Read The Strange Healing Online

Authors: Misty Malone

The Strange Healing (21 page)

She turned and looked back at him and cried, “I don't know.”  She slumped back over his knee again and cried. 

He gently picked her up and cuddled her on his lap.  She snuggled in close, laid her head on his shoulder, and didn't move.  He looked at her carefully.  Something was wrong.  She looked and acted like she was exhausted, and although
he couldn't tell by her reaction to it, the spanking he gave her had not been harsh.  Not as harsh as she would normally have received.

He simply held her for several minutes, thinking over what had happened up to this point, trying to find a hint as to what was going on with his little Sara.  He calmly asked, “Are you sure you're feeling okay, Honey?”

“I'm fine.”

Nothing feels different or unusual?”  She shook her head.  “You said you worked today.  Everything was okay there?”

She thought a moment and said, “Once I finally got focused.  I had trouble getting started today.”

“Why?  Any ideas?”

No.  I just felt like I was dragging.  Once I forced myself to get started, though, work went fine.”

He reached up and felt her forehead.  “Honey, I think you feel
a little warm.  Are you sure you feel okay?”

I don't feel sick, just a little tired maybe.”

Wait here, Sweetie.  I'll be right back.”  He set her on the couch and left, coming back a minute later with a thermometer. 

I'm fine, Heath, really.”

Then humor me, and let me see for myself.  Let me put this under your tongue.”

Heath, this isn't necessary.  I'm fine.”

With a stern face, he said, “You won't be fine if you don't let me put this thermometer under your tongue.”

“Okay, fine.”

That's my girl.”  Three minutes later he checked the results and frowned.  “100.1.”

What?  It can't be.  I never get sick.”

Until now apparently.”

It's only 100.  That's not bad.  Maybe it's just a female, monthly thing.  I'll be fine tomorrow.”

Maybe.  I hope so.  But let me take a quick look at you just to be sure.  Are you sure nothing hurts, even a little?  Maybe your throat's a little scratchy, or an ear's a bit itchy?”

Sara looked at Heath intently before saying, “I forgot, you're a doctor, aren't you?”

Heath outright laughed at the look on her face.  Yes, Honey, I am a doctor.  I'm not sure right now if you see that as a good thing or a bad thing, but you're stuck with it either way.  And you do have a bit of a fever, and I am going to check you out, because I love you and I worry about you.”  He smiled at her as he said, “Let me go get my black bag we doctors have, and I'll be right back.”

Sara sat on the couch speechless.  He said he loved her!  She knew she heard him right.  He said he loved her.  She realized a couple weeks ago that she'd fallen in love with him, but she wouldn't let herself think about it.  She was afraid he didn't feel the same way about her.  But now she knew he did.  She was still half in a daze, hearing him saying those magical words in her mind again, when he came back and sat down beside her.

Getting a couple instruments from his bag, he casually asked, “So, is there anything I should check first, like a scratchy throat or an ear that kind of itches?”

His words brought her out of her dream-like state, as she realized he was talking.  “I'm sorry, what did you say?”

He turned now to look at her, and saw a huge smile.  He was positive he'd never fully understand his little minx, but he had absolutely no idea why she'd be smiling like that right now.  “What's the big smile for?  Are you happy that you're sick?”

No, I'm not sick.  I feel fine.”

Sara, you have a temperature.”

You love me.”

Heath looked at her and smiled.  “Of course I love you, Sweetheart.”  He pulled her onto his lap and kissed her as passionately as he ever had. 

The kiss he got in return was just as passionate.  When he finally pulled away enough to look into her eyes, she whispered, “I love you, too, Heath.  I have for a couple weeks.”

I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner then, Sweetie.  I didn't want you to feel like I'm pushing too hard, rushing you.”

You aren't.”  She was quiet, soaking up the feeling of being held in the arms of the man she loved, knowing now that he loved her, as well.

Heath was enjoying the feeling of being in love, and holding the love of his life in his arms.  The psychiatrist in him had always felt when he met the right woman he'd know it, and he thought he knew what it would feel like to be in love.  But real life was even better than he imagined.  Now that he knew she loved him as well, he didn't think he'd ever be able to let her out of his sight, or his arms.

Then she coughed, and they were both brought back to reality. 

Sweetheart, knowing you feel the same way toward me as I do you is wonderful.  But it gives me even more incentive to make sure you're healthy and stay that way.  Something's going on with you right now, and I want to find out what it is so we can fix it.”

But I'm okay, Heath, really.”

Sara, you look a little pale to me and you're not acting quite right.  That had me concerned enough to check your temperature.  You have a fever.  Don't even try to tell me you're fine, because you aren't.  Hopefully it's something minor and you'll feel better tomorrow, but as a doctor, and the man that's fallen hopelessly in love with you, I have to find out what's wrong and try and help you feel better.”

She was listening, ready to argue the point, until he mentioned the hopelessly in love, and then she just smiled at him, and agreed.  “Okay, I understand now.  In that case, I guess my throat might be a little bit scratchy.”

Heath narrowed his eyes as he studied her.  “I'm not sure whether I should say thank you for telling me, or turn you over my knee for trying to hide it from me so long.”

She giggled.  “I like the first idea better, to say thank you.  And you're welcome.”

Her mischievous smile was back, and he was glad.  She must not feel too bad.  “Time for a warning, my sweet little brat.  I expect you to tell me anytime you're not feeling well.”

But I –”

He looked very authoritative as he interrupted with, “Let me finish.  Even if you're not feeling sick, I want to know anytime you're not feeling like yourself.  And at the least, if you have a fever, no denying any little pains you have.  Do you understand me, Sara?”

