Read Vinny: Alvarez Security Series Online

Authors: Maryann Jordan

Tags: #romance, #Fiction

Vinny: Alvarez Security Series (33 page)

BOOK: Vinny: Alvarez Security Series
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Finally, it was time for her and Maurice to step up on the platform stage to perform. They settled their instruments, beginning a violin and harp duet. The music flowed from her fingertips once again, weaving a spell over the audience. She closed her eyes occasionally, letting the rhythm move through her. When she would open them, she would glance at her partner, but find that he was as lost in the melody as she was.

Vinny stood in the back of the room, not taking his eyes off of her.
, he thought. The moving vibrations flowed over him, finding their healing way deep inside. She had taken his agony and turned it into peace. She looked as though Easnadh was merely an extension of herself. The two needing each other to make the music as beautiful as it could be.

As the first selection came to an end, the gathering erupted in applause. The second piece was just beginning when he heard a voice from behind him say, “And you would keep that gift from the world?”

He turned, seeing her father standing nearby looking at him. The man’s eyes were not cold…just evaluating.

He held Mr. O’Brian’s gaze for a moment and then turned back to watch the performance. “No, sir,” he answered. “I would protect that gift with my life.”

He could tell when her father had moved along, but did not care. All that he cared about was the beautiful harpist on the stage. Annalissa and Maurice were on their final selection of the evening and he did not take his eyes off of her, still allowing the harmonies to fill his soul. When the last strain was ended, the crowd erupted once again, giving the pair a standing ovation.

Annalissa set Easnadh down, then turned to hug Maurice, once again congratulating him on his honor. Seeing Gordon and Todd making their way through the crowd, she quickly placed her harp in its case. Looking around she did not see any of Tony’s men. The plan had been for her to leave the harp near the stage and Gabe would keep it in sight.

Gordon managed to catch up with her, immediately engaging her in conversation. “I’ve been networking darling. I’ve got some people I want you to meet.” Seeing her standing with her harp case, he waived it dismissively. He saw Sharon coming out of the small storage room and signaled for her to wait. “Where’s Parker?” he asked.

“He’s gone for the evening. He said he’d just get the dress from her tomorrow. Why? What’s up?” Sharon asked, her gaze moving between Gordon’s and Annalissa’s.

“Todd’s got people she needs to meet and I was going to get Parker to take charge of her harp.”

Annalissa wanted to protest, knowing that if her harp was taken out of the building they might never catch who was moving the drugs.

Sharon looked around then said, “Annalissa, what about that storage room? The door’s right here and you’d be close.”

She noticed Vinny near the back of the room and was glad he was so tall. He gave her another wink and she smiled as a warm feeling filled her heart. She moved into the room with Sharon, setting the case down, then they followed Gordon back out to the ballroom to meet with Todd and some music admirers.


Vinny moved casually
around the room, making his way over to where Gabe and Tony stood. The three men made an impressive sight, all over six feet tall and in their tailored tuxes, each with discrete, wireless ear-radios so that they could maintain constant communication.

“Hate this shit,” Vinny admitted.

“The job or this particular mission?” Tony asked, eliciting a raised eyebrow from Vinny.

“You know me, boss. I’ll take anything you give me—but trying to protect someone you love? Fuckin’ hard as hell.”

Tony and Gabe nodded ruefully, both having done just that.

“I look at everyone as a suspect and try to keep my eyes on her at the same time.”

“You focus on her and let the rest of us watch everyone else,” Tony ordered. Not hearing a response, he looked at Vinny sharply. “Do I need to pull you from this job?”

Vinny’s eyes cut over to Tony’s. His former Captain. His boss. His friend. Shaking his head, he answered, “No, sir. I’ve got it.”

Nodding, Tony moved on around the room leaving Vinny with his brother, who was looking at him with sympathy showing on his face.

“I know it sucks, bro. And honest to God, if we never had to worry about our women it would be fuckin’ great. But we’ve got this. We’ve got an eye on the crowd and an eye on her. We know where her harp is and we’ll make sure that they’re both safe.”

Vinny rubbed the back of his neck, feeling the hairs standing on end. He looked into Gabe’s eyes and said, “I know we’ve got it planned out, but I’ve gotta tell you…I’ve got a bad feeling. Like when a mission is ready to go to hell.”

Gabe clapped his brother on the back before moving away into the crowd again, not acknowledging to Vinny that he had the same feeling.


“What are you
doing? You barely spoke to the Mayor and his wife,” Todd hissed to Annalissa. Turning, he then spoke loudly, “Ah, Mayor Fisher and the lovely Mrs. Fisher. Here is our delightful harpist. She was understandably pre-occupied earlier, her mind on her performance.” Leaning in toward them, he said conspiratorially, “You know the artistic type.” Chuckling loudly, he pulled himself up to his inconsequential height and continued, “But she’d love to talk to you now.”

After chatting with the couple, other patrons approached her. She relaxed and began to enjoy herself, talking about her music and Easnadh, as Gordon and Todd seemed to disappear in the crowd.

