Werewolf in Seattle: A Wild About You Novel (9 page)

Regis glanced over at her. “And you would run the facility?”

“I hope to, yes.”

“And the chef stays?”

Luna nodded. “She’s a key factor in whether this would work.”

“I agree.” Regis settled back in his chair and patted his mouth with his napkin. “I hate the idea of losing the business, but if you two follow through with this plan, I’ll book a couple of rooms. My wife and my in-laws would love it here.”

Colin’s gaze met Luna’s for one brief moment. She glowed with excitement, and his heart lurched. From what she’d told him the night before, she’d struggled for every bit of security in her life. Running this inn would mean the world to her.

He understood the drawbacks of owning a business so far away from his home base. He’d have to trust her implicitly. Despite sophisticated means of communication,
he still couldn’t supervise the operation adequately from Scotland.

But, the devil take it, he wanted to do this. His reasons were complicated and he wasn’t sure he’d examined all his motives as thoroughly as he should. Some of them might be less than noble.

He wanted Luna, more so with every passing moment in her presence. She would be grateful to him if he gave her the job of running the inn. But he didn’t believe in that kind of coercion on the part of males over females.

Besides, she could have scruples against becoming his lover if he confirmed that he would also be her boss. Damnation, he knew she’d have scruples. She’d said as much last night on the beach. But she’d also agreed to kiss him.

One thing he knew for certain. If he rejected her plan to turn Whittier House into a luxury vacation spot for Weres, he would have no reason to ever see her again once he left for Scotland. If he agreed to go along with her plan, they would have to work together to make it happen.

He’d known her for a mere twenty-four hours, and many of those hours he’d been asleep in his old bedroom. But they’d also comforted and supported each other during the scattering of Geraldine and Henry’s ashes. A Were’s true colors tended to shine through in moments like that, and Luna had provided the kind of calm strength that had kept Colin steady and focused.

She was special, and despite being a wee bit jet-lagged even now, he had the good sense to recognize how amazing she was. Whether they became lovers or decided it was too risky under the circumstances, she deserved a chance to create a haven for herself and other Weres on Le Floret.

Luna barely tasted dessert, and that was saying something, because Janet had made her favorite, a rich cheesecake laced with chocolate. But who cared about food when a person’s dreams were about to come true? She kept sneaking glances at Colin, who seemed to be enjoying his dessert and coffee just fine.

As for Regis, he asked for seconds as he praised Janet’s cooking to the skies. When he was offered an after-dinner liqueur, he accepted that, too, plus a refill. Luna thought he’d never leave.

If Colin really meant what he’d said—and he struck her as a man of his word—then they had plans to make, timetables to create, menus to plan, rates to discuss. She had considered all of that. An Excel file on her computer held every idea she had brainstormed since she’d hatched this concept.

That had been a mere five days ago. She vividly remembered walking the beach in total despair at the thought of being forced to leave Whittier House. Out of pure desperation, she’d come up with the idea of an inn exclusively for Weres.

She’d thought it was highly original, but after going online, she’d discovered a Were retreat in Colorado, the same one Regis had mentioned tonight. That seemed to be the only one, though, which meant the market was wide-open in Washington State. She wanted to run across the beach, fling out her arms, and shout with joy. This would work!

Instead she had to sit at this elegant table and listen to Regis discuss his golf swing. Luna knew as much about golf as she did about the mating habits of a duck-billed platypus, and a conversation about the sex life of a platypus had a lot more going for it, in her opinion.

But Regis wouldn’t be the only dull guest she’d ever have to entertain once the inn opened for business, so she
did her best to look fascinated. Colin knew something about golf, so he held up his end of the conversation admirably. She hadn’t realized that Scotland was the birthplace of the game, but Regis seemed thrilled to talk with someone who had actually played the St. Andrews course.

Darkness had fallen by the time Regis finally summoned his private motor launch from Friday Harbor, the nearest marina to Le Floret.

“I’ll walk you down to the dock, Regis.” Colin left his chair and came around to help Luna out of hers. “Do you want to come with us?”

Not when she was dying to relay the good news about Whittier House to Janet, who would still be in the kitchen finishing her cleanup duties. “Thanks, but I need to check with Janet and make sure the dishwasher’s running okay. It was acting up this morning, and if it still is, I’ll call a repairman first thing in the morning.”

