Read The Ties that Bind (Kingdom) Online

Authors: Theresa L. Henry

The Ties that Bind (Kingdom) (15 page)

BOOK: The Ties that Bind (Kingdom)
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This had been the first room he had checked when she came up missing. But he genuinely hadn’t seen her, having forgotten her habit of burrowing under the covers until none of her body was visible.

“What...what’s going on?” Aviva asked in confusion having been awoken by the sound of the door slamming against the wall.

“What the hell are you doing in here? I’ve been looking everywhere for you.”

“I would have thought that was obvious. I was sleeping until you came crashing through the door!”

“You scared the shit out of me. What were you thinking? Don’t answer that, you obviously weren’t thinking. After what we just went through you think it’s okay to hear me calling you, and for you to ignore me! Do you, Aviva, do you think that’s okay?”

“I was asleep. I didn’t hear you!”

“This not where you sleep. You will not slink away to another bed every time we disagree. You will sleep in our bed, with me!”

“What if I don’t want to, Jason, what happens then?”

Stunned by her question, Jason felt a feeling of dread wash over him. Where had this come from? Yesterday their life together had been wonderful, at least to him. Had she been having these thoughts while he’d foolishly been thinking their relationship was as near to perfect as it could be?

“I think that’s a question you need to answer, Aviva. You and I both know what I want.” Having said all he intended to, Jason walked away.


Witnessing the disbelief in his expression at her question, Aviva experienced more than a little guilt. All she wanted was for this day to be over. Laying back down, she again pulled the covers up to her chin and burrowed down. But the more she tried to recapture sleep the more it eluded her.

Knowing she had to find him and try to explain, Aviva threw back the covers and sought Jason out. She found him stretched out before the fire he had set for her, one hand behind his head and the other resting on his stomach.

She knew he heard her approach but his repose didn’t change, nor did he acknowledge her presence. Kneeling beside him, Aviva looked down at his face. She loved him so much that sometimes she would actually get a pain in her heart. At other times she wanted nothing more than to get as far away from him as she could.

“I know I’ve been a complete bitch to you today and I apologize. I love you so much, but I’ve been thinking, maybe we got together too fast, maybe we should think about taking some time...”

Apart from the turn of his head, Jason remained perfectly still. “I need you to stop right there because I won’t allow you to make me or our relationship a scapegoat for your frustrations surrounding your father.”

“I have absolutely no idea what you could be talking about.” Aviva’s British accent was in full evidence as her indignation rose.

“We fight all the time. The question is why all of a sudden are you choosing to sleep in another room, and trying to tell me something that I don’t want to hear?”

“I’m saying it because this is how I feel.”

“I got on your
, as you like to term it this morning, and you didn’t hesitate to let me know it. So why didn’t we have that conversation then? Why are we having it now, what’s changed? I’ll tell you had a conversation with your father.”

“Nixon has nothing to do with this. In fact I don’t even want to talk about that disgusting man!”

“Well that’s just too bad because you have to!”

“You’re doing it again. I just told you that I don’t want to discuss Nixon Clement and you’re insisting that I must. This is exactly what I’m talking about. Stop trying to control me, Jason!”

“Control you... you have me wrapped around your little finger and you know it. But, Aviva, only because I allow it. Make no mistake, you belong to me. If you try to leave me I will hunt you down, and I will find you. The only thing that would stop me is death.”

As he spoke Jason’s gaze glowed with an intensity that Aviva had never seen before. She had been witness to him exhibiting a range of emotions, but this look was different. In fact it was one of the most unnerving situations she had ever encountered. So much so that it immobilized her.

“Jason.” The sound of his name leaving her mouth seemed to pull him back from the dark place he had been only moments before.

“I didn’t mean to scare you,” Jason said, moving for the first time. Folding his body upwards, he cupped Aviva’s cheeks and moved her face closer to his, the intensity never leaving his eyes. “But I meant every word. You can fight me as much as you need to, but I won’t allow you to leave me... not ever.”

There was a battle going on within Aviva. Where moments before she had been almost scared, suddenly she was feeling her temperature begin to rise.

