The Love She Craves: Selling Her Soul to Declan (24 page)

Declan rose from the chair and slung his arm over her shoulder
s as he led her back up to his room on the top floor. “Come on, my succulent sex slave. I owe you a little stress relief. But I promise if you make one more smartass comment I’m going to wear out that tiny little butt of yours and then you’re going to blow me again.”

“Yes, sir,” she said feeling her whole body tense.

He stopped at the top of the stairs and turned her towards him. “You have me in a hard position, baby. You’ve agreed to be my sub which gives me implicit permission to fuck you nine-ways-to-Sunday, but I was raised never force a woman to do anything she doesn’t want to do. So help me out here. Tell me where you are mentally. Tell me you’re okay with heavy petting and oral sex.”

“I’m just nervous. I’ve never had a boyfriend before,” she said then corrected herself. “I’ve never had a boyfriend.”

An involuntary frown flashed across his countenance. A moment later, it was gone. Declan didn’t miss the play of emotions or her choice of words.

“You look sexy in my T-shirt and you’ll look even sexier without it.”

She swallowed convulsively then reached for the hem of the shirt and pulled it over her head in one fluid motion. He took the shirt out of her hand and tossed it on the ground.

It happened so fast, she didn’t know how she ended up over his shoulder being carried to the bed fireman style. She squealed. “Let me down Deck—sir.”

His free hand came down on her ass hard. “

He heard her open mouth exhalation. His hand stung so he knew her ass did as well. He knew better than to ask her if she liked it. S
he could deny it all she wanted but he could sense the change in her body—the way her tense body seemed to mold over his shoulder with a sudden calm and relaxation.

He pulled back the white Jacquard comforter before placing her on the bed. “You know the best part
of having a doctor for your Dom is that I know the inner workings of the female body. Did you know your clitoris is more than the external part, that it actually extends around your vagina and the contractions of a good orgasm actually draws the semen inside to aid fertilization?”

A reluctant smile came to her lips. “Oh, sir, is that the way doctors talk dirty to a girl?”

He removed his clothing then retrieved a rope from the armoire. He bound her hands together and tied her to carabiner rings hidden between the mattress and the headboard.

“If I were going to talk dirty to you,” he said lowly into her ear. “I’d tell you how I’m going to leave handprints on your ass and how they would be bright pink on that alabaster skin of yours. Oh, and they’d feel so hot, bur
ning from each delicious blow. Can you feel it from my little love tap a minute ago? Does it still sting?”

“Yes,” she said breathlessly. “A little.”

“Would you like another?”

She didn’t answer
but her breathing increased. He would have been surprised if she had asked for more since she refused to admit to herself she liked it. But she also hadn’t told him no.

Declan’s eyes roamed from her face, down her neck, over her too pronounced clavicles to her small breasts. “I wonder how your breasts would look striped from a whipping. He traced the lines over each breast to show where he’d like to see marks. Her nipples puckered into two hard buds. He rolled one between his fingers, progressively pinching harder until she moaned.

“My little sub likes a firm hand on her titties. Sweet.” He lowered his head and took one nipple into his mouth while he finger-teased the other using various amounts of pressure making her writhed underneath him. “Someday, we’ll have to explore whether a woman can truly come from just breast stimulation. I suspect it’s just a myth, but we can have fun trying.”

He gathered up a breast in each hand and grinned down at her. “Your breasts are going to fill out as we get you up to a healthy weight and I’m definitely going to want to fuck these beauties. I’d say if you’re a full A-cup now, you'll probably be a B in twenty pounds.”

She opened her eyes and looked at him. “Talking about my body is not a turn-on.”

He flipped her over on her stomach and slapped her ass. “Is that better? Is that what you like? How much does it take to make you wet, Nyxie?” He carefully placed another swat on her ass then caressed his handiwork, feeling the temperature difference between the white skin and the pink handprints.

He kissed each visible fingerprint before grabbing handfuls of her ass and kneading. “Do you tighten your muscles if you know it’s coming?”

“Yes, I can’t help it. My whole body tenses.”

He traced each handprint first with one finger and then with his tongue.

“Do you think it helps?”

She hesitated before answering, her concentration on what he was doing to her not what he asked.

“I-I don’t think it changes anything. It still hurts.”

When her hips rotated, he realized she was rubbing her thighs together trying to find release.

“I don’t think so,” he said, putting his knee between her legs to separate them. His hand came down twice, once on her inner thigh and the second so low and centered on her bottom it nearly landed on her sex.

“Oh, God,” she murmured.

It had not been a particularly hard smack, but she never reacted in any way other than a change in her breathing. “Did my sub like that?” He put his hand between her legs and found her clit with his middle finger.

