The Navy's Ghost (Bad Boys of Beta Squad) (11 page)

“I’m here, darlin’. I’m sorry I missed
it. Retro is, too, I’ll bet. How ’bout we make it up to you?” He reached around her to the end table where he’d dropped his phone and tapped the text feature to answer Jim’s earlier message. “How ’bout I make sure you’re back’s fine then we shoot the shit for a while? Sound good?”

He tapped out a text
let Jim know he’d found Chris and right now she needed them. While most of the guys scattered to the four winds in search of hot pussy to take care of the adrenaline build-up after an op, Jim had tried to visit Ghost. And couldn’t find her.

God knows Retro could probably find
pussy right here with Chris.
Her offer still stood as far as Todd knew and he didn’t mind putting it to the test. The only problem lay in Chris’s inebriation. He’d never fucked a drunk girl and he wasn’t about to start the trend now. Todd hit send on the text and squeezed Chris. “You still awake over there, darlin’?”

“Yeah. I’m thirsty.”

“Let me make you some coffee and I’ll check your back.”

“I don’ want any coffee. Don’t you have something stronger?” She sat up a little, bracing her elbows on her knees.

“Not in this house.” That wasn’t strictly true, but her breath could light a gas fire and he refused to encourage increasing her blood toxicity. “You still on pain meds for your leg?”

“Not if I can help it.” Chris shook her head. “They make me groggy and most of the time it doesn’t hurt that bad. God, my back hurts

“Let me get the coffee started and I’ll take a look.” Magic filled the coffee maker with enough coffee grounds to make a thick sludge. He could almost hear his father’s voice say,
Strong enough to put hair on your chest
. His phone pinged with an incoming text and he snatched it on the way back to the couch.

On my way.

Todd nodded at Retro’s response.
He scanned the living room for his med kit, but he’d taken it back to the guest bathroom. Chris still sat with her elbows on her knees and didn’t look like she’d move any time soon. Magic retreated to the bathroom for the med kit and returned to the couch, setting the bag on the floor.

“All right now. Let’s take a look at your back.”

Chris didn’t move as he slowly peeled the tape from her taut skin. The odd
smell hit his nose again and he held back a grimace as he pulled back the bandage. Thick black lines etched a swath from hip to hip across her lower back in a Celtic trinity knot. The top pointed up her spine and the side tips dipped into the dimples above her buttocks. The central lines of the knot wrapped in an intricate heart pattern before straightening into the larger loops.

The artist had talent and the tattoo looked lovely against her skin. Magic tried not to imagine holding her hips while he fucked her from behind while staring at the crisp, black design.
She’s drunk, remember?
The coffee would help with her inebriation.

Damn, Retro better get here soon.




Retro told himself to calm down as he nearly took a corner on two wheels of his truck. The vehicle groaned in protest and he let his foot off the gas.
He’d been calling and texting Ghost for the past three hours with no response. He’d found out she’d received her Purple Heart and promotion to lieutenant while the squad was away and wanted to congratulate her in person.

etro had taken it upon himself to keep up on how she was doing. After all he was her lieutenant.
Now she’s a lieutenant of her own.
But he still felt like her superior, a protector and leader. A leader who made an effort to check on his injured men—well, soldiers. When she hadn’t answered her phone, he’d swung by her house to check on her, but her car was gone. Retro drove around looking for her car until he’d received Magic’s text and relief loosened his gut. The drive to his buddy’s house had taken less time than normal.

Where the fuck’s her car?
Retro parked his truck beside Magic’s and headed for the house.
God, please say she’s okay.
He didn’t bother knocking as he pushed open the door and found his two squadmates on the couch, drinking coffee. Or rather, Ghost held a steaming cup in her hands while Magic worked on her back.

“What’s wrong with her back, Hunter?” Jim stopped in front of them and peered past Todd’s hands.

“Hello to you, too, Waters.” The medic gave him a dry look and continued to smooth what looked like oil on Chris’s back. “There’s nothing wrong with her back.”