“It’s your move, Angel. Tell me what you want.”

Aviva felt like a complete fool not understanding how her feelings towards him could change so rapidly. One moment she was sure she wanted to get as far away from him as possible, and the next she wanted to rip his clothes off. What was even worse, she was sure he knew exactly what she was thinking.

Rising to his feet, Jason pulled her with him. Aviva felt so small standing before him, his size seeming to surround her from every side. Bending his head, Jason nuzzled her neck, and then spoke directly into her ear. “It’s okay to want me, Angel. I want you all the time.”

Aviva held her breath as tingles of awareness passed through her. The feel of his tongue that followed his words was so well placed that she began to pant. Oh, he knew exactly what he was doing, how he affected her, and she could tell he had every intention of using it against her. This was her punishment for trying to push him away. But what a wonderful chastisement it was.

“Take my clothes off, Angel.”

Aviva pulled her bottom lip between her teeth and released it as her eyes travelled upwards in reaction to his words. No sooner had her eyes alighted on Jason’s mouth, than his head descended to capture her lips in a searing kiss. There was nothing gentle about it. The kiss was deep, hot, and hard. He devoured her mouth, his tongue, once it gained entry to her mouth turned into pure demand. He wasn’t asking, he was taking.

Moving even closer, Jason pressed his big body against Aviva’s as he gripped the back of her neck. He was in control, his actions leaving her in no doubt.

Pulling his lips from hers, he again spoke against her ear. “I’m going to make it a bit easier for you. I’m going to take off my shirt. You’re going to do the rest.”

True to his words, Jason stepped back and pulled his t-shirt over his head and threw it aside. Aviva could feel the heat his body generated. She could also feel the heat of his gaze. He was waiting for her to carry out his instructions.

The force of his will was almost a compulsion to her. But first she had to touch him, run her fingers across the plains of his magnificent chest. At her first touch, Aviva heard Jason hiss and at the same time felt him spasm as his body reacted to her hand against his skin.

In perfect harmony with his every reaction, Aviva brushed her fingertips against his visibly hardening nipples. So fascinated was she with the reaction she was getting that she was unable to resist dipping her head and running her tongue over the same place her fingers had just occupied.

As demanding as his touch had been, Aviva’s was the exact opposite in the gentleness with which she touched him. In just a few minutes Jason had managed to eliminate all her thoughts of them needing time apart. Placing her palm flat against his chest, she felt the rapid beat of his heart. True to his word, Jason didn’t move to help her remove the rest of his clothing. This was her task and her hands began its descent ever downwards, her fingers experiencing every imprint of his rock hard abdominal muscles. Satin over steel, that was how he felt to her.

Diverting her path she ran her hands down the side of his body and then moved them back in. Reaching the button of his jeans she hesitated, but only for a brief moment. Her fingers sure, she undid the clasp and took hold of his zipper. Aviva pulled it down one tooth at a time, completely aware of the rasping sound it made as each link of the metal came apart. Placing her hand against his backside she pushed the material of his jeans down, taking his boxers with them. When his clothing reached his thighs, she lowered herself onto her knees. Held spellbound by his erection, Aviva’s hands stilled.

“Take them off.” Jason’s deep baritone sounded from above her.

Aviva did his bidding continuing to draw down his jeans. With perfect balance, Jason lifted one leg at a time so that she could fully remove his last items of clothing.

“I want you to take me into your mouth, I want to feel your hands and tongue wrapped around me.” Unable to resist, not wanting to resist, Aviva dipped her head to take what she wanted, what nothing on earth could stop her from having. She took him into her mouth and sucked hard, moving her head back and forth, his shaft filling her mouth to over flowing. Yet she still drew, determined to elicit a response that he couldn’t withstand. Warming to the task, Aviva was startled out of her pleasure by the feel of Jason fisting the hair at the back of her head.

“That’s enough, Angel.” Jason released his grip in her hair and pulled her unresisting form to her feet.

“Now you, take off that shirt. Make sure you do it slowly.”

Jason stood perfectly still as he watched her follow his instructions. He was in complete control even though she could tell he wanted her as much as she wanted him. Tonight she knew that she was the one who would have to carry out his every demand.

