The Honeymoon Period (The Austin Series) (4 page)

‘Mia we’ve
discussed this, it’s not like he can look after himself in the state he’s in,
is it? He’ll feel more comfortable in his own house with all his gadgets and stuff
to entertain him and you don’t need me hanging around the two of you all the time.’

‘That and you’re
hoping to get in a little action with Doug,’ I grinned.

‘Well yes, it’d
help for you to be out of the way for that. I’m still bleeding a bit though,
it’s a bitch.’

‘Should you
see a doctor, Lex? Is that normal?’


‘Listen, do
you have plans Tuesday? If I can get Doug to spend the morning with Gabe I’d
really like for us to have some time together. Shop, lunch and maybe you could
stay over at Gabe’s and we could get drunk and watch movies. I know Doug has
lectures in the afternoon, so I’d need to be back to look after Gabe.’

‘God Mia,
that sounds so good, count me in. I’ll bribe Doug with the promise of sex to
get him to cover the afternoon as well if needs be.’

‘It means
getting up early, Lexi. I’d need to be back at Gabe’s for two-thirty the latest
if Doug can’t cover.’

‘Lunch is
on you then if I’ve got to get up that bloody early. What’s going on? You
usually only interrupt shopping with lunch when you need to talk. You ok?’

of good and bad news today. Not quite processed it myself yet. So yes, it’d be
great to talk if you don’t mind?’

Mia, you know that.’

‘I better
get a few bits packed and get him home. Do you need any money for food while I’m

‘I’m fine,’
she responded looking down in her bag.


‘Ok I’m not
fine, but I hate having to rely on hand outs, one day I’ll pay you back, you
know that right?’ she said as she looked up at me full of gratitude.

‘Lexi, you’re
my virtual sister, if helping you out means I get to keep you here with me then
I don’t care. Just don’t waste it all on booze, feed yourself please. I’ll do a
bank transfer for you tonight, ok?’

‘You’re the
best.’ She got up and gave me a hug and went in to chat to Gabe who was propped
up in bed. I rummaged around my room as they talked and I packed some more
clothes and a bikini in Lexi’s small carry on case. I was ready to start
working out again and figured I may as well take advantage of having a pool on
site. Lexi took the case down to the car while I dressed Gabe and helped him
down and we said our goodbyes.

We arrived
back at his to find Doug waiting to help us. He settled us in and left us to
it. I insisted on Gabe going to his bedroom, instead of the lounge, which I could
tell he wasn’t happy about, especially when I made him get in on my side of the

bloody grumbling and lie back on these pillows. I rang Mrs. Darby this morning
and asked her to change the bedding so it’s all fresh. You’d only watch TV
downstairs, which you can do up here and at least you’re more comfortable if
you fall asleep. Plus I want you to open your gifts, then I’ve a little
surprise for you that I think you’re going to love. Trust me, you’ll thank me
for putting you on this side.’

already loving being home, here with you. It’s like a preview of us living
together. Did you tell her?’

‘No. It was
actually her that told me I should do it, but even so, I need to do it gently,
preferably over lots of alcohol. Listen, would you mind if I spent the morning
with her on Tuesday and did lunch? We were hoping to come over here for movie
night and you could come down and join us.’

‘Baby spend
the day with her, you’ve spent so much time looking after me you need some time
for yourself.’ He grabbed my hand and kissed it as I tucked the duvet carefully
around him and sat on the edge of the bed playing with his fingers.

‘Gabe I
can’t, plus I’m not leaving you on your own all afternoon, Doug has lectures so
can only cover the morning.’

‘Mia, I can
spend a few hours alone, I’m not at deaths door. I’ll make sure I have a rest
and I can find my way to and from the bathroom on my own. I want you to do it,
for me. Go and have some fun.’

‘I have fun
with you,’ I smiled.

‘I love you
for saying that Mia, but it’s not been fun at all for you the last week so you’ll
do as you’re told and go and have a day out with Lexi. Just promise you’ll come
home to me, I don’t want to spend the night without you.’