Her body flinched at his first touch. Her legs quivered as though she were fighting the urge to close her thighs. He withdrew both his hand and his knee long enough to roll her back, his thumb replacing his finger, making circles against the protruding nub.

“God.” The word flew out of her mouth almost against her will.

“I’m going to punish you if you come before I give you permission,” he snapped.

The forcefulness of his demand sent her over the edge. Her whole body tensed and quivered and her breathing became raspy and labored as she climaxed hard.

“Oh, God,” she said under her breath as she descended from her explosion.

Declan never stopped stimulating her clitoris and as she came back to reality, the nub became hypersensitive. “Stop, please, I can’t take anymore.”

“Tough shit. I told you not to come and you did it anyway. This is part of your punishment. You need to learn control and how to delay gratification. He lowered his head and began licking, lapping and sucking her clit. Her body jumped and quaked as each campaign brought her closer to the edge again.

“Please,” she begged. “You’re killing me. Please, sir

He didn’t know if she was asking permission to orgasm or asking him to stop. It didn’t matter; he had no intention of stopping.

His tongue left her pleasure point as it delved deeper, lower until he found her entrance. His tongue teased the soft flesh, tasting, making the most sensual forays into the wet tight heat, his tongue expertly teasing her entrance, straining to touch her hymen.

She whimpered, breathlessly. “Please, sir, please let me. Oh, fuck. Fuck. Please don’t make me think of your father to keep me from coming.”

When what she said penetrated his brain, he groaned and withdrew his tongue from her depths. “Come, goddammit.” His teeth raked her clit as he buried his face between her legs to suck the pearl into his mouth.

It was all it took for her back to arch
as she found herself lost in a cocoon of ecstasy. He replaced his mouth with his hand so he could watch her expression as she climaxed. Her eyes were closed but he was surprised to find a smile of contentment on her face. He marveled over her beauty as she rode the waves of ecstasy and he suddenly understood her orgasm had probably been the only real pleasure she’d known in her life—the one thing she’d ever been able to do for her own pleasure.

Afterwards, he sat back on his heels, watching her whole body lose its tension and sag into the mattress. Her eyes fluttered open and stopped on him as a smile and a blush came to her face. Her face radiated every nuance of her mood. The lines of tension between her brows lay smooth and her chest was awash with color. She pointedly glanced up at her bound wrists.

“I should leave you tied up all night,” he said stretching his body out next to hers, his head propped up on his hand. “I swear to God, Nyxie, if you ever mention either of my parents in this bed again, you’ll regret it. Honestly, I’d punish you now, but I would want to have real sex with you afterwards. I don’t know how I’m ever going to survive until we do.”

He rolled forward until his naked hard body half-covered hers. His lips pressed against hers in a kiss that felt both erotic and affectionate. “You are everything I ever imagined.”























Onyx woke up alone in the bed in the morning. She had never been so relieved in her life. How on earth did people face each other after the things they did the night before. There may have been no dignity in taking care of her own needs but it least it was private with no one there to witness her moment of vulnerability.

She groaned as she thought of the things they had done. God, she put his cock in her mouth—and he had put his mouth
and he’d hit her ass. And worst of all, she liked it. Being tied up had been a real turn-on. It gave her an excuse to let him do all those pleasurable things to her without her second-guessing if she should let him. She realized the irony that being tied up gave her a freedom she would not have known otherwise.

As she thought about all those things they’d done,
her hand slid between her legs. Her fingers glided over the velvety wet nub only a few times before she knew she’d be in trouble if Declan caught her. He was funny like that. He liked to see her wanting relief. Apparently, he enjoyed feeling that way, too, since he hadn’t made her blow him a second time after he’d nearly killed her by orgasm.

Fuck him. Just the memory of the night before had her e
xcited again. She rubbed harder and faster as she tightened every muscle below her waist. A moment later, she exploded into a quick but satisfying orgasm.

She withdrew her hand and jumped from the bed. Maybe she could get showered and dressed before he realized she was awake.

Twenty minutes later, she emerged from the bathroom wrapped in a towel with her hair dried and teeth brushed and flossed. She hoped she could find the laundry room. It seemed logical to her that the laundry room should be near the kitchen or maybe off the garage so she worked her way downstairs glancing at the darkened doorway of his second-story office as she passed. To her surprise, he was nowhere to be found but he left her a note on the kitchen counter next to a blender.



Ran to the bank. If you’re hungry you can mak
e a protein shake (8 ounces milk, two scoops shake powder, one scoop protein powder). You’ll find fresh or frozen fruit and chocolate syrup in the fridge. The whole milk is for you. There’s water in the coffeemaker, just pick your K-cup and turn it on.



