The Wager- BBW Erotic Curvy Paranormal Romance (TOUCH OF THE GODS) (5 page)

Rushing back into the kitchen, I looked out and to my dismay saw that his lights had been turned out. He had probably gone to bed. Bummer. With a dejected sigh, I moped back to my couch and flopped down. Thankfully, I had a triple chocolate cheese cake to keep me company, and later a vibrator who I was considering renaming 'Mr. Hot Neighbor'.

              My mood had darkened with each passing hour and I had consumed the whole cheesecake. Nothing worthwhile was on, which left one choice to make my night end on a high note. I cleaned my mess and headed up to my room, where I pulled out the largest of my toys. A monster of a device, it didn't meet the girth the handsome stud possessed, but it would have to do. Cranking the dial, it buzzed with gusto and I couldn't get my clothes off fast enough. Already, I was picturing the plastic novelty gift as his heavy dick.

Lying flat, knees bent and open, I ran the vibrator along my labia, the blood that had begun flowing to my pussy already sensitizing them. Each time I reached my clit, a moan seeped from my mouth and in no time, I had created enough juice to put artificial lubrication to shame. Closing my eyes, I glided it in, imagining that it was soft satin over hard iron and arched my back. Images of him collaged in my mind, his eyes shifting from ocean blue to sinful flames. I moved my hand, about to pull back but I couldn't seem to do so. It was as though a force was holding it in place, letting the pulsations flow through me.

“Ise omorfi.”
You are beautiful.

My eyes flew open, where they saw him, the mammoth of man who had somehow come alive and was in my room. I didn't think I had such a strong imagination!

He shifted the toy, twirling it around until I quivered and yet, he wouldn't stop. Braced on his elbow, the grin on his lips was playful with a hint of mischief. I gasped, my breath catching in my throat after he pushed in deeper and used his thumb to press down onto my swelled clit. A shot of electricity traveled from the vibrations inside my cunt to the roots of my hair. My head thrashed from side to side on the pillow as my nerves came alive with heat that only he seemed to ignite in me.

              “Thélete perissóteres?”
You want more?

Why I understood him made no sense, so I chalked it up to my horny head making it that I could. I guess I didn't answer him fast enough, because he practically ripped the toy from me, and replaced my empty hole with three, thick fingers. The breath I held, whooshed out from the force of his thrust and if my eyes weren't crossed before, they certainly had at that point.
His energy is strong
, my sister had said, and it became apparent that my brain took her words literally, because through my desire-fogged eyes, he glowed with a red outline. He was my secret love demon this night.

I reached a hand down, so I could feel his plundering inside me, my wetness making slick sounds that echoed through my room. My body was on fire and when he leaned down to kiss my lips, I silently prayed I wouldn't spontaneously combust. He continued keeping his weight on his arm, but I wanted him covering me, pressing his solid frame into mine and I tried to convey my need by raising my body to his. Of course, the change in position ended up causing his fingers to repeatedly graze the bundle of nerves that was my g-spot and I pretty much died from there.

“You want to come, little beauty?”His voice brought me back some, as mushy as my mind had become.

I was glad he spoke in English. Then again, with either language, that accent he had was sexy as hell! “Oh, yes. I want you in me.”

He chuckled and changed his angle, so that I could feel that his body was being affected as much as mine. It did something for my ego to know a gorgeous, young guy thought chubby, old me was arousing.

“Not this night, Vanessa.”


“Soon. Now, come for me. I want to feel your juices flowing around my hand, so that I may lick up your offering.”

Vaguely, I wondered what he meant by 'my offering', but was quickly overwhelmed by a cataclysmic orgasm that tore a scream out of me so loud, car alarms went off outside.

He drew my cream from my clit like his fingers were a straw and I was his favorite drink. He finally pulled away from me and as he promised, licked each finger slowly, his fiery eyes locked on mine. He savored it, every last drop until his fingers no longer glistened. He smoothed his hands over my body as though to imprint it to his memory, and then placed a finger to his lips.

My vision dimmed briefly and when it returned, I was still on my bed, vibrator in hand. It was coated with my essence, suggesting I had used it well. Looking around, I saw that I was alone, sated, but alone. Turning it off, I placed it back in the nightstand drawer, confused as ever. He couldn't have been here, it was impossible. “I'm as crazy as Willa!”

Shaking my head, I donned my shirt and panties, returned to my bed with my eyelids heavy. Again, I told myself that what happened was merely a strong projection of a yearning fantasy. So why, I wondered as I drifted to sleep, did my room smell like a smoky blacksmith's forge?

Chapter VI



              “What you did was wrong, Hephaestus. You should not have gone to her the other night!”

That was the constant scolding I gave myself, but my brain didn't seem to care, because the moment I thought of Vanessa, I hardened painfully against my jeans. What made matters worse I was avoiding her, waiting until she left for work before jumping into my truck and heading out. Several days went by while I fought the relentless battle of desire that raged inside me and I didn't go to her, but that determination was lost when I came out to plant a garden and found her working on her own yard.

She glanced in my direction, gracing me with a coy smile and a shy wave.

I nodded in response and pretended to go back to my work. However, I kept watch within my mind. Without hesitation, I used my gifts of omnipotence to enjoy her without her knowledge. I know I'm not proud of it, but the way her ass looked as she bent over with the fabric of her pants stretching over her, was not a sight I wanted going to waste. While the worse part was, that very night? I joined her once more.

