Read A Forbidden Taking Online

Authors: Kathi S Barton

A Forbidden Taking (13 page)

snorted and that made Megan laugh. “No. But do you think that Beau is simply
going to let you walk out of his life? I doubt it. Are you, Beau?”

turned to the door. She never heard it open and was sure that was the point. Beau
looked pissed, more than pissed actually. He looked like he wanted to strangle
her. Megan backed up several steps when he came toward her.

from me now is not an option, Megan. I’m not happy with you at the moment and
it will go so much better for you if I do not have to chase you as well.”

didn’t stop; she wasn’t stupid. “What are you going to do to me? I only had
your—” She hit the wall behind her. “Beau, you have to know that you could be
hurt if I don’t do—”

woman. Sara? I was wondering if you would please tell the master that I will be
detained? That I have some…disciplining to do.”

looked at Sara who stood up. “She doesn’t have to leave. This is her office,
you know, and her house. Yeah, it’s her house and you shouldn’t make a woman
leave a place that technically belongs to her. Isn’t that right, Mrs. Mac?”

smiled. Megan didn’t like that smile and was reasonably sure that she wasn’t
going to like what she said and, even worse, what Beau had planned for her.

don’t mind. I think my work here is done anyway. See you downstairs later, Beau.
Megan, this is for the best.” And with that, she was out the door.

looked up at Beau when she heard the lock click into place. The best for who,
she wondered?

pulled her toward him then sat on the couch. When she started to sit next to
him he pulled her across his lap with her ass in the air. He was so not going
to spank her.

lay one hand on my ass and I will hurt you, you overgrown ass.” His hand hit
her ass seconds after she finished her threat. “Damn it, that fucking hurt. Let
me up.” His hand smacked her again.

only made it worse, she realized, and tried to lay still. That was when she
noticed his erection. It was hard against her belly and it was all she could do
not to shift over him. She was pissed, damn it, and wasn’t going to be turned
on by this act of meanness.

drive me insane, Megan. You will not”—his hand came down again—“go behind”—then
again—“my back again.” Another blow, not just to her ass, but to her pride.

me up.” Megan was fighting tears and she would not let him see that he’d hurt
her. He didn’t move his hand from her after the last blow and she started to
struggle. He held her still with a hand to her thigh and her lower back.

Let me sit here for a moment,
mon amour

hand started to caress her, gentle now on her tender bottom. The pain was gone
and in its place was…arousal. She started to struggle again when he slid his
hand under the waistband of her pants.

is hot. And soft. Does it hurt?” She felt herself arch up into his hand as he
slid his finger into the seam of her ass.

I’m mad at you. You whipped me.” His soft chuckle had her pissed all over again
and she tried to get away. When he pressed his finger deep into her rosebud she
moaned. It was pain and pleasure both and, damn him, she wanted more.

say you are mad, but I can feel you are enjoying this.” His finger moved in and
out of her over and over again. “I will take you here. Soon, I think. I will
fill you with my cock and make you scream with your release.”

wanted to tell him he was full of shit, that he’d never do those things he
said, but they would both know it for what it was—a lie. When he moved her off
his lap she whimpered a bit. But he soon had her lying over the arm of the
couch, her ass in the air, and he was reaching around her waist and undoing her

hard, she couldn’t even help him. Her body was on fire for his. When he had her
pants down around her thighs she arched back against his mouth as he rained
kisses over her tender cheeks. On all fours, she turned to look back at him
over her shoulder. He was gorgeous, powerful, and hers. “Beau, please. I need
you. Please?”

need you as well, my heart. And I will have you. First, I must taste you.” Putting
words to action she came immediately when his tongue entered her pussy.

couldn’t catch her breath. While her body was still tight with her climax Beau
entered her ass again with his clever finger. His tongue danced inside of her
and his fingers stretched her, widening her as he pressed another, then another
into her. He was burning her up from the inside out. The pain of him inside her
virginal hole soon gave way to incredible pleasure. Her climaxes, one on top of
the other, ripped though her, over her, and into her. Megan was sure she would
never survive this. With every move into her Megan arched back toward him. When
he pulled away she cried out. Needing him more than she ever thought possible
she turned to beg him to please not stop and caught him undressing.

looked up at her when she moaned. His eyes had turned, as had hers; she could
see him through a tint of red haze. His shirt was off, he had already pulled
his pants open and his cock, still hidden from her, strained against the silk
of his boxers.

her suddenly dry lips Megan watched as he reached into his boxers and stroked
himself. She wanted to watch him, see his cock, but knew that if she begged he
wouldn’t give her any more of himself until he was ready.

“I am
hard for you. My cock aches to spread you wide and fill you.” Megan watched
him, her body canting to his strokes. “You are wet, dripping with need.”

Beau. I want to come with you inside of me.” She was going to come as soon as
he touched her; she knew it was just a matter of when, not if.

moved up behind her and spread her cheeks; his cock nudged at her entrance. Her
pussy contracted at the contact. When his finger entered her again she nearly
came up off the couch. His cock nudged her harder.

