Read Wolfen Online

Authors: Madelaine Montague

Tags: #Romance, #Fiction, #Erotica

Wolfen (29 page)


"I'll live."


She studied him intently a moment. “You still mad at me?"


He gathered her closer with one arm, framing her chin and cheek in the crook of his other hand. “Mad about you, maybe—not mad at you,” he murmured as he brushed his lips across hers.


She sighed pleasurably at the tingly sensation of his lips against hers. “I'm glad."


He smiled against her lips a moment before he covered them with his own, tracing the contour of her mouth with the tip of his tongue and then the sensitive seam where her lips met before delving inside. A tidal wave of sensations broke over her with the first aggressive thrust of his tongue. Heat deluged her, pouring from the contact of their mouths to her core so swiftly and rushing along her veins and nerve endings so instantaneously that it was like spontaneous combustion. She made a sound of pleasure in her throat and then another of complaint when he ended the kiss as curtly as he'd begun it.


It took a couple of moments to stop the spinning in her head. She smiled up at him. “That was a nice ‘how do you do'!"


He swallowed audibly, his expression taut as he studied her face. “Or good night."


"Ok,” she said agreeably. She staggered a little as he set her away from him. Someone grasped her waist, dragging her around in a small circle that made her head spin more. She looked up at Con dizzily. “Oh! Hello Con!"


She'd barely gotten the words out when he swooped down on her and kissed her with a hunger that took the starch out of her knees. His arms tightened around her as her knees buckled, plastering her so firmly against him she had to struggle for breath—although it was hard to say if that was the reason she was having so much trouble catching her breath or if it was the fire blazing through her, burning up all her oxygen. She felt insubstantial and unbelievably heavy at the same time by the time he ended the kiss, like melting wax, too malleable to hold herself upright.


He steadied her wobbling steps as she turned to look around vaguely, trying to figure out what she'd been doing before he'd kissed her. Someone slipped an arm around her waist. She leaned heavily against his side as he guided her a few steps and finally looked up to see who it was. “Jared!” she exclaimed, pleased when she remembered his name.


She fanned herself. “My god, it's hot tonight! Seem hot to you? Or is it just me?"


"I thought it was pleasantly cool myself."


She turned her head a little too quickly at the comment. It took her a moment to focus her eyes on Xavier. “Really? Must be hot flashes, then."


She had trouble negotiating the steps once they reached them. “Thank you for walking me home. I'll just crawl from here."


Chuckling, Jared scooped her up into his arms. “I think we can manage better than that."


Looping her arms around his neck, she dropped her head to his shoulder thankfully. “Everything's still spinning,” she muttered. “That was strong beer. I only had one."


"Good thing, too,” Xavier agreed cheerfully. “If you'd had three you wouldn't have been able to walk."


She snickered. Lifting her head when Jared came to a halt, she glanced around a moment in confusion. “We home?"


Jared bent down and set her on her feet. “You're home."


She retained a grip on his arm, trying to steady herself. “Whoa! Room's moving."


"You need help?"


She looked up at Jared questioningly. “With what?"


His eyes gleamed. “Getting undressed for bed."


"Oh.” She struggled with the fastening of her jeans for a moment and finally desisted. “I think so."


She held on to his shoulders as he unfastened her jeans and peeled them down her hips to her feet.


"Lift your foot."


A pair of hands settled on her waist to steady her and she looked behind her, beaming at Xavier. “I never realized this was a three man job,” she muttered when she'd finally managed to untangle her feet from the jeans. “Person. Three person job."


"Anything else?” Jared asked when he'd straightened.


She blinked at him. “Anything else? Oh! Good night kiss!"


He looked torn between the desire to laugh and plain out desire as she plastered herself against him and aimed a kiss in the general vicinity of his face, connecting somewhere between his jaw and his lips. “Missed,” she chided herself as she drew away. “Was that close enough?"


He studied her face for a moment. “Not quite,” he murmured, spearing his hands in the hair at the back of her head and guiding her toward a more satisfactory connection. “If we're going to do it, we should do it right."


And it was
right, she thought dizzily as his mouth settled over hers in a kiss filled with a raw need that swept her up instantly in a whirlpool of heated longing. She clung to him tightly to ground herself, feeling as if she might float away or sink beneath the heaviness that enveloped her, enjoying the heat that radiated from him like a furnace, relishing the restless exploration of his tongue, the demanding pressure of his mouth. “Whoa!” she murmured hoarsely when he broke the kiss. “You're very good at that!"


He chuckled huskily. “Want to try again?"




"My turn,” Xavier said implacably.


She turned to look at him in surprise but moved to him readily. “Of course, sweety!"


She'd only
she felt raw need in Jared's kiss, she realized dimly as Xavier closed his mouth over hers. The feel of Xavier's mouth was as unique as his essence as it flowed into her, branding her with the feel and taste of his desire, dragging her deeper into the molten abyss that had her as drunk, or more so, than the alcohol flowing through her veins. It seemed to last forever ... and not nearly long enough.


