Read Vinny: Alvarez Security Series Online

Authors: Maryann Jordan

Tags: #romance, #Fiction

Vinny: Alvarez Security Series (25 page)

BOOK: Vinny: Alvarez Security Series
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That was all the invitation it took before he assumed control. Grasping the bottom of her shirt, he pulled it over her head, their lips parting only for the passing of the material between them. Her lacy bra pushed up her breasts like a feast for his eyes…and mouth. Dropping his lips from hers, he trailed a path down to the tops of her tits with his tongue. He grabbed the material with his teeth and jerked it down, exposing her rosy tipped nipples already hard for him. Sucking deeply on one, he rolled the other between his forefinger and thumb. Moving between her breasts he teased each one, nipping then soothing, sucking deeply until she pressed harder against his leg.

Her hands moved between them finding his jean button. Unfastening it as quickly as she could, she maneuvered the zipper over his massive erection. Palming him with one hand, she pushed his jeans down with the other.

His hands left her breasts and quickly divested her of her pants and panties as well. Soon they were both naked, hands caressing as they explored each other’s bodies. Her lips traced the tattoo on his chest before pulling his own nipple into her mouth. Hearing his sharp intake of breath, she smiled knowing she retained some control.

Suddenly, she found herself hoisted up in his powerful arms as he stalked to the bed. As he set her down, his gravelly voice commanded, “On your knees, babe.” Up to now, sex had been phenomenal, but missionary. Hoping to take it to a slightly more creative level, he moved behind her pulling her ass up as high as it would go. Leaning down, he licked her pussy lips as his hands reached around, pulling on her nipples.

The electric charge sent shockwaves throughout her body as she writhed in need. “Hold still. No moving.” Following his command he gave her ass a small spank, barely leaving a pink mark.

She gasped, the slight sting quickly replaced by a warmth that had her longing for more. His tongue continued to lap her juices, reveling in the taste of her, but for every movement she earned another spank.

Holding perfectly still, she panted as her orgasm neared. The sensations of his tongue probing her pussy lips as his fingers pinched and rolled her nipples threatened to send her into oblivion. But at the moment, that was the only place she wanted to be transported.
Sweet oblivion. With him.

Replacing his tongue with his fingers, he reached deep inside to tweak the place he had learned was the exact spot that really triggered her release. Not to be disappointed, she threw her head back just as he moved his other hand back to press his fingers against her rose button entrance.

Screaming his name, her orgasm rocked through her, hurling her farther and longer than she could have ever imagined. She had read about ass play, but never considered herself one to enjoy that.
Just that tiny taste and I want another orgasm like that again.

Watching her come so hard and fast, he almost came himself before even entering her. Quickly sheathing himself, he plunged into her pussy from behind, feeling her walls stretching to accommodate his girth.

No longer able to consider anything slow, he moved quickly, rocking in and out as hard and as deep as he could. Glancing at the mirror to the side, he saw her pert tits bouncing in rhythm to his pounding. She had turned her head and he captured her gaze in the reflection.
Fuck, that’s hot,
he thought.

As tightly wound as he was, he knew it would not take any time for his own orgasm to explode. “Touch yourself,” he growled, then watched in fascination as her hand moved tentatively to her clit.

“Spank me, please,” she begged and he grinned.

Don’t have to ask me twice.
His hand came down on her ass and her gasp had him grow even harder. After each spank, he soothed the warm skin with his palm. After five spanks, he felt his balls tighten. “You ready?” he bit out, trying to maintain control. Moving his thumb to her rosebud entrance again, this time he slid it in just barely, but enough to add more pressure to her already aching pussy.

Fingering her clit once more, she felt the sparks rush to all her extremities as her inner muscles clamped harder on his cock than she had ever felt.

As she screamed his name, he roared as his release poured into her. Pressing as deep as he could, he continued to let her milk him until every last drop was gone. Falling on top of her, he rolled to the side as he pulled out and moved her so that she was facing him.

Her breathing ragged, she felt like the winner of a long race. Exhausted, but elated. Her limp body lay next to his as he tucked her in tighter.

For long minutes they said nothing, allowing the air to cool their bodies and time to slow their breathing. After a few minutes she began realizing what she allowed him to do. Knowing it was very tame compared to some people’s sex-play, nonetheless a blush crept from the tops of her breasts to her face.

He looked down, seeing her embarrassment.
Oh fuck. I’ve hurt her.
“Babe, are you okay? We don’t have to do any of that again, if you don—”

She silenced him with a touch of her fingers on his lips. A shy grin appeared on her face. He watched her carefully, but the grin spread to a twinkle in her beautiful green eyes.

“It was…um…I liked it,” she admitted.

His heart lighter, he asked, “You’re sure? I don’t ever want you to be uncomfortable.”

Giggling, she said, “I never imagined that it would feel so…um…good.”

“Good? That’s all you’ve got to say is that it was good?” he joked, a pretend hurt look on his face.

“Um…great? How about amazing, fantastic, hot, and orgasmically phenomenal?” she asked, her blush deepening.

Throwing his head back in laughter, he said, “Orgasmically phenomenal? I’ll take that, princess. I like that.”

Pulling the covers up over their cooling bodies, he tucked her in tightly. With her head on his chest, her arm across his stomach and leg across his thighs, he ran his hand through her silky hair.

As she drifted off into a sated slumber, he could not believe that this amazing woman was in his bed. In his arms. In his life. And he knew…this was forever.

