The Young Vampire Mate: The Airendell Chronicler Diaries - Book 1.5 (4 page)

I look at Fionn and ask him if he has Luca’s phone number.  He shakes his head no and I go find my phone to call Rinda.  She also has Morna’s number even though she has never used it.  Morna has yet to recognize Rinda.  Our bestie Rinda has taken every opportunity to go around Morna, hoping she will remember something.  But Morna just thinks of Rinda as a nurse from the hospital and someone who likes to party on the wild side at the bar where Morna worked for several months after leaving the hospital.

When I hang up from Rinda I look at Fionn.  I finally realize he is still naked.  “Would you please put some clothes on?”  He just chuckles and says, “Morna and Luca got to you, huh?”  I swallow hard and nod.  “I am not dead, Fionn.  A naked hot man effects me.  I just made a choice and I am sticking to it, no matter what.”

“Nice to know me standing here naked has some effect on you,” he quips wryly.

I roll my eyes, “I am not blind, Fionn MacLeod.  I have never hid the fact that I think you are gorgeous.”

Fionn smiles, nods and slowly pulls his jeans on.  “Hey, baby, I got to confess something.”  I look up at my friend.  His tone makes me uncomfortable.  “Mom also said you meet your mate soon.  I should have told you sooner.”  He looks guilty.  “I hate seeing you so… rattled.”

I smile at Fionn.  “That’s okay, bro.  You know that I never want to know anything a seer says about my future.  You were just respecting my wishes.”

Fionn blushes and looks away.  “I wish that were true, baby.  But I suspect I was just hoping you would change your mind and become my lover.  But I know it’s never gonna happen.”

The pain I see on my old friend’s face breaks my heart and without thinking about the wisdom of my actions I rush to him and wrap my arms around his waist.  His chest is still bare because he has only slipped into his jeans at this point.  His hot bare flesh under my cheek and powerful bare arms that wrap around me stirs a primal, carnal need deep inside of me.  It would be so easy to just enjoy what he‘s offering. 

You know it would be good, Breena Glynn.  Fionn could make you feel things you only imagined. And you love him like your best friend.  Is it really that big of a leap to loving him like a lover?  I push those thoughts away from me and look up into my best friend’s face. 

“Fionn, if I were going to take a lover, it would have been you centuries ago.  You know that, right?”  He smiles sadly down at me and I can plainly see the longing, the love and pure carnal lust in his eyes.

“I know, Breena.  Sorry, baby, but I am going to kiss you and then I am going to get the hell out of here for a while.  Your scent right now is more than I can handle.  You smell like sex on legs, baby.”  He lowers his mouth to mine and connects to something deep inside of me, a need I have denied for centuries.  A salacious warmth spreads through me at his touch…

To complicate matters even further Morna and Luca are going at it again.  This time they are loving each other with such gentleness and love that I am absolutely carried away with the things Luca is making Morna feel.  I feel each kiss, each caress as though it were on my own skin.  I close my eyes and the power and passion of their love washes over me on top of the things Fionn is making me feel. 

In my mind it’s my dream lover who is kissing me… my mate who is making love to me so tenderly.  I am deep in the throes of a new vision of him.  My mate, my future, my very life… And I am reveling in a sea of sensation, love and lust.

His lips move down from mine to my neck and I moan in pleasure and clutch his head, holding him to me.  He whispers my name and tells me he loves me.  I gasp when he peels my tee shirt from my body and finds a hard nipple with his lips.  He tenderly suckles on one breast while his hands skillfully caress, knead and pinch the other taunt nipple.  Pure liquid heat builds up in between my legs and I want my mate there, NOW!  I am desperate for him to claim me!  I want this so bad!  No, I need this!

He lies me back on the bed and peels my shorts and panties from my body before parting my legs and inhaling deeply.  His fingers loving expose my tender flesh before his tongue begins to skillfully lick and then suck on my sensitive clit. I struggle to remain coherent as my primitive, deep seated need completely over takes me.  His tongue laves me from clit to slit and I moan as pleasure washes over me in waves more powerful than I ever imagined possible.  My pleasure is so intense I am blind from it.  I tightly entwine my fingers into his long silky hair and scream his name as he brings me to a very powerful climax. 

I am abruptly forced back to reality when Fionn’s angry voice stabs into my consciousness; “Who the fuck is Damian?”

