The Rocker That Savors Me (The Rocker...) (22 page)

Rage burned in my veins
, and I clenched my hands into fists so that I wouldn’t be tempted to smack the jackass. “Well, it’s nice to see you haven’t changed much over the years. Still the same slime, ball horn dog you always were. Tell me, is she legal?”

“Trust me, I’ve learned my lesson.” He took a step closer to me
, and I almost took a step back. I wasn’t scared of this man. I would never be scared of him. All he was now was a washed up rocker. He was lucky enough to have invested his money well over the years because he didn’t have that same big money coming in on a regular basis now that his career was over.

“What? You check their IDs before you screw them?” I asked, tossing my hair over my shoulder. “Or do you make them bring their birth certificates just in case? Does the guy that lives here know that he has a nasty old man running around trying to bed all the little girls?” Even as the words left me
, the truth hit me, and I felt all the color drain from my face.

Tom…Tommy. Yeah, I was definitely on slow motion tonight in the brain department. I should have put it together by now, but I didn’t let thoughts of this cree
p enter my mind all that often. Now that I had realized my mistake, I knew that my heart was about to be shattered into a million pieces.

A strong hand touched my arm
, and I jerked. Jesse frowned at my reaction but I looked away, avoiding his eyes. “What’s wrong?” he demanded. When I didn’t answer, his eyes moved to his friend. “Tom?”

I felt Tommy stiffening. “You?”
he asked, his voice rising. “You are with her?”

“What’s going on here, Tom?” He spoke with more force now.
“You and my girl not hitting it off?”

I felt bile rising in the back of my throat, but I took several deep breaths to keep it down. I wanted to hit a rewind button and have this night never happen. If I didn’t know that Tommy
Kirkman was the great man that Jesse had told me so much about I could ignore the rest. I could keep from shattering. I wouldn’t have to leave him or Emmie or the guys.

But there wasn’t a rewind button or even a pause button so that I could soak in the man I loved one last time before I walked away fr
om him forever…

“How did you get involved with her?” Tommy demanded, stepping closer to Jesse.

Jesse seemed to grow bigger before my eyes. “What’s it to you?” he demanded in a tone that I had never heard him use before. It was cold and full of steel, and I chanced a glance at him to see that his eyes were changing by the second.

“Jesse…” I started to touch him
, but Tommy grabbed my arm and jerked me away from him.

I cried out, his hold on my arm so tight it would leave bruises. “You don’t get to touch him
,” Tommy snarled down at me, his face getting so close to mine the stench of whisky and smoke on his breath made me gag. “He’s too good for the likes of you!”

I flinched, his words just as painful as his touch.
I hated him. Hated him to my very soul, and yet a part of me loved him too. A tiny little part of me would always crave his love and acceptance. Didn’t all daughters want that from their fathers?

Tommy released me so quickly I wasn’t sure what was going on. I raised my head to find Jesse pinning him against the wall, his eyes full of white hot rage. “You touch her like that again
, and I will make you swallow teeth!” he roared at his old friend.

Tommy stared up at the drummer with a dazed look in his chocolate brown eyes. “You would turn on me over a girl like her? Over some little whore that…” He didn’t get to finish what he was going to say. Jesse’s fist connected with his jaw making his head snap back
, and I wasn’t sure if Jesse had followed through with his threat or not because blood gathered in the corner of Tommy’s mouth.

“You don’t get to talk about her like that either!” Jesse shouted at him.

Someone turned the music off, making the place unusually quiet. I glanced over my shoulder to see all eyes were on us. Fuck! I did not need this now. I grabbed Jesse’s arm. “Jess, please. Just take me home,” I pleaded.

“Not until he tells you he’s sorry.” Jesse tightened his hold on Tommy’s shirt. “Tell her.”

Tommy turned his head and spit right at my feet. “Fuck off.”

Tears gathered in my eyes
, but I refused to let him see. “I don’t need an apology. Just take me home.”