“Be sure and give her my compliments again, and put me down for your opening weekend,” Regis said.

“I’ll do that.”
Opening weekend!
She wanted to spin in place at the prospect. “Assuming Colin doesn’t reconsider his decision.”
Testing, testing.

“I can’t imagine why I would.” Colin glanced at her. “But we have several details to go over.”

She laced her fingers together to keep from clapping like a four-year-old who’d been promised ice cream. “Yes, we do, and I have a prioritized list, along with any ideas that have come to me. It’s all stored on my computer.” Difficult though it was, she forced herself to be sensible. “It’s late, though. We can check that out tomorrow.”

His blue eyes flashed with amusement. “I’m surprised you want to put it off that long.”

“Not for my sake, but you’re still recovering from your trip.”

“I’m recovered enough to look at your information.
After you check on the dishwasher, fire up your computer. I’ll be back in a few minutes.”

“Perfect.” She couldn’t have kept the smile off her face if she’d been paid to do it. “My office is the one that used to be Henry’s.”

“I figured that out when I took Regis on a tour today.”

“It’s an elegant estate.” Regis glanced around the dining room one last time. “I predict this inn will be extremely successful.”

Luna started to say that she hoped so, but decided that response was too meek. “Thank you. I’m positive it will be.”

Regis still couldn’t seem to drag himself away. As he chatted about the tapestries and the paneling, Luna reminded herself that a guest’s reluctance to leave was a good sign, but she wanted Regis gone so she could celebrate with Janet.

Finally Colin managed to edge Regis to the dining room door. Once they’d stepped into the hall, Luna turned and hurried through the door into the kitchen where Janet was wiping down the counters.

Janet glanced at Luna and stopped wiping. “He’s going for the inn concept?”

Luna kept her voice down because she was afraid Colin and Regis were still in the house. “It looks like he will. But don’t start shouting or anything. I think they’re still in the hallway.”

Janet pulled her cell phone from her apron pocket and punched in a number. “Dulce? Get your ass down here. And bring Sybil. We have news.”

Returning to the door into the dining room, Luna opened it a crack and heard the solid thud of the front door closing. “They’re gone.”

“So what’s the story? He’s not listing the place with Regis?”

“Nope!” Luna couldn’t keep the triumph out of her voice. “He told Regis that he liked my idea and wouldn’t be putting the place up for sale, at least not at this point.”

“Hallelujah!” Janet twirled her dishcloth over her head as she danced around the kitchen singing an old Lionel Richie party song.

Luna joined in, singing and gyrating past the stainless-steel, professional-grade appliances that Geraldine had bought years ago. Even though she hadn’t cooked, she’d wanted her staff to have the best.

A piercing whistle from Dulcie ended the dancing. Wearing a gold silk camisole and matching cropped pants, she strolled through the doorway of the servants’ wing. “What’s all the fuss?”

Janet put her hand to her ample chest and gasped for breath. “Our Luna’s done it! She’s convinced His Lairdness to turn Whittier House into an inn!”

“Woo-hoo!” Sybil, clad as usual in flannel, followed Dulcie into the kitchen. “Break out the cooking wine, Janet!”

“Way to go, girlfriend.” Dulcie smiled at Luna as she walked over and gave her a high-five. “How did you do it?”

“I’m… I’m not sure.” She hoped their second kiss hadn’t been a factor. Colin had promised that wouldn’t make a difference one way or the other. “It may be a simple matter of him not wanting to sell for sentimental reasons and now he has a good alternative.”

Dulcie gave her a knowing look. “
he figured out if he wants to get cozy with you, he has to let you manipulate his assets.”

“That’s funny,” Sybil said. “You’re good, Dulce.”

“I try.”

“But knowing Luna,” Sybil added, “I don’t think she has that kind of maneuver in mind.”

“I absolutely do not,” Luna said.

“Still, Dulcie could be right about Colin’s motives.” Sybil glanced at Luna. “Dulcie often is right about matters concerning the male of the species.”

“I don’t care why he’s doing it.” Janet pulled four juice glasses out of a cupboard, grabbed a bottle from the immense stainless refrigerator, and poured them each a glass. “The main thing is we all have jobs, and we can stay here and work together.” She passed out the glasses as they created a circle. “To the Whittier House Inn.”