She was panting for breath when he lifted his head. “It really is really hot in here,” she said weakly. “I feel really, really dizzy."


She glanced from Xavier to Jared, trying to gather her thoughts. “Are we doing three way?"


Xavier and Jared exchanged a strange look. “Baby, you are so drunk,” Jared said finally. “Why don't you lie down? We'll talk about it later."


"Can we lie down and talk about it now?” Danika asked, dropping abruptly to the side of the bed and falling backwards.


"I am
hot! And you guys didn't get a turn. We can do it now,” she said playfully, lifting one leg and scrubbing the sole of her foot over the hard bulge in Jared's jeans.


"With both of us?” Xavier asked, beginning to sound more than a little peeved.


Danika sighed. “I guess that's a no?"


"You're too far gone for a yes,” Jared said dryly.


"Too drunk? I can just lay here and be a Danika sandwich,” she said in a throaty voice intended to be sexy, but ruined the effect by snickering.


Jared flicked a look at Xavier again. “Fuck it! She's going to be pissed in the morning, but I'll deal with it."


Peeling his jeans off, he joined her on the bed, dragging her around to lie lengthways on the mattress and then pulling her t-shirt up. Blinded by the shirt over her face, Danika was struggled to finish removing the t-shirt when she felt the heat of his mouth settle over one breast. She lost her breath as she felt the first tug of his mouth on her. The bed dipped. She managed to peel her ‘blindfold’ off as Xavier captured her other breast in his mouth.


The two men eyed one another across her chest and growled.


Danika moaned at the twin founts of fire flowing through her and pooling in her lower belly. Freeing her arms finally from the t-shirt, she cupped a hand on the back of each head, urging them on, struggling to hold perfectly still to enjoy the delicious pull of their mouths on her fully. After a moment, they ceased glaring at one another and focused on pleasuring her and themselves.


Hot and ready from their kisses even before they'd begun to finesse her breasts, Danika felt as if she would come from no more stimulation than their mouths on her. She wanted, needed penetration, though, she realized feverishly.


Jared left off kissing her breast and moved upward, sucking and nipping at every inch of flesh between her breast and her lips. His hand skated down her belly as he closed his mouth over hers, encountering Xavier's as he reached for the same goal.


Jared broke the kiss and scowled at Xavier. Xavier glowered back at him and shoved his hand between her legs. She groaned, arching against the finger that found her clit, teased it. “Not too much!” she whispered raggedly. “I don't want to come yet."


Her words brought their focus back to her. Curling his hand along her head, Jared dragged her close for another kiss, settling his hand on her hip and gliding it downward until he could grasp her thigh and drag one leg across his hips, opening her wider to Xavier's exploration.


She shuddered, fighting the rising tide that was sweeping her closer and closer to completion and finally broke the kiss to gasp a desperate plea for penetration. Having succeeded in grabbing forward position, Jared grasped his cock in one hand, aligned himself and heaved upward, impaling her with the tip of his shaft. Balked of his own goal, Xavier shifted his attention upward, cupping a breast in one hand and plucking at the nipple as he blazed a nibbling trail of kisses over her shoulder and the side of her neck. She twisted her head to meet him as he neared her lips, gasping at the feel of Jared's flesh as he worked himself more deeply inside of her.


The fervor of Xavier's kiss combined with the first slow glide of Jared's cock along her channel almost undid her. She groaned with a mixture of pleasure and reluctance as she felt her inner muscles quake, threatening imminent release. Groping blindly along Xavier's hip and belly until she managed to capture his cock in her hand, she guided him toward her. He needed no more encouragement. Shifting his hips closer, he penetrated her rectum, forcing his engorged flesh slowly deeper as Jared withdrew along her channel. She fought the urge to curl her hips, grasping Xavier's buttock and pulling at him until he'd burrowed into her to the hilt.


He paused, shaking, gasping for breath.


"Oh god!” Danika groaned as he began to withdraw in counter to Jared's next thrust.


"Faster!” she demanded, panting for breath.


Wild jolts of ecstasy rocked her as they picked up their pace. Her skin pebbled all over as she climaxed. She gasped, groaned deliriously, shuttering as she hit the summit and slipped down the hill briefly before she felt herself coiling for another climax.


Xavier drove deeply inside of her and uttered a choked cry as her second climax broke over her, shuddering as his body convulsed with hers. Their combined song of rapture drove Jared over the edge right behind them. He pounded into her almost frenziedly for several moments and then stopped, jerking with the force of his release.


They sank weakly together, panting and gasping in chorus in the aftermath.


"That was wonderful!” Danika managed to gasp finally in a slurred voice, sinking gratefully into the dark cloud of bliss that covered her and whisked her off into happy land.

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