My head snapped around at the sound of Lana’s voice.
I didn’t know how she knew I needed her, but I didn’t question it; I was too glad to see my sister. She was running through the doorway with Drake right behind her. “Layla, let’s go,” she commanded.

I released my hold on Jesse’s arm. She ran up the stairs and
took hold of my arms, inspecting me as if she was scared I had lost a limb or something. “Are you okay?” she demanded, shooting Tommy a vile glare.

“I’m fine.” I whispered. “Can…Can you take me home

“Of course.”
She pulled me into her side, and I didn’t look back as she led me away. Drake fell into step behind us. I kept my eyes down as I passed through the crowd of partiers. I couldn’t bring myself to hold up my head like I had the right too. No one would believe anything but what Tommy Kirkman told them anyway.

Jesse had followed us out of the house, but he stopped me when I went to get into Lana’s car. “Layla, what the fuck just happened in there?” His rage hadn’t dimmed at all. If anything, he looked even angrier. “How do you know Tom?” he demanded.

I closed my eyes, knowing what he suspected. It was what everyone in that room suspected. That I was some out casted lover of the great Tommy Kirkman. “I can’t tell you.” I whispered.

“Why the fuck not?” He yelled.

“Because I signed a nondisclosure form when I was sixteen!”
I yelled back at him. “I can’t tell anyone anything!”

“You might not be able to
, but I sure as hell can,” Lana said, getting between me and Jesse. She didn’t even blink as she glared up at him. “Stop looking at my sister like that, Jesse Thornton! She didn’t do anything wrong.”

“Then why isn’t she talking?” He tried to push her out of his way so that he could get to me
, but she didn’t budge. “Move Lana!” He didn’t try to touch her, but when she refused to budge he started to move around her. Drake moved behind Lana, and I was thankful for the added wall of flesh that separated me from Jesse.

“No. Fuck you!”
Lana shoved him hard, and surprisingly he moved back a few steps. “You’re thinking the worst of her right now. I can see the wheels turning in that fucked up rocker world mentality that you have. My sister is better than that. She is better than
. And she’s sure as fuck better than her fuck faced father.”

I swallowed hard, not caring that Lana was using words that
I had asked her not to. My heart was shattered because I had seen what Jesse was thinking too, and it had gone down the dirty route. I opened the door to Lana’s car and got in.

This was over. I was done. Turned out that
Jesse Thornton was exactly who I had first thought he was.

Chapter 17


I felt like I was in a daze the entire trip back to Malibu. Lana drove quickly but carefully and got us home in record time. No one spoke. Lana knew that I wasn’t ready to talk about it, and Drake, who was sitting in the back, didn’t say a word.

When we pulled into t
he driveway, I got out of the car and walked to the guesthouse with my head down. I heard Drake murmuring something to Lana, but didn’t care one way or another what he was saying. I was numb. Cold. This night was a disaster, and I wished I had never gotten out of bed that morning.

When I opened the door to the guesthouse
, Nik jumped to his feet. His presence here surprised me. “What are you doing here?” I asked, my voice sounding hoarse.

“Drake asked me to keep an eye on Lucy.
She was sleeping when they left and hasn’t woken up since.” He took a step toward me, looking concerned. “Layla, are you okay?” He glanced behind me. “Where’s Jesse?”

I shrugged. “Probably still at Tommy’s.” I didn’t care where he was right now as long as he wasn’t near me. I swallowed hard. “Thanks for watching Lucy, but do you mind going home now? I…I’m not very good company.”

“Did you and Jesse have a fight?”

like that.” I kicked off my boots and dropped down on the couch. Lana walked in through the still open door with Drake behind her like always. There was tension radiating from him, and I knew it was because of me. Was he scared I was going to pack up and take Lana far away from him? Trust me, the thought had crossed my mind more than once on the drive home.

