Read Wolfen Online

Authors: Madelaine Montague

Tags: #Romance, #Fiction, #Erotica

Wolfen (13 page)


She sucked in a quick breath as he stroked the sensitive bud, inhaling the intoxicating scent and taste of him, felt herself falling deeper into the quagmire of sensations dragging her into a world where dark, heated pleasure was all that existed.


With the last thread of sanity she possessed, she lifted one arm and searched blindly for the drawer to the bedside table as he tired of the limited access he had and commenced to tugging and shoving at her jeans and panties. She found what she'd been searching for as he tossed her jeans and panties aside, shoved her legs apart, and dove over her, grinding his cock against her.


"Con,” she whispered a little frantically, shoving the condom into his hand.


Con lifted his head from her throat, studied the packet lying in his palm, and then covered her mouth in a deep kiss, tossing the packet over his shoulder.
No fucking way is there going to be anything between you and me, baby,
he thought angrily.
It's going to be skin to hot, wet skin and my seed bathing your womb when I come.


She gasped when he shifted slightly away to drag his dick along her cleft and connect his body to hers, moaned a caress over him as he pushed inside of her, feeling her tight flesh enveloping him slowly—too slowly. He felt sweat pop from his pores as he strained to press deeper, sawed in and out of her a few times to coat himself with her moisture. “Oh Jesus, baby, you're tight,” he muttered breathlessly, dizzy with the way his heart was hammering frantically against his chest wall. “And so hot. My god you're hot."


Her sex clenched tightly around his cock at his words, quivered, milking pre-cum from him. His heart rate jacked upwards a few notches. Sucking in a harsh breath, he felt his face twist with the effort of concentration it took him just to bury himself another inch. “I don't think I'm going to make it, baby,” he gasped warningly, pulling out slightly and then driving into her again.


She tensed all over as he finally drove home, panting for breath. He tensed, as well, struggling against the need to hammer into her until he came. “Did I hurt you, baby?"


She groaned, shaking her head. “It feels good,” she whispered shakily.


"Oh hell!” he muttered, feeling her sex tighten around him again, so tightly he felt his cock gliding out of her, breaking his tenuous grip on his control. “Hold on, baby. It's going to get rough."


Slipping a hand beneath her to tip her hips upward, he began to thrust into her in deep, short plunges, pounding against her g-spot. She groaned, arched her head back, her entire body tensing. Grinding his teeth, he struggled maintain the rhythm she needed until she began to shake all over, uttering keen cries. The quakes of her sex around him in ecstasy drove him beyond any awareness of anything but his goal. He increased his pace and the depth of his thrusts until he was jolting her with each plunging descent, curling his hips to grind them against her when he felt his body begin to yield up his seed, shuttering and gasping when he managed to catch a breath between the hard spasms.


Relief, profound and draining went through him when his body finally ceased to convulse. Panting, he allowed his head to drop weakly forward on his shoulders, holding his upper body off of her only by locking his elbows since it felt like every muscle in his body had turned to water.


He didn't want to move, wasn't sure he could. Finally, he merely allowed one elbow to bend, tipping himself off of her.


He was coasting toward blissful sleep when she spoke.


"Was that just to distract me?"


He struggled to gather his wits. It was too late. They were gone. “Which part?” he asked drunkenly.


"The sex."


The sex, he thought a little wildly? For a distraction? From what? He couldn't think of any reason he wanted, or needed, to distract her, but he realized, dimly, that it was reassurance time. With an effort, he rolled over and threw an arm and leg over her, dragging her beneath him. “No, it wasn't,” he said firmly.


She sighed. He could tell, just from the tone of the sigh, that she wasn't satisfied with the answer he dredged up. Finally, the tension seeped out of her, though. Vastly relieved he didn't have to try to think of anything else, he snuggled against her and drifted into blissful oblivion.


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Chapter Six


The explosion of sound catapulted Con off the bed as if it had propelled him. He landed beside her bed in a half crouch. The sound together with Con's reaction was enough to jolt Danika out of a sound sleep and bring her upright, but once she'd managed that much she had to brace herself upright. Through burning, blurry eyes, she whipped her head to the side to stare at Con in confusion for a moment and then, very belatedly, in the general direction the sound had come from.


Her gaze connected with the wall of men at the door at roughly the same instant they surged through it and Con launched himself toward them. He collided with the man in the forefront, which she finally realized was Balin, in the vicinity of her couch. There were several meaty thuds in such quick succession Danika couldn't grasp the cause of them and then Con staggered back. When he did, Jared and Dakota surged around Balin, grabbed him by either arm and began hauling him toward the door.


"Wha...? Whas goin’ on?” Danika finally managed to gasp out, struggling to get off the bed.


Either she didn't actually manage to vocalize the question or the men simply ignored her. Or maybe they were just too preoccupied with trying to manhandle Con out of the door? He didn't go quietly. He managed to sling Jared loose from one arm and slammed a fist into Dakota's jaw. Before he could follow up with another blow, Xavier grabbed an arm and Balin slammed his fist into Con's belly, doubling him over.


