The Honeymoon Period (The Austin Series) (49 page)

I opened my
eyes and gasped as the cold air rushed in when the door was opened and I felt
Gabe lift me up and carefully get us both out as one. I shut my eyes and was vaguely
aware of his shoes clattering on the marbled hotel lobby floor then heard him
press the button for the lift. I suddenly felt something warm moving over my thighs
and opened my eyes. I was lying down on a towel on the bed, naked, and he was
leaning over me with a warm wet facecloth, cleaning me.

welcome back,’ he smiled.


‘You’re all
wet and sticky.’

‘You made
me squirt,
,’ I moaned, covering my eyes embarrassed. ‘All over you.’

‘Yes, my
trousers are going to need some serious dry cleaning. You ok? You didn’t even
wake up when I peeled that super glue consistency tape off your breasts. I’m
not sure if you fell asleep or passed out.’

‘I don’t
know either. You’re an animal.’

‘Me?’ I
heard him exclaim as he wiped my thighs clean. I spread my fingers and peaked
at him.

‘You made
me come three times, really hard and fast
and ejaculate

‘You’d have
preferred I didn’t?’ he smiled down at me as he ran the warm cloth between my

‘No,’ I
replied with a shake of my head.

because I loved doing it to you and as soon as you’ve rested I want to do it
again. I cleaned your knee and put a plaster on, it was bleeding. You must’ve
scraped it when you hit the table.’

‘Thank you.
I think I need some sugar, I feel really weak.’

ordered you a hot chocolate and as soon as you’re clean and can sit up there’s
a bowl of truffles on the bedside table.’

‘I love you,’
I sighed as I took my hands away from my face. ‘O God you still look all sexy.’
He was still in his tux, his bowtie hanging in that irresistible way.

‘So do you
lying there naked,’ he smiled and bent down and planted a kiss on my stomach. ‘Stay
there, I need to peel these bloody trousers off me and wash myself up,’ he
advised. I closed my eyes again and gently stretched, smiling to myself as I
listened to him filling up the sink and splashing around. I propped myself up
on my elbows as he emerged wrapping the dressing gown around himself and
grinned at me as I gave him a look. ‘I’m not going to answer the door butt
naked, Mia.’

‘I’m sure
housekeeping wouldn’t mind,’ I smiled.

feeling ok?’

‘I will do,
you just orgasmed me to a miniature death.’

‘You can
talk, I came fucking hard.’

‘And you’re
ready again I see,’ I smiled as I nodded at his dressing gown protruding.

‘Well, you’re
lying there all sexily naked Mia, and we’ve only done it three times today.’

‘Only?’ I
laughed. ‘You know some people would be over the moon to do it three times a
month, let alone three times in a day.’

‘Well, I’m
not “some people,” particularly not when we’re on holiday baby. Shit, there’s
the door and I’m stiff as a bloody pole.’

‘Give me
the dressing gown.’

‘You can
stand up?’

‘I can try.
Come on big boy, strip off, no need to be shy in front of me,’ I winked. He
smiled and pulled it off and I put my fingers in my mouth and did a wolf
whistle, startling him. ‘I’m a woman of many talents Gabe Austin, you still
have so much to learn about me.’

so,’ he murmured as he helped me up and tied it around me as the door knocked
again ‘Can you walk?’

‘You’re big,
but not that big I can’t walk after a session, Gabe,’ I smiled, but I still
held onto the wall as I shakily made my way to the door. I asked if they could
put the tray on the coffee table and thanked them as I locked up, feeling bad I
had no cash to give them a tip. Gabe came through naked, with the bowl of
truffles, as I flopped back on the sofa and watched him crouch to turn on the

‘Are all men’s
balls that big?’ I asked as I grabbed my hot chocolate and pulled my feet up on
the sofa.

‘What?’ he

‘You’ve big
balls as well as a big penis and I wondered if that was normal.’

