Trace & Tori [The ShadowDance Club 4] (Siren Publishing Classic) (6 page)

“Talk to me, Tori…what are you running from?” When he saw her muscles visibly tense, he pulled her into a hug and just held her for long minutes giving her a chance to center her thoughts before setting her back again so he could look in to her eyes.

Tori didn’t even realize she’d started talking for a few seconds, and then the words seemed to tumble out faster and faster until she’d told him all about moving to Houston, the fire department’s visit to her condo, and how the officer she’d met that night had taken an interest in her and asked her out to dinner. She told him how she’d known early on during that first date that Officer Gary George wasn’t someone she would be interested in seeing again, and when he’d sensed her withdrawal, he had started pressuring her right away about returning to her place for drinks and telling her where they’d be going the next night.

Thinking back on all the things Gary George had done to her during the past year she wondered again if she had really managed to elude him or if this was just the calm before another storm. He’d destroyed the few keepsakes she’d managed to save from her mother, killed her dog, and ruined several cars. But the worst thing he’d managed to do was alienating her from her friends and co-workers.

Tori had needed to stop several times while she was telling her story to regroup, and she was grateful for Trace’s patience. He never tried to hurry her, his questions were quiet and thoughtful, just enough to let her know he was actively listening. A couple of times she noted something in his demeanor that seemed to radiate anger, but she knew it wasn’t directed at her, and he was able to mask it quickly. When she had finally purged herself of almost all the disgusting details, she sagged in her seat feeling like a puppet whose strings had been suddenly severed.

Looking up into his eyes her words sounded frail even to her own ears. “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have just unloaded all that septic information on you like that. But it’s just that it’s been…well, it’s been a rough year and you are the first person who has really listened…and I well, I guess I…”

“Stop!” His quiet command might have been spoken in a soft voice, but there was no doubt that it was meant to bring about her silence. “Princess, don’t you dare apologize for doing exactly what I asked you to do and for sharing information that is vital to your health or safety…
! Hear this and hold this in your heart and mind as you get to know me and the other people in Climax—we take care of and fiercely protect what belongs to us. We take great pride in keeping our women safe, and I’m sure some of them are going to tell you we are practically obsessive about it.” His smile took away some of the sharpness of his words, letting her know he wasn’t trying to frighten her. “I’ll introduce you to Katarina, Jenna, and Rissa, they’ll all tell you how serious we are about the safety of all the women in our community.” He had taken her small hand in his and was drawing circles slowly in her palm as he spoke to her, and she marveled at how soothing that small gesture was and was grateful that he wasn’t pressing her for more information. “You’re safe here, Tori, I want you to know that, and if your stalker cop shows up, I’ll keep you safe.” He had paused for so long she wasn’t sure he was going to continue, but he finally added, “I think you should consider staying at the ranch until you are sure he didn’t track you here. Alex and Zach have considerable resources and contacts, and I’d like to ask them to check this out so you can put it all behind you. What do you say?”

Tori had worried that Gary might track her, and even though she had taken every precaution she could, in the end, she knew how difficult it was to truly disappear particularly when her inheritance in Colorado would be public record, and he’d find it eventually if he was really looking. Gazing out the window of his large truck, she wanted nothing more than to just curl up and sleep, it had always been her escape of choice when she was stressed, and she could feel the fatigue overtaking her as the minutes ticked by. She finally nodded her head and said, “That is probably a good idea, I have been worried that he might be looking for me. The night he killed Duchess and left her battered body on my porch, he told me that he would never let me go, that I’d end up just like my ‘fucking dog’ if I ever let another man touch me.”