“Then what are you working on?”

“My new tattoo. Do you like it, Retro?” Chris looked up at him and he had to remind his cock she didn’t look sexy while Todd rubbed her back.

“You got ink, Ghost?”

“Yeah. I had to use my new pay grade for something.” Derision filled her voice as she dropped her head again.

Shoving his frustration away, Jim strode behind the couch. “Let’s see this ink.” He scanned the lines partially hidden by Todd’s hand smoothing on oil. “Damn, Ghost, that’s beautiful. It’s Celtic, right?”

She nodded and Todd’s index finger followed the lines in the middle constructing a heart. He looked up at Jim and raised his eyebrows for emphasis.
Yeah, Magic, I get it. Love.
Jim nodded, but Magic frowned and pointed at himself, Chris, and back at Jim with his free hand before tracing the heart again.

Jim’s heart stuttered in his chest and he glanced at the design again.
Aw shit, does that mean three-way love?
She’d said she was interested in it four months earlier, but they hadn’t spoken about it since he’d turned her down.
It’s better for everyone this way.
He ignored the gut reaction to the lie.

“It’s so I can keep my team with me even when I’m alone.”

God, could she tear out his heart any more?

“Look what they gave me.” She held up a medal case and he returned to the front of the couch to take it. “Purple Heart. Pretty, isn’t it?”

“Sure is, Ghost.” Magic patted her back softly. “I’m gonna put the bandages back on, okay?”

“Okay.” She sipped her coffee. “Do I have to go home after?”

“I’m thinkin’ it’d be best of you sack out here for the night. Did you drive here from the tattoo place?” He set large swaths of gauze against her back.

“I don’t think so, but I don’t remember.”

“You should stay here tonight, Chris.” Jim turned the medal case over in his hands. “We can get your car in the morning.”

“Will you stay, too, Jim?” Her hazel gaze hit him with such yearning and hope he couldn’t say no. Not after he’d missed her award
ceremonies. It didn’t matter that a situation had come up. They were her squadmates and should have been there.

“Yeah, Chris, I’ll stay. Hell, I’ve been looking for you for the last three hours.” He rubbed the medal case with his thumbs. “This is exactly where I need to be tonight.”

“What about your usual pussy run?” The sarcasm mixed with the challenge in her face ignited Jim’s indignation. What the hell was wrong with pussy after an op?

“You offering, Ghost?”

His words hummed there like a discordant tone in a pool of silence and Jim almost wished he could take them back. But Ghost held the only pussy he wanted, and he’d wanted it for a long time. Chris raised her head to meet his gaze full on. Lust, determination, and something deeper burned in her eyes.

“Yeah, I am.”

Aw shit, no getting out of that one.

“Hold on, now. This here’s my house, so nothin’s gonna happen without me
.” Todd gave them a mock-frown. “And as your medical officer, I have final say.”

Chris snorted. “Don’t you need some pussy, too?”

“Damn straight I do, and I’ve been waitin’ for that invitation for a year now.” He closed his medical kit and set it aside, a smile teasing at the corners of his mouth. “Now the way I see it, you’re gonna need to be careful of that new tat of yours, so we can’t have you lyin’ on your back. That means you’re either gonna have to take us one at a time, ride one of us while the other fucks that tight little ass of yours, or you suck one of us off while the other takes your sweet pussy. The choice is yours, Ghost. So what’s it gonna be?”

Jim’s cock cheered for each option, but it damn near broke his fly at the third
. How often had he dreamed of Chris’s mouth wrapped around his shaft? More than he cared to admit and he wasn’t in the mood for confessions. He only needed her permission and she’d be his salvation.
Hell, any choice she makes and I’ll sing Hallelujah.

Chapter Eight



Chris’s world tilted again, but instead of a scary nightmare, she landed in an erotic fantasy with a smorgasbord of sexy choices laid out before her. And Retro looked almost eager to hear what she’d choose.
Has he come around to the idea of sharing?
She couldn’t stop the hope from blooming in her chest and sliding down to warm her pussy. He didn’t seem to be arguing and she’d take what she could get.
I get to be their pussy run. Both of them!

