The Mobster And The Cowboy (A Cowboy Romance) (15 page)

BOOK: The Mobster And The Cowboy (A Cowboy Romance)
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Chapter 19


Melanie pulled up to Logan’s at 5:30 pm.
Heath was outside, already dressed in his flag football jersey and he had the flags on his sides, at his waist, and a kid’s size football in his hands.

“Dad, Mellalee’s here!” h
e shouted.

, Heath. You’re ready for the game, I see.”

You want to play catch with me?”

“Sure, throw it here.”

He threw the ball to her. It wasn’t an accurate throw, but she managed to catch it. She lobbed it back to him.

“What position do you play?”

“Receiver. Austin is the quarterback and he usually throws to me.”

, cool.”

Logan came walking up the path from the corral.
Melanie did a double take when she saw him in his cowboy hat, dirty blue jeans and a short sleeve plaid shirt. Nothing unusual right, but when you throw in the chaps he was wearing, well that just got to her. Something about a man in chaps.
Oh, yeah,
she thought to herself.

Logan caught her smiling
while scanning his body. He grinned, showing her his dimples.


After quickly running into the house to change, Logan drove them to the park, and they met up with J.B., Laura, and Austin. The kids ran to their coach who was setting up the field for them and they were excited to help him.


Logan and J.B. leaned against the fence. A few feet in front of them, was the game.

The furthest sideline was for the coaches and kids, while the closer sideline was packed with the parents of the kids.
Melanie and Laura were next to each other, excited and cheering the kids on.

After the huddle,
the kids formed a scrimmage at the 40 yard line. Snap! The ball went into Austin’s hands, and he quickly threw it to Heath who caught it.

“Go Heath, run, run!
” Melanie was screaming. The parents of his teammates were yelling encouragement also but all Heath could hear was Melanie. She was screaming the loudest for him.

Logan walked up and squeezed in next to Melanie
and began encouraging his son too, as he absently put his arm around her waist.

Heath was unstoppable.
He ran all the way for a touchdown.

Everyone cheered as Heath turned to Melanie
, and he had a wide grin on his face.

She saw Logan’s dimples there and smiled and made a thumbs up sign.

The coach called them over, but Heath ran over to his father and Melanie first. Logan gave him a high five as did Melanie. Then he went to his coach.

Heath’s team won the game with Heath catching a few more throws
, but he didn’t score anymore. Nevertheless, Melanie cheered the loudest for him.


After a few words from the coach, Heath ran over to Logan and Melanie.

“Dad, did you hear Mellalee, she was the loudest.
Mom never does that.”

“Did you like it?”

“Yes. When you’re not here, nobody yells for me when I do something good.” He gave Melanie another Logan grin.

She bent down and put her arms around him and said
, “You were wonderful.”

“Austin’s parents
cheer for you, son.”

“Yeah, but I like it better when my parent’s cheer for me.”

Melanie’s heart was breaking. This poor child needed to have attention lavished on him. She knew he wasn’t getting it from his mother. At least, from what she could tell, his father never disappointed him.

Logan looked to Melanie then back to his son.
Melanie smiled up at him.

“Who’s hungry?” he asked.

“Meeee!” Heath said.

Logan looked to Melanie then back to Heath.

“You know, Melanie made dinner. It just needs to be warmed up?” he looked to Melanie for confirmation.

“Oh. Yes.”

“You will join us too, I hope?”

“Um, sure
, if Heath doesn’t mind.”

“I don’t mind. Please
, Mellalee, eat dinner with us?”

ay,” she said, nodding her head, “I’d love to.”


On the way home, Logan asked Melanie if there would be enough food for the three of them, and told her that there was stuff in his fridge to make a salad with.

“There’s enough foo
d to feed an army. I’m Italian.” She giggled. “And a salad would round out the meal perfectly.”


When they got to Logan’s house, he went in to take a shower as he was still dusty from working the day then heading to the football field.

Melanie began warming up the meatloaf and fettuccini alfredo.


Logan came out of hi
s bedroom while putting on a gray tank top. He wore a pair of black sweat shorts.

He heard pounding and walked to the source.

There in the living room were Heath and Melanie, dancing on the floor pad while watching the TV. She was playing that dance game with Heath and they were laughing and having a great time.

Logan leaned against the wall
, at the entrance to the room, and just watched with a grin on his face at how she was shaking her ass.

Melanie and Heath spun around as per the instructions and M
elanie got a glimpse of Logan and gave him a huge smile that reached her eyes.

When the song was over, Heath had the higher score.

“I won, I won,” he shouted and Melanie gave him a high five.

“Good job
, Heath,” she said as she caught her breath. She looked to Logan then back to Heath. “Dinner’s ready. You guys hungry?”

!” shouted Heath as he ran to his seat at the table in the kitchen.

Logan waited for Me
lanie and as they walked toward the kitchen together, he whispered in her ear, “Watching you bounce around got me hard.”

Melanie looked
at his eyes, then automatically her eyes went to the bulge between his legs, and, yep, he wasn’t lying, he was hard. She lifted her eyes back to his and licked her lips, then without waiting for his reaction, she walked faster to the kitchen. She did hear him growl.


Dinner was great. Heath ate two helpings of meatloaf. Clearly he was a meat lover but being a rancher’s son, she didn’t doubt it.