Megan begged, then he slammed into her hard and quick. “Oh God, yes.”

gripped her hip with his free hand and pulled her tight against him. Over and
over he pounded in her, twice, three times she came, screaming out his name and
cursing him too. When he leaned over her, both his arms trapped her between
them and he pistoned deeper, harder, faster. Megan laid her head on the armrest
and let him. The first spray of his cum brought her again. Then he jerked her
up so that they were both on their knees. And still deep inside of her, he
tilted her head and took her throat.


wasn’t sure he’d ever be able to move again. He had never been like this with
another woman, needing to conquer, to take. He sealed the tiny prick marks at
her neck and held her to him. Her body shook and tightened around him. He
wasn’t sure if it hurt or felt wonderful, but he couldn’t pull away.

you all right,
mon amour
? I didn’t mean to…well, I did mean to hurt you,
but only with pleasure.”

laughed and his heart sang. “Then you succeeded. I think you might have ruined
me for anyone else.”

growled deep in his chest. “There will be no other,
. It will only be you and I for all
of eternity. You cannot leave me. I will…I will meet the sun even if you manage
to get our bond broken. You are my life and I cannot…no, I will not, live
without you.”

leaned back against him and he held her to him. He could hold her this way for
all their days together. When she sighed heavily Beau sat back on the couch and
pulled her into his lap.

means to kill me, you know that, right? And if killing me isn’t in his plan, he
will have to before I submit to him. I won’t go easily.”

had to laugh knowing full well that she wouldn’t. She turned to look up at him.
Her forehead was marred by her frown. He reached out and caressed it with his
thumb. “Do not worry. I will not let anything happen to you. You and I, we

scream rent the air then a loud thud and shattering glass. Megan leapt up and
yanked on her pants as Beau did the same. He was terrified that someone had
broken into the house and when someone screamed again, this time female, Beau
stopped then moved to the now open doorway.

were both out the door as they still were pulling on clothes. The first thing Beau
noticed was the broken rail that separated the long hallway upstairs from the
open way of the entrance downstairs. Leaning over and looking down his heart
stopped beating for several seconds. A child, Mac, lay there in a pool of


~Chapter 15~


couldn’t move. He simply shut down. He knew that someone was saying his name
over and over, but he could not get his mind to work at what was being said.
Then suddenly a stinging slap woke him. He glared at Megan.

had better—”

I need you to get me a sheet and rip it into strips. Duncan, there is a medical
bag in the bedroom where I was with Beau. I need it.”

get it. I can move faster.” Beau moved out of the room and Aaron still stood.

she drew back her hand to hit him again Aaron caught it. “Once was quite enough.
The sheets are on their way. I need to know…my son…is my son…”

will do everything I can. You have to listen to me. I’m going to…I have to move
him off the glass, but I don’t know anything about his kind. Will he bleed to
death if I can’t get the bleeding to stop?”

whimpered again and Aaron saw that Mel had shimmered into the room and took her
away. Aaron was torn between wanting to go with her and staying with Megan. But
she was right, he needed to help her.

bleed to death. He isn’t at his majority yet, twenty-five. He isn’t twenty-five
yet. He has fourteen more years then he won’t bleed out.” Aaron was babbling,
but he couldn’t seem to help himself. He didn’t want to look at Mac, but he
turned when Megan turned toward him. Mac was…he knew his son was dead.

Mac, you need to listen to me. I need you to focus or I don’t know what to do. Mac
is different than you. I mean other than the vampire thingy, he’s different.
What is he?”

He talks to the dead and helps them. He’s really quite good at it for someone
so—I’m doing it again, I’m sorry.” He needed to shut up. But talking seemed to
make the terror less.

problem. Take his hand and hold him. I’m going to tourniquet his leg.” Beau
handed her a bag. “It looks like he’s severed his artery. I need to stop the
blood flow and then I’ll work on the other things. All right?”

it? He didn’t have a clue. He nodded because he wasn’t sure what else to do. Taking
his son’s hand in his, Aaron felt the coldness of it and wanted to weep. When
Megan told him to talk to his son, Aaron started telling him how terrified he
was and stopped.

tell him. He needs to know that you care, that you love him. I want you to lie
here next to him and speak to him. Keep it up, he can hear you.”

did as he was told. He lay in the blood because they hadn’t moved him yet. And
he talked. Aaron started out telling Mac about his birth. “You were so bruised.
Your neck was black and blue, but still the most beautiful thing I’d ever seen.
I’ll be honest with you, son, I was terrified to hold you. Afraid I’d hurt you
somehow. But your Aunt Pete just shoved you in my arms like I was supposed to
know what to do. I suppose I did after a fashion.” He could hear them talking. At
some point, Thomas had come in. Aaron saw him and that he and Megan worked well
together, but he didn’t stop talking. “Then there was the time you had to be
sent home from school. Fighting, they said. I knew you wouldn’t do what they
had said so I sat you down and asked you questions. Do you remember that? I got
to the bottom of it, as you remember. You were protecting our Lizzy, you told
me. That bully had tried to hurt your little sister and you weren’t standing
for it. I’d never been so proud of you before.”

heard Megan shouting at someone, but he wasn’t sure who. Aaron squeezed Mac’s
hand and thought about his first bike ride. “I didn’t want you to learn how to
ride it. But your mother insisted. She said that every young boy and girl
needed to learn to ride a bike. I would never tell her this, but she was right.
I think it was more that I myself didn’t know how to ride and was afraid you’d
ask me to go riding with you. You didn’t, though. I wonder if you knew

Mac. I’m going to move him now. We’ve stopped the bleeding in his leg. We need
to take him to the clinic and operate there. The ambulance is here.”

didn’t let go of his son, but held him. “I can take him quicker. If you can meet
me there, I can get him there quicker.”

nodded. “Thomas can go that way. I’ll just ride with your wife in the—”

No, you’ll come with us. I need you there. You’ve seen him this far…Thomas,
tell her. Tell her that she needs to be there.”

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