“I want you both. At the same time.” A shiver rattled through her as she licked her lips. “I want to suck Retro’s cock while you fuck me, Magic.”

“Aw, hell, yeah.” Chris laughed at Jim’s exclamation as he emptied the pockets of his jeans and set the Purple Heart onto the coffee table beside her mug.

Are you sure, Jim?” Why the hell was she offering him a way out?
Because I don’t want him to hate me tomorrow.

Yeah, you pointed out I needed a pussy run and you’ve got the one I’ve wanted to take a run at for a while now. I won’t turn down the opportunity.”

Chris stared at Jim for a several heartbeats, trying to puzzle out what he meant.
Todd rose and smacked Jim on the back of the head. “Nice, jackass. Do you say that to all the girls or just the ones you’re trying to impress? You sure you’re not the one who’s been drinkin’?”

Comprehension dawned across Retro’
s face and he dropped to his knees in front of Chris like he expected to be beheaded. “Oh, God, I’m sorry, Chris. You’re more than just a quick fuck to me.”

“But that’s what you need, isn’t it, Retro? Just a quick fuck to blow off steam.” Chris grimaced and sat up, belatedly remembering her back. She hunched her shoulders to keep from brushing it against the cushions of the couch. “And you wasted all your time driving around looking for me when you could’ve been at the bar hooking up.
I get it.”

Yeah, hooking up with some Navy bunny who has the personality of a wet dish ra
g and tits the size of the Grand Tetons.

“You don’t get it at all, Ghost.” He grasped her coffee mug and set it on the table before lifting her chin with a callused hand. “If ever there was a woman I wanted to blow off steam with, it’s you. I could never do it before because…Well, you were a subordinate officer and fraternization just wasn’t gonna happen.” He grimaced and unease ran through her. Sex was never worth an Article 15 hearing. “
But now, you’re no longer under my command and both of us need it, so…”

of us need it.” Magic held out his hand to Chris. “Let me help you get undressed, darlin’.”

Chris let Todd pull her up as Jim moved out of the way. “So you’re saying we
’re just buddies letting off steam, Jim?”

“Letting off steam and taking mutual pleasure, yeah. A
one-time deal.” Jim gave a nonchalant shrug. “It works in everyone’s favor.”

Chris stood docile as Todd pulled her shirt off and unclipped her bra. She didn’t want a casual fling with Jim and Todd. She wanted something permanent and long term. She raised her gaze to Todd’s and he smiled with encouragement.
Aw hell, if that’s all I can get for now, I’ll take it.
She ignored the feeling she’d settled for second best. She could almost hear her Grandad’s voice saying,
Don’t settle for a Spitfire when what you really want is a P-51 Mustang.

Something must have shown on her face because Todd paused and studied her. “You all right with that, Chris?”

“Yeah, of course.” She dredged up her smile.
I’ll just have to show him it’s too good to do just once.
She turned toward Jim, swaying a little. He grasped her hips to steady her. “Let me undress you, Retro. I want to see that sexy chest of yours for real.”

Jim smirked and shrugged out of his t-shirt, exposing his broad torso. She’d seen him shirtless countless times in the field, having the societal advantage of being male. But she’d never looked at him as man to savor.
Now she took a moment to study the heavy slabs of muscle covering his chest and belly, outlined with short dark hair. A thicker line of hair ran down into his pants from his belly button and she reached for his waistband to improve her view.

“Whoa, hang on there, Ensign—”

“That’s Lieutenant. And I need to see more.” She unbuckled the belt on his jeans and popped open the button. The bulge below the fly encouraged her actions, but Retro clamped his hands around her wrists to stop her.

“I’ll let you see every inch,
. But first, I want to taste those perfect nipples staring at me.”

dropped to his knees before her while Magic shucked his clothes, starting with his shoes. She watched him saunter back to where she stood with Retro, and he grinned as he fiddled with her waistband.
Oh, dear God, he’s sexy.

