The Mobster And The Cowboy (A Cowboy Romance) (17 page)

“So, you still trying to stump me with your music
?” he asked her, referring to their singing at the gym.

“I’ll get you,”
she said with a bright smile, thinking about the fun they have at the gym.

He place
d a hand on her shoulder and gently moved his thumb back and forth as he smiled at her.

Wrong thing to do. S
he shook it off. Her eyes shot to Logan, who had contempt in his eyes as he stared at Kurt.

He looked
to Melanie and tipped his head back calling her over to him.

She went
to him without hesitation.

When she got directly in front of him, he grabbed her waist
, gently turned her, and brought her down in front of him. She sat in between his legs and he wasted no time in nuzzling her neck.

Out of the corner of his eye
, he saw Kurt frown as he looked at them.

Kurt quietly got up and walked away.

“Yeah, that’s right, go on back to Pinky Tuscadaro,” Donna said, not that loud, but loud enough for Doug, Logan and Melanie to hear.

They all chuckled.

Melanie asked and Donna told them the story of how she and Doug met.

Her car was stuck on the side of the road and he drove by and saw her with her leg out
, instead of her thumb, hitching a ride. One look at that leg and he was a goner. That was one and half years ago. They now lived together.

Melanie tried
, but found it hard to pay attention to Donna as Logan’s hand was down her bathing suit bottom, below all the bubbles, doing all kinds of yummy things to her.  She was ever so slowly moving her backside into his groin, feeling his cock grow.

When Donna finished her story they were all silent for a while and Melanie turned to see Logan.

Logan saw the hunger in her eyes and moved his lips over hers as she moaned in his mouth.

A couple of girls stepped into the Jacuzzi between Doug and Logan. That broke the spell that Logan and Melanie were under and he pulled his hand out of her bathing suit. He grinned at her when he saw the disappointment in her eyes.


After drying off, Logan and Melanie walked over to Richie, who was standing by the barbeque eating some gigantic grilled shrimp from a skewer with Jay from Satan’s Skull.

“Hey, Logan, man.
How’s it going?” Jay said, extending his hand. “Hi, darlin’.” He reached in to kiss Melanie.

Richie handed them
each a skewer of shrimp. They all walked over to a table with chairs around it as Richie motioned for a server, yes, he had hired servers, and bartenders, to bring them over some drinks.


“Mel, you had to see him. He goes to the passenger side of his truck, takes out his 12 gauge and fires a shot at the bee, nailing it. What’d you say right before taking the shot?” Jay asked Logan. He was telling Melanie about the time they, along with Richie and Doug had come back from hunting and were hanging in the driveway of Doug’s house, bullshitting and drinking beer when a bee kept buzzing around Logan and he had, had enough.

Logan shrugged, “I don’t remember,” he said
, laughing.

You said, ‘Come on, motherfucker, make my day’, going all Clint Eastwood on the poor bee,” Richie said, picking up the story, laughing and remembering it like it was yesterday. “You were still pissed Jay nailed that ten point buck instead of you.”

Logan nodded and smirked.

“What’s with you and bugs?” Melanie asked, with amusement in her eyes.

e knew she was remembering the time his cell phone vibrated and he thought it was a bug crawling on him.

Logan lifted the corners of his mouth and she was treated to those gorgeous dimples.

“Shot went flying all over. We all ducked for cover,” Jay continued as they all laughed so hard. “Doug is now a proud owner of a couple of scars on his arm from that day,” he continued.

Oh my God,” Melanie said as she brought a hand up to her mouth.

The guys reminisced
about some fun times and they had Melanie hysterical laughing. Logan looked to her and winked. He liked hearing her laugh.

He also noticed she was buzzed from drin
king. He thoughtfully asked a server to bring over a bottle of water for her and one for himself too. He felt slightly more than buzzed himself from the shots and the beers he drank.

was touched that he remembered she liked to alternate between drinks and water when she was feeling buzzed.

He also called a server over who was carrying a tr
ay of burgers and dogs and took a burger for her.

She broke it in half and gave him the other half to eat.


The sun went down
and the music grew louder. ‘Somebody that I used to know’ had been playing on the stereo. Torches, as well as lanterns, were lit all around the yard. Inside the pool was an ever changing color of neon lights.

Donna and Doug came over to them. “Come on
, Mel, we’re going over to do some ice shots,” Donna said.

Melanie made
the move to get up and Logan rose and pulled her up. He put his arm around her shoulders as they all went to a table under a large tiki roof.

On the table
, in the middle, were two, side by side, blocks of ice with a cowboy boot carved in ice at the top of each one. They were finely detailed, complete with spurs, and each block had two carved squiggly lines from top to bottom.

Richie walked behind them
, where the liquor bottles were.

“What’ll you have
, ladies?”

…um…oh, how bout something smooth and hard?” Melanie said, with a salacious grin as she looked at Donna.

Donna laughe
d as they watched the guys’ reactions.

” Jay said, laughing.

“Oh yeah!” Doug said.”

“Liquor aside, I got just the thing, baby,” Richie said, grinning as he picked up a bottle of Jameson whiskey.

Logan shook his head
, grinning.