But I wasn’t going to run away. I refused to give up Emmie and the life that
my sisters and I had here just because I had been stupid enough to fall for a guy that would think the worst of me. I wasn’t going anywhere unless Emmie, and only Emmie, asked me to leave. “Go home, guys.”

“Layla…” Drake gave me an almost pleading look. “Call me before you decide anything crazy, oka
y? Don’t run.” His eyes went to Lana who stood just a few feet in front of him.
Don’t take her away from me
, his eyes seemed to say.

“I’m not running
,” I assured him and saw his shoulders noticeably relax. “But you need to go. I’m not strong enough to deal with you here right now.”

Nik still stood over me
, frowning. “Tell me what happened, Layla. Maybe I can help.”

I glared up at him. “You can’t help. Nothing you s
ay or do will fix what happened tonight. Nothing, not even a time machine could change any of it. Not unless you have a way of extracting DNA from someone’s gene pool.”

He only looked more confused now. “Did you and Jesse break up?”

“Oh, yeah. We definitely broke up.” I told him with a laugh that held little humor.

Nik opened his mouth to say something
, but Drake stopped him. “Let’s go, bro. She just needs some time to get tonight straight in her head.” Nik sighed but nodded, and I was relieved when both rockers left without another word.

Once the door was shut behind them
, Lana dropped down beside of me on the sofa and without a word, pulled me into her arms. Like a child, I buried my face in her hair and held on as the tears fell freely. My past had come back to bite me in a big way…

My mother, Lydia
, had only been sixteen when she met Tommy Kirkman. Sixteen to his thirty-five. Of course she hadn’t told him that she was only sixteen. I was sure that she hadn’t even been a virgin when she had willingly climbed into the rocker’s bed. She had meant to get pregnant. It was all part of her plan to become a rocker’s wife, or at least his play thing for longer than a night.

Tommy had picked up and moved on the next day
, but Lydia had made sure that he knew that she was pregnant. When I was born, a court ordered paternity test was done, and Tommy had forked over some big time money, but made sure that my mother knew that he wanted nothing to do with me. She had been disappointed that I wasn’t enough to keep the rock star on a leash for at least a little while, but the money he had shelled out had been enough to console her.

I hadn’t really thought about the man that was my father
growing up. I had known who he was from the time I was old enough to ask about who he was. It wasn’t until my mother kicked me out when I was sixteen that I tried to contact him.

I had nowhere to go
, was living in a shelter and barely getting anything to eat. I had been desperate, so I had went to one of his concerts. It hadn’t been easy, but somehow I had managed to sneak onto his tour bus and waited for him. He had been high on the adrenaline from his performance and maybe something stronger, but he hadn’t been so stoned that he didn’t understand who I was when I told him I was his daughter.

Tommy Kirkman had been less than pleased to see me. I didn’t have a copy of my birth certificate to show as proof, but I didn’t really need one. I might have looked a little like my mother, but I had more of my father in me. My chocolate brown eyes, the rich cinnamon color of my hair, the angle of my chin and the shape of my nose
—that was all Tommy.

“So what do you want?”
he had snarled after I told him who I was.

“I…My mom threw me out. I don’t have anywhere to go
,” I had told him, putting my pride aside because I had nothing left.

“That’s your problem.” He moved around the bus until he found a half empty bottle of whisky. He pulled the top off and started drinking directly from the bottle.
“That settlement I gave your slut mother was to make you go away. I signed over all my rights, and she got her money.”

“But…” I knew I was fighting a lost cause. He wasn’t going to help me. Not unless… “I’ll sell my story to the papers. I’m sure that all you
r fans would love to read about your bastard in the gossip pages.” Not to mention I was likely to get a good price for selling my story. “And wouldn’t the world like hearing how you got a sixteen year old pregnant?” Maybe it was the truth, or maybe I was just trying to bluff him into helping me out. I wasn’t sure. I could never really know. I was a scared, desperate girl then, but I left with that threat ringing between us.

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