‘I’ve never
actually inspected another man’s testicles, Mia.’

‘But you
check out their penises, right?’

‘Baby I
already told you I’m not into guys,’ he said as he went to get the other
dressing gown and reappeared with it loose around him.

‘Not in
way, I meant as in locker room sneaky glances to see how you measure up against
the competition. Come on, you’re saying you’ve never looked at another guys
dick to see if you’re bigger?’

‘Well yeah,
most guys do and I’m happy to say that it’s a very rare event that I’m not. Why
this sudden fascination with my balls and cock?’ he asked as he sat next to me.

curious. You got yourself a pot of tea?’ I asked nodding at the tray.


‘Christ, teenagers
on a Friday night and we’re in dressing gowns by eleven with hot chocolate and
a brew,’ I laughed.

‘We can
always get dressed and go out clubbing if you want?’ he said leaning forward to
make his drink.

‘No, I’ve
something planned for when I get total feeling back in my legs.’


telling. Hurry up and make your tea, I want to snuggle.’ I drained my hot
chocolate and popped a truffle in my mouth. I was feeling better already now I
had some sugar in me. He sat back with his mug and draped his dressing gown
over his privates.

‘In case I
spill,’ he smiled as he saw me look, lifting up his left arm so I could tuck in
underneath. I pushed my hand in to stroke his stomach and ate another truffle
and made a little contented noise.

‘Wow, you
really like those? That’s like a miniature sex noise you make when I’m inside

‘Hmmm, they’re
really good, though I have to say you taste just as nice. So what’s the plan
for tomorrow? Do we have to be up really early again?’

‘No, if you
want a lie in we can. We’ve all day to explore and I’d imagine the clubs don’t
get going until after midnight around here.’


‘What are
you up to? You’re scheming.’

‘Never you
mind. Give me a kiss.’ I tilted my head back to distract him. His lips were hot
from his tea and I felt my insides flutter and sighed.


better not leave me, you’ll have ruined it for any guy that ever comes after
you, Gabe. I only have to kiss you and my stomach does somersaults.’

‘I’m going
to be your only guy ever Mia, so you don’t have to worry about me ruining
things for you. Besides, it’s the other way around, I only have to look at you
and mine does that.’ I sat up and took his tea off him, put it on the table and
straddled his lap and pushed my fingers into his hair and kissed him gently. He
wrapped his arms around me looking surprised. ‘What was that for?’

‘I just
wanted to tell you again how much I love you and to thank you for this
wonderful trip,’ I said pecking his lips between each word, before wriggling
out of his grasp and sliding down between his legs to the floor and pulling his
dressing gown away from him. I heard him suck in through his teeth and looked
up, smiled then bent down and started to give him a slow blow job. As he leaned
back and closed his eyes I took a swig of tea swirling it in my mouth to make
sure it wasn’t too hot while I stroked him. I lowered my mouth back over him
and watched his face as he sat up suddenly and gripped the back of my head.

‘Fuck baby,
what did you do?’ he groaned. I swallowed and he watched as I drank some more
and did it again, it seemed to have the desired effect as he wriggled below me.
Next time I dipped my index finger in it and ran it over his butt and his eyes

‘Mia,’ he
warned, grabbing my hand.

‘You like
it, I know you do, you like it as much as I do. Why do you make out like you
don’t? Please let me, it turns me on.’ He watched me for a moment, my other
hand still stroking him and he let go of me and I dipped it again, leaned
forward and took him in my mouth and watched his face as I gently pushed my
finger into him and he closed his eyes tight. I pulled my mouth off him immediately
and just squeezed his plush velvety head with my fingers.

‘I want you
to look at me Gabe, please, I love to see you come as well,’ I asked as I
rotated my finger in him, the way he did to me.

‘Mia,’ he
groaned, still not opening them.

‘It’s just
you and me Gabe, if it bothers you this much I promise not to discuss it with
anyone, not even Lexi, but I still want to do it to you and watch you. I
thought it felt good, you came the other times from me doing it.’