The ether of pleasure and desire slowly clear out of my head and I open my eyes.  I am no longer in my vision of my mate and my sister has finally fallen asleep in her mate’s arms.  I am in my bedroom, lying on my bed and someone really is between my legs.  NO! NO! Oh hell, what have I done? It wasn’t just another vision!  I meet Fionn’s angry gaze.  He is kneeling between my legs.  His face is just inches from my center, his full, sensual lips wet with what I suspect is my own arousal. 

Oh no, no, no!   I had somehow convinced myself that I was having another dream about my mate.  In reality, Fionn was making love to me.  Oh my God!  I almost screwed my best friend. What the hell is wrong with me?

I squeak and draw my legs away from him and scoot to the head of the bed, away from Fionn.  “Who the fuck is this Damian?” Fionn demands again, staring hard at me.  All I can do is shake my head, I don’t know who Damian is.

“I’m sorry, Fionn.  Shit! I don’t know what got into me,” I whisper.  “I never heard of any Damian.”  I reach for the sheet to pull it over my naked body.  I cover my face with my hands and try to figure out what just happened.  How did I get so caught up in one of my visions that I didn’t realize it was Fionn making love to me?

After several tense moments I uncover my face and look at my best friend.  “I am so sorry, Fionn.  I think between my connection with Morna, all those dreams I have been having about my mate and you being so fucking sexy just all got tangled up in my mind.  I didn’t realize… I mean I didn’t know it was really happening.  I thought it was another vision or a dream or something.”  I know this sounds weak… no, it sounds like pure bullshit, but it’s the truth.

Fionn shakes his head and sits on the bed beside me.  He takes one of my hands into his and caresses it tenderly.  “Baby, I thought you changed your mind.  I was getting ready slide inside of you.  I almost took your precious fucking virginity.”  He sounds bitter at the mention of my virginity.  “God dammit!  It wasn‘t even me you were loving.”  The pain I hear in my friend’s voice stabs through me, flooding me with guilt. 

I resist the urge to wrap my arms around my best friend.  I want to comfort him but I know it would just make things worse for him.  Crap, I have given him enough mixed signals for one night.  But I am so confused and dearly wish I could crawl in his lap and draw on his strength, but I won’t do that.  We both just sit there in silence for several long minutes. 

Fionn drops my hand and rubs his face hard before raking his hands through his long, wavy black hair.  “Breena, I am sorry.  When I kissed you, you just melted into me, baby.  You have never done that, ever.  I thought you wanted me… not some fucking dream.” 

He sits there beside me in silence for a few more moments before he says, “Who did you think was kissing you, caressing you, sucking on your titties and eating your pussy?  Did you think it was Luca doing it to Morna?  What?  I don’t understand how that happened.  You were definitely into it.”

I blush hotly and look away.  “No!  I didn’t think I was Morna.  I thought I was with my mate… I think.  I actually saw his face this time.  He looks young, nineteen or twenty maybe.  Straight black hair, eyes like Luca’s.  He was tall and lean.  Oh God, Fionn. It was my mate!  And apparently his name is Damian.”

Fionn laughs harshly.  It’s not a happy sound.  He looks at me for a long, silent moment and then gets up from the bed not looking at me.  He zips his jeans up and grabs his tee shirt off the back of my bedside chair and pulls it on.  “Well, he’s a lucky little mother fucker.” 

I watch as Fionn sits in the chair to put his socks and boots on.  I want to ask him to stay because I really don’t want to be alone right now.  But it wouldn’t be fair to him.  I know that I really hurt my friend tonight.  As Fionn slips into his leather jacket he looks at me and says, “If this mystery fucker ever hurts you - well, I’ll kill him, Breena!  I’ll bathe in his fucking blood.  I mean it.”  He leans down and kisses me hard.  The longing and love I feel in that kiss breaks my heart and makes me feel like a real bitch. 

“I am sorry, Fionn,” I whisper when he breaks the kiss and stands to look down at me sitting in my bed.

He smiles sadly and says, “Don’t ever apologize for that, baby.  It was fucking amazing.  I have known for years I am not the man for you.  I just fooled myself, for a few minutes.”  He shivers involuntarily and whispers; “A few minutes of pure heaven.”  He smiles tenderly at me before stroking my cheek with the back of his knuckles. 

