Trace & Tori [The ShadowDance Club 4] (Siren Publishing Classic) (3 page)

Throwing open the door, he realized he had only heightened her fear when he’d crashed in to the room. Seeing her cowering in the corner trying to make herself invisible brought him to an abrupt halt. When he slowly moved toward her, she covered her head with her hands and begged him to not shoot her.
What the fuck happened to you Tori? Whatever it was, I’ll fix it, I promise you.
Startled by his own thoughts, he moved to squat in front of her and pulled her arms apart gently so he could see her face. He knew her look of abject terror would haunt him forever.

“Shhh, Tori, it’s me, Trace. Princess, I need you to wake up right now.” He’d tried lacing the last sentence with a bit of his Dom voice, hoping she’d respond, and she did exactly as he’d expected. Recognition seemed to wash over her, and she launched herself into his waiting arms. Trace had been sure she was a natural submissive, and her immediate response was all the proof he needed. “That’s it, sweetheart. Let me hold you, you had a bad dream, and your scream took several years off my life. I need to hold you for a few minutes and see if I can get my heart rate back somewhere close to normal.”

Like every true sub he’d ever known, she was immediately compliant when it meant doing something to help her Dom. Subs were by nature giving and would usually go to great extremes—often at huge personal costs—to keep those around them in harmony and to be helpful. They almost always went well above and beyond in their attempts to pacify anyone who was unhappy with them and were always trying to please everyone around them. He’d talked with many Doms over the years who claimed they spent a lot of time protecting their subs from others who would have taken advantage of their accommodating nature.

When she finally seemed to have settled, he picked her up in his arms and moved toward his bedroom. He felt her stiffen slightly, so he hugged her tightly and said, “I want you in my bed, Tori. You’ll sleep better in my arms, and I know I’ll sleep better knowing you are safe. I promise you, nothing is going to happen that you don’t want to happen, all right?” When she merely nodded her head, he continued. “Ordinarily, I’d make you speak the words aloud, but I think we both need a minute to get back on an even keel, so that nod is going to work just fine tonight.”

As he turned into the master suite, he saw her eyes take in her surroundings as if she was figuring out all the exits and escape routes as he set her on the edge of the bed. Knowing she wouldn’t sleep until she understood the lay of the land, he pointed out the closed door that led to the bathroom and indicated the door they’d just come in through. “Those curtains cover patio doors that lead to a deck overlooking the back of the house, and there is a hot tub out there also. But right now, I want to lie next to you and hold you tightly against me so we can both get some sleep.”

He left his boxer shorts on, but as he pulled her against his bare chest, he slid his hands under the soft cotton shirt, so they spanned her bare back. Her skin felt like warm silk against his fingers taking in the feel of each beat of her heart and every breath she took. “God you feel so good in my arms. You are so beautiful you simply take my breath away. Just let me hold you while we get some rest, princess. You are and will always be safe with me.” He’d no sooner spoken the words than he felt her lips press a small kiss to his bare chest. “Oh damn. Tori, please don’t start something you don’t want me to act on because I’m telling you now my control is hanging by a thread.”

Trace was sure Tori felt his cock harden even more against her as he’d spoken his words of caution. She was pushing him, and it had been so long since he’d wanted to make sweet love to a woman that Trace wasn’t sure he was going to be able to resist her.

“It’s been so long since I have felt safe in a man’s arms, and you make me feel desirable and I want to lose myself in that intimacy and connection, even if it’s only for a little while. Please? I need you…” She’d spoken the words so softly at first he wasn’t sure he’d heard her right, but then he knew he had when she tilted her face up and licked her lips in anticipation.

Chapter 3


Trace slowly rolled Tori beneath him and covered her mouth with his. His kiss was tender, but when he felt more than heard her soft moan, he deepened the kiss with a fervor that he knew conveyed his possessive side. Tori’s lips were soft, sweet, and plump against his, and their warmth had his mind flashing to what they would look like wrapped around his cock as he slid into the hot depths of her mouth. Images of her looking up at him, her dark eyes unfocused with arousal as he held her still while he stroked to the back of her sweet mouth until he could feel her open her throat in surrender flashed through his mind at the speed of light.

