Read The Strange Healing Online

Authors: Misty Malone

The Strange Healing (26 page)

He started the spanking, moving the swats around to cover her entire bottom, but with no specific pattern or rhythm.  He knew she didn't like that because it kept her off balance, but that was precisely what he wanted for what he knew had to be a spanking to remember.

Heather acknowledged she deserved to be spanked, so he wasn't surprised that she started out staying fairly still over his knee, and not being too vocal other than a few ouches.  As he increased the tempo and force of the spanking, though, she quickly made up for lost time.  She was soon squirming so much he had to tighten his hold on her waist, and she was yelling so much he was glad he'd turned the radio on loud and given her a pillow to yell into. 

At that point Phil started his lecture, although he doubted much talk would be needed tonight.  She was already feeling guilty.  Her immediate tears confirmed his suspicions.  To be sure, as he continued the spanking, he discussed each of the wrongdoings that landed her over his knee, letting her cry freely.  Finally, he said, “Okay, while I use the hairbrush I want you to think about what would be happening now if the owner had elected to press charges against you and Sara.  Do you understand?”

A very contrite little lady whispered, “Yes.” 

He picked up the brush and gave her twenty firm swats on each cheek.  She squirmed and twisted, screeched and yelled the entire time.  He stopped and dropped the brush on the bed.  Laying his hand gently on her bottom, he felt the heat radiating from it.  She lay slumped over his knee, gasping for breath.  He gave her time to recover a bit before pulling her up and into his arms. 

He simply held her several minutes, offering comfort.  He then stood up, keeping her in his arms, and walked over to her side of the bed, where he'd already pulled the covers back.  He laid her down gently, on her tummy, then quickly disrobed and joined
her. He wrapped his arms around her and pulled her against him, letting her cry herself to sleep.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Heath was sitting in a chair beside her bed when Sara woke the next morning.  He leaned over to give her a quick kiss on her cheek.  “Good morning, Sweetie.”

Good morning yourself,” she said with a yawn.

Did you sleep well?”

I must have.  I don't remember a thing after you left last night.”

Good.  How are you feeling?”

Ready to go home.”

Ted walked in as she said that, and he said, “Maybe this evening, Sara.  Rest today.”

“Oh, come on, Ted.  I feel fine.  Why can't I go home?”

Because I'm not convinced you'll rest at home.”  Turning serious, he said, “Sara, your fever's down again, and I'm glad.  I want to keep you here until this evening, though, to watch that.  If you have no fever by this evening and your white cell count's up by then I'll let you go home.”

Sara paled, and mumbled, “White cell count?  Why do you need to check that?”

“Because your white cell count was low, and that not only zaps your energy, but it lessens your body's ability to fight infection or illness.  Your body's very vulnerable when it's too low.”

But that means a blood test?”

Heath quickly asked, “Would you like me to do it again?”

“Would you, please, if I have to have it?”  He quickly assured her he would.  “How do you get that cell count back up?”

Both doctors answered together, “By resting.”

She looked from one to the other and said, “Okay, I get it.  I'll rest today.”  The three talked a few more minutes, before Heath gave her a kiss and went to work.

napped for a couple hours after Heath left.  She woke up at noon and heard the nurses delivering lunch trays.  She was expecting to see a nurse, when Heath walked in carrying a tray.  He was grinning as he set it down for her.  “Your lunch, ma'am.”

She smiled as she said, “Wow, in this hospital the doctors deliver lunch trays?”

“Only to the ladies we love.”  He leaned down to give her a kiss.  “How's my girl doing?”

She looked down at her lunch tray and laughed.  “Doing great now that I see my favorite turkey sandwich from the deli by your office, and a smoothie.  Thank you, Heath.”

“You're most welcome.”  He pulled his own lunch from the bag he was carrying, and they visited over lunch.  “I'll be back after work, and hopefully we can take you home.  Try to take another nap this afternoon.”  He gave her a kiss before leaving.

When he returned after work
, Ted was already there talking to her.  He told Heath, “If you want to draw a little blood we'll get a quick white cell count.  If it's up from last night I'll let you take her home.” 

A nurse walked in with the equipment necessary for a blood draw.  Smiling at Sara, she said, “I understand a certain doctor is paying special attention to a certain patient and is going to do the blood draw personally.”  She winked at Sara and said, “I'd say that certain patient must be pretty special.”

“Oh, she is,” Heath said, smiling at the nurse and Sara while he took the equipment.  He conveniently engaged both the nurse and Ted in a conversation with Sara to distract her while he quickly and carefully got the blood he needed.  He handed it to the nurse and thanked her for her help.

All done, Honey,” he said as he finished putting the Band-Aid on her arm. 

We'll have the results in about half an hour or so,” Ted informed them.  They visited while they awaited the results. 


An hour later Heath took Sara home.  They had Chinese delivered for dinner so Heath was free to hold her in his arms all night.  As the evening went on, she could tell something was bothering him.  Finally she asked, “Heath, what's wrong?”

He sighed and said, “Sara, I'm sorry.  When Phil called yesterday and told me what was going on with you two, I about lost it.  I was afraid something was going to happen to you.  I realized at that moment how much I love you, and the thought of losing you was very unnerving.  Now I just can't seem to let you out of my sight or arms.”

She cuddled into him and whispered, “I'm really sorry, Heath.”  After a few moments of silence she asked, “Will you feel better after you spank me?”

His eyebrows shot up in surprise, but he said, “Honestly, probably some, yes, because then I don't think you'll be likely to do it again.”

