The Rocker That Savors Me (The Rocker...) (17 page)

“It must have been hard, working and taking on the girls like that.”

“Not really. As soon as I knew they needed me, I told the social worker that I wanted them. But I couldn’t keep them if I was stripping. One of my regulars at the club told me if I ever needed a job he would hire me…so I took him up on the offer. Stan, he owns Perfectly Clean, helped me out. I got a respectable job, and the girls.”

I think I might have fallen a little more in love with her as she told me about her life. Not just how she came to be the surrogate mother of her two younger sisters, but how she had come to be the person
she was today. Layla had spirit. Tenacity. She was full of life, even though life had tried to beat her down more than a few times. Her courage, diligence, and determination were all in her eyes, and I liked seeing them there.

She reminded me of Emmie.

It wasn’t a bad thing. In fact I think I had secretly been looking for someone like her my whole life. Someone who could deal with me without giving up on me. Someone who would love me even when I was a completely unlovable bastard. I could be a real asshole at times, especially when I thought about life before we had hit it big, or the years before we had gotten Emmie back.

We talked until the sun came u
p and she fell asleep in my arms. When I finally gave into sleep, I did so with a content smile on my face…

The buzzing of a phone woke me. Groaning I untangled myself from around Layla and searched for my jeans. By the time I found them
, the phone had stopped ringing, but I knew that if it was Emmie it would start ringing again soon. I pulled my phone from my pocket and saw that it was after two in the afternoon. Muttering a curse I saw that I had six missed calls, all of them from Emmie in the last hour.

Worry for her made my fingers shake as I hit redial on the last number and waited for her to pick up. “Are you okay?”
she demanded as soon as she answered.

“I was going to ask you the same thing
,” I told her, running a hand over the small stubble on my head.

She sighed. “I’m fine. I was just worried about you. Lana came over asking if I had heard from you or Layla. She’s worried about her sister and can’t get her to answer her phone. Where are you, Jesse?”

“We crashed at Tom’s,” I told her and heard her sigh again. “It isn’t like that.”

“Sure it isn’t. Shane
takes his one-nighters there.” She sounded disappointed in me and I hated that. “Tell Layla to call her sister.”

I pressed the phone closer to my ear. “I swear to you that this isn’t like that. Layla means more to me than that.”

She was quiet for a full minute before she spoke again. “
Okay. We can talk later. Love you.” Before I could tell her I loved her too, she hung up.

Muttering under my breath
, I tossed the phone aside and started gathering the rest of my clothes. Layla was still out cold on the bed. I didn’t want to disturb her, so I moved as quietly as I could to the connecting bathroom and shut the door. I needed a shower. I smelled of sweat and sex. Not that those were terrible smells, but I didn’t want to go home with Layla’s juices all over me. I didn’t want the guys to know what she smelled like. It was a crazy thing to worry about, but true nonetheless.



The smell of strong brewed coffee woke me. I moaned, turning over onto my back. Slowly
, I cracked open first one eye and then the other. Jesse, sexy as hell in only a pair of boxers stood over me with two mugs in hand. One brow was raised, and he was grinning down at me. My heart melted even more, and I heard the words that he had forced me to say last night echo in my mind.

“What time is it?” I muttered as I sat up, not caring that I was naked and the covers had slipped to my waist. I liked the way his eyes rapidly switched from a soft brown to onyx in a split second.


I muttered a curse and jumped out of bed. Three in the afternoon! I hadn’t even called Lana to let her know I wasn’t coming home. Fuck, talk about irresponsible. How was I to expect my seventeen year old sister to
act responsibly if I wasn’t doing the same thing? I found my jeans and dug my phone out of the back hip pocket.

Sure enough I had six missed calls and my text box was overflowing.

“Calm down.” Jesse told me. “I already talked to Emmie. The girls are fine, just worried about you. Give Lana a text to tell her you will be home in a little while.”

I grimaced. “I haven’t been much of a good influence.”

“No one is perfect. And it’s not like you left them all alone. Lana is old enough to take care of Lucy for one night. And if they needed anything Em and the guys were right next door.” He offered me a mug of coffee, and I took it with a grateful smile.

“I know that. But…” I took a sip of the coffee and nearly choked on whatever was in the cup. It tasted like coffee—strong coffee—but it was so thick I thought I was eating it instead of drinking the stuff. “What is this?” I got out in a croaky voice.

“Jesse’s special cup of Joe,” he informed me with a sly grin. “It puts hair on the chest. The guys live by it… Em, not so much. Do you like it?”

Was it bad that I already felt twitchy from the caffeine? Oh, fuck I was going to be up for days on this stuff. “Does it have speed in it?”

Jesse sighed. “Okay, so maybe I use more coffee than water. But when you live on the road you learn to survive off this stuff.” He took a big swallow from his own mug. “Are you hungry? We can stop for a bite on the way home. Or pick up something.”

I gave him back the coffee. “Or I could cook when we get back.” I picked up my clothes spread around the room and headed for the bathroom. “Give me five minutes.” I needed a shower, but I would have to make do with a quick rinse under the spray.

“Layla…” At the door I stopped when I heard Jesse’s voice. Turning, I found him where I had left him. His entire body looked like it was made of stone as he stood there watching me, his erection sticking out from his body, his arms tense with desire. His obvious need for me made me melt all over again.

I swallowed hard, and with trembling fingers
, I got out a quick text to Lana before my mind went blank. I think it said I wouldn’t be home until later, but I couldn’t be sure, because as soon as I hit send I tossed it and my clothes back on the floor and ran across the room. He had already gotten rid of the coffee mugs because his arms caught me against him and lifted me in the air.

“I need to be inside of you so fucking bad, baby.” He breathed against my lips as he slowly lowered me. My body pressed against every inch of his as he
carefully sat me on my feet. “Are you on the pill?”