“My dear,” one elderly gentleman addressed her. “We understand from the program that your harp was restored by Mr. Feinstein.”

Smiling brightly, she said, “Yes.” She glanced around to find Maurice hoping that he could join her for the conversation, but could not see him anywhere. “It was found in a dump and sent to him to see if it was repairable. He was able to restore it and gifted it to me—”

The screeching sound of the fire alarm howled throughout the room. For a second everyone was stunned into silence before the crowd immediately began to rush toward the doors. The meandering patrons of a moment before, wandering with their wine glasses, became an unruly mob all pushing each other, clambering for escape. Crystal could be heard shattering as some knocked into tables to rush to the doors.

Annalissa felt herself being pushed along by the throng, unable to see over the taller bodies nearby. The unnerving shriek of the fire alarm made rational thoughts fly from her head.

Easnadh! Oh my God, Easnadh!
Turning, she began to force her way against the tide of people moving in the opposite direction. Managing to wiggle and thrust her way toward the back of the room again, she stumbled out when she passed the last person. She ran around the platform stage to the door of the storage unit, praying that someone had not locked it.

The knob turned easily and she threw open the door, rushing in.


The fire alarm
jolted Tony and the others into action. Not knowing if it were real or not, they had a responsibility to make sure the congregation exited the building as quickly as possible.

Tony barked out orders to his men. “Jobe, front entrance. Gabe, main stairwell. Terrance, back stairwell. Doug, top of the stairs. Vinny, get Annalissa.”

Each man hurried to their station, offering assistance and reassurances along the way. Vinny had no need of instruction—he was already on his way through the masses to where he saw Annalissa last. His progress was halted as he felt a jerk on his arm. Looking down sharply, he saw the frightened expression of her father.

“Are you getting her?” he asked, breathlessly.

“I don’t care about the fuckin’ harp,” he growled.

Confusion filled the older man’s face…and then guilt. “No, no,” he said with pain. “I meant my daughter. Please save Annalissa,” he pleaded.

Vinny held his stare for only a second but nodded curtly. “With my life,” and he hurried along.

He had lost sight of her group, but being taller than most there he tried to see over the heads of the throng.
Where the fuck are you, baby?

He barked into his earpiece, “BJ. Where is she?”

BJ’s voice came back immediately. “She ran around the back of the platform stage. It looks like she is heading toward that storage room where the harp was placed after it left the stage.”

Tony, hearing BJ’s comment, barked, “Gabe, follow Vinny.”

Gabe immediately turned and began moving through the crowd toward the back as well. An elderly woman stumbled in front of him and he was slowed when he stopped to assist her. By the time he was able to hand her off to another man, he saw Vinny just approaching the back and he ran toward his brother.

Chapter 23

s Annalissa rushed
into the room with the shrieking fire alarm ringing in her ears, she stumbled over her high heels.
What the hell?
The small back door was open, allowing the night air to blow into the room from the outside balcony. She teetered forward, grasping a stack of chairs to regain her balance as she looked down at…

Sharon was bending over the open harp case, the base of Easnadh lying to the side, with her hand up inside the body of the instrument. She looked up in surprise, her face a mixture of guilt and…rage.

“You? You?” sputtered Annalissa, unable to believe who was searching her harp.

“You bitch, you found it. You found my stash and took it. Where is it? Where is it?” Sharon screeched, loud enough to be heard over the alarm.

Annalissa rushed forward, bending to grab Easnadh, and screamed, “We have to get out. The building’s on fire.”

Before she had a good grasp, her arm was jerked around and she missed seeing Sharon’s flying hand as she was slapped hard across the face. Her cheek stung, but before she could react, she looked down to see what was in Sharon’s other hand. A gun. Pointed right at her.

“You stupid bitch. Who do you think started the fire in the first-floor bathroom? Paper towels and my handy lighter was all it took to make the high-brow crowd run for the exits. And you should have too. I should have known you’d come back for your precious harp.”

“Sharon,” she said, trying to still her pounding heart. “It’s gone. I gave it to the police. They’re on to you now. They’ll know it was you. You can’t get away.”

Just then the door slammed open with a bang as Gordon rushed forward, screaming, “Have you got it?” He came to a halt as he saw Sharon holding a gun on Annalissa. “What the fuck are you doing? You were supposed to get the shit and get out unnoticed.”

Annalissa felt her head spinning, adrenaline rushing through her veins. “Gordon?”

His eyes, round with fear, looked at her incredulously.

Sharon smirked as she held the gun steady, still aimed toward Annalissa, and as she jerked her head toward Gordon, said, “Seems like he got a little greedy with the stuff going up his nose and agreed to let me know your flight schedules. And the flight schedules of others. I had a good thing going until you cocked it up. Now get over there,” she barked while jerking her head toward the back door.

“No, no, you don’t have to do this.”

“Your security stud will probably come through that door any second. You get out there or I blast him the instant he makes it here.”

BOOK: Vinny: Alvarez Security Series
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