Before he let himself get sucked into that fantasy, he moved his mouth to her temple and then trailed sweet kisses down her jawline to the other side where he continued kissing down the side of her neck. Reaching that tender spot where her neck and shoulder met, he bit gently and then soothed the spot immediately with his tongue “Princess, tell me what you need. I’ll give you that and so much more, but I need to hear your words.” His kept his voice gentle, and he was sure she was quickly getting lost in the sensations so if he was going to get any help from her, he knew he had better get it quickly.

“Oh please…I need…I just need you to…” Tori couldn’t even think straight let alone form a coherent sentence.
How does he expect me to think when his mouth is painting passion over my skin like he is some kind of Renaissance master or something? Oh my God! At first I thought maybe I’d just forgotten what it felt like, but I’ve never felt a connection like this before and its power swamps me.

“Tori, look at me.” When her eyes didn’t open, he pulled back from her. “Victoria, you need to open your eyes so I know you are listening. It’s important for many reasons that I will explain later, but right now I need to know you really want this. Tell me what it is that you need.” Trace was well known at the ShadowDance Club as a gentle or
Dom who was always able to take his subs where they needed to go, but his approach was unlike any of the other Dominants at The Club. He rarely punished a sub with implements or heavy-handed pain, preferring to use positive reinforcements or touch depravation to get the behaviors he valued.

Slowly Tori seemed to regain focus, and when she opened her beautiful eyes, Trace was struck by the stark loneliness he saw reflected in their depths. He realized in an instant that this was a woman who had seen her whole world taken apart, and he knew instinctively that she needed this connection in a way that only another lost soul could understand. “I need you to make love to me, to help me feel desirable again. I need to lose myself in you even if it’s only for a little while…I just want to feel something other than fear even if it’s just for a few minutes.” She’d met his gaze for this first part of her answer, but as she had continued speaking, he watched as her eyes lowered to his chest as if she were trying to hide the shame she felt by verbalizing her needs.

Trace placed his fingers under her chin, bringing her up to look in his eyes again. “Thank you for trusting me enough to tell me what you need. I know that was hard for you, and I’m so proud of you for being brave enough to take a chance, I promise you your trust in me is well placed.” Brushing his lips over hers in soft passes and gentle caresses over the entire length of her back and lush ass, he led her slowly back to the arousal she’d been lost in earlier. “You are so beautiful, and you have a light that shines from within. When I first saw you sitting out in the snow, I was sure you were a gift sent directly from God and now? Well now I’m certain it’s true.”

As he’d been speaking he’d been moving his hands in random patterns under the soft shirt. He moved to the hem and slowly drew it over her head and tossed it aside. Leaning back, he let his eyes caress her and knew his appreciation was reflected in his expression when her nipples tightened even further in to the sharpest points he’d ever seen.

“Let me tell you what I see. I see a beautiful woman who has been sold a bill of goods about not being worthy, when in reality any man she gifts with her time by allowing him in to her life should be thanking his lucky stars that she has deemed him worthy of her trust. You and I are going to have a long conversation about the lifestyle that I embrace, but that is for another time. Right now, I have every intention of giving you exactly what you have asked for and it is going to be my pleasure to do so. But know this, my lovely snow princess, I am deeply honored that you have given me your trust. It’s a precious gift and I want you to know how much it means to me.”

Trace had moved back over her and leaned on his elbows so she would feel his weight without bearing the crush of it entirely. Her skin was almost sparkled in the moonlight that was shining in through the windows high above the bed. Trace was grateful that the snow had abated allowing the moon to kiss Tori’s beautiful skin. Even in the low light he could see how beautifully she was flushing with her arousal. He moved his knees so that he pushed her thighs apart and shifted just enough to the side that he could run his hand from the side of her face all the way over her softly rounded breasts down her belly and then over the curls covering her mound before ever so gently sliding his fingers through her wet folds. When a look of embarrassment crossed her face, he said, “Oh, princess you are so wet for me. I am so pleased that your body is preparing itself for my possession. My cock is aching to slide deep into your pussy, but I want to know a few things first.”