Just as Nyxie set the paper down on the counter, the front doorknob rattled. A moment of alarm shot through her, afraid someone might be breaking in. Then she remembered the pantry. If it wasn’t Declan, she could dart in there before anyone could get to her.

The door opened and to her relief Declan stepped in. When he wrote he was running to the bank, he meant it, literally. He wore running shorts with a mesh tank top, socks and sneakers. Declan pulled off the shirt as soon as he closed the door.

“Good morning.” he said seeing her
standing in the kitchen wearing nothing but a towel, her long black hair hanging down her back to her waist. He crossed the living room to the open kitchen. “I could get used to being greeted by you dress like this—completely naked might be even better.”

“You’re such a man. I’m in the kitchen. Surely, a doctor can see why clothing is a necessity in the kitchen.”

“As long as you’re not frying anything, I see no problem. Come here.”

He picked her up and placed her on the edge of the counter.

“If you have no issues with my ass on your granite countertop, I don’t think I want to eat out of your kitchen.”

He looked into her eyes as he reached for the towel. “First of
all the towel is on the counter not your ass, not yet anyway. Second, I have antibacterial wipes under the sink. And third, I can’t believe the girl who washes her dishes in the bathroom sink, could possibly have anything to complain about.”

“I have nowhere else to wash them,” she said defensively.

He kissed her long and slow but when she reached to put her arms around him, he grabbed her wrists and forced her arms behind her back.

“I’m all sweaty,” he said pulling away when he felt her leaning her body towards his. “Did you know people give you the strangest looks when you jog away from a bank?”

Declan unzipped the hip pocket of his shorts and pulled out his wallet. He opened it up and handed her a Visa card with her name on it. “I thought I was being so smart to get you your own debit card, but it turns out it doesn’t activate for twenty-four hours so use this card.” He handed her a Visa Infinite Card.

“Is two hundred too much?”

“Is two hundred too much for what?”

“For me to spend? You said to get two dresses for court. I’ll need shoes and hose, too, and I obviously don’t own a bra. And I know most of the chain haircutters charge around fifteen dollars. Even taking Joseph and his friend to lunch, I think $200 will be enough.”

“What we have here,” Declan said affecting a fake accent, “is a failure to communicate.”

Nyxie laughed. “
Cool Hand Luke
, right?”

“Yeah, Nyxie. I don’t just want you to buy a couple of dresses for court. I want you to buy a whole new wardrobe. You’re
twenty-one years old and single but you dress like a forty-year-old farmer’s wife. That’s why Joseph’s friend is going with you. He assures me this guy is up on all the latest trends. You understand what I’m saying?”

“Yeah, I’m not good enough for you.”

“Dammit, Nyx, that’s not what I said it all. You’re beautiful. Your clothing should enhance that, not detract.”

She sighed and her shoulders sagged knowing to complain would sound peevish. “Okay, so what
my budget?”

“The laptop alone is going to cost the better part of a thousand dollars especially if you get some antivirus software and a case with it.”

“I really don’t need a computer. I can probably take the classes on my phone or would that use too much data.”

“Nyxie, stop arguing with me. I appreciate that you’re trying to save me money, but phones are really limiting when it comes to using the Internet for more than a quick search, not to mention the eyestrain of using such a small screen hour after hour. I’d let you use mine, but I keep notes on patients on mine and all that’s confidential. And if it ever got lost or stolen, I’d be more than a little put out. Get you one of those laptop/tablet hybrids. I've wanted to check them out myself. You can let me know if you think I should get one.”

“Declan, it’s too much. I can just go to the library. I don’t need a computer.”

“Are you going to fight me about everything?” he said grabbing her by the upper arms. “I don’t have time to take you by the hand and force you to buy the shit you need. Pretend you’re mad at me and you’re punishing me by spending my money. Don’t look at the price tags; just get it if you want it.”

She nodded reluctantly. “Okay.”

“You’ll find an itinerary for your driver and a list of things you need in my printer tray. If there’s anything I forgot, just buy it. You have my permission to spend whatever’s necessary. Oh, go to the bank, too. They need your signature on file.”

Nyxie frowned as she realized the errands would fill up her day, keeping her away from Cody until late. “Are you working overnight tonight?” she asked.

“Twenty-four on, twelve off.”

“Geez,” she said cupping his unshaven face. “I see why you don’t have time for a girlfriend. What am I supposed to do with my purchases? Do you want me to meet you in the parking lot and put them in the Jeep?”

