Werewolf in Seattle: A Wild About You Novel (13 page)

BOOK: Werewolf in Seattle: A Wild About You Novel
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Now she knew that she truly was safe with him, because when she’d told him to stop, he had. Perhaps other males wouldn’t have, but he did. If she flew apart because of what he was doing to her, he’d help put her back together.

Dragging air into her lungs, she met his gaze. “I panicked.”

“I could tell.”

“I won’t panic the next time.”

His eyebrows rose. “The next time? You want me to start again?”

Her heart beat faster as she imagined him using the tip of his tongue to make her feel the way she had only minutes ago. “Yes, please.”

He hesitated for a moment, as if wondering whether he should risk it.

“I’ll go through with it this time,” she said.

“Aye, but will you crush my head like a grape between your thighs when you come?” He gave her a half smile to show he was teasing.

“I’m not that strong, but if you’re worried, grab hold of me.”

“I might, at that.” Adjusting his position, he slipped his hands under her thighs and gripped her tightly with his long fingers. Then he urged her to spread wider for him.

She had better trust him, because she’d only felt this vulnerable once before, during her first shift. That’s when she understood why she’d panicked. “Can a climax bring on a shift?” Although she was used to shifting, she wasn’t sure how she’d react to an unexpected one.

“No, it cannot make you shift.”

“You’re sure?”

“Sure as my name is Colin MacDowell. All you’ll feel is pleasure. Relax and let it happen.” Leaning down, he blew gently.

Warm air on moist skin had an electrifying effect, and she gasped.


“I don’t know. Do it again.” He did, and she felt the spring begin to tighten. “Yes, good.”

He laughed softly, which sent more warmth to caress that significant area that both intrigued and frightened her. She waited for the first touch of his tongue, but instead, he gave her a deep, highly personal kiss in her sacred center.

She sucked in a breath, shocked by the intimacy of it, but she’d promised to see this through. And she would. Oh, yes, she most certainly would. Only a fool would stop someone from doing
As he settled in, pleasure flowed over her like hot fudge sauce.

Insistent pressure, more familiar to her now, built quickly. Yet her body felt languid and heavy. She discovered that closing her eyes allowed her to focus all her attention on the sensations provided by Colin’s mouth and tongue. Finally, she lay back on the quilt in total surrender and allowed him to plunder at will.

He intensified his assault. Soon he had her moaning and thrashing about. She clutched a section of the quilt in each fist and lifted her hips to demand more, and yet more, not knowing what lay ahead, yet yearning for it, all the same.

Her climax came in a rush that knocked the breath from her. She cried out in surprise and wonder at the sheer majesty of it. Waves of delight lifted and carried her to shore, where she rolled like a seashell in the surf.

All the while Colin held her, anchoring her to reality so that she wouldn’t panic. As the tremors gradually subsided,
she let go of the wads of quilt in each fist and reached down to circle his wrists with her fingers.

Placing kisses over her damp inner thighs, he slipped his wrists free, laced his fingers through hers, and drew her arms up over her head as he rose over her. “Open your eyes.”

She’d forgotten they were closed. Allowing them to flutter open, she looked up and there he was, his massive chest heaving, his expression intent. Her throat felt tight with emotion, so she settled for mouthing the words
thank you.

“You’re most welcome, lass.” There was nothing relaxed about Colin. He was taut as a bow. “And now comes the next part. Are you ready for it?”

She nodded. She was so ready. Giving her virginity to Colin made sense.

“You’re very wet, but this still might hurt a bit.”

“Do it.”

He probed with the tip of his penis, and she was glad she’d been bold enough to fondle him. Now she knew what a penis felt like, or at least what his felt like. She wasn’t being invaded by some unknown object. She’d stroked this penis, and besides, it belonged to Colin, who had provided the first orgasm of her life. She would honor him forever because of that.

He entered her slowly, and she discovered that she really, really liked this feeling of Colin’s penis inside her. The walls of her vagina contracted around him, and the pressure of another orgasm began to build. What an excellent idea sex was.

Then he stopped moving forward, and his chest heaved. He muttered something that sounded Scottish, and his tone suggested it was a swear word.

