself
before saying her name. He knew how magic worked; a name meant everything.

boiled through Beau, heating his body and mind in a haze of anger and a killing
rage. Beau felt his own body react; his fangs dropped for battle and he pulled
Megan tighter against him. The voice, when it spoke again, was harsh and hard,
low and mean.

am Creature. Creature has great strength and great power. I am a great beast. Creature
will destroy you, destroy man who dares take me over.”
Then in the voice soft from before,
“We are one, the
Creature and I. Save her.”


~Chapter 17~


felt there was something wrong with Beau, but she wasn’t sure what. He’d been
acting strangely since they’d left the hospital. She knew he was distracted;
he’d been speaking to her in French for the better part of an hour. She thought
she’d see if he was listening as well.

I thought once we got back to your place, I’d jump your bones. Have my wicked
way with you.” He merely nodded and gave her a short grunt. “Then I thought I’d
take your cock into my mouth. I’ve never enjoyed that before. But with you I
might. Do you think you’d enjoy that, Beau?”

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