Trace couldn’t remember ever being as angry as he was at this moment, but he pushed it down because Tori needed tenderness and to be wrapped in the shelter of his protection without feeling the rage vibrating through him with seismic intensity. He pulled her into his chest and just held her while she fell in to quiet sobs once again. “Shhh…princess, you have to stop, you are going to make yourself sick. Come on now. Let’s get you back to the ranch. I’ll make us some kick-ass chili while you take a relaxing bath, and when you are done we’ll drink some wine, eat our chili, and watch some television. Come on now, I want you to get those tears out, but you need to pace yourself, sweetness.” He settled her back in her seat and leaned across her to draw her seat belt back into place, brushing a soft kiss over her tear-stained face as he did. “You are so very brave, and I’m so proud of you. I’ll make a few calls while you enjoy the hot tub in the master bath and then we’ll see if we can’t polish off a bottle of wine and enjoy the rest of today. And by the way, this year I have something to truly be thankful for. I’m so very thankful I found you sitting on that snowy bench.” Brushing his fingers gently over her tear-stained cheek, he looked in her eyes for several seconds “You’re so beautiful. Happy Thanksgiving, my sweet snow angel.”

Chapter 5


After they’d made their way back to the ranch house, Trace ensured that Tori had everything she needed and then quickly moved down stairs to set the chili on the stove to warm and grabbed his cell so he could talk while he threw together a quick dinner. He’d called the Lamonts first, knowing their security staff at The Club would have computer access that mere mortals could only dream about. After he’d finished explaining the situation to Alex and Zach, they had promised to get their team on it right away, and they promised to notify Dylan Marshall, the local sheriff also.

Dylan and his new wife were both former DEA agents and had maintained many of their federal contacts after leaving the agency, so their resources were widespread and reliable. Both Alex and Zach Lamont and several members of the ShadowDance staff were former Special Forces soldiers, but Trace was sure it would be computer genius, Mitch Grayson who would be the one to ferret out everything there was to know about Officer Gary George of the Houston Police Department. There was little doubt that in just a few hours Mitch would have a file on George that would make the FBI envious and the CIA proud.

Trace had a huge amount of respect for his friends and felt humbled at how quickly he knew they would rally around Tori. Satisfied that he’d set the wheels in motion, he slipped upstairs to take a fast shower and was heading back down when he hear soft sobbing from the guest room. Opening the door he saw Tori sitting on the floor with her small suitcase opened in front of her.

Kneeling down beside her, he ran his fingers through her wet hair. “What’s wrong, princess?”

“It’s just so sad. I worked so hard. I worked two jobs all through college, even while I was in law school. And I saved so much money that I was able to move without incurring any debt. Hell, I didn’t even have any student loans. And when I got to Houston, I was very careful, only buying quality clothes that would hold up to the demands of my career, and in the end, I had to leave so quickly that this is all I have to show for all that hard work. I don’t know what I’ll do now. If I apply to transfer my license to another state, I know he’ll find me before I’d even be able to set up a practice or get a job.” Taking a deep breath, she looked up at him and smiled weakly. “My God, I’m such a train wreck, and I’m sure you are tired of hearing me whine. So…” Trace watched as she seemed to draw herself up and took a couple of deep breaths. He watched her as she seemed to literally pull a shield up around herself. “I’m going to stop complaining and just accept the fact that I’m going to have to do whatever it takes. I’ve built a life from ashes before, and I can do it again.”

Trace scooped her up off the floor and moved confidently to the small chaise lounge in front of a large bank of windows. Settling her on his lap, he turned her to face him. “Here is your final reminder, princess. Don’t ever dare to apologize for how you feel. You humble me with your honesty and courage. And the fact that you trust me enough to share your feelings and frustrations pleases me more than I can tell you. Please remember that as we discuss things later tonight because trust is going to be the most basic element in the conversation we’re going to have, all right? And I want you to remember, clothing can be replaced…you cannot. You are safe because you were smart and resourceful. I’ve already made some calls, and as we speak there are several people gathering information for us. By this time tomorrow we’ll know more about the asshole that terrorized you than he knows about himself.”

Smiling at her, Trace set her on her feet and moved to her suitcase and pulled out a pair of yoga pants and a clingy crop top and handed them to her. “Put these on and nothing else.” Smiling at her gaping mouth, he put his fingers under her chin and pushed it closed before he continued. “No, no underwear. You won’t be needing them this evening. If your feet get cold, feel free to put on a pair of socks, but that is all you’ll be needing. Now put them on quickly, and we’ll go downstairs together. You’re in for a treat, princess. Dinner should be ready, and I make a mean bowl of chili if I do say so myself.”


