Read Weddings Bells Times Four Online

Authors: Trinity Blacio

Weddings Bells Times Four (17 page)

BOOK: Weddings Bells Times Four
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“Yes, he’s okay. He saved my life already once.” She patted his arm. “I’m sorry. I should have been watching where I was going, but I was in a hurry.”

“What is that?” Simon asked and nodded behind her.

Stepping to the side, Beth smiled. “That is my new friend, Deception. He’s my protector. Now I have got to go. See you tonight,” she yelled and ran into the Great Hall to see Alton stand and glare at her.

“Why was I summoned here?” He stepped back when he noticed her pet.

I am no pet and what is that offensive thing? He looks kind of skinny. I might have to go hunting for another snack later.”

“Enough!” Beth stomped her foot and glared at Alton, then at Deception. “You can’t eat him, even though right now I’m ready to turn him into donkey dung, so watch the mouth. Alton, I’ve had it,” she snapped and he actually straightened himself up and nodded.

“I’m sorry I’m late. As you can see, some things have come up and I couldn’t get right here. What I wanted to talk to you about is the guests we have staying here and the more that will be arriving.” She waved her hand to the two chairs. “Please sit.”

They both sat and she watched as Deception plopped down next to her. “I want to thank you personally for helping Dred and Rock with the pack. I know having them all show up has thrown the castle into frenzy. Then with the others arriving, I know it’s got to keep the staff extra busy. I was thinking we could open up the outer cabins for the pack. It would at least give them their own domain, but yet still be in the protective barriers. Also, I want our old quarters fixed for guests. That should give us another 30 rooms.” She tapped her finger on her lips. “I still feel as if we’re not going to have enough room, suggestions?”

Alton’s gaze snapped to hers. “Was he really going to eat me?” he asked nervously.

“He is my protector, Alton. If he felt you were a threat, I don’t know, but for now you are safe.” She tapped her foot and waited.

He cleared his throat. “I’m sorry. You shouldn’t have to worry about all of this. As for more rooms, there are the castle keeps. They are smaller, maybe we could put your aunts in one, and the newcomers in one. Also that would free up those two wings. That would give us at least 200 more rooms.”

“Are the Keeps modern? Is there enough room for our guests?” she asked and he nodded.

“Yes, they were all updated over 50 years ago and one keep is like a separate house itself, having four bedrooms in each, kitchen, bathroom and such.”

“Good, have the keep nearest to us readied for my aunts. I’ll inform them tonight and we can have the staff move their things tomorrow. I’ll also talk with Simon and the others about moving them tomorrow. Maybe put them in the one in the front right side or whatever you call that one.” She waved her hand and he actually smiled. “Also with the holidays coming, could you get me a list of all the staff? I want their names and what they do. I’d also like to know where they stay, too.” She rose and looked down at her outfit, frowning.

“I’ll get right on it and, again, please accept my apology. I shouldn’t have offended you.” Alton bowed and left her standing there.

“Well, I guess I better go get this done.” Once more she pulled at her shirt before heading to the outer hall. Two guards snapped at attention as she passed them with Deception close to her.

“Question, what do you eat? I’m not going to have to worry about you eating our people, am I?”

Now is not the time to discuss what keeps me fed. Did you know at least one of your men is always following you?”

She stopped and looked down at him, then at the guards. “Since we left our quarters?”

Yes, and from what I can gather, they have done this before.”

“If they want to waste their time following me, oh well, but I wish they would learn to trust me.” She started to move forward. “One gets tired of everyone not believing in them,” she whispered, putting her head on the door that led outside.

With a gentle nudge, Deception turned to face her. “
I’m sure they are just seeking to protect you. They are unsure of me still.”

“Maybe,” she placed her hand on his head. “I hope we will become friends…” A quick memory flash of her friend, Nora, brought tears to her eyes, but she refused to allow them. She shoved the door open and stepped outside, knowing there were more guards waiting with Dred and Rock.

“Are you ready?” Beth asked as both of her men stared behind her. “You-hoo, I’m here!” She waved her hand in front of Dred’s face and he reached up and twined his hand with hers.

