Read The Ties that Bind (Kingdom) Online

Authors: Theresa L. Henry

The Ties that Bind (Kingdom) (16 page)

No sooner had the words left his mouth, Aviva felt the contraction of her inner walls sending shudder after shudder that gripped her body as her release wove its way throughout her body. Throwing her head back in ecstasy, she screamed out her pleasure. Holding her tight, Jason waited for her to come down from her orgasm, sweat glistening all over his body.

“I liked that. Now you’re going to come for me again.” Jason said as he thrust into her body. This time he didn’t restrict her movements, but Aviva was so sensitized that the only thing she could do was hold on to him as he pumped into her body.

“Tell me you love me, Angel. Convince me that you love me. I want you to say it. I want you to feel it. I want you to know it. That you love me and that you will never leave me.”

The sound of Jason’s words was like a lightning strike to her sensors. Each word searing through her heart. When would she stop hurting this man that she loved so much?

“Tell me,” he demanded. “I need to hear you say it.”

Taking his beloved face between her hands, Aviva looked into Jason’s eyes that were black with the force of his feelings.

“I love you, even when I’m being the most contrary woman you can ever imagine, I love you.”

Fastening his lips against hers, Jason devoured her mouth, their tongues battling for supremacy. Throughout his demands and her reply, Jason had not stopped moving. His big body giving her everything she needed and more.

Still undergoing the delicious ripples of only minutes before, Aviva again experienced the tingles that heralded the onslaught of another orgasm. Throwing her head back, she allowed herself to feel the pleasure she only experienced when in Jason’s arms.

Holding him as tight as she could, Aviva felt Jason’s arms constrict even tighter about her. Then he began to pump into her with powerful care. She stopped thinking, she knew that this moment was for lovers. The moment when a real connection was made that eclipsed anything that touched their normal lives. This was an expression of love in its purest form. Its silent voice an expression of who and what they were in the moment when everything was stripped back to just the two of them, and what it meant to be truly loved.


Nestled together in front of the banked fire, Jason spoke, his voice blending into the shadows that surrounded them.

“I will leave you to deal with Nixon in your own way. However, there is one stipulation; if this situation escalates into something I don’t care for, I will take over regardless of what you may want.”

With her back cocooned against Jason’s chest, Aviva nodded her consent to his words. Knowing she would just have to be especially careful that nothing took place that would necessitate his intervention.



It only took minutes after leaving Aviva for Hope’s cell to blow up. A glance at the phone was enough to tell her that her father was on the line, and trouble was brewing. She had tried to stop Aviva from contacting Nixon but in the end had given up. Knowing well enough that when Aviva made up her mind it was next to impossible to change her course. Now she had to deal with the fall-out.

Grateful that although her father had been calling, he hadn’t yet left a message which gave her some much needed breathing space before she had to face their inevitable meeting. She needed to speak to Steve. She knew she was about to be summoned, but there was no way she was going into the type of confrontation that was on the horizon alone.

She’d been lucky until the last call. Her father had now left a message. He wanted her to come to the house immediately. As much as she wanted to ignore his message she knew that wasn’t an option. If she didn’t go to him, he would come to her.

Pulling into her parking space, Hope grabbed her purse and cell and dashed towards her apartment, dialing as she went.

“Steve, this is Hope. I need you to come over to my apartment right away!”

“Good evening, Hope. I’m busy, therefore, I must decline your invitation.” Steve said, his annoyance at her demand clear in his tone of voice.

“Sorry, hi, but this is serious. I need you to come over here. I told Aviva about Nixon and she called him. Now my parents are blowing up my cell. Daddy wants me to go to the house, and I can’t do it alone. Will you come with me?”

“Hold on there a minute, what did you tell Aviva about Nixon?”

Realizing that she hadn’t told Steve the truth of her parentage, Hope let out a breath. She had kept the secret for so long, somehow throughout all her current upheaval she had thought she had told him about that aspect of her life.