* * * *


Tori couldn’t remember ever enjoying a meal more that she did the chili and crackers she shared with Trace as they watched football on television. He’d been thrilled to find out she was a football fan, and they’d jeered and cheered their favorite teams through two bowls of chili each while they knocked back two bottles of the best wine Tori had ever enjoyed. By the time the games had concluded, they were both enjoying the full effects of the wine and each other’s company. Trace had positioned himself into the corner of the large sectional and pulled Tori’s back against his chest, settling her lush ass between his legs, it was a position he sometimes used for discussions with subs because he could feel every flex of muscle and intake of breath as well as changes in their pulse rate. He’d discovered it often enabled a submissive to answer questions more honestly if they didn’t have to look directly at the Dom. The small measure of distance seemed to afford them a certain amount of anonymity and therefore freed them to open up in ways they might not have otherwise.

After a few minutes of just holding her close and enjoying the feel of her against his cock, he nuzzled close to her ear and traced the shell with his tongue. “Princess, tell me what you know about Dominants and submissives.” He knew instantly that she had some frame of reference by the immediate tensing of her muscles, so he added, “I want to remind you of the importance of honesty, darlin’. You should know that your body language has already given you away. I would also like to know whether or not any of your experience is from firsthand exposure or from if it’s all from reading and research.” He knew she was struggling, wanting to word her answer just right, and he had to smile.
Always the counselor, well, Ms. Attorney, I’ll just wait you out.

Tori was reeling, and she was afraid that if she told Trace she’d always harbored a deep curiosity about the Ds lifestyle, he’d think she was some kind of freak or worse yet, that she had done something to deserve the pain she’d suffered at the hands of her stalker. Finally deciding that she was tired of being afraid of her own shadow she answered, “Um…well, I’ve read about it, a lot about it actually, but I don’t have any personal experience. Please don’t think badly of me, but I’ve read some books that were on the edgy side…and well, that’s where I learned about it.”

Trace had been a Dom for years and he had a well developed a very keen sense of listening skills, and what he’d just heard was Tori’s admission to a solid curiosity about the lifestyle.
Perfect! Now, my precious little sub, I can tell there is more and you might as well spill it now because I’ll stay at you until I know everything.
He decided to wait her out, he was sure she would continue talking if he didn’t rush her and time was on his side.

His patience was rewarded when she finally continued. “I went to a club once in Houston, just to see if what I was reading was true.” Trace had noted how her pulse had spiked and her breathing was little more than shallow panting. “It wasn’t anything like what I expected, it was so scary, and strange men and women kept coming up to me and touching me, I paid a large cover charge and I was only there about twenty minutes. One man demanded I strip and suck his…well, you know. I ran out and never went back.” The shiver that raced up her spine radiated out from her core and didn’t end until it reached her fingers and toes, and Trace felt each tremble.

Tori remembered the abject terror she’d felt as strange men and women had tried to touch her intimately. She’d been terrified the entire time she’d been inside the filthy warehouse that had been converted in to the only club she’d been able to find that allowed admittance by paying just the hefty cover charge. Every other club she’d found required extensive background screenings and waiting periods, and she had been sure she would lose her nerve or that discovery would ruin her fledgling career so she’d opted for the quick look-see that had turned out to be one of her dimmer moments.

Trace had heard enough, shifting her around so they were face-to-face, he started explaining all the reasons her curiosity was perfectly acceptable, but the fact she had put herself in a very dangerous situation was absolutely not acceptable. “First of all let me assure you that your curiosity is completely normal and you should never let anyone make you feel that it isn’t or that you are
because you are seeking a way to fulfill yourself. There is no right or wrong in consensual sex.” He took her small hands between his larger ones and held them securely before continuing. “Now, let’s talk about the fact that you are a beautiful woman who went into an unknown sex club alone, without doing any research about the establishment, its members, rules, safety measures, etc. I am known as a very gentle Dom because I’m tolerant and dislike physical pain as punishment unless it is absolutely necessary. But if you were mine and you put yourself in that kind of danger, you would find yourself over my knee the instant I discovered it, and I’d paddle your sweet ass until I was convinced you would never endanger yourself in such a careless way again.”

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