“I know. I’m just worried how the pack is going to take to your new friend,” Dred said, finally turned his gaze on her.

“They’ll have to get used to him, because he’s part of me now. I’m sorry this upsets you, but it’s done and he was meant to be with me anyway. Can we get this over with please? I want to take a nice hot bath and relax before dinner.” She noticed his frown.

“You know this is important right? These people would give their life for you?” Dred’s voice dropped.

She inched closer to Dred, almost nose to nose if she would have been tall enough. “Listen and listen well. That is the last time today you will snap at me. I know damn well what this means, but did you ever think that this scares the shit out of me? Do you know what I went through with Edward's people? Oh, of course you did. You were there.” She poked his chest and hissed.

“Now let’s do this or I’m going back to my room without you.” She stepped to his left and waited. Beth refused to look at him again.

“Beth…” Was all he said before taking her arm and leading her out into the open gardens. Rock stood next to them and Deception was in the back.

There had to be over 400 men, women and children around as all their gazes turned to her. “May I introduce our woman and your Alpha female, Beth,” Dred announced, walking them into the middle of the group.

Behind them Deception sat watching. People hugged and greeted her. Even the little children came up to rub against her. There were only a few that held back and watched, not saying anything, but nothing was as bad as it had been with Edwards’s people.

Slowly, Beth started to relax and looked up to say something to Dred, when she noticed women on each of his sides rubbing all over him. “Excuse me for a minute,” she said to one lady forgetting her name and made her way over to Dred. “If the two bimbos don’t take their hands off of you, I’ll feed them to my new friend,” she smiled the whole time and nodded to Deception.

Both women released Dred and moved away from him. “Thank you both. I hope you two do make sure to visit with us real soon.” Beth stepped up to Dred’s side and kissed his cheek when all she wanted to do was deck him.

“Oh, I forgot. Rock, I’ve asked Alton to open up the cottages for some of the families in the pack. I believe there are over ten of them. At least then they won’t feel so, well, lost inside,” she kissed Rock’s lips and whispered. “Thank you for not making a scene earlier. It means a lot to me.” Again she rubbed her cheek on his chest baring her neck to him, showing his submissive side when Dred snarled.

Before she knew what was going on, Beth was on the ground. Her stomach was on the grass and her ass was up as Dred covered her body, he bit down on her shoulder and she whimpered.

“Is he hurting you?”
Deception asked which made things even worse, but Edward came out and stood next to Deception, shaking his head.

“No, he’s not hurting her. He’d die before that happened.” Edward said as Beth relaxed and waited to see what Dred would do.

She would not embarrass him here in front of his pack, but when they were alone his balls were going to be shoved up his ass so tight it would take a surgeon, or one of those sluts, to dig them out. Oh yeah, all of them were so out of the bedroom tonight.

Deception groaned and flopped down onto the grass.



Chapter Fifteen

“By any chance did one of you inform your mate on what not to do in front of the pack?”
the strange creature asked, lying on the ground watching the scene unfold.

Dred was furious. She had totally blown him off in front of the pack and the only way to show his female who was boss was to take her then and there. All around parents scooped up the children and headed inside as Dred lifted the back of her skirt and exposed her ass.

His hand came down on it hard, before he slid his fingers to her pussy, teasing her and getting her ready for his domination.

“I have no idea. That is between the brothers.” Edward said and noticed as the creature stood with his eyes closed.

Finally, food.”
Edward watched as each time Beth came, her animal would lick his lips.

“You feed off her orgasms,” Edward asked, and Deception nodded.

“It’s been over a thousand years since I was fed when my father disappeared.”

His woman’s plea and trying to get away from Dred drew his attention as Dred stood and yanked off his pants, capturing Beth again and plunging into her. Her cry of release was the loudest yet as Dred pumped in and out of her.

“You are mine!” Dred snarled, taking her hard. “Again, come again!” He ordered and she whimpered as he reached around and played with her nub. Her arms gave out as Dred shot his seed into her and on her back, making sure everyone witnessed his claiming.

“You might want to make sure you privates are well protected when she wakes up.”
With that said, they both followed Dred as he carried a passed-out mate in his arms.