Moments before she had been in complete control, but now her fingers had a mind of their own. Each attempt at releasing a button seemed as take an eternity. Then she noticed his eyes. They were glued on her every move. As each button came undone, his breathing rose.

So Aviva slowed down even more. Taking her time she revealed her skin one inch at a time. As each button was undone, she gave Jason a coy smile before moving on to the next.

When the shirt had been removed, Aviva stood before him naked, all thoughts of embarrassment gone. She knew she was desired by this giant of a man and reveled in the knowledge. In one of his sudden powerful moves, Jason picked her up and wrapped her legs around her waist.

Taking her down to the bedding he had so carefully prepared before the fire, Jason knelt with his legs spread. Aviva could feel the touch of his shaft as it rubbed against the inside of her opening. She was so wet it would only take a slight move on her part for him to glide home. As the thought entered her mind, Jason’s grip on her hips tightened.

“Look at me.” Waiting until she complied, Jason held her gaze, his black eyes reflecting a deadly intent. “You are going to do everything I tell you, do you understand me?”

Although it was posed as a question, he didn’t wait for an answer. Moving her backwards, Jason slipped inside her inch by glorious inch. Aviva could feel every ridge, every vein as he penetrated deeper and deeper within her. Still holding her tight, he withdrew and again slowly pushed forward, only to repeat the action again and again. Then he grew still.

“Do you feel that, Angel? Do you feel how good this is... do you feel how well we fit together? It’s my job to protect you. It’s my job to take care of you, always.”

His words thrilled Aviva and she wanted to move but his grip on her hips was unrelenting in its strength.

“Let me move, baby... I need to move.”

“No, I need you to feel me inside you, filling you. Do you think you could live without this, do you?” Jason asked as he shook her. Even in the throes of passion Aviva knew he was still angry with her. He would never hurt her, she knew that, but she could feel his frustration at the words she had almost spoken aloud.

Jason moved back a fraction of an inch and then pushed forward. Still refusing to give her the depth and power of movement that she wanted, that she needed. Just as she was about to scream out in frustration, he withdrew until only the tip of him remained within her. Then he pushed home in earnest, sending shudders of pleasure through her. Once, twice, three times he repeated his thrusts and then again became still.

“Don’t ever think about saying those words to me ever again. You are mine, you are all mine. You will always be mine.”

Transferring one arm to her waist, Jason began to play her body as only he could, pushing her to the ultimate limit of her endurance. Just as she felt the muscles within her on the brink of contracting, he stopped, withholding her pleasure.

“For God’s sake, Jason, I need to come. Please let me come!”

“Not until I say you’re ready. Not until I know you’re ready for me, only me. You have to make me believe it, and right now I say you don’t want me enough for me to let you come.”

Pulling her closer, Jason’s mouth descended onto her breasts as he sucked hard. His groans of pleasure the only accompaniment to the crackling of the logs as they emitted a heat their joined bodies almost matched.

Needing to demonstrate his total dominance of her, Jason kept his arm firmly around her. His action rendering her immobile from the waist down, unable to move unless it was at his whim. His every move a calculation of exhorting a reaction from her. While he wouldn’t allow her to move, he kept up his steady but slow movement in and out of her body.

Moving his mouth from her breast, Jason ran his tongue between the valley of her breasts, and up to her collarbone. He didn’t stop there, his touch a sensual sweep on its way to her neck. When he reached his goal, Jason used his mouth to pull at the sensitive skin just below her ear.

“Do you love me, Aviva?

“Yes! Oh, God, yes I love you!”

“Are you sure, Angel?”

The way he was making her feel was the sweetest torture she had ever experienced. Aviva could feel her climax hovering just outside of her reach and it was almost painful.

“Jason, don’t... I can’t take anymore, please” Aviva’s words were almost a sob, and whatever Jason heard in her voice was enough for him to relent.

“Come for me, Angel,” he said, his lips returning to her distended nipple for another deep pull. “I want to feel you come for me.”

BOOK: The Ties that Bind (Kingdom)
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