“What’s wrong?” Even in the shadowy light, she could see that his brow was furrowed with concern.

“I don’t want to hurt you.”

“You’re not hurting me.”

His voice rasped in the cool night air. “But I will if I keep going.”

“It’s the hymen problem.” She’d read enough to know about that pesky issue with being a virgin. “Break it.”

“You’re sure?”

“I’m a twenty-seven-year-old Were virgin. It’s time.”

“I suppose that’s true. And to tell the truth, I’m not sure what I’d do if you denied me.”

She’d been so wrapped up in her own first experience with sexuality that she’d lost sight of how he must be suffering. The books said postponing a climax could literally be painful.

She rubbed his back. “Bless your heart, do you have blue balls?”

With something between a chuckle and a groan, he surged forward, destroying her virginity with one firm thrust. So it was over.

And it hurt like hell. She hadn’t been prepared for that, and she yelped.

“Sorry.” He held still for a moment.

“Don’t be.” The pain was already less, and she arched upward, even though it cost her. “You deserve something out of this.”

“Don’t worry about that. I will come.” He sounded slightly out of breath. “I might not even have to move to do it.”

“Move.” She wiggled against him. “I’ll be fine.”

“Oh, lass.” With another heartfelt groan, he drew back and rocked forward again.

She’d expected more pain, but instead the easy thrust felt good. “Nice. Do that some more.”

“You’re humoring me.”

“No, it actually felt good. Maybe virgins need this to get broken in.”

“I wouldn’t know.” He held her gaze as he initiated a slow, easy stroke. “I’m no expert on virgins.”

Her pulse rate picked up as she caught his rhythm and began to move with him. “I’m guessing you’re an expert on sexual satisfaction, though.”

He shook his head. “But I can tell you this, my lovely Luna.” He increased the pace. “You’re a natural.”

Rising to meet him thrust for thrust and glorying in the fiery connection between them, she thought he might be right. Her second climax seemed even more beautiful than her first, because they’d created it together with the fusion of their bodies.

Even more joyous, Colin quickly followed. He gasped her name once, and then shuddered in reaction as he emptied himself into her willing body. She held him close and murmured her gratitude for all he’d given her tonight. She didn’t have enough experience to judge fairly, but she couldn’t help wondering how the joining of two Weres could be any better than this.

Chapter 10

The cool, damp air soon prompted Colin to move the party inside. As much as he loved stargazing, he preferred to gaze at Luna, and he could do that far better in the comfort of his bedroom. She helped him pack up the telescope and then she descended the steps wrapped in the quilt. He followed with the telescope in its box, and a bundle containing their clothes.

On the way down, he reminded himself that this was her first time and once was enough for her tonight. He might crave another round or two, or three, but then she’d be sore tomorrow. He wanted her to remember pleasure, not pain, so she’d ask for more.

When he reached the bottom step and looked for her, she was standing by the dimmer switch, still wrapped in the quilt.

“I wanted to make sure you were safely down before I did this.” She reduced the light from the bedside lamps, and the constellations in the drapes and bedspread began to glow.

“Geraldine must have showed you how that worked.”

“She did. We came up here at night so I could get the
full effect. I thought it was lovely.” She unwound the quilt and laid it on a nearby chair.

Even in the faint light, she was spectacular. “Not as lovely as you.” A new surge of desire added a rasp to his voice. He dropped the clothes to the floor. There were other ways to pleasure each other, ways that wouldn’t cause her discomfort. His cock stiffened.

“You seem to have reloaded.” She walked toward him with confidence, as if she belonged here among the glowing constellations. Of course she did. Her name was Luna, after all.

Premonition ran a finger up his spine, and he trembled. Until now, he’d missed the connection. Her name was Luna, and he was fascinated by the night sky. A true Scotsman never discounted such things.

But a wise Scotsman wouldn’t mention it, in case this bonny lass might think he was daft and run in the opposite direction. He preferred having her move toward him, her breasts swaying gently with each step, her eyes alight, her mouth curved in a saucy smile.

She stopped when she was inches away, and predictably, grasped the handle he’d so conveniently provided. “Now, where were we?”