“You two did explain to her about pack rules and such?” Edward asked as they made their way down the hall. People stepped out of the way as they watched a naked Dred carry Beth. Her skirt now covered her again.

“Rock did that yesterday…” He stopped and turned to his brother. “You did inform her not to leave my side, about protocol, right?”

“There was no time, between her being taken...’

Edward shoved him up against the wall.

“Do you have any idea what you have done?” He snarled and glared at Dred. “You should have made sure before she was even introduced. I’m so furious with you both!” They were drawing attention so Edward released Rock.

“Rooms now!” Edward snarled and people stood back, allowing them to proceed.

No one spoke a word. Edward could feel the guilt that both brothers had, especially Dred. Tears ran down his face as they moved into the room and straight to their master bathroom where Dred stripped her.

Deception stayed in the bedroom, giving them the privacy they needed.

Edward ran the bath water. He and Rock stripped and climbed in when the water was full. As Beth started to wake, Dred carried her into the bathroom and placed her in the warm water with her men. She moaned and slowly opened her eyes as she slid into their arms. Dred watched as she dipped under the water. He climbed in with them.

Her emotions were all over the place. She was upset that she had enjoyed Dred’s claiming, but hurt so bad that tears ran down her face, mixing with the droplets of water. “Don’t touch me or talk to me. I will see you at supper.”

Beth got out of the tub and walked out of their room while he held back..

“She’s going to swim,” he informed Dred and Rock. Both of them wanting to go after her, but staying in place. Hell, even he wanted to scoop her up in his arms, but right now she needed the space.

“What do you think of this creature that had formed some kind of bond with our woman?” Dred growled. “I know the wolf does not like it at all.”

“He won’t hurt her. If anything, he’ll be an added protection for her. I have a feeling he was sent here for a purpose, but we’ll have to wait and see. His name is Deception and he feeds off her orgasms,” Edward explained.

Both men snarled and stood up. “This is insane. You mean he has to be with us every time we make love with our woman?” Dred stormed into the bedroom.

No I don’t have to be in the same room,”
he said from the other room.

“Damn it, is he going to hear every word we say now?” he yelled from the room.

Edward stood and let the water run down his body. If Dred was looking for a fight, he would give him one. Edward would not allow him to vent this anger in front of Beth. But their fight was going to be one of dominance. He cracked his neck and dried himself as he stalked his prey. His cock was hard as a rock. He was watching Dred pacing back and forth without realizing what he was going to do till the last minute.

They were a ball of arms and legs as Edward pushed Dred onto the bed where he wanted him. “I think it’s time to use up some of the pent up energy. don’t you?” he said as Dred growled and tried to push him over, but he held on and reached around him, to latching onto his cock.

“You and I have to be together on this Dred,” he said stroking his hard member. Dred was thicker than he was and his fingers just fit around him. “She can’t see us constantly angry, Beth has been through enough.” He kissed the side of his neck and inched his body on top of his slowly.

“The three of us have to be strong for her, while listening to her words and watching every move she makes.” He bucked and once more to remove him and switch places, but not this time. No, Dred needed him to take control this once, his emotions were too wild and right now Beth would not tolerate them.

“Do you know what the number one thing a Dom must be aware of?” he asked Dred, swiping his arms out from under him and pushing his upper body down. A strong firm lubed hand grabbed his cock and started to smear lube on it…

“Thank you,” he mouthed, not wanting to set Dred off, and turned his attention to Dred. “You have to be able to read what our woman isn’t telling us. Look at the way she moves, is she tense when she tells us something, did her body react sexually to what you said to her? These are all things we must do to help our woman, just like she does little things for you,”

Edward leaned down and scraped his fangs down the middle of Dred’s back, sliding his cock into his ass. “Did you know every morning our little woman makes her way into the kitchen just to make sure you have your favorite Danish along with your creamer? Have you looked under the bathroom sink? How much you want to bet she also has the one soap you love stocked in there. We. Have. To. Be. Able. To. Do. The. Same,” he said with each stroke into Dred’s ass.

BOOK: Weddings Bells Times Four
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