Every so often she caught Heath staring at her nail polish.
Knowing he named his horse Wysteria, she knew he liked the color on her nails. She smiled to herself.

They made small talk.
Heath told them how happy he was school was over for the summer and looking forward to going to camp.

explained that his mom always puts him in camp for the month of July, saying it was good for him. Logan didn’t relay it, but he felt she put him in camp so she could be free to do her own thing.


The one thing that Logan couldn’t help but think about throughout dinner was how good it would be for Heath to have a constant stability like this in his life. He knew from Heath himself that when he was home at his mom’s, he’d usually eat alone and more times than not it was a grilled cheese sandwich or boxed macaroni and cheese. So when he was here with him, Logan made it a point to always have a proper meal with him.

Again, he thou
ght about the money he gave Linda for him and wondered why his son couldn’t get a decent, wholesome meal or why Linda couldn’t just sit down and eat dinner with him. Why did she not have that maternal instinct? She was a selfish bitch. Logan sighed and threw his napkin down after he wiped his mouth.



Logan picked up his head and looked from Melanie to Heath.


“Mellalee asked you if we could play Zombie Monster after dinner.
Could we, dad, could we, please?”

Logan looked back to Melanie.

“Too gory?” she asked tentatively. She looked back to Heath. “You know, maybe we shouldn’t-”

It’s okay.” He turned back to his son, “Why don’t you go wash up, then set up the game while I help Melanie clean up in here.

th had a big grin on his face and he looked from his father to Melanie as he got up from the table and ran to the living room.

Logan rose to clear the dishes.

“I’m sorry. I’m not really good with young kids. I didn’t think it would be inappropriate to play that game. I should have known better.”

Logan put the plates back down on the table and walked over to her.
He wrapped his arms around her and kissed her lips while he crushed her to him. The kiss, to Melanie’s liking, was long and heady. Man, he knew how to kiss.

“Mellalee, it’s all set up. Come on!” Heath yelled from the living room.

Logan and she broke the kiss and Melanie looked into his eyes. She recognized that raw emotion in them and knew he wanted her. She was amazed that she could tell when he was turned on just by a look.

“Go, play.
I’ll clean up here.”

“No, Logan, I want to help.”

“You already have. Thank you. Now go.” And he turned her around and playfully slapped her ass and as soon as she made the move to go to the living room, he reached for her arm with one hand and the other hand he placed on her ass and slowly moved it around, dipping his middle finger and pressing in-between the two round globes of her cheeks so she’d feel it through her clothes. He groaned and she turned to see his dimpled smile as she felt a heat zing from the core of her and move out to the rest of her body.

“Mellalee, you coming?”

They broke apart and Melanie went to play the video game.

Logan didn’t mind cleaning up.
Melanie cooked and set the table and still managed to keep his son engaged. Again, he thought about how this little scenario would play out every night and he got a warm feeling inside him that he hadn’t felt in a long, long time.


“Dad, we’re beating the Zombies. Look at our score,” Heath said all excited as Logan came in to sit with them after cleaning the dishes.

Melanie convinced Heath to team up with he
r rather than play one on one. She could be very competitive when it came to these games and she didn’t want Heath to feel bad if he lost.

Melanie looked
over to Logan and they held their gazes a little longer than she meant to.

“Mellalee, watch out!”

The next thing she knew
, she lost a life.

Logan chuckled at her disappointment.

“Stop distracting me with those gorgeous eyes.” She laughed, shaking her head and then turned her attention back to the TV.

Heath, who was concentrating on the game with his tongue hanging out the side of his mouth, shot his eyes to his father
’s. Logan looked to him and gave him a silly grin.

Heath smiled
, then went back to concentrating on the game.

Heath was excited
by the high score they received by the time the game was over.

ay, Heath. It’s way past your bedtime, buddy. Say goodnight to Melanie and head on in to bed. I’ll be there in a minute.”

“Awww, Daddddd.”

“Let’s go,” Logan said, a little more sternly.

ay.” Heath got up and went over to Melanie, walking so slowly and leaning from side to side like a Zombie would. Only, Logan knew he was just prolonging having to go to bed. He rolled his eyes and Melanie smiled.

night, Mellalee.” Then he kissed her cheek.

Melanie just wanted to grab him and hug the crap out of him.
She really liked Logan’s son. She had a lot of fun with him that day and he was easy to talk to. Melanie attributed that to Logan. She felt the same about him. But she didn’t hug him for fear he would pull away.

night, sweetheart. Sleep tight,” she said and as he turned away and started walking to the bedroom in that same Zombie like motion, she added. “Rest up, we have more Zombies to kill.”

He turned around and gave her that beautiful grin with the dimples not unlike his father’s and continued on to his room.


Logan looked at Melanie
, who was still smiling in the direction of Heath’s bedroom. He placed his arm around her shoulder and pulled her to him.

She turned to see his face right there and he kissed he
r, his warm wet tongue snaking in her mouth to seek hers.

He moved on top of her and brought her d
own on the couch so that her whole upper body was lying flat and her feet were on the floor.

She felt his hard cock press against her pelvis and
she sucked in his moan. All too soon, he broke the kiss.

BOOK: The Mobster And The Cowboy (A Cowboy Romance)
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