Like the looping of a film reel, I relived our evening of passion, even more raw than the first time. I wanted more than to bring her pleasure with my fingers. I did so, but greedy with lust, I devoured her with my mouth as well. Touching my lips, I could remember how she felt against them, soft, wet and mine.

Vanessa opened her body to me, digging her nails into my scalp, so that my head didn't move, while at the same time moaning how the pleasure I gave was too much. I did not stop until she fainted with a final, powerful climax. Her sugary dew coating my face and chin, filling my mouth and I drank with voracity.

              “I should not have gone back. It was foolish and now, I've ruined her.” Pulled back to the present, my anger gave way to a much worse emotion—Guilt. Even while her scent lingered on my skin, it only reminded me of the damage I’d caused. Busy with a new repairing gig, I had no time to indulge in my ravenous appetite known as my succulent neighbor, and as the days passed, it became all too apparent that she was hurting.

Her vacation had started and instead of enjoying it, Vanessa spent it isolating herself from friends and family. She spent much of that time staring out of her kitchen window, seeming to look for me. 

Every night, I felt her pull, her summons but with the maintaining of my mortal form and working long hours, I was too tired to go. Then yesterday, when I managed to come home for lunch, I ran into her and what I saw frightened me to my very core.

Her cheeks were sunken and her normally lustrous hair had lost its sheen. I could tell she had lost some weight while her eyes seemed haunted. I stroked her face with my hand and she shuddered, like I was a drug she needed, but couldn't get her hands on.

Even after I finished my meal and came out to return to work, which took forty minutes, give or take, she stood in the same spot, staring at me. I felt her gaze on my back, and I couldn't shake the thought that she probably watched as I drove off, not moving until my truck was out of sight. By the time I was back at my job, I knew what I had done.

The horrible truth of what my selfish actions had created, finally hit me.

Vanessa, a beautiful, statuesque woman was experiencing the curse of a god's touch. I had heard of it from other Olympians. At the time, I had told myself I'd never put a mortal into such a dangerous frame of mind, but as they say, never say never.  Now an innocent woman was in the throes of what I’d brought and sadly, staying away from her, was only making it worse.

              The curse worked both ways, which made our separation equally as painful for me. My mind wandered easily, urging me to stop by her home, once I finished working for the day. So, against the voice in my head, I pushed for overtime, waiting until it was late enough that she would cease anticipating my arrival.

In the center of town, the city clock chimed ten at night. I was working at the museum and most of the museum workers were gone, which meant I had more quiet time to torture myself with thoughts of her. If only I had a distraction, because I was ready to run to her, not caring if I woke her, just wanting to touch, lick and drown in her body.

Zeus must have heard my prayers, because suddenly, the buzzing of a floor waxing machine sounded behind me. I glanced back, seeing Enrique the custodial worker and waved, truly glad to see him.

He tipped his hat to me, and then went back to work.

              With a renewed strength, I glanced up at the statue of Ares, thinking the artist really went above and beyond to make my brother look like less of a jerk. The gray marble was smooth and otherwise perfect, with the exception of the crack forming in the base foundation.

The curator begged that I fix it, in fear that any more damage and it would come crumbling down. Wouldn't I be so lucky? “Maybe, I should chisel a scorpion onto his foot.”

              “Do it and I'll make sure it falls on your big head.”

Well, damn
. I sighed.  The voice behind me was certainly not the one I‘d hoped to hear for awhile, but I was never the most fortunate of the gods and I guess being human didn't change that for me. Dropping the spackle covered spreader, I stood and cleaned off my hands, keeping my back to the man I had thought was the Janitor.

“Ah, come on, little brother. Don't be like that, it was a joke. Hey look, I forgive you from ten years ago, I promise. I'm here for you.”

“Right. What could you possibly do for me, Ares? Other than make my already crappy day, worse.”

“You need me and you know I can help you with the woman. Vanessa, isn't it?”

My shoulders tensed and I turned around.

The smile on his face told me that he knew he'd gotten my attention. The last thing I wanted was for him to be near her. “You will not say her name. You dare touch her and I'll see to it your next order is your last.”

              Ares put his hands up, but I didn't buy his act of innocence. War is never kind or helpful. Folding his hands behind his back, he strode up to me and paused to look at the stone version of our father. The hairs were standing up on the back of my neck, because he was right, I needed him. I also knew that whatever help he gave would probably be disastrous. Maybe telling him to shove it would be wise. I gained the courage to give him a piece of my mind, but his next statement froze my heated anger rapidly.

“She'll die, if you don't do something soon.”

“What do you mean? I was only there twice!”

Ares glanced sideways, his flaming eyes glowing brighter before he waved a hand over us both.

It took me a moment to realize that he placed us in a future projection. The walls were sterile white, while a gum-popping woman sat at a front desk. She didn't notice us, nor did the man coming from the door where my brother suddenly stood. As it swung open, I glimpsed into the room while hearing the harsh sounds of sobbing coming from within. A shudder passed through me. “What is this, brother?”

              “Oh, just what will occur if you don't correct your mistake. Go on in.”

I shook my head, but my feet seemed to move on their own volition. With each step closer, the cold that drifted through the hall grew stronger, seeping into me and settling in as a sick lump in my throat. Stopping in front of the gray door, I peered through the glass to see a man and two women.

The man held them, while they cried with their heads down.

  I felt that I knew the shorter woman, but didn't get to dwell on it, as Ares had shoved me inside. Crashing into the table that was a chilly slab in the middle of the room, my brain told me not to glance down. I shut my eyes.

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