Read Weddings Bells Times Four Online

Authors: Trinity Blacio

Weddings Bells Times Four (21 page)

“Come, let’s get you some food,” Lucas said.

“I can wait.” She nodded to Rock and Dred. “I have to go meet the rest of their family. Remember if you need me, reach for me.” Beth patted his arm before stepping in between Dred and Rock.

“Edward please make sure others don’t hound Lucas tonight. He needs to feel comfortable around all of us.”
Beth sent to Edward’s private path, hoping Lucas didn’t hear it.

Of course I heard it and you need not to worry,”
Lucas mumbled.

Pasting on a smile, Beth turned her attention to the woman Dred and Rock were introducing her to a sister of theirs named Claire‘. “She just arrived here this afternoon with her family.” Dred threw in that last bit knowing she was still embarrassed about what had happened earlier.

“Yes, and if I would have been here, I would have kicked your butt for treating her so badly. You know what happened with my mates introducing me and you more or less did the same damn thing.” Claire growled at Dred and pushed him out of the way.

“Come on, let’s go get a drink. I’ll tell you a few secrets to keep these bad boys inline.” Claire hooked her arm into hers and pulled her away from Dred and Rock. Beth laughed and stuck her tongue out at them.

“Yep, you and I are going to be very close. You don’t take any of their shit and that is what they need. Oh, don’t get me wrong, in front of the pack they need the Alpha thing, but as their woman you’ll have to be twice as strong. Especially with Dred,” Claire said and handed her a glass of wine, nodding to Edward and Lucas.

“I take it those two are yours also?” Claire asked and she nodded waiting for a sign of disapproval, but there was none.

“I just found out about Lucas, and Edward was the first man to claim your brothers. Not only were they my guards, but they were my friends for a year before I even knew they were mine also.” Beth sighed as she watched Simon and Isaac step up to Edward and Lucas. “I know it well makes me look like a…”

Claire was shaking her head. “Don’t even say those words. I guess Dred forgot to mention I too have three mates and believe me I know all those kind of looks from others.” She took a drink of her wine. “Sometimes I still want to rip them apart when I get those looks, but I’ve learned it’s best to ignore them.”

Beth smiled. “You and I are going to be close. How long are you and your mates staying here?” She took a sip of her wine when something dark skittered across the room. All talk stopped as Beth turned to see Lucas’s gaze. “Claire, could you please help escort others into the dining room for me? I need some time with Lucas.

Edward, Dred, Rock help Claire move everyone out of here,”
she asked, but there was no need. Not a word was said as Rock and Dred moved their family out of the room.

Isaac and Simon stepped away from Lucas as she made her way towards him. A black dull spot had filtered across his eyes. The glass in his hand exploded.

Beth watch yourself, the shadows are strong in him,”
Edward warned and took a step towards her, but stopped when they all heard the little growl.

Even though Beth was terrified inside she knew what needed to be done. “You know, Lucas, I should be very upset with you. You never did tell me if you liked my dress and after all, I wore it just for you.” Beth pouted and stepped a little closer to him. She ran her hands up his chest and whispered.

“Did you know the reason why I wore it? With one pull of this string my breasts will fall out for your view. If you bend me over, say over that chair behind you and lift the back of my dress, I’d be ready to take you into me.” His breathing increased and Beth could see the flames brighten in his eyes as he moved her to the chair and carefully laid her over the back of it.

“Take me Lucas, do you smell the heat you have created? My thighs are damp at the thought of having you inside me,” she whispered watching his nostril flare as he flipped the train over her exposing her naked ass.

“Spread them,” Lucas’order came out in a growl and she obeyed. Only a few were in the room now, but Beth didn’t worry about it. Right now Beth’s man needed her and that was all that was important.

His clothes disappeared and she stared at his cocks! He had two cocks and each of them was hard and long. Her gaze flew to his and Lucas smiled. “Mine.” His hand came down on her ass cheek, hard. Before dipping two fingers into her soaked pussy, coating them and bringing them up to her ass.

She moaned as he worked his fingers in and out of her. “I can’t wait,” was all he said before his fingers slid out and Beth sucked in her breath as Lucas pushed into her ass and pussy together.