Then will you spank me now?”  He looked over at her, studying her face.  She added, “Please?”

He sighed and said, “Sara, I don't think you know what you're asking for.  This spanking, when it happens, is going to be one you'll remember for some time.”

She looked into his eyes and said, “I know, Heath.  I've thought a lot about what I did and what could have happened.  I know I scared you, and I'm sorry.  The only way I can think of to show you how sorry I am is to take the spanking I deserve.  Besides,” she said quietly, “I have so much guilt buried inside me it's all I can think of.”  She quietly added, “I'm miserable.”

He pulled her over onto his lap.  “Honey, you're going to really be miserable after I spank you for this.  You're not strong enough yet, and I don't want to hurt you.”

“But Heath, if you do it now and it wears me out, I'll sleep, which is what you said I need.  I'll be able to sleep good the next couple days, too, because I won't have all this guilt.”

Heath sighed.  What she said made sense, and he was proud of her for asking for a spanking to relieve the guilt.  That was such progress for her.  The psychiatrist in him didn't want to discourage that by making her wait, but she wasn't strong enough for the spanking she deserved.

He tightened his arms around her and said, “Honey, I understand what you're saying, and I can't tell you how proud I am of you for asking for a spanking to relieve the guilt you have, but you're just not strong enough yet.” 

But Heath –”

Don't but me, Sara.  Your butt's what I'm worried about.  You've never earned a spanking like this one, so you don't know what you're asking for.  I won't do it tonight, that's for sure.  You're worn out just from coming home.  Right now I just want you to lay your pretty little head down on my shoulder and rest.  If it's still bothering you tomorrow we'll talk a little more then.”

Sara knew better than to argue with him.  She laid her head back and rested against his chest.  Sitting on his lap with his arms around her always calmed her down, especially when he gently massaged her arm or her back, like he was doing now.  She tried to put it all out of her mind and just enjoy being back home and with Heath. 

“As much as I love holding you here, Sara, we should be getting you into bed so you can rest.”

But I am resting.”

Not like you would be if you were in bed.”

ou're right.  I'm resting more here because this is my favorite place in the world, and you know how much it always relaxes me.”

He looked down at the adorable little pixie in his lap and knew she was right.  She did always relax when he held her here, which
was why he pulled her onto his lap.  “Okay, a little longer, because truth be told, I love having you here, too.”  He tightened his arms around her and continued to rub her arm just a bit.  “Would you like to watch a movie?”

That sounds good, but I might fall asleep.”

That's all right.  If you feel sleepy don't fight it, that's exactly what you need.  If you fall asleep I'll put you in your bed.  I'm going to sleep here tonight, with no argument from you,” he added when she started to argue, “so if you need anything at all, just call for me, okay?”

Heath, you really don't need to do that.  I'm not helpless, you know.”

Honey, I didn't say I was staying because I think you need me here.  I need to be here, close to you.  I was so scared yesterday that you'd be hurt badly, or I could even lose you.  And there wasn't anything I could do about it.  Then when I saw your white cell count I saw how hard it all was on your system.  I'm a doctor, Sara, I know how weak you are, even if you won't admit it to yourself.  I need to stay here close to you for me, so I can see that you're okay.”

She was quiet for
a while, and he said, “Let's see what movies are on tonight.”

He reached over to pick up the television remote from the end table, and he felt her arms go around his back.  “Thank you.”

“For what?”

For wanting to stay here with me.  For caring so much.”

He gave her a quick hug and said, “Remember that when you do finally get your spanking.  You may not be so glad then that I care so much.”

“I'll always be glad you care so much, Heath.  It's a new feeling for me, but it's a feeling I've quickly taken a real liking to.”

He kissed the top of her head and laid her back against his chest as he turned the television on and settled in, making sure she was settled in, as well.

Twenty minutes later she was sound asleep against his chest.  He considered taking her into her bed, but knew there was no way he could do that.  She was fine right where she was. 

When the movie was over he did reluctantly
put her to bed.  He was glad then that he'd insisted she put her pajamas on as soon as they got home, even though she'd complained.  She never woke up as he gently tucked her in and kissed her forehead.

He left her only long enough to go up to his condo and grab a few things and return.  After checking on her and finding her still sleeping soundly, he went to sleep in the guest bedroom, leaving both bedroom doors open so he'd hear her if she needed anything.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Heath was fixing scrambled eggs the next morning when Heather and Phil came over.  Heath gave his sister a hug and asked, “You survived last night, I take it?”

Heather blushed, but answered, “Yes, but barely.”  She rubbed her bottom, until Phil cleared his throat.  “I don't plan on doing a lot of sitting at work today.  I'm only working until noon, luckily.”

Heath smiled at her and said, “Why just until noon today?”

“The nurse that usually works Saturday morning is on vacation, so I told Ted I'd fill in for her.  Since I'll be off early I can come over and stay with Sara, try and keep her in bed.”

Lots of luck there.  Although this time she's so worn out she's not fighting me much.”

How is she?”  Phil was genuinely concerned.

She's still sleeping, which tells me a lot.  She fell asleep last night during a movie and slept all night.”

Wow,” Heather agreed, “she is worn out.”  Looking as contrite as he'd seen her in a long time, she told Heath, “I really am sorry.  I should have been able to tell she wasn't up to going out yesterday.”

Thank you for the apology, Sis, but it's not all your fault, you know.  That little dynamo in there can be very persuasive, and she hid how sick she was well.  I think she's too weak to hide it now, but I'm sure when she starts improving again she'll be trying to hide it from us again.  Only this time we'll know better.”

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