Torn (Devils Wolves Book 1) (29 page)

"Fuck, you're so beautiful." He groans, kneading my breasts in his hands and burying his face between them, moving his lips from one to the other, sucking my nipples until I'm grinding against his erection, lost in his touch. I had no idea anything could make me feel so electrified. His hands move to undo my jeans while his mouth never stops ravishes my breasts, and I kneel up to wiggle out of my panties and jeans as he pushes his own pants down and kicks them off.

"I don't want to hurt you so we're going to do something different," He says, his voice gravelly with lust. "But it'll still feel good, I promise."

"Everything you do feels good," I whisper.

He flashes me a wicked sexy grin that makes my stomach go into spasms.

"It's only going to get better, love." He presses two fingers against my lips, gently pushing them into my mouth. "Suck on my fingers, baby."

I'm surprised by his words but I do as he asks, sucking his fingers into my mouth and swirling my tongue around them, and his eyes go wide as he watches me. His cock twitches between us and I ache to feel him buried inside me again, spreading and stretching my body just for him. The pain and pleasure of it earlier made me feel erotically delirious, causing me to spread my legs wider and dig my nails into him, wanting him harder and deeper.

When he pulls his fingers out of my mouth, he reaches between us and rubs his wet fingers between my legs, smearing my saliva all over my lips. No one's ever touched me there before him, and my body instantly reacts, quivering and flushing with warmth. Spreading my folds with his fingers, he gently pushes me down until I'm flush against him with his cock wedged between my lips.

"Keep your legs spread and slide yourself back and forth over me," he coaxes, grabbing my hips and moving me so my sex glides from the base of him all the way up to the head, and then back again. And he's right, even though he's not inside me, rubbing along his hard length feels incredible.

Leaning back against the pillows, his gaze drifts up my body, not stopping until he reaches my eyes.

"That feels so good..." He groans softly, cupping my breasts in his hands again. "Don't stop, just let yourself go and get off on me. I want to watch you come."


Nervousness creeps up on me. Surely he's not used to having to do things like this just to be with a woman. I'm afraid my age and inexperience is more glaring by the minute. He tears his eyes from where our bodies are joined and glances up at me again, his expression going from hungry with desire to sheer concern.

Grabbing the back of my neck, he gently pulls my head down and kisses my lips. "You're perfect, Kenzi. Every single inch of you, inside and out. You're turning me on like fuckin' crazy." He kisses me again, always knowing exactly what I need to hear and feel, and I continue to ride along his shaft, arching my back to press my clit against him.

"There ya go," He whispers, his fingers grazing over my nipple, sending more sparks throughout my body and down into my core. "Feel how hard I am for you? For months I've been hiding that from you but now I want you to feel every inch of what you do to me."

All his walls are down and his voice is like black velvet; soft, smooth, dark, and seductive. It lulls me and fades my insecurities as I rub myself against him. His mouth and hands are everywhere with mind-blurring skill. Gripping my hips, caressing my breasts, his lips on my mouth one moment, and then licking the curve of my breast the next—he's got every part of me craving him and I can't get enough. Finally I can look at him without hiding the fact that I'm doing it, and now my eyes are glued to his broad shoulders, muscular chest, and defined abs as I move against the hardest part of him, mesmerized. His dark tousled hair falls to his shoulders and I can't resist clutching it in my fingers. He's truly every woman's dream. I can barely grasp the fact this incredibly sexy grown man with rippling hard muscles, covered in tattoos that I've watched women literally drool over, and who also has a heart made of pure solid gold...wants
. Loves
. He could have anyone, and he waited for

He growls against my lips when I let the tip of his cock press against my wet entrance and I get my first taste of real sensual power. He wants me. Maybe even needs me.

Angling my hips just the right way, I lower myself down onto him and he inhales sharply, pulling me down hard on him, his cock plunging deep. A small cry sounds in my throat but again, the sensation of pain and want is intoxicating for me, intensifying when he whispers my name and shudders, losing himself in me completely just as I am with him.

I really
give him everything.

And that's all I've ever wanted and wished for.


My love,

We promised each other forever.

If you think I've let you go, you're wrong.

You're mine. I'm yours.


* * *


othing can fuck
your shit up faster than the girl you've got your cock buried in getting a text message from her father telling her she should come home because it's after midnight.

I wanted to keep her with me in my bed all night and ask her to not go home. I wanted her tell her father that she was spending the night at Chloe's house and she'd be home tomorrow.

And then I remembered that once I was the guy who enforced her curfew. Told her to never lie to her father about anything. I almost laughed at the insane irony of it, only it wasn't funny. It was terrifyingly confusing.

Fuck me.

Day one of having Kenzi was nothing short of a dream and I'm not going to let these bumps in the road ruin the happiness we're feeling. We knew it would be hard. We knew it would be difficult. We knew there would be lies.

Is she worth it? Yes.

So I drove her home in my truck and when she went inside she told Asher that she had been at my place playing with the dog and then we watched a movie and lost track of the time. And when she sent me a text an hour later, when I was back home alone in my bed that still smelled of her perfume and I was missing her like crazy, she told me her father said her she could have stayed here. Because she was with me.