In front of her, Edward grabbed onto her head and pressed his cock to her mouth. “Open.” A quick slap to her ass had her moaning and taking Edward into her mouth.

His hard body came over Beth’s back and Lucas whispered in her ear. “I know what you did and I thank you, but you ever put yourself at risk again, I’ll turn your ass a bright red and make sure you can’t sit down for a week.”

From under her a slap landed on her pussy and Beth jumped, but both men held her down. “Again, punish that pussy.” Lucas ordered to who she didn’t know because both men kept her attention as they moved in and out of her.

“You like to be touched and watched, don’t you Beth?” Lucas snarled, picking up his pace a little faster as another blow was struck to her clit. Beth now realized someone was down on the floor next to them and was spreading her pussy lips open for the smacks that were being delivered.

Her gaze flew up to Edward’s as he pumped his cock in and out of her. “Yes, I believe Lucas is right. You do crave that extra attention, don’t you?” He reached up and yanked on her hair. “Open more for me Beth. Relax that throat and take me.”

Sensations from all over robbed her of her breath. She screamed around Edward’s cock as magic and a very powerful orgasm rolled over her. Behind her, Lucas shouted her name as his seed erupted in both of her crevices from him and Edward’s seed hit the back of her throat as she swallowed every bit of him.

If Beth hadn’t been leaning over the chair, she would have fallen to her knees. Edward pulled his cock free of her mouth and smiled down at her. “You look so beautiful there with your ass sticking up in the air, my seed on your lips and Lucas’s running down your legs.”

She moaned and tried to get up, but Lucas was still inside of her. When Beth turned to look back, Isaac was helping Simon up off the floor. Her face heated as her gaze flew to Lucas’.

He laughed and slipped out of her. “I would never have let him touch you if I didn’t already know about those little fantasies in your head, and yes, soon we will live out every one of them.” Lucas helped her stand, lowering her dress. “Now, let’s go eat shall we?” He held out his arm to her.

“But I need to clean up?” Beth said and sucked her breath in when she noticed the corner of his lip curl up.

“You will do no such thing. You are lucky I didn’t strip you and spray you with my seed For now, this will do.” He took her arm and escorted her into the dining room where everyone was seated and waiting for them.

Her legs were sticky from his marking, but she gritted her teeth and allowed him to seat hear next to him and Edward. Dred and Rock sniffed the air and grinned.

“Lancelot, our woman is starving, please bring her plate,” Edward said.

She grabbed onto the glass of water in front of her and glared at him. “You don’t have to yell. I’m sure he knows to bring our plates.” Beth turned her gaze on Lucas. “You going to tell me what brought on the shadows?

“I’m afraid that is our fault.” Simon said sitting down a few chairs away from them. “Lucas was explaining that he planned to take you to the old world. We had to inform him about his home and the planet itself. It’s just not safe for you there and I’m afraid his home is pretty much gone, destroyed over the years.”

“I’m so sorry, Lucas.” Beth reached over and squeezed his arm. “Maybe we could rebuild it?”

Already Simon and Isaac were shaking their heads. “There is nothing to rebuild.”

Inside her head, Beth could see the pictures that were flashing through Lucas’ brain as he remembered his home. She sat back as Lancelot placed her plate of food in front of her. “You know we could…” Lucas’s glared, stopping her words.

“Drop it for now, please.” Lucas snapped and took a bite of the deer.

A couple chairs down, Claire cleared her throat and Beth looked up to see her wink at her. “So what do we do since we can’t go for the run tonight? Hey Dred, you have your guitar with you here? We could still have the fire, roast marsh mellows and sing songs. It’s supposed to be clear, no rain, so it’d be perfect.”

“I didn’t know you could sing or, for that matter, play the guitar.” She looked at Dred and he moaned.

“Damn it, Claire, you just had to bring that up. Fine we can have the bon fire and I’ll dig out the guitar, but I expect all of you to sing, not just me.” Dred grumbled and she smiled.

For the next hour, Beth stuffed her face and listened to Claire tell story after story of Dred and Rock as kids. “I swear they got into so much trouble…” Claire was grinning from ear to ear as her men pulled her away from the table, threating to spank her butt if she didn’t shut up.