“Permission to taste, ma’am?”

“What, Retro? Oh, yes. Granted.”

Wet heat enveloped her left nipple as Jim’s hand played with her right. Pleasure sizzled through her body, making her gasp. She watched his head tilt as he laved the taut peak with his tongue, periodically glancing up at her with his c
hocolate brown eyes. She’d waited so long to have his mouth on her she damn near forgot to breathe.

“That’s damn sexy, Retro.” Magic’s breath stirred her hair as he peppered kisses along Chris’s shoulders, his hands sliding over her hips to her mound. “Um, I think she likes it.”

Chris whimpered when Todd pressed his naked body to her back and slid her pants off her hips. His lips followed them down, licking and nipping a path around the bandage to her ass. He helped her step out of her jeans and skimming his hands back up her legs to her pussy. Chris squirmed and moaned as both men took that moment to suck hard, one on her breast, the other on her ass cheek.

She grabbed a fistful of Jim’s dark hair and tilted his head back so she could kiss him
, bending at the waist to seal her mouth over his. The flavors of coffee and masculine spice hit her tongue as Jim opened to let her in and she sank into him. Their tongues battled for erotic supremacy, sliding over and against each other in a sensual dance. And Chris only wanted more.

Todd took that moment to trail his fingers between her legs from behind and sank them between her nether lips. Chris wailed in surprised ecstasy and Todd groaned.

“Aw hell yeah, Jim. She’s wetter than a rainy afternoon at Big Sur and smells just as sweet.” Todd pulled his hand free and over her shoulder Chris watched him lick his fingers. “Damn. She tastes better than she smells.”

“Don’t tempt me
. I can smell her pussy from here.” Jim dropped his head to nuzzle the trimmed curls on her mound. “God, I love a trimmed pussy. Did you do that for us, Chris?”

Chris let a sultry smile curl her lips. “I’ll never tell.” She wiggled her hips against Jim’s face, grateful she’d always preferred her pubic hairs short.

The scents of sandalwood and vanilla filled her nose as Todd’s erection teased the crack of her ass with its smooth, stiff heat, and his hands cupped her breasts. “Oh, yeah, Magic. Give me your cock.”

“What about my cock?” Retro’s eyes flashed with his erotic challenge as he stood, unzipping his fly. Her pussy clenched as he slid his jeans off and his thick shaft
stood stiffly in invitation from a nest of dark hair.

Damn, he’s big.
She’d seen Jim naked before, but never hard. Chris licked her lips and bent down to nuzzle his scrotum, reveling in the musky scent mixed with a hint of leather.
God he smells good.
Her mouth watered and she licked the base of his shaft.

“Oh, I want a taste of you
r thick cock. I want to see how much of it I can get in my mouth.”

, fuck.” Jim’s erection flexed with her words and he held her head at his groin as he rubbed it against her lips. “You want to swallow my dick, sweetheart? I’m happy to let you try.”

Jim’s voice had gone straight to gravelly
and the rumble against her lips made Chris’s knees go weak. Her bad leg faltered and she tilted sideways with squawk of surprise. Two sets of warm, callused hands caught her shoulders and hips, and held her off the floor.

“Careful there, darlin’.” Todd stroked her buttocks. “Let’s get onto the couch to do anything else, and save your legs for later.”

“Will I need my legs later?”

“You’re plannin’ on goin’ to work eventually, right?” Magic smirked and ground his cock against her ass again, sending more cream to her pussy. “Retro, why don’t you set yourself down on the couch
and let Ghost get comfortable in your lap.”

Chris whined a little as Jim pulled away to sit on the couch. She tried to follow him, but Todd caught her hips. “Ah ah ah. You’re comin’ with me, darlin’.”

“But Retro’s cock—”

“Will be right there waitin’ for you.” Todd guided her over to the armrest. “Lean over the armrest and brace your elbows on the cushions.” He pressed down between Chris’s shoulder blades to bend her at the hips until her head landed in Jim’s lap.
Chris licked her lips as his cock bumped her nose and Jim moaned.