Was she safe? Of course. But Asher wouldn't think so if he knew I had just spent hours dragging my tongue over every curve of her delicious body, pummeling away her virginity with nine inches of his best friend, and fingering her into orgasmic bliss while telling her I'm going to love her for eternity.

Now I'm standing outside my sister’s apartment door, wondering if I'm at the wrong address. This is an upscale mill apartment in Manchester, probably getting at least twelve hundred per month in rent. How is my little sister affording something like this? I have no idea how much a hair and makeup artist can make, but apparently it's a lot.

Shrugging, I ring the bell, hoping she's awake, and home. After a few seconds her door opens, and she's standing there with her hair up in a messy ponytail wearing a short, black silk robe.

"Toren!" She says with obvious surprise. "I didn't know you were coming over. Come in."

I saunter into her apartment and gaze around at the stark white walls, chic modern decor and furnishings like glass table tops and funky vases. Everything is white, black, and red. I feel like I just walked into an abstract painting.

"You live here?" I ask, not hiding my disbelief. I was expecting a cute little studio with cheap throw rugs, colorful throw pillows, hand me down furniture, and clothes thrown around like when she lived at mom's house.

"Um, yes, why?"

"Alone? Or do you have a roommate?"

"Alone. You know I hate people."

"Hm. It’s just so...neat. And expensive. Is this couch real leather?" I run my hand across the soft black cushion. Yes. It's leather.

She curls her lip at me and turns to walk into the small kitchen with granite counter tops and stainless steel appliances. "You want some coffee? I literally just crawled out of bed."

I follow her and sit at her kitchen table, grabbing a thick white envelope laying in the middle of the table next to a vase of red silk flowers. It's stuffed with cash. A
of cash.

"You rob a bank?" I query, thumbing through all the bills.

"No," she replies from the noisy latte maker, not turning around.

I frown at the envelope. "Dealing drugs? Stripping, maybe?"

She turns and snatches the envelope from me and shoves it in a drawer before she goes back to making our coffees. "No, Tor. It's just tips from work."

"Nice. Maybe I need to switch jobs."

"Ha ha," she jokes, handing me a cup and sitting gracefully in the chair across from me. "So what brings you here?"

"I wanted to check in on my little sister, but it looks like you're doing well." My gut tells me something is very off here. I doubt I could afford to live in this place, so how is she swinging this?

She nods over the rim of her mug. "I am."

"I kinda need someone to talk to," I say, shifting my attention to why I'm here and forgetting about her rent and furniture, which is really none of my business. "A woman's point of view would be appreciated, I guess."

She smiles and leans forward on the table, pushing her long dark hair behind her diamond studded ear. "Ooh, now this sounds good. Ask away."

"How would you feel about being with a guy older than you?"

"How much older? Like eighty?"

I shake my head at her in frustration. Eighty! "No, like early thirties."

"Do you mean to just fuck, or to actually date?"

"Jesus, Tess. To date." The thought that my little sister would even consider just fucking and not dating makes my stomach turn.

"Is he hot?" She asks next.

I shrug and sip my coffee. "Yeah."


Shit. "Does that matter?"

"Well, yeah. To some. Nobody wants to date some loser with no ambition and no money."

Kenzi wouldn't care. She has her own money, anyway.

I lean back in the chair and meet her blue eyes. "Let's say he's not rich but he's comfortable."

She rests her chin on her palm and muddles this all around in her mind. "Yeah, I would. Older guys are better."

"Why is that?"

"They're more mature, usually. More experienced. Probably out of the playing-video-games-all-day phase, which is really fucking annoying. Older men give younger women a sense of security, I think. Like they can take care of us in every way. Physically, emotionally, financially. I think all women secretly want to be treated like spoiled little girls."

I nod and stare down into my mug, wondering if Kenzi thinks of me that way. It wouldn't be bad, because I want to take care of her, but I also want her to have fun with me and be able to enjoy her youth. I don't want to force her to grow up.

"Why all the questions, Toren?"

"I'm curious. I met someone younger..."

Her ice blue eyes hone in on me like two bright beacons cutting through fog.

"Holy shit," she breathes out slowly. "It finally happened."


"You and Kenzi Valentine. I knew it!" She smacks her palm down on the table triumphantly. "I always knew something was there between you two."

"Tessie, don't be crazy." I scoff at her but fear snakes through me. I didn't think she would figure me out so quickly. I thought I could just nonchalantly pick her brain to see if I could get some insight on how a younger girl would feel about dating an older guy. Now she's got me cornered.

She tilts her head at me. "Seriously, Tor? Come on. Stop the bullshit. Obviously you need to talk so let's just drop the charade, okay?"

It's hard to admit, but she hit the nail right on the head. I
need someone to talk to before I lose my mind from keeping this all bottled up inside me. I know I can talk to Lukas, but the fact that he's related to Kenzi and Asher still makes me nervous. I need to talk to someone who's not personally invested in Kenzi.