All throughout dinner, Lucas had said little, just watching those around him. He stood and held out his hand to her. “I’d like to speak with you alone.”

She placed her napkin on her plate and thanked Lancelot for the food before she placed her hand into his. Beth allowed him to escort her out of the room, knowing Lucas had already spoken to Edward, Dred and Rock as they went the other way.

They moved down the ancient stairs to where the tombs were. “Are you going to talk to me?” She asked, looking up at him.

“I wanted to see what items were in the vault and thought I’d show you a bit of my world, before it crumbled.” Lucas pushed open the door to his personal vault and stepped back to allow her to enter the chamber she’d opened this morning.

“I don’t know why it feels like days since I’ve been in here. This day has been so filled with exciting things.” She grinned up at him, fingering a gold cup.

“That cup belonged to my father. My Mother and Father sealed their bond with that cup, drinking the blood of a Usolat. It’s said the blood from this animal will bring fertility and health for both who drink it.” He touched the rim of the cup and glanced around the room till he spotted something.

“This is what I wanted.” Lucas moved over to a large chest and bent before it. “The seal is still intact.” He ran his hand over the seal and the trunk creaked as it opened. Dust rose up in the air making her sneeze a few times and making him laugh. “Come here.” He held out his hand and Beth went to him.

“This is yours. All throughout my travels to the other worlds, I’d pick up something to put in here for the woman that I claimed. This is your joining gift from me.”

“What?” She looked into the trunk in wonder. Jewels, rings, material, figurines and many, many other items were stuffed into the box.

“My God ,Lucas, this is amazing. Are you sure?” She picked up a small figure of a strange looking animal.

“Yes, it is our way to give a gift to the one we bond with.” He reached over to the lid where something was taped to it. “Let me see your right hand, palm up.”

She lifted her hand up and opened her fingers as he placed a small black object in the middle of her palm. “Don’t move.”

The stone thing warmed in the middle of her palm to almost the point of pain when Beth noticed it moving. Little cracks started to appear on the stone, before a small worm like creature emerged from the stone. She was lucky Lucas held her hand still, because the little thing reminded her of a small snake and Beth hated snakes.

“Lucas, I don’t do snakes.” Her gaze flew to his and he smiled.

“Wait.” Then she watched as the little thing buried itself in her hand. Not one ounce of pain.

“Why do I need some snake thing inside me?” Beth squeaked and tried not to flip out as Lucas helped her stand up.

“It’s part of me. This is one of the reasons why I was so upset upstairs. Each of our males only produces one of these. They are called, The Stone of Zeon. It is part of my heart and my soul. In some sense you now hold inside you…” He placed his hand over her heart, “my life, if you die, so do I, we are now tied together forever.”

Even with the thought of the thing inside her, tears filled her eyes and Beth wrapped her arms around him, hugging him. “Lucas.”

“Are you ready?” Edward said behind them and Lucas nodded as he stepped back.

“Strip Beth,” Lucas ordered as he and her other men cleared off a table that was in the back of the room. “We’re waiting, My Heart.”

“Strip Beth…” She grumbled and did what he ordered as she watched in fascination as the table in question seemed to come alive. Steps came down the table as Lucas helped her up onto it as soon as she was naked.

A soft brown substance now covered the table as she laid down on it. There was a place for her head, butt and every nook of her body. Things also came out of the table holding her into place. There was even a strap that went across the top of her head which really made her nervous.

The tables split open at her legs, opening her up to their view. “What’s going on?” Beth tried to look towards Lucas, but she couldn’t move. But as if sensing her need to see him, Lucas leaned over and smiled down at her.

“Relax, you’ll experience nothing but pleasure I promise,” he said.

For the next hour, her men touched her, bringing her to peak so many times she lost count, but never once did they place their cocks in her. Instead, each time she’d come, their seed would be released onto her body. The four of them coated every inch of her body with their seed, but no, that was not enough, they rubbed it into her skin like it was lotion. Not even her head or face was spared.

“Please, no more,” she cried, out sore and sticky.

“One more,” Lucas ordered as he buried himself into her. His cocks stretched the muscles in her ass and pussy as he took her hard. She couldn’t move to his thrust, but that didn’t matter to Lucas as he pumped in and out of her.

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