He frowned at her and removed her hand from his cheek. “It’s not overstepping your bounds to ask me for a key to the house. You’re staying here. Hell, if you don’t want to spend the night in the hospital, you can sleep here even when I’m not at home.”

“I like being close to Cody. It helps me worry less.”

Declan lifted her up by the waist. “The car is going to be here in thirty minutes.”

“Where’s the laundry room?”

“It’s on the second floor, one door down from my office, directly below the master bathroom.”

She gave him an impish smile as she scooted past him.

“Wait,” he said wrapping his arm around her waist. “How’s your ass?”

“My ass is fine; it’s my throat that hurts.”

He chuckled and smiled unapologetically. “Oops, sorry about that.” Without thinking, he reached t
owards her throat to palpate it but she jerked back. “Sorry, Nyxie I forgot. Open wide.”

Declan removed a spoon from a nearby drawer and used it to suppress her tongue as he looked at her throat. “You haven’t been tasting or smelling blood have you?”

“No, sir.”

“If it’s really bad I can numb it again.”

“No, I’m okay.”

He swatted her fanny affectionately. “Go get dressed and I’ll make you a nice cold shake to soothe your throat.”

Nyxie hurried up the stairs and found the laundry room. She was surprised to find he had washed all of her clothing, the jeans from the day before still tumbling in the dryer. The timer on the front loader showed only four minutes remaining, so she pulled open the door, stopping its cycle. In a moment of rebellion, she paired it with a plain white T-shirt she knew he would hate.

After getting dressed, Nyxie found the pages he printed off for her and read them as she slowly came down the stairs

“Is that what you’re wearing?”

Her head snapped up at his tone then down at herself knowing full-well what he found objectionable. “What’s wrong with it?”

“I can see your tits through it.”

She shrugged and took another step down. “No one’s going to look at my chest. I’m as flat as a pancake.”

“Go change.”

“If that’s what master wants,” she said sarcastically turning to go back.

“Lose the fucking attitude.”

She climbed the stairs silently without acknowledging she heard him and yanked the shirt off as she entered the laundry room. As she placed the shirt back on the hanger, he spoke into her ear startling her.

“I would love nothing better than to stripe your ass before you leave—have you horny and wanting me for the next twenty-four hours.”

“Sir, did you know if you let me manipulate you so easily, it gives me control?” Nyxie turned around and smiled. She stood before him surprised by the way she felt no embarrassment sta
nding topless. “I’ve never worn that shirt without another shirt over it, ever. I just wanted to tease you a little.”

“You little vixen. Don’t play with me like that. You will not like the consequences.”

He placed his hands on her breasts. Nyxie closed her eyes and made a hum of contentment. Her eyes open when he licked one of her nipples.

“I bet the car would wait if we wanted to…you know,” she said.

“No,” he said. “You don’t get to say when or where. Anticipation is half the fun.”

“Maybe for you,” she grumbled. “Did you want to pick out my shirt?”

He thumbed through her t-shirts. “This one. I think the color will look attractive, but no man would want to fuck a woman with a kitten in a flower pot on her chest. My erection is withering just looking at it on the hanger. Maybe it would be best if you throw it away after today.”

“I’ll save it for Lotus.”

He laughed. “Better than a chastity belt, I’m sure.”

“She’s only ten. I think I have a few more years before I have to worry about that,” she said pushing him away.

Declan shrugged remembering a few cases they’d study in medical school where girls not much older than Lotus were either pregnant or had STDs. “You’d be surprised how early some kids start,” he said as Nyxie pulled the shirt over her head.

The doorbell unexpectedly rang. “She’s early.”

Nyxie knew he was talking about the limo driver. She heard him request the female driver the night before when he arranged the car.

“She? Are you expecting company after I leave?”

He put his finger under her chin and tilted her head up. “I don’t have time for one woman in my life. I certainly don’t have time for two. But if I did, as my sub, you would need to accept it as long as I used safe sex practices. We haven’t discussed it, but you know I can give you to another Dom or trade you to him for his sub?”

She slapped his hand away. “That is
part of our agreement.”

He grabbed her hand in a vice-like grip and leaned in to speak directly into her ear.

“Apparently, I’m not the only one who’s easily manipulated. Gotcha.”

He gave her a quick peck as the doorbell rang again. “Put your shoes on.”

As Declan hurried to the door, Nyxie made her way to the garage entryway. She was just pulling on her sneakers when she heard Declan’s raised voice and came to investigate.

“Sir, it’s not our fault,” the male driver said. “Joanie was working last night and the people kept her out until the bars closed. It’s company policy that our drivers have at least nine hours off before working again. She can take over at noon.”

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