‘Try and
stop me.’ I stood up and leaned over and kissed the top of his head. ‘Right,
presents. I’m torn between the meaningful one and the fun one.’

I’m intrigued.’ I got the gifts from where they had been left on Saturday
afternoon and put the smallest in his lap. ‘Mia, you need to open it for me. I’m
kind of one handed here.’

‘Of course,
sorry.’ I unwrapped it and put it on his palm and watched his face. He broke
into the biggest smile, then his face softened when he looked at me and I felt
butterflies in my stomach. It was pure love and adoration and warmed me to my
core. ‘I couldn’t afford a real Lamborghini Veneno, so I hoped you’d like miniature
key ring instead,’ I smiled.

‘Baby I
love it.’

‘It’s not
just because you like the car,’ I whispered.

‘I know, I
got that and that’s why I love it, Mia. It’s an expression of you and me, how
much you love me. Like my heart and picture were to you. Every time I pick up
my keys and look at this I’ll remember what you said to me, that I’m your Lamborghini
engine and it’ll make me so happy, you’ll be with me everywhere I go. God, I
love you Mia, I wish I could hold you properly.’

‘You have
other presents to open.’

‘I don’t
care, I have everything I ever wanted right here, right now.’

‘You’re so
soft sometimes, I like that side of you.’ I bent over and kissed him and he put
his car on his lap and grabbed my hair flowing over my shoulder to keep me on
him. His lips were so soft and warm and I melted as I kissed him back. I pushed
my hand into his hair and ran my thumb over his scar before pulling away when I
felt him responding too vigorously.

‘Don’t stop

he moaned.

‘Gabe, you
know what’ll happen and we both end up frustrated. I promise you as soon as you’re
able to have sex again, I’m going to go all out, and nothing will hold me back.
I miss your arms around me, I miss holding you tight, I miss you inside me … I
miss everything we had.’

‘And will
have again. I hate that I can’t do these things too Mia, do you have any idea
how badly I need you? It’s fucking torture,’ he grizzled. I reached down and
grabbed his clenched fist and kissed it and made him open it up so I could kiss
each finger.

‘I need to
work on relaxing you, Gabe. Let’s open this present and then I need a while to
sort out something that I know will help get rid of some of your frustrations.
Trust me,’ I smiled and brushed his hair behind his ear. He leaned into my hand
and gave a half smile, full of frustration. I unwrapped the paper for him and
took out the Ann Summers bag and watched a flash of interest cross his eyes, they
had a little more sparkle in them.

‘Mia, what
did you get?’

‘A few
things for both of us to enjoy when you’re better, so here are a pair of
handcuffs that won’t bite quite so hard.’ I handed him the soft leather buckle
wrist cuffs with a solid chain between them and enjoyed the look on his face as
he touched them and smiled. I pulled out some bundles of soft bondage rope,
which made him gasp and then a vibrator with a difference. It branched out into
three prongs, the vibrator, rabbit ears and a set of attached anal beads. I
thought he was going to pass out.

‘Fuck Mia,
you show me all this when I can’t do anything about it. You’d better not use
this vibrator without me.’

‘I was
thinking it’d be nice to keep for you to use on me until we can have sex again.
When I can give you a blow job as well it would fulfil my fantasy of being
filled in every hole,’ I winked. He groaned and shut his eyes quickly before
looking back at me.

‘Baby you’ve
no idea how much harder that’s going to make me work on getting better. The
thought of you tied up is bad enough, but being able to use this on you at the
same time? Fuck it, I’m hard again.’

‘Then I’ll
open your last wrapped gift and then go and sort out the other, which may help.’
I unwrapped the last gift and he grinned when he saw it was Agent Provocateur
tissue paper, then looked at me confused when I unwrapped it. ‘For someone so
experienced I can’t believe you’re looking at me like that, Gabe. It’s a
leather paddle for you to spank me with.’

seriously? It’s one thing using my hand, but this?’ He ran his hand over the
smooth shiny black leather.

‘I like
being spanked, Gabe and I thought you fucked hard and wanted to please me. Are
you wimping out on me? Do I need to find someone else to do it to me?’ I teased
and regretted it instantly as his eyes flashed a warning at me.