“Mason isn’t my biological father, Nixon is.” Hope made her revelation in a rush not wanting to draw out the telling.

Steve remained quiet for so long that Hope began to worry that he was going to refuse his aid.

“I’ll meet you at your apartment in thirty minutes. Call your father and tell him you’re on your way. At least that way, he won’t think you’re ignoring him, and come to your place.”

Once Steve had disconnected the call, Hope took his advice, but she didn’t call. She took the coward’s way out and sent her father a text.

Knowing she would be unable to sit still while she waited for Steve to arrive, Hope decided to go and take a shower. As she finished dressing, she heard the sound of the intercom, letting her know that she had a visitor. It had taken him twenty-five minutes to arrive. At least she hoped it was Steve.

Rushing through the apartment, Hope palmed the phone and was informed that it was in fact Steve who had arrived. When he came to the door, as usual, he was perfectly groomed, but he looked tired. Wishing their relationship was as it had been months before, Hope wanted nothing more than to give him a hug and ask about his day. But too much still stood between them, so she shook off the feeling and invited him in.

“I’ll wait here while you go and get whatever you need.”

Steve’s lack of greeting was a blow to Hope’s feelings. Although she didn’t really expect him to take her into his arms, this lack of willingness to enter her apartment was a worry.

Telling him she would be right back, Hope gathered her belongings and joined Steve in the corridor.

After driving in silence for a short while, Steve broke the silence by asking what had taken place earlier in the day. Hope left nothing out as she fill him in on all that had happened during her time spent with Aviva.

“I tried to stop her but I couldn’t.” Hope finished.

“I’m glad you didn’t. This mess has gone on for long enough. At least now they all know that both you and Aviva are aware of the truth.”

“I know, but I didn’t want it to happen this way.”

“There is no good way for this to happen, Hope. This situation needs to be sorted out. All this hiding of the truth is why we’re in this position now, and it needs to end.”

“Suppose they ask me how long I’ve known about this, what should I say?”

“For God’s sake, you tell the truth. That’s all you say... the truth!”

“But then they’ll know that I’ve known about this since I was a child.”

Hope jumped as Steve’s fist hit the steering wheel in anger. “I don’t give a shit if they know how long you’ve known about their mess! I’m warning you now, if you don’t tell the truth, I’ll walk out of that house, and I will be done with you for good!”

He had her attention. Steve was such a calm man that his show of such obvious anger was a little startling to Hope. She also didn’t doubt him, knowing deep down that he meant every word he said.

Hope knew the time to confront all her demons was finally here, and God help her, she wasn’t ready. Hope was unsure if she would ever be ready. But her decision to tell Aviva about their real relationship had been the first step to the unraveling of the past.

Turning away, Hope watched the passing scenery without comment as she worked at controlling the thoughts that wanted to pull her into every dark crevice of her imagination. While there was much for which she was to blame, her parents were the ones who had laid the foundations for the path on which they all now found themselves.


As Steve came to a stop before Hope’s parents’ home, he cut the engine and looked over at the silent woman. He hadn’t meant to demonstrate his frustration, that wasn’t usually his way. But he had too many things on his mind. This whole mess with Hope and her family was only one of the issues he had to deal with in his suddenly hellish life.

“Look, I’m here to support you the best way I can. But I don’t have time for half-truths and avoidance. This is it, Hope, you need to handle your business once and for all. All the manipulations, from all sides, stop here, or I walk. Am I clear?”

His many frustrations riding him hard, Steve spoke with his usual mellow toned voice. Knowing that getting them both even more agitated before they went in wouldn’t be helpful to what was about to take place.

At her continued silence, Steve got out and made his way around the car to open her door. Extending a hand, he took hold of Hope’s cold finger and squeezed gently. This was his way of assuring her that she had his support.

“Let’s do this.” Hope said after giving the house one final look. Together they made their way towards the door of Hope’s family home.

They didn’t have to wait long after Steve rang the bell. It seemed to him that Mason was standing at the ready to pull it open.

As Steve made eye contact with Mason, he witnessed a change overtake the older man’s face.