“Here, here!” Dulcie tapped her glass against each of the others’. “And to Luna, who saved our collective asses.”

Praise from a member of what had become Luna’s substitute family was heady stuff. Flushed with a sense of camaraderie and success, she took a hefty swallow of wine. She was surprised by how smooth it was. “Pretty good for cooking wine.”

“It’s not cooking wine,” Janet said. “Geraldine gave me this bottle for Christmas.”

“Oh!” Sybil immediately put her glass back on the counter. “You shouldn’t be giving it to us. It’s special.”

“That’s exactly why I’m giving it to you. I opened it the day after she died, but I didn’t make much of a dent, as you can see. Didn’t have the heart for it. So drink up. She would have loved knowing we used her gift to celebrate the start of a new venture that keeps us all together.”

“She definitely would have approved of the inn concept,” Dulcie said.

“I hope so.” Luna sipped her wine. “I’ve worried about that. Geraldine loved her privacy. Would she hate the thought of inviting a bunch of strangers into this house?”

Dulcie shook her head. “I think it wasn’t so much privacy
she loved, as independence from any particular pack. We’ll still have that, plus the house stays in the family, and we all continue caring for it the way we’ve done all these years.”

“I agree.” Sybil retrieved her glass. “To Geraldine.”

“To Geraldine!” they all chorused, clicking their glasses together.

Luna glanced at her watch. “This has been great, but I should get back to my office. Colin’s meeting me there to go over a few things. I plan to show him my projections.”

“I’m sure he’s dying to see your
.” Dulcie wiggled her eyebrows as she stared at Luna’s chest.

“Stop it, Dulce.” Luna frowned in disapproval. “This is strictly business.”

“Odd time to be doing business.” Janet winked at her.

Luna felt the heat rising to her cheeks. “His body clock’s all messed up. I’ve never flown internationally, but I’ve heard that you get your nights and days confused.”

“You don’t have to make up cover stories for us.” Dulcie adjusted the strap on her camisole. “Personally, I’m all for whatever makes the laird happy. I wouldn’t mind taking on that assignment, but Janet and Sybil have convinced me that you’re the Were for the job.”

“Nothing’s going on between us.” Luna eliminated the kiss from consideration, because Colin had said—he’d said,
damn it
—that a kiss wouldn’t affect his decision one way or the other. She’d hold him to that, too.

Dulcie obviously wasn’t buying her protestations. “Just tell me one thing.” She leaned closer. “Did his decision to keep Whittier House involve a blow job?”

“Not to my knowledge,” said a very male, very lairdlike voice from the doorway that led into the dining room. “But then, I’ve had a horrible case of jet lag, so maybe I missed that part.”

Chapter 7

As all four female Weres stared at Colin, he realized that Dulcie’s question about oral sex wasn’t far off the mark. He’d approved the inn plan partly because he hoped he and Luna would get to know each other better, perhaps even become lovers. After seeing Regis off, he’d been ridiculously eager to get back to her, and when she wasn’t in her office, he’d tracked her down here.

Apparently Luna’s coconspirators supported using sexual favors to gain the outcome they desired. He wondered if the others had any idea they’d put their money on an untried virgin. But from Dulcie’s comment, he gathered that Luna had not confessed her situation to anyone until she’d told him about it the night before.

Dulcie, who didn’t seem to mind being caught wearing silk nightwear, was the first to address the awkward situation. “Please excuse us, Colin, sir, Your Royal Laird of Glenbuggy.”

“Glenbarra.” He cleared his throat to disguise a laugh. “And I’m afraid the word
isn’t part of my title.”

“Of course not.” Sybil, looking somewhat grannylike
in her flannel gown, leaped into the fray. “I’m sure Dulcie knew that.” She glared at her fellow housemaid.

“I knew that.” Dulcie braved it out with a wink. “Just teasin’ ya.”

“Exactly.” Janet smiled brightly. “You know how it is. Females get bawdy when we think no males are around. We meant no disrespect to you, someone we admire, or Luna, someone we both admire and love.”

Then Luna, her cheeks rosy and her chin lifted, faced him. “I take full responsibility for any distress this gathering or our remarks have caused you.”

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