“I’ve been thinking.” That was a lie. He couldn’t think at all when she was fondling his wee man.

“Thinking?” She cupped his balls with her free hand.

He groaned. “Virgins don’t usually do that, either.”

“I’m not a virgin anymore.”

“But you were twenty minutes ago.” His breath caught as she began a slow massage. “That’s hardly enough time to learn how to treat a chap’s family jewels.”

“As I said, I’ve had years to think about this. I’ve also done some reading and watched a few X-rated movies. I just never had someone to practice on.”

He gulped in air. “That makes me one lucky bastard.”

“Which is better for a blow job, sitting down or standing up? I’ve seen it both ways.”

His laugh had a strangled quality because he really couldn’t breathe properly while she played with him as if she’d discovered a new squeeze toy. “I think… I’d better sit on the bed.” Before he fell down. The pleasure was that intense, partly because he knew she’d never touched anyone else this way.

“Then back up a couple of steps and you’re there.”

“You’re not going to let go, are you?”

“Nope. I’m having too much fun.” She kept a firm hold on him as he retreated to the bed.

When he lowered himself to the mattress, she dropped to her knees and gazed up at him. “Tell me if I’m doing this right, okay?”

He nodded, but wondered if he’d be too overcome by the experience to say a word.

“Here goes.” Holding his cock in her fist, she slid her mouth over the tip and began to suck gently.

His eyes rolled back in his head. He prayed to all the gods he knew that he would conduct himself in a way that wouldn’t shock her. “You… can take more in.”

Obligingly, she did that. Holding her lips tight, she moved slowly up and down.

Meanwhile he went back to his football stats to keep from coming immediately. He had no idea if she was prepared for what would happen. He should warn her…

Then she flattened her tongue against the front ridge of his penis and put added pressure there. Where in bloody hell had she learned to do
? He groaned and tried to remember where he’d left off on the stats. His brain whirled and he began to shake. He was going to warn her about… what?

Oh, yes. “When I… when I come… ”

Clutching the base of his cock, she gradually slid her
mouth upward. When she lifted her head, she wrapped both hands around his shaft and held him the way a rock star cradled a microphone. “When you come… what?” Her voice was low and sexy.

He glanced down and noticed her nipples had tightened into tiny buds of desire, which meant this exercise was good for her, too. He was glad of that. It meant she might want to do it again, but only if he made sure there were no surprises.

He combed his fingers through her hair and cupped the back of her head as he gazed into her eyes. “You don’t have to swallow.”

“Bless your heart,” she said softly as she continued to caress him. “Thinking of me.”

“I won’t be offended.”

“But the thing is, I want to swallow.”

His heartbeat roared in his ears. “You might not like—”

“The taste?” Leaning down again, she licked a droplet from the tip of his penis before glancing up at him again. “It seems I do.”

“Ah. Well, then.” If ever a male Were heard sweeter words than that from a female, he couldn’t imagine what they might be.

“You look happy.”

“If I were any happier, I’d levitate.”

“Good. Any suggestions for how I can improve?”

He shook his head.

“Then I’ll continue on.” With a little smile, she returned to her task.

Now that he’d warned her, he ditched the football stats, pressed his fingers into her scalp, and abandoned himself to her hands, her mouth, and her wicked tongue. Considering this was her first attempt at oral sex, he wanted to be around as she gained experience.

But his lust-saturated brain was incapable of following that thought to its logical conclusion. Soon, as she licked, nibbled, and sucked until he was delirious, he couldn’t think at all. He came in a glorious rush, and she drank all he had to offer as he bellowed his satisfaction.

Afterward, he flopped back on the bed, dazed by the wonder of Luna Reynaud.

She climbed up on the bed beside him and they both scooted around until they were lying lengthwise on the bedspread. He considered trying to get under the covers and decided it took too much effort.

She nestled close, her arm wrapped around his chest. “I learned something from that experience,” she murmured.

So had he. She was his perfect sexual partner. The significance of that would have to be dealt with later, but the truth of it was burned into his brain. Somehow he had to figure out a way to be with her, despite all the obstacles.

BOOK: Werewolf in Seattle: A Wild About You Novel
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