“No.” I told him, not worried about birth control as I licked my way across his chest from one nipple to the other.

“Fuck!” he roared and tossed me on the bed. “I only had one condom.”

My body was already screaming for him. Trying to clear the desire fog from my brain
, I started doing math in my head. Swallowing hard, I nodded. “I have never had sex without a condom before,” I told him honestly.

“Me either.” He ran his hands over his head in a way that told me he was frustrated. “And I’m clean, Layla. Em makes us all get tested every six months or so. I just had a complete checkup three months ago…”

I breathed a sigh of relief. “I’m clean too.” I assured him. “I haven’t even had sex in like three years. I had a physical when I started working for Perfectly Clean.”

His eyes darkened.
His body seeming to actually grow bigger as he crawled toward me on the bed. “Are you willing to chance it?” He demanded in an almost animalistic sounding voice.

I licked my lips nervously. “It isn’t much of a risk. Right now is a safe time in my cycle. Trust me on this. I’m the most regular person you will ever meet. I could tell you down to the hour when I will get my period.”

“Oh fuck.” He breathed, stopping between my spread thighs and sitting back on his heels. “Layla…”

He didn’t have to say anything more. I knew exactly what was going through his head, because it was going through mine too. Last night had been amazing. I had lost a part of myself to him last night, not just my heart. And to make love without anything separating us
, that might just kill us! “Come inside me, Jesse.” I pleaded, trailing my fingers across his stomach. “I’m ready for you.”

“I’ll try to keep my head
,” he promised as he gently pushed my thighs further apart. I watched in total fascination as he rubbed his bare dick across my outer lips. When that pink, mushroom shaped head slipped across my clit, I cried out in pleasure so intense it caused my back to arch.

Jesse gritted his teeth as he held his dick in his hand and rubbed it back and for
th across my hardened clit, making my already wet pussy flood with liquid desire. I gripped his forearms, my nails sinking into his skin as my head thrashed back and forward almost incoherently. “So wet. So slick. Your pussy is beautiful, baby.”

“Put it inside me.
NOW!” I cried out in desperation.

Sweat was already beading on his forehead and upper lip. Drops dripped onto his chest and my stomach. I moaned at the sweet torture of it. Still
, he played with me, rubbing that beautiful cock of his back and forth, up and down, in little circles. I was hanging on to the edge of a mind numbing orgasm by my fingertips.

, I released my hold on his forearms and pinched my nipples. I tugged on them hard, so hard that I lifted each breast toward him. Jolts of pleasure went straight to my pussy and I began to pant. “Ah…Ah…Oh!” I cried. “Oh! Oh! Oh!” I thrust my hips up, trying to force him to slip lower. I could smell the muskiness of his pre-cum already, knew that he was just as lost as I was and we hadn’t even started.

“Oh, God!”
Tears slipped from my eyes it felt so good. “Jesse, please,” I sobbed. “I need you now.”

With an animal like growl
, he thrust in me so deep and hard that I thought he bruised the walls of my uterus. But it was so good! So amazingly good that it sent me over the edge. My inner muscles contracted hard, and I watched in amazement as his eyes rolled back in his head. He didn’t move after that first hard thrust, but he didn’t have to. My orgasm was milking his own from him. His mouth opened in a silent scream. It was so sexy, so hot, that it intensified my own release.

He seemed frozen like that for nearly a full minute before his muscle started to relax. We were both breathing hard, sweat pouring off of us both. Jesse groaned and fell on top of me, crushing my breasts between us, but I didn’t care. I loved the feel of him against me like his. With him still hard inside of me while the mixture of our release soaked the sheets under me, and he held me tight.

My hands went around him, and I skimmed my fingers up and down his back. Goose flesh popped up along the trail, and I turned my head to lick his neck. He tasted both sweet and salty. His scent invaded my every sense, and I begged God to give me just a few more minutes of this paradise.

Chapter 13


By the time we got back to Malibu it was getting late.

Jesse pulled up into the driveway in front of the beach house and reluctantly turned off the Escalades engine. I bit my lip, not wanting to part with him any more than he wanted to from me. We had made love so many times I had lost count. That room back in his friend’s house had reeked of sex when we had left, but I hadn’t even cared.

Gently, fingers grasped and intertwined with mine. With a sad sigh he brought our joined hands to his lips and kissed each finger. “Is it selfish that I want to keep you to myself for another night?”

I leaned my head back against the seat and smiled up at him. “No. Not selfish at all, because I want the same thing. Too bad that we can’t have everything that we want…”

“Fuck that,” he muttered heatedly. “I’ll fix it so that we can have every night together, Layla.”

I frowned. “How are you going to do that?” I asked. “What does that mean?”

He was already shaking his head. “Don’t worry about it.” Leaning in, he kissed me, making me forget anything he had just said. His fingers tangled in my already horribly knotted hair and pulled me closer. I wanted to climb across the console and straddle him, have sex with him right here in the driveway!

He pulled back just enough to press his forehead against mine. “Go, Layla
,” he whispered. “Go before I do something crazy like drive back to Beverly Hills.”


“Please, go. I’m not strong enough to…” He released me and fell back against his seat, his eyes closed tight. “Good night, baby. I’ll call you in the morning.”

When he didn’t move to open his door
, I slowly reached for my own. “Good night, Jesse,” I whispered before slipping from the SUV.

Swallowing hard to keep my tears from spilling out and making me sob, I walked quickly back to the guest house. How crazy was it that I didn’t want to be away from him for even a night? My heart was actually aching, clenching more and more with each step that took me away from him.

No, no, no! No! Last night—when I had told him I loved him—that had just been in the heat of the moment. It wasn’t true. It wasn’t. I couldn’t be in love with him this soon, this deeply!

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