Chapter 17

inny sat at
the large conference table rubbing his hand over his face in frustration. The list of people that knew Annalissa’s schedule had grown, and yet no one was standing out in their search. Listening to his co-workers around the table only made his frustration worse.

“BJ and I are working the financial angle on the list that we have to go on, but so far there has been no unusual financial changes in anyone’s status,” Lily reported. “But, as we know, that can be hidden so we are digging deeper.”

“Jack’s contact says that the DEA is looking at a large scale drug smuggling ring, taking the angle that this is something that goes on in airports all of the time and that she was just one of many who unknowingly transported drugs. I’m just not feeling that,” Tony said, holding the attention of those present. All knew Tony’s knack for analytical problem solving, but his former men knew that he was never wrong when it came to a mission that did not feel right.

“You still think it’s personal?” Jobe asked.

Vinny watched Tony carefully as he answered. “I don’t know that it is
personally against
Annalissa, as though someone wants to target her for trouble. But yes, I think she was specifically chosen and my guess is that it had happened before and would have happened again if she hadn’t discovered it.”

“What about the goddamn neighbor?” Vinny growled.

“Lester McCleod?” Lily asked. “He’s a graduate music student. Plays in a local band called The Turners that can be found at a lot of local pubs on the weekends. Annalissa has played the violin with them and sometimes her harp.”

“I didn’t like that guy. Keep looking,” Vinny ordered, his foul mood deepening.

Gabe looked at his twin knowingly. “Bro, just because the guy knows her and has played in a band with her doesn’t mean—”

“I fuckin’ know what it doesn’t mean. I just think if we’re looking at the people who know her in the symphonic orchestra then we need to look at his local band as well.”

Tony nodded at Lily, silently communicating for her to keep digging.

The group meeting was interrupted by Terrance entering the room quickly. “Boss, Doug and I combed through hours of video from Dulles to see if we could identify anyone. We finally came across a video of the handlers taking the luggage off of the plane. Looks like one of the airline handlers was searching for something and kept going back and forth between the baggage trucks and the conveyor belt. After about ten minutes, he pulled out his cell phone and made a call.”

The group listened intently at the first break they had had in the case. Tony barked out, “Good work. Now isolate that video and send it to Jack and feed it into Lily and BJ here.”

“You got it,” Terrance answered as he left the room.

Several minutes later, BJ pulled it up on their screen so that everyone could see. Sure enough, as the luggage came off of the trucks from the plane, one handler seemed to search for something specific.

“Can you isolate his face and bring it up closer?” Vinny asked.

With a few clicks of the keyboard, BJ was able to show a clearer, but still fuzzy, photograph of a middle-aged, Caucasian male with dark hair. His badge was unidentifiable and Vinny cursed as he looked at it.

Within twenty minutes, Tony received a call from Jack. The conversation was short but Tony was not smiling when he got off the phone. “Jack’s FBI source has an identification. The airline worker is Milo Richards. He’s only been working for the airline for about a year. He lives in D.C. and Jack just checked him out. He’s dead.”

The group sat stunned for a moment as Tony continued. “Milo was found dead in his apartment by his girlfriend four days ago.”

“Fuck,” Vinny spit out, as the others cursed around him.

Lily piped up, “Annalissa flew to Los Angeles eight months ago and again four months ago. Same airline. She also flew to New York two months ago. In and out of Dulles Airport and same airline.”

Tony, calm as ever, said, “I think we can assume at this time that Annalissa is definitely a targeted carrier, but may not be the only one. Although with the amount that was found in her harp case, someone wouldn’t have to make many trips to keep someone local supplied and dealing.”

“So it could be a dealer on a small scale or someone who is part of a larger gang?” Jobe surmised.

“Yep.” Tony looked around the room and added, “We need someone on Annalissa at all times when she’s not with Vinny. If the person thinks that she has figured out who they may be, they may decide to deal with her directly.”

Vinny jumped up, heading out of the room. Tony looked at Jobe. “Follow him.” Jobe nodded and left as well. Tony then looked at Gabe and added, “Set up a rotation for when she’s alone.”

The meeting broke up much the same as it had started. Frustration all around.


Don Juarez looked
out on the Los Angeles skyline, his mind wandering over his empire. A slow smile crossed his face, as he felt untouchable. Who knew the most powerful drug lord in California sat in a million dollar office, his legitimate businesses flourishing. And laundering his drug money. He never dirtied his hands with the seedier side of the business. That was why he paid a great deal for those under him to handle all of the transactions…and the problems.

His cell phone rang and he glanced at the number. Answering curtly, he asked, “Anything?”

“The baggage handler was taken care of,” Jawan reported.

“That’s hardly what I would call progress,” Don’s voice bit out.

“I know. I’m in constant contact with my person on the inside of her group. We’ll have it soon, I promise.”

“If not, you’ll end up like the handler.”

With that, Don hung up. His angry gaze now glaring at the skyline. Taking a deep breath, he relaxed. Jawan will take care of everything.

On the other end of the disconnected phone call, Jawan paced his office. Calling his contact, he growled, “What have you got for me? I’m telling you, you’d better come up with something. You and your little helper.”

“I’m trying to get her to commit to another trip. That’d be a perfect time to have the harp alone.”

“Why the hell can’t you get the harp when she has it out now?”

“It’s too chancy. Too many witnesses. Listen, I’ve got this. Promise.”

“You’d better or we’re all dead.” Jawan hung up this time, still pacing his office.


BOOK: Vinny: Alvarez Security Series
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