Tori could feel herself getting lost in the feel of his hand as it lit her up like the Fourth of July. “I’m on birth control, and I’m clean if those are your questions. I haven’t had a man for a very long time, so you may have to go a little slow at first.” Tori was looking everywhere but at him, and she didn’t know why it was so hard for her to talk about these things, but it had always had been.

“Well, that does answer a few of my questions. I want you to know I am also clean. Regular physicals, including testing for disease are a part of the requirements for membership at ShadowDance.” At her puzzled expression he continued. “I’ll tell you all about The Club later, but first I’d also like to know what kind of sexual experience you’ve had - has it all been vanilla or have you experienced anything that would be considered outside that box?” Trace knew the answer the minute he asked the question that Tori had only had vanilla sex, and he’d bet she hadn’t had much of that. But she was intrigued by what else was out there and curiosity was definitely something he could work with. Yes indeed, the angels had absolutely sent him a very special gift.

“Well, I…um…I think I know what you are asking, and I’ve only had regular sex, but I have always wondered…well, about other kinds of sex because I don’t seem to be doing the regular stuff quite right because well…because…ummm…well…”
How am I ever going to tell this amazing man that I’ve only had sex twice and both times were really disappointing for me and for the men I was with.

“Let’s try this, how many men have you had sex with?” He decided it might be easier if he asked direct questions that she simply had to answer, and he’d be able to fill in most of the blanks just by watching her body language.

“Two, one in college and one not long after I moved to Houston.”

“Very good, princess. Now, how many times did you have sex with your first partner?” Trace was feeling pangs of jealousy, and those were surprising him - a lot!

“Um, well, I only had sex with each of them one time…they didn’t seem to think it was an experience worth repeating…if you know what I mean.” Her deep sigh of resignation told him volumes about who the asshats had likely blamed for the fact the sex hadn’t fulfilled her.

“Tori, did you climax during either of those sexual experiences?” Trace could feel her body tense and knew the answer immediately. He didn’t see any reason to make her feel any more humiliation than her partners had already piled on her, so he didn’t wait for her answer. “Sweetness, I can tell by your body language that you didn’t have an orgasm, and I promise you that is going to end tonight. Now, let’s see what we can do about letting you fall over the edge of pleasure into a space so filled with warmth and sensation that you will wonder how you’ve lived without it.” He had been using his voice to draw her in, and he knew from experience that his voice’s deep tones were a powerful tool when seducing a woman, and he had every intention of seducing this one with every single skill he’d learned over the years. Tori deserved an experience that she’d be able to remember for the rest of her life because for all intents and purposes she was essentially a virgin to the pleasures of the flesh. She only needed a tour guide, and he knew every stop along the way.


* * * *


Tori was embarrassed to her toes that she had told the most amazing man she’d ever met about her two very humiliating previous sexual experiences.
Oh yeah, Tori, every man wants to hear about the other men that have fucked you…NOT! Even if they ask, they don’t really want to know. What on earth were you thinking?

Feeling her tension, Trace pulled back from her and looked at her thoughtfully. “Tell me what just went racing through your thoughts.” When her eyes went wide, he continued. “Your body gives you away, princess. Now out with it.” He’d used a bit of his Dom voice that time, and it had the desired effect.

“I was thinking that I shouldn’t have spoken about the other men, it’s tacky, and I can’t imagine you really wanted to hear about that. I’m sorry. I really don’t know what came over me.” Trace was absolutely captivated by her honesty even as he was mentally mapping out a plan to improve her self-esteem. The pink flush that was working itself over her satin-soft cheeks was so adorable he had to fight grinning at her like a fool.

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