"Hey!” Danika exclaimed, indignation strengthening her voice as she tumbled out of her bed at last and staggered a little drunkenly after them.


Balin barred the door as she reached it, bracing his arms on either side of him. Blinking her tearing eyes, she finally squinted up at his taut face. His gaze scanned her length and up again, his expression shifting from cold and taut to a look of barely contained rage. Surprised at the violence radiating from him, she followed his gaze and discovered she was stark naked. Confusion over how and why she'd gotten that way joined her utter bewilderment as to what was going on.


"Go back to bed—now!” Balin ground out. “Unless you want company."


She felt her jaw go slack. “What?"


Grasping her shoulders, he turned her toward the bed, smacked her with the palm of his hand on one cheek of her ass to get her started in the right direction, and then slammed the door while she was still trying to decide whether to dive into her bed and sulk over her stinging backside or confront him with the outrage that had surfaced at his highhanded tactic.


The sounds of a fight outside were so violent it drove her toward her bed. Discovering something warm and sticky sliding down her thighs as she reached the bed, she stopped and stared down at her legs, perplexed by that for a handful of moments until she spied the unopened condom on the floor. It still took her sluggish mind several moments to put the two circumstances together. The chaos that erupted inside her when she finally did completely distracted her from the mayhem outside. “Con, you low down son-of-a-bitch!” she ground out angrily. Stalking toward the bathroom and inside, she slammed the door behind her, twisted the shower handles, and climbed in before the water had had time to warm up. The blast of chilly water aroused her mental faculties to a higher level, but her shock was still such that the only effect it had was to add
thoughts to the swirling soup. It didn't bring her any answers.

* * * *


Con shook Xavier and Dakota off. They didn't make any attempt to hold him once the group had reached the yard, however. Scanning the four men around him, Con's gaze finally settled on Balin. “Four against one?” he growled.


A muscle in Balin's jaw worked as he ground his teeth. “Not this time. We drew straws. You're mine first. No shifting. Dani's liable to have her nose pressed to the front window,” he growled, slinging his fist like a missile toward Con's jaw almost before he'd finished laying out the ground rules. It connected, swiveling Con's head sideways on his neck. His body followed, but his feet remained firmly planted, and he used the twist of his torso to come back with a hammer blow.


Balin's head recoiled on his neck in the last second and Con's meaty fist barely grazed his chin. He retaliated with two more blows in quick succession, rocking Con's head first in one direction and then the other. Con caught him with an upper cut to the solar plexus that momentarily paralyzed it. He managed to block the next punch aimed at his jaw but the one that followed caught him squarely on the jaw. He staggered back a half step, managed to catch his breath and swung again.


For nearly five minutes, they fought toe to toe, slamming their fists into each other while they danced around one another looking for an opening to cause more damage. Finally, Balin managed an uppercut to Con's mid-section that made one knee wobble and give out. Balin stepped back when he went to one knee.


"We agreed we'd settle our dispute in combat,” he snarled. “You touch Dani again before we have and I'll tear your fucking dick off and choke you with it."


Catching his breath, Con surged to his feet, scowling at Balin furiously, though a twinge of guilt heightened his color. “The fucking drug in the dart she shot me with had me disoriented,” he growled, more furious that he felt defensive enough about it to try to excuse what he'd done when he felt no remorse about the actual deed.


"You haven't been thinking with anything but your dick since you saw her,” Jared growled. “Don't hand us any shit about fucking drugs! You knew damned well it hadn't been settled before we were interrupted!"


It irked the shit out of Con to explain himself when he wasn't in the habit of it, but he knew he'd breached protocol and he wasn't in the habit of doing that either. He owed them an explanation. “I only meant to get her inside before some of the rogues thought to circle around! She was hell bent and determined to go back!"


"And then you tripped—because you were so fucking disoriented—and your dick stuck in her?” Dakota asked sarcastically.


Fury washed through him. “No, then I kissed her and I lost my head!"


"You lost your head
you kissed her,” Xavier said indignantly, “or you wouldn't have kissed her to start with when you hadn't earned the right.
didn't kiss her. In fact
of us have, you son-of-a-bitch!"


Balin glared at him coldly for a long moment. “I'm going to take a shower. When the rest of you are done, we'll discuss what
happen tonight,” he said, turning away.


It dawned on Con abruptly as he watched Balin's departure that it hadn't actually been the drug from the dart that had pushed him over the edge. It wasn't even the kiss, per se. It had been the drug that had invaded him when he
kissed her. As tantalizing as it had been, it was still so subtle compared to what he'd experienced before, he hadn't consciously acknowledged it.


It had still set his blood on fire.


Lifting his head, he stared hard at the door of Danika's cabin, as if he could see through the panel if he focused hard enough.


She was in heat.


No, he corrected himself. Human females didn't go into heat.


But her time was upon her, her body blossoming, waiting only for the seed of a male to come into full bloom. He'd known that instinctively. That was why he couldn't resist the primal drive to plant his seed in her womb.

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