He walks towards my bedroom door, but turns to look at me.  “I am going down the road to see what kind of trouble I can stir up before I head back to California.  Take care, baby, and let me know how Morna progresses.  I got a feeling we are all going to be back together real soon.”

I jump out of bed and rush to Fionn and grab his arm.  “Don’t go to that bar.  You know those of those people aren’t mortals and they aren’t our kind of immortals either.  That‘s a dangerous place.”

Fionn laughs bitterly.  “Not your kind, maybe.  But they are my Greek cousins.  They are the Greek version of Cocidius’ children of the Dragon.  Baby, those folks are fucking animals, just like me.”  He reaches out and pats my cheek.  “They have more in common with a Shifter than a Spell Weaver.  They live in a world much more violent than we do, but most of them are good people.  I know the family that runs- the place, it will be cool.” 

He looks down at my naked body and growls, “Besides, baby, I gotta find me a willing woman to try to chase the feel and taste of you from my mind.  If I stay here we will finish what we started and you would regret it.  I won’t hurt you like that.”  I step back suddenly feeling self-conscious about my nudity.  Fionn smiles and says, “Don’t feel guilty about what happened, baby.  Deep down I knew you weren’t making love to me.  You smelled and tasted like a woman in love.  You acted like a woman in love.  You may love me as your friend, but you aren’t in love with me and never will be.” 

He grins wickedly and licks his lips before saying; “Sorry, baby, but I gotta tell ya that I will never forget how sweet your pussy tastes.”  I blush and pull back further, but Fionn laughs, grabs me and kisses me again, hard and deep.  “All of you is sweet, Breena Glynn.”  He slaps my bare ass and grins when I yelp.  “Call me if you need me, baby.  I am always just a spell away, you know that.  No matter what, we are friends.  Always will be.” 

And then he’s gone.  I stand there speechless as I hear him leave my house and fire up his motorcycle.  I continue to listen to the sound of his 59 Panhead fade into the night.  I shake my head at what happened between Fionn and me.  My body is still tingling all over and achy with raw need.  FUCK!  I decide to take a shower and get dressed.  There’s no way on God’s green earth I will get back to sleep after that.  I really made a mess out of things tonight.

I am in the shower trying to wash away my confusion and embarrassment over my actions when I think of the feel of Fionn’s mouth and hands on my body.  I know it was him, but I still feel my mate.  Even now, I feel his hard, lips on my flesh.  Why did his hands and lips feel so cold?  But even though he felt cold, his hands and lips left a trail of fire so deep I can feel it in my very soul.  I feel so strongly connected to him.  I just know I will find him soon.  I have never felt the connection stronger than I feel it tonight.  I feel like part of my mate is with me.  Somehow through my bizarre connection to Morna, I have connected with my mate.  What the heck is that about?  None of this makes any sense!

I am still feeling confused when I stagger into my kitchen to make some coffee.  Thank God that Morna is sleeping, finally.  I start the coffee and retrieve my phone.  Rinda won’t be thrilled about me calling her again so early, but I can’t help it.  I have to talk to someone.  I can’t call Morna, she doesn’t know about my dreams of my mate.  Hell, she may not even remember me yet.  Only Fionn and Rinda know about the visions of my mate. 

And considering what happened between me and Fionn earlier, I certainly can’t tell him what I am feeling right now.  I would have to be one cruel bitch to prattle on about being excited at the prospect of meeting my mate to man who had his face between my legs earlier.  I groan when I remember the things Fionn made me feel.  My best friend sure knows his way around a woman’s body.  “I better meet this mystery man of mine and get laid pretty soon before I do something really stupid!” I snort before I dial Rinda’s number.

Rinda laughs her ass off when I tell her about what happened between Fionn and me.  “I always knew you were playing with fire letting him sleep in the same bed with you.  I just figured sooner or later you two would become lovers.  Sounds like you nearly did tonight.”

“Yes, but in my mind and in my heart, it wasn’t Fionn who was loving me… it was this Damian.  I think my connection to Morna is my ticket to finding this man.  I am going up there.”

“I am not sure that you should, Bree.”  I frown at the phone before Rinda continues, “Call them, if you must.  But let Luca help her get her memories back before we all converge on her.  You remember what happened in Verona.”  The guilt over the years of agony I caused Morna during her Maria incarnation rips at my gut and I know Rinda is right.

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