“Aw, yeah, perfect.” Jim stroked his shaft in front of her lips.

“There you go, darlin’. Right where I want you.” Todd nuzzled the tip of his cock between her buttocks.

And right where I want to be.
Between her two SEALs, one fore, one aft.

“You ready to suck my cock, Chris?” Jim’s eyes blazed with feral lust and her pussy spasmed in erotic delight.

“Oh, yeah. Give it to me good.” She lifted her head and engulfed the tip of his penis with her mouth.

Hot, salty-sweet cream hit her tongue and she moaned in time with Jim’s rumbling growl. His cock flexed beneath her tongue
and she scrubbed it, swallowing the mouth-watering flavor zinging her taste buds. His taste was intoxicating and she craved more, sucking harder.

The sound of a foil package tearing momentarily distracted her, but before she could turn to look, Jim clamped a hand to the back of her head. “Uh-uh. Keep your sweet little mouth glued to my cock, sweetheart.
Magic’s just suiting up.”

It took her sex-addled brain a few seconds to realize what Jim meant, but she lost all coherence when scorching slickness hit her pussy lips. She tightened her lips on Jim’s cock, making him groan, and squealed around his shaft. Jim held her on him as punishing pleasure assaulted her
labia from behind. Todd’s lips and tongue reduced her to a mewling, wriggling mess with a mouthful of cock. Chris swallowed hard and tried to remember to breathe.

, fuck, Magic. You better get in there because she’s killing my control.”

Pride and pleasure bloomed in Chris’s chest as she grasped the base of Jim’s cock and massaged his balls with the tips of her fingers. Jim flexed his hips and groaned, one hand fisting in her hair. “Magic, hurry.”

Chris turned all her focus on pleasuring Jim until the hard, slick tip of Todd’s cock nudged her nether lips. “Are you ready for me, darlin’?”

Todd’s usually mellow voice sounded strained and his hands tightened on her hips. She pulled off Jim’s cock long enough to say, “
Take me, Magic.”

She expected Todd to slam inside her pussy, but he took a few moments to stroke her hips and ass, kissing her back above the bandage on her back. “I love this tattoo you got, Chris. It’s beautiful and I’m gonna take real pleasure i
n fucking you when I can look at all those sexy swirls of ink.”

Chris hummed her approval of his words and Jim’s cock flexed in her mouth. She swallowed against his taut skin and he growled. “Come on, Magic. She’s killing me.”

Todd chortled and thrust home hard, driving Jim’s cock deep into Chris’s throat. Chris lost track of her job as Todd moved at a measured pace and pleasure ricocheted outward from her pussy. The scent of sex and spicy man filled the air around her, sending more cream to her core.
They’re here. They’re really fucking me.

Her pussy clamped down on Todd’s shaft as delight shot to her head. She had them, and she only wanted more. More nights to try every form of pleasure they could think of and a few they’d have to research.
Todd rocked her and she suckled Jim’s cock to his rhythm, savoring the hard flesh in her cunt and in her mouth. This was where she wanted to be.

Todd grunted as his hips slammed into her ass and her arousal ignited. She dragged her teeth over the edge of Jim’s cockhead and the bigger SEAL’s fist tightened in her hair with his groan. His shaft hardened in her mouth and he thrust his cock deeper.

“Fuck, I’m gonna come. Aw, shit!” He threw his head back against the top of the couch. “Oh, God, suck me hard, Ghost. Take my cum.”

exclamation, combined with Todd’s increasing thrusts, set of an explosion of the pleasure, burning all the way up Chris’s spine in an instant. Hot cum filled her mouth and she swallowed the tangy release as if starved. She toppled over the precipice of ecstasy as Todd’s fingers dug in to her hips and he slammed into her with his iron rod. Each new thrust pushed her release higher until she saw stars behind her eyelids. His release heated her pussy as he shouted his pleasure to the ceiling.

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