"You have to promise that this stays between us, Tess."

"Of course it will. You look like you're about to have a mental break down. Your eyebrow is twitching. I knew something was up when you took off a few weeks ago. Were you with her? Is that why you went away for the weekend?"

"No, I was alone. But things were starting to happen and I needed to get away to think. Usually I talk to Asher about everything, ya know? But I can't tell him I'm freakin' in love with his kid."

Her mouth falls open. "Wow. I never thought I'd actually hear you admit it."

"What's the point in lying to you? I love her. Like I want to marry her."

"Whoa," she puts her hand up. "Let's back it up, cowboy. She's eighteen."

"I know. I don't mean tomorrow, Tess. But someday, when she's ready to make that commitment. That's what I want."

Her eyes are wide and glassy as she reaches across the table and grabs my hand. "My God, Tor. I knew you had a thing for each other, but marriage? That's a huge step for her to even think about at her age. Asher will flip his fucking lid."

"Why do you think I'm so fucked up?"

"And what about her? How does she feel?"

"She loves me, too. She wants the same things I want."

"Yeah, today, maybe. But she's eight-fucking-teen. Look how much I've changed in the past two years, Tor. Am I the same person I was when I was eighteen?" She raises her eyebrows at me.

"In some ways yes and others no."


"So you don't think it can last? You think she'll just change? Want someone else?" I try to picture Kenzi with another man and I can't. I can't even force that scenario in my head. My mind goes blank. I can only see Kenzi with me, and I can only see myself with her.

"I don't know. But I think it’s a very big possibility."

I pull my hand away from hers. "This isn't helping me." I grumble.

"I'm trying to be honest, and you have to hear it. But on the other hand, guys have obviously have had some kind of deep connection for years that hasn't gone away, right? So maybe it can last. I know this is hard, but only time will tell."

"I guess you're right," I nod. "But let's just say she and I date. Do you think we look weird together? Does she look too young? Do I look old? I don't want people staring at us."

"I know you have mirrors in your house, Tor. You're not fat and bald, for God's sake. You look great. Your body is like a damn Greek God. And you've still got that rock star look going on with the hair and tattoos. So no, you don't look old," she pauses to sip her coffee. "And don't even get me started on Kenzi. That girl is gorgeous. And she doesn't even have to try, it's so unfair. She doesn't look or act eighteen, so I think once again, you're okay if you're worried about visual appearances."

"Well, that makes me feel better."

"What about conversation? Do you have things to talk about? Things in common? She hasn't turned into a babbling idiot, right?"

"Definitely not. That's not a problem for us at all. We've always had great conversations."

"How about sex? Have you slept with her?"

Memories of Kenzi on top of me last night and holding her in my arms for hours afterwards float through my mind. "Yesterday was the first time we ever slept together. And it was fucking amazing."

She sighs. "A little bit TMI, but I'm glad to hear you at least waited. The age of consent is sixteen, ya know. So It's nice you waited 'til she was eighteen."

"I'm not an asshole, Tesla. I do have some morals left."

"Were you her first?"


She gapes at me again. "Wow. Talk about setting the bar. My first guy was a scrawny sixteen year old who barely knew where to stick it. She's going to compare every guy in her life to you. That's going to be a tough act to follow."

"Don't even say that."

"Ya know, if you guys do somehow make this work, it's wicked romantic. For you to be her first and only for her entire life? That's just crazy awesome. And the fact that you'd wait for her to grow up to marry her? It's like an epic fairytale." She stares off across the room with a giddy smile on her face. "It's like every little girl’s dream. To find the Prince."

"I'm not sure I'm much of a Prince."

"In her eyes you are."

"So if we were together, you'd be okay with it?"

"Why wouldn't I be? I want you to be happy, and I like Kenzi. I hate that bitch Sydni and Lisa is just stuck up."

"She's not stuck up, you just have to get to know her."

"I'll pass. Are you still dating her, too?"

"Fuck no. I'm not seeing anyone else at all. I haven't even slept with anyone for over six months. The minute I started having feelings for Kenzi, I just couldn't do it."


"No, it's love. I only want her. That's it."

"Mom will be ecstatic. She totally thinks you're gay."

I sputter into my coffee. "What? Are you fucking kidding?"

Laughing, she nods. "Yup. She's been really worried about you lately and thought you were hiding in the closet. I think she'll be glad to find out you're in love with a woman, even if it is Kenzi. Mom likes her, she's all into the animal stuff. She fits right in."

Jesus Christ. I wonder if that rumor has been floating around town and for how long.

"I can't believe this shit. And yeah, she does fit into my life. That's important to me. I'm never going to give up Devils’ Wolves."

"So let's talk about your biggest hurdle, because it's not anything between you and Kenzi. You two seem to be fine. It's Asher, right?"


"Does he have any idea? Have either of you dropped any hints?"


"Maybe you should start. Ease him into it slowly. He probably already has some kind of inkling, Tor. Even I knew and I really don't pay much attention to anyone around me."

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