No one
touches you but me, Mia. No one. And you teasing me like that makes me want to use
it on you now,

‘Stop, now you’re
all excited. Mrs. Darby doesn’t go in the bedside table does
she? I’ll be really embarrassed if she finds all these bits.’ He shook his head
and I saw him grasp himself over the duvet. I leaned over and kissed him. ‘I’ll
be back shortly and you better still be hard.’

‘Trust me, I’ll
be hard for days thinking about what I’m going to do with you when this fucking
sling’s off,’ he grumbled.

I gathered
up the sex toys and put them in the bedside cabinet and saw he was clutching
his car key ring again. I prised it out of his hand much to his disgust and went
and put it on his bedside table before undoing my cardigan and peeling off my
t-shirt and letting them drop on the floor. His eyes widened as they took in my
breasts in my bra and my bare stomach. I undid the button and zip on my jeans
and turned and walked toward the door and started to wiggle and pull them down
and heard a deep sigh as I bent over in my fitted knickers and pushed them to
my ankles then kicked them both off. I looked back over my shoulder and winked
at him and went into the dressing room and shut the door.

I found the
outfit I’d purchased last Saturday, not knowing at the time just how
appropriate it would be. I changed into my new white lace underwear with
stockings and suspenders before getting ready and quietly opening the door to
the bedroom. He was lying back with his eyes closed, so I positioned myself
leaning on the door frame, my ankles crossed.

‘Hello Mr.
Austin, I’m nurse Page and I think it’s time for your medication.’ I grinned to
myself as he opened his eyes and they nearly popped out of his head. I watched
as he worked his way up my body, lingering on my white stockings to where the
lace was captured by my white suspender belt, which could just be seen under
the very short and tight white pvc nurses outfit with a red cross on the chest.
I’d left the zip low enough that he could see my white bra and the domes of my
breasts straining to get out. I’d put the white hat on at a jaunty angle and
some bright red lipstick. His eyes were dark and lips parted. ‘You like?’ I
asked as I turned around and bent over and shook my bottom at him.

‘I love,
baby,’ he growled and the sexual undercurrent in his voice made me quiver. ‘Come
to me,’ he ordered. I walked around to my side of the bed where he reclined,
his face so lustful it made me wet and I felt my nipples harden. I stood next
to him and let him run his hand up between my thighs and caress the bare skin
over my stocking tops.

‘Still mad
I put you on this side of the bed?’

‘Hell no,’
he laughed, before moving his fingers between my legs, stroking my knickers. I moaned
to feel his touch there again and he groaned loudly as his pupils dilated. ‘You’re
wet, I can feel it. Fuck Mia, this is so hard.’ I pulled his hand away and
dropped to my knees and then put each of his fingers in my mouth, sucking them
one by one until he groaned again. I guided his hand to my cleavage and let him
slide it into my bra to touch my breast. It was like Chinese torture for me, to
have him this close, touching my skin, but knowing he couldn’t make love to me.

‘Would you
like me to blow you now?’

‘Not yet. Take
off the dress, slowly,’ he asked hoarsely. I kept watching his face as I slowly
lowered the zip all the way down and shrugged it off and he whistled through
his teeth as he looked at me kneeling there. ‘Leave your bra on but take your
breasts out, I need to touch them.’ I put a hand in each lace cup and freed
them pushing the material underneath which pushed them up and together even
more. His hand was on one in an instant, kneading it before his fingers circled
them, pulling at my nipples until they were throbbing and I moaned softly.

‘O God,
I’ve missed your touch.’

missed touching you. Let me make you come Mia, please.’

‘Nurse Page
is here to look after you, Mr. Austin, not the over way around. I could do you
for sexual harassment, you know.’ I pulled his hand away and stood up, pleased
at the way his eyes followed my every move. I carefully leaned over steadying
myself on the headboard and let him take my left nipple in his mouth. He was
like a greedy child that hadn’t been fed for days, suckling and biting hard to
the point of pain, which made me wince and turned me on even more. His hand
worked on my right breast pumping it hard.

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