The Honeymoon Period (The Austin Series) (3 page)

He guided
me back to the apartment and looked impressed when I came to a gentle stop, parking
perfectly in my car park space. ‘Nicely done, Mia.’

‘Why thank
you, Sir. Stay here and close your eyes, I won’t be long.’

‘No way, I’m
coming up with you.’

‘Gabe,’ I

missed your place. Besides, Doug won’t be back until five-thirty to help unload,
so why don’t we chill here for a few hours?’

missed my place? With all the space, games and the cinema at yours?’

‘Yours is
cosy and it reminds me of you. I love being here,’ he replied with a smile. I
looked at him wondering if he was trying to bring up the unresolved question
I’d asked, but his expression gave nothing away. I wasn’t asking it again, not after
the way it went the first time. I got out and went and opened his door and had
to carefully straddle him to release the belt and make sure I caught it to
guide it back without hurting his shoulder. I gasped as he buried his head in
my chest and nipped my breast through my cardigan.

‘If you
think we’re having a re-run of sex in the passenger seat, think again.’

Hancock said as soon as I felt ready. I feel ready.’

Austin, I can’t believe you just
to me.
spoke to Dr.
Hancock myself while you were sleeping on Thursday and he said to avoid it for
at least four weeks and then only with you lying down and me doing all the work,’
I scolded.

‘I didn’t
technically lie, he said four weeks
when I felt ready. I feel ready
now, Mia.’

‘No, your
cock feels ready now, trust me,
aren’t. You were wincing walking
down the hospital steps and while I was driving. You set yourself back any
longer for one quick fuck and then it’s off the cards for a lot longer. I’m
happy to take the edge off anytime you like, but no penetration, Gabe.’

‘Fuck. I
hate this,’ he muttered with a sulky face.

‘Well, suck
it up, I am and you’ve no idea how sexy that scar looks on your brow, you’re
like some kind of bad boy now.’

always been a bad boy baby, you just didn’t know me then,’ he replied with a
wink. I smiled, kissed him and climbed out.

‘Ok, take
my hand if you’re getting out.’

We walked
around to the front of the building and I noticed a big sold sign on the wall.
Gabe had mentioned flat six was for sale when he picked up some of my things
last Saturday. Lexi and I’d never met our current neighbours, but I could only
hope the new ones would be as tolerant of the noise we made. It took us twice
as long to make it up the stairs, with Gabe finding it hurt to breathe with
each step. By the time we were in the hall he’d gone pale and I could see he
was in considerable pain.

‘Come on, you’re
getting into my bed. I’ll get you a glass of water so you can take some
painkillers, then you’re having a sleep.’ I led him into my bedroom, which I’d
not seen in eleven days and I dropped his hand and covered my mouth in shock. I
felt tears in my eyes as I looked at him and he just smiled. I walked over to
my chest of drawers and reached up and touched the new white box frame on the
wall, containing the chocolate heart with our names on, the one he’d given me
the night before my operation. I then ran over to my bed and climbed onto it to
look at the wide piece of art hanging above it. It was by my favourite artist
Doug Hyde, with his smiley character holding a small heart on the left, medium
in the middle and a huge heart on the right. It was called “Yesterday, Today,
Tomorrow” and was in hues of purple and red with a white frame. I traced my
fingers over the words, they echoed how I felt about him.

‘Gabe. How
did you … when did you do this?’

‘I picked
them both up the Saturday after your operation and asked Doug to come and put
them up for me this week. I hope that was ok?’ he asked and I nodded. ‘Do you
like them?’

‘No. I
them. I love you,’ I jumped off the bed and leaned on his side and kissed him.

‘I do, you
know,’ he smiled.


‘Love you
more than yesterday. Every day I think I couldn’t love you more, yet I do. I’ve
got one more present for you.’

‘Gabe, you’ve
given me enough. That picture alone would have cost you a fortune.’

‘I don’t
care, you’re worth it, Mia. It’s the most I’ve seen you smile all week, other
than when you were just driving.’

before any presents let me get the bedding changed, it’s all dusty. Then I’ll
get you out of your trainers and jeans and into bed, you need to rest.’

‘Ok, but
then you’re coming to sit with me for the other present.’

I changed
the bedding while he sat on my dressing table stool and watched. Then I got him
undressed and refused to attend to his erection for the first time all week, as
I decided he was too tired, which he had a sulk about. I grabbed him a glass of
water, gave him his painkillers and helped him shuffle down until he was flat
on his back under the duvet. I pulled off my jeans and cardigan and carefully
climbed into my side of the bed and lay next to him.

‘Ok, hold
my phone up for me to tap into,’ he asked as he passed it to me.

‘Gabe, you
need to sleep.’

‘Mia please.
Do this and I promise to rest, ok?’ He gave me one look with his big blue eyes
and a slight pout, who could resist him like that? I sighed and held it in
front of him as he used his left hand to do whatever he was doing. ‘Ok. Ask me
again, Mia.’

‘Ask you

‘You asked
me something on Sunday morning, before all this happened.’ My mouth went dry
and my heart started pounding as I looked at him. Five days and not a mention
of it, why now?

‘It was a
mistake Gabe, I should never have bought it up so soon.’

‘Mia, you want
to be with me all the time, you spend the whole week in hospital with me, when
you had every right to bale on this relationship, we’ve only had four nights
apart since we met and now you’re taking it back?’

‘I love
being with you and I hate it when we’re apart, but it’s crazy. We’ve only been
dating four weeks.’