Richie looked to Melanie and nodded for her to put her mouth at the bottom of the block by the carving.
She was just about to bend down.

“Wait, let’s go together,” Donna said.
“Richie, give me something hard and long,” she said, seductively. The roar of laughter from the hut drew a small crowd.

The girls gave eac
h other a hip bump and giggled. Then they put their mouths to the ice and did their shots to a round of applauds.

When Melanie straightened up, Logan snaked an arm around her waist
. He drew her tight to him and licked her lips, tasting the remnants of the liquor that lingered on them, and moaned before kissing her hard as Richie stared at them, and there was no denying, with want.

The kiss was so potent that Melanie’s legs grew weak and she felt fire in her stomach, though she couldn’t be too sure what the cause of that was, the liquor or Logan. If she had to bet, she’d say Logan.

“Come on,
” he said as he began to drag her to the house. He gave a quick look back to Richie and nodded once.

“Where are we going?” she asked
as he led her up the hall staircase.

“To find a bedroom,
” he said, showing his dimples that took her breath away.

They went to the second door on the right
and he knocked on the door.

“You never know,” he said with a shrug.

She laughed.

He opened the door for her and followed her in.

losing the door and turning her around, he kissed her hard as he walked her backwards to the bed.

When the back of her knees hit the bed, he gently pushed her down
, turned on a bedside lamp, dropped his board shorts and moved over her.

He groaned
as he moved his lips to her throat and she put her hands on his head and ran her fingers through his shorn hair as she sighed.

She felt the butterfly touch of the back of his hand
on her stomach, while his fingers played with the chains around it as his other hand untied the knot of her bikini top at the back of her neck.

He picked up his head to see her face as he slowly lowered her top
, exposing her breasts.

yeah. I love these.”

removed his hand from her stomach and put a hand on each breast and squeezed them gently together, then he bent his head down and alternated sucking first one then the other nipple, emitting a low growl.

ooohhh!” She whimpered as she felt the connection down between her legs when he tugged a nipple with his teeth. 

Melanie felt his cock grow hard
as he rocked into her thigh.

She was still buzzed and t
he sensations he was causing drove her wild. She wanted him and moved her lower body to try to align with his hard cock.

He knew what she was doing
, but didn’t give in. He wanted inside her, but he wanted to taste her first. He moved his hand down her body and slipped it inside of her bikini bottom. He looked down to see. The sight of his hand in her bikini got him hot. He moved two fingers to her clit and pressed. He smiled when he heard her moan. He continued to assault her with his fingers as he licked his way down to between her legs.

Logan removed his fingers and put his hands on the sides of her hips and slowly pulled d
own her bikini bottom and threw it somewhere.

He looked at her with hunger in his eyes.

With his hands, he spread her lips
. “You’re dripping, babe.” Then he buried his face in her pussy, licking her clit and when she let out a loud moan, he knew she released cream and he snaked his tongue through her tunnel and sucked hard. God, her taste was exhilarating.

She spread her legs wider for him and he came back to her clit with his tongue and place
d a finger inside her, reveling in her silky wetness. He then put another finger inside her. He let out a loud groan at the feel of her writhing under him as he continued to drive her wild.

She didn’t hear the bedroom door open and close as
he rode out her orgasm with her, and when her trembles subsided, he moved up and over her again.

He placed his cock at her entrance and pushed inside.
They simultaneously let out a loud moan.

He moved slowly at first then picked up and moved in and out of her
, fast.

She was gasping for air when he flipped them over and now she was on top.
Her hair tumbled down and tickled his chest. She lifted up and began to ride him.

a while he pulled her back down and kissed her deeply. She tried to rise up again, but he held her hands down with his while his tongue was still working hers.

“I thought I was going to come
when I heard your sexy moans while you were coming,” she heard someone say behind her, and she froze as she felt a hand slowly caress up and down her back.

, baby, it’s Richie,” Logan said when he felt her tense. “We’re both gonna make you feel good,” he said as he continued to pump inside her, and went right back to kissing her mouth.

She struggled as she felt something on her anus.

“You have
a sexy back,” Richie cooed to her.

She felt
quick kisses moving down her back as he pushed a well lubed finger inside her ass.

She jumped.

Logan felt her stop bucking and breathed easy. He was about to come before they even got started, she was so wild. Then he felt wetness on his cheek. He removed his mouth from hers and with a hand on either side of her head he gently picked it up as he stopped thrusting inside her. He saw tears coming down her cheeks.

Richie, get out,” he said, without moving his eyes from hers.

She didn’t meet his eyes. S
he just stared at his chest.

Richie didn’t want to stop
. He was hot and ready to take her ass. He continued to caress Melanie and she shivered.

“Richie, get th
e fuck out of here,” he demanded as he watched Melanie’s tears flow and felt her shivers.

Richie looked at Logan then backed away.
Melanie gasped when he removed his finger. He picked up his clothes and left the room.

Melanie finally looked into Logan’s eyes.

Seeing the look of hurt in her eyes
just broke his heart. He realized he’d fucked up and he sobered up real quick. He flipped them and again, he was on top.


No answer.

he practically pleaded as he stroked her head gently.

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