She was looking at the floor now.  “Yes.  Sorry.”

Okay.  Now, look up at me so I can check your glands.” 

Dr. Anderson did a fairly thorough exam.  Afterward he put the stethoscope around his neck and shared his findings.  “Honey, your throat looks awfully red to be just a little scratchy.  Do you want to tell me how you really feel now?”

Her eyes grew large, but at least she looked a little sheepish as she answered, “Okay, my throat is a little sore, but it's not terrible, really.”

Okay.  We may talk more about your minimizing symptoms, but not now.  Right now I want to get you started on some antibiotics so we can get you feeling better.  Are you allergic to anything?”

Not that I know of.”

Okay.  Let's get you home and in bed.  You can rest while I go to the pharmacy and get you some antibiotics.”

Half an hour later Sara was wearing pajamas, tucked into her bed after taking the Tylenol Heath gave her.  She was glad Heath thought to take a key to her condo with him to the pharmacy.  She was surprised at how tired she felt now that she was laying down.

She was more surprised when Heath woke her up 45 minutes later. 

Sweetheart, can you wake up long enough to take some pills?”  He was rubbing her arm gently while he talked her into wakefulness. 

Heath, I think I fell asleep.”

You did, Honey, and that's good.  You looked so beautiful and peaceful I hated to wake you up.  Can you take these pills for me, then I'll let you go back to sleep.”

She took her pills, and yawned.  “Thank you for getting me these.  I'll pay you back.”

“No, you won't, Sweetie.  Anyway, you go back to sleep now.  I'll check on you in the morning before I go to work, and I'll give you your pills then.  Goodnight, Honey.  I love you.”

She gave him a sleepy smile as she said, “I love you, too, Heath.”  He watched from the doorway, and she was back to sleep within a minute or two.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

The next morning Sara woke up and went to the bathroom, then out to the kitchen.  Heath said he was stopping by, so she wanted to fix him some breakfast.  If he could see that she was okay he might not be so worried.  Heath being worried about her meant he'd be overprotective, which meant he wouldn't want her going out. 

She had plans to start house hunting today.  John would be home in six weeks, and Sara didn't know where she was going to live then.  She'd decided she wanted to stay here, where Heath and Phil and Heather were.  She found a place that felt like home, especially now that she knew Heath loved her.  But six weeks wasn't a lot of time to find a place to live.  She was planning to go out looking today and tomorrow.  Heather was eager to go with her on her day off, and when she found one or two she liked she would ask Heath to go look at them as well. 

But to look at houses today she ha
d to convince Heath that she was fine.  With that in mind, she put some coffee on and took out a skillet.  She thought a bit about what to fix.  She really didn't feel that good, but she didn't want him to know that.  She decided on sausage and scrambled eggs and toast.  That was a good breakfast, but quicker and easier than pancakes.  She pulled out the sausage and eggs when she heard Heath use his key in the door.

She poured him a cup of coffee and turned to give it to him just as he came into the kitchen.  She didn't like the frown on his face, though.  Handing him the coffee, she asked, “Heath, what's wrong?”

“What are you doing out of bed?”

She tried to look and act normal as she answered so he'd think she was fine.  “What do you mean?  I'm making breakfast for the man I love.”  She stretched up to kiss him, but he gave her a quick kiss and took the coffee from her hand.  He set it and his coffee on the counter and said, “You should be in bed, young lady.”  He reached up to check her forehead.  “Back to bed you go.”  It was then she noticed he'd brought his black bag with him.

He steered her back to the bedroom, with her complaining the whole time.  “Heath, I'm fine.  I can't stay in bed all day.”

Yes, you can, Sara.  Let me check your fever and your throat.” 

I don't have to get back into bed for you to look at my throat, and I don't have a thermometer.”

Well, I do,” he said, holding up the bag.  “And you're not getting back into bed just for me to look at your throat.  You're getting back into bed because that's where you should be when you're sick.”

But I'm not sick.”

One more word from you about how not sick you are at the moment and you'll get a quick six that will make your bottom feel plenty sick.”

She looked up at him, appalled.  He softened his voice and said, “Sweetie, I sure don't want to have to spank you right now because I know, even if you won't admit it, that you don't feel very good.  But if you don't get in bed and take care of yourself, I will spank you.  I know that in your weakened condition a spanking would wear you out and put you right to sleep.  I don't want to have to do that, Sweetie, but you need to rest.  So, your choice.  Are you going to get in bed and let me check you out, or do you need a trip over my knee first

She looked up into his eyes and saw he was serious.  She sounded very dejected, but resigned, as she said, “Okay, I'll get in bed.”  As she got into bed she perked up a bit as she asked, “But if you see I'm okay, can I get back up?”

He smiled at her optimism, but said, “Let me see how you're doing, Sara.  Your forehead feels warmer than it was last night, and you look awfully pale, but we'll see.”

After his exam, he said, “Sara, I'm sorry, but I want you to stay right here today.  Have you taken any Tylenol yet?” 

“No, I haven't taken anything.  Why do I have to stay in bed?”

Your fever's 101.2.  And your throat is more inflamed than it was last night.  Will you please be honest with me for a minute and tell me how you really feel this morning?”

Sara took a good look at Heath's face and could see the concern.  She didn't want to worry him, so she sighed and said, “My throat is sore today, and I don't have much energy.”

“Then why were you trying to make me think you're fine?”

Because I have an appointment later this morning with a real estate agent to start looking for a place to live.”

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