‘It does
baby, but it’s not right,’ he sighed as I moved it around again.

‘Why not?
It feels good because it’s your prostate gland, which helps you come, right? So
why’s it a problem to stroke it? You’re no gayer than me for liking a finger up
your backside,’ I told him. He laughed, then groaned and opened his eyes to look
at me and they were scorching. I kept eye contact as I licked up his shaft and
started to suck him again as I started to massage his front wall inside. I
figured it was like my g-spot and repeated what got me off and pretty soon he
gripped the back of my head and his mouth opened as he looked down at me. I
could see his chest heaving and hollowed my cheeks even more, sucking as hard
as I could as he started to groan and carefully move his hips. I loved looking
up at him, his eyes were so full of wonder as he looked at me, wonder, love and
sizzling heat as he gave into what I was doing to him.

‘O fuck,
baby …
,’ he groaned pushing my hair out of my face with his one
hand, his other gently pushing me further onto him. I could nearly take him all
the way to the back of my throat now, the more I practiced the further I could
take him and it seemed to spur him on. ‘Mia … baby … I’m going to come … O Mia,
you’re so damn good.’

His one
hand dropped to claw at the dressing gown under him as he fought to maintain
eye contact with me before he threw himself back on the sofa and arched his
back, letting out an almighty roar as he flooded my mouth with hot thickness again
and again. I was having trouble swallowing it was coming so thick and fast, but
his hips carried on thrusting, his hand was clamped down on the back of my head,
as he groaned and finally blasted one last load before sinking back down and
squinting at me through hooded eyes, looking every inch a nineteen year old boy
in awe that a girl had her lips wrapped around his penis. He let go of the back
of my head and I came up gasping for air, drool all over me and removed my
finger sitting back on my heels.

‘Sorry baby.
You ok?’ he panted. I nodded and wiped my mouth.

‘God, you
came hard.’

‘I thought
that was what you wanted,’ he said, half smiling as he caught his breath.

‘Yes but
damn, that was a lot of come,’ I swigged on the last drops of his cold tea and
gargled with it making him laugh before I stood up and leaned over and kissed
him. ‘Thank you,’ I whispered.

‘What are you
thanking me for? That was awesome,’ he smiled as he leaned back arms behind his

letting me do what I wanted to.’

‘If I ever
find out you’ve told Lexi you do that,’ he warned.

‘I already promised
Gabe, besides loads of guys like it, it’s no big deal.’

‘When did
you become the authority on it?

 ‘I watched
porn remember? Plus, I’d done some googling since losing my virginity. Now put
on the TV and watch some sports if that makes you feel more manly.’

‘Where are
you going?’

‘For a
shower and to get your surprise.’

‘I cleaned
you up.’

‘No you
cleaned me, you didn’t clean
there and I can feel you still inside me.’
He smiled proudly and I shook my head and handed him the remote. ‘No coming in
while I’m in the bedroom and no eating all my favourite truffles.’ I went to
the bedroom and grabbed his pair of white jersey boxer briefs and headed back
into the lounge and threw them at him. ‘Put these on, sexy as you are, that
dressing gown’s really not doing it for me.’ I went to the kitchen and found
the mini bar and got him a bottle of beer and opened it and handed it to him. He
pulled on his boxers and sat down and flicked through the channels. ‘No porn
either, I have plans for you,’ I warned.

kind of bossy at the moment. It’s hot,’ he laughed. I smiled and closed the
bedroom doors behind me.

I had a
quick shower and cleaned myself properly, rough dried myself and pulled on my
blue ribbon underwear, black stockings and suspenders and redid my hair like
earlier. I pulled out the outfit I’d ordered online, chuckling to myself, then
pulled on my lace heels again and prepared the bedroom. I lit the fire, put on
one bedside light and looked around the lounge door and saw him still channel

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