“What are you doing here? I thought I had already told you to keep out of our lives!”

“I know what you said. However, Hope wants me here. If this isn’t acceptable to you, then we’ll leave.”

“You do not speak for my daughter!” Mason spoke through clenched teeth.

“What are you both talking about? When did this discussion take place?” Hope asked, feeling as though she had missed something crucial.

It appeared to Steve that when Hope asked her question was the moment Mason become aware of the possible ramifications of his error. Steve watched him as he struggled to draw in his anger before he turned to face Hope.

“Steve and I have had a few telephone conversations. The subject of which is nothing you need to concern yourself with.” Taking hold of Hope’s shoulders, Mason pulled her into his arms for a hug. All the while shooting looks of anger in Steve’s direction.

“You have a lot of explaining to do, Miss Hope.” Her father said as he held her at arm’s length.

Even if Hope didn’t, Steve recognized manipulation when it was staring him in the face. Moving to break the hold Mason had on Hope, Steve took hold of Hope’s arm in an attempt to pull her attention away from her father.

“Mason, why don’t you lead the way?” Steve said as his determined eyes bored into Hope’s frightened ones.

She had only encountered her father and already she was falling to pieces. Such was the control this man over her. He knew the story Hope had told him wasn’t complete. Too many factors didn’t sit right with him. Making up his mind, Steve resolved that by the end of this meeting, he would know exactly what had taken place all those years ago.

This type of meeting was what Mason had been trying to avoid, and Steve didn’t care. This arch manipulation of the lives of Hope and her mother was coming to an end, he would see to it.

Following Mason into the sitting room, Steve was aware of the tension that masked the air. Taryn was seated on a sofa as far away as was possible from a man Steve could only suppose was Nixon, given his similarity of his facial features to Mason’s. Although they had been the only occupants of the room, Taryn’s attention was on anything but Nixon.

Nixon, whom he was seeing for the first time was standing before the fireplace with his hands clasped behind his back, his legs braced apart as though he were in complete control.

Steve hadn’t envisaged Nixon’s presence when he had thought of this meeting, but his being there wasn’t going to deter him from getting answers, and in the process banishing Hope’s demons.

Steve didn’t know what he had been expecting. Although it had never been a part of his conscious thoughts, he now realized he must have harbored some preconceived ideas as to Nixon’s appearance. Now, seeing him for the first time, well, the only thought that came to his mind was that Nixon was just... unremarkable.

To Steve’s mind, Nixon was neither handsome nor ugly. He looked to be around five-ten, and was of a medium build with a milk chocolate complexion. However, certain factors about him stood out: first, he looked as though he kept himself in shape; second, he had a baldhead that could cast some ambiguity around his actual age. Nixon also dressed impeccably, being clean-shaven and perfectly groomed. The term
sweet boy
sprang to Steve’s mind after scrutinizing Nixon for the first time. It was a term his father always used when describing a
, and Steve thought it an apt description of Nixon.

It only took moments for Steve to take in the occupants of the room. Pulling his attention away from the man before the fireplace, Steve returned his regard to Taryn as her voice drew his attention. To Steve, Taryn’s expression at their entry seemed to produce a perfect oxymoron, anxiety and relief at their presence.

“Ah, Hope, Steve. Why don’t you both come and sit beside me.”

From her words, Steve could tell Taryn was in need of support. Although he had no idea of what had already been said, it appeared to him that Taryn might have been having a difficult time.

At Taryn’s invitation, Steve felt Hope hesitate. Taking matters out of her hands, he steered her towards her mother and seated her beside Taryn. Taking a seat beside Hope, he settled back and waited for matters to unfold.

By this time, Mason had joined them and was settled into a chair positioned a little away from his wife. To Steve the scenario appeared wrong. The way they were all sitting while Nixon took up residence before them gave the impression he was in control, and it amused him. Controlling Mason was allowing himself to be put at a disadvantage in his own home by a man for whom Steve had nothing but contempt.

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