‘Didn’t we
once agree that it didn’t matter what other people thought, it’s what makes us

saying you want to do it? You want to live with me here? I don’t understand. You
said no on Sunday, what’s changed?’ I asked feeling confused.

‘Mia I
never said no, I just didn’t answer you. It wouldn’t be fair to Lexi to move in
with you here, it’s her home too. I left you asleep that Sunday morning to run
off and do something. Something I already wanted to do, but I thought it would
scare you off. So when you asked me first, I was so shocked.’

‘When I
asked you first? You mean you wanted to ask me to live with you?’

‘Yes, but I
thought you’d run. I thought it was too soon for you so I didn’t say anything,
and then you blurt it out while we’re having sex …’ he shook his head still

‘Sorry, I
know,’ I groaned. ‘It’s just I just feel so close to you when we’re having sex and
when I tried to talk to you about it the night before, we were interrupted.’

‘Well, I
went out and did what I wanted to do in the first place. I was on my way back
to tell you when the accident happened.’

‘What did
you do?’ I asked and he turned his phone around and I looked at the webpage
confused. ‘This is my neighbour’s apartment.’

‘No, it’s my

‘What?’ I
sat up abruptly making him wince.

‘I made a
cash offer on the Sunday morning and it was accepted. It’s mine, or will be in
a few weeks once all the paperwork’s completed. I was on my way back on Sunday
to ask you to move in with me next door.’

that’s crazy,’ I said as I studied his face, but my heart raced all the same.

‘Why’s it
crazy? We want to be together, you own your property, now I own one which is a
good investment for me. We get to live together and you’re right next door to
your best friend. You can see her whenever you want, have sleep overs if being
with me twenty-four-seven gets too much and I don’t have to worry about your
safety when you’re just crossing the hall to come home. It’s perfect.’

‘But your
house? Everything that you’ve got there, your cinema, your swi…’

everything I need right here Mia, I have you. Say yes, please say yes. You
already pay the bills on your place, I’ll pay everything on mine, that way if
you decided it was too much, too soon, you only have to move back across the
hall. You’ll have lost nothing financially.’

barking mad, Gabe Austin.’ I ran my fingers across his lips.

please answer me.’ He kissed each fingertip as it trailed past and his eyes
were pleading with me.

‘Not until
you tell me why you waited five days to tell me this.’

started this wanting no strings Mia, I thought the accident would be too much
for you to deal with and that you’d break it off with me, but you’ve been so
supportive and you haven’t left my side all week. I just felt now was the right
time, we’re still together despite the challenges we’ve both just been through.
I’m sorry baby, you must’ve been waiting for an answer or explanation from me.’

‘I thought
you were avoiding as it was too soon for me to ask, so I tried to pretend like
it never happened.’

‘Do you
still want to pretend it never happened?’

‘No.’ I ran
my fingers over the stitches on his temple.

‘So it’s a

‘Yes, I’d
love to live with you next door,’ I smiled, then giggled as his face lit up.

‘O, Mia,’
he sighed with a huge beaming smile that took over his face. ‘You’ve no idea
how much better I feel already, come and cuddle me,’ he ordered. I shuffled up
to his side and lay my leg across his and placed an arm gently up his stomach,
resting my hand on his chest as I kissed him and he slid his arm around my
neck. I lay down with my head on his shoulder and sighed happily.

‘What would
you have done if I’d said no?’ I asked.

‘I’d still
have moved in. At least I’d have been closer to you.’

such a romantic, Gabe.’

already had my architect submit plans to gut the place and turn it into a
fantastic large one bedroom apartment, with master suite like mine at home and an
open plan kitchen, diner and lounge. What do you think?’ He lay a trail of
kisses on top of my head.

‘I think as
long as I get to sleep with you at night Gabe, I’ll be happy. When the hell did
you meet the architect?’

‘I haven’t,
I’ve been emailing him from the hospital on my iPad. God, typing one fingered
with your left hand takes forever.’

‘Got to say
I’m relieved, I wondered what you were doing on that iPad for so long,
especially when you kept putting it to sleep every time I tried to look,’ I
laughed. I thought he’d been watching porn.

‘I wanted
it to be a surprise if we made it through the week. We can still go back to the
house and spend time there with the pool and cinema anytime we want and at
least Lexi’s not going to feel like we’re pushing her out by me moving into

thought of everything,’ I said as I caressed his chest.

thought of nothing else, it’s kept me going all week. We’re going to do all the
interior design and shopping together, so it’ll be our place, Mia. I love you
so much, you’ve made me really happy.’

‘You make
me happy all the time Gabe, and we’re going to have so much fun planning this
together, but right now I need you to rest and sleep for me. You never got to
open my presents on Saturday and I want to make sure you can later and then we’re
going to have an early night watching TV and sleeping together, ok?’

sounds perfect baby. God, it’s so good to have you right next to me.’

Gabe. Sleep for me.’


We both
woke up at quarter to six when we heard Lexi open the front door.

‘Stay in
bed, I’ll go and catch up with her. Do you need anything?’

‘I’m good, more
than good baby, I’m ecstatic,’ he smiled happily.

very easily pleased.’ I kissed his forehead and got up and pulled on my grey
jersey shorts and blew him a kiss and headed out into the hall. ‘Lex?’ I

‘Jesus Christ,’
she screamed. ‘Mia? Is that you?’

‘No. It’s a
female burglar who knows your name giving you advance warning. Where are you?’

You just gave me a sodding heart attack,’ she uttered. I went in to find her
sitting on her bed sorting out her bag.

‘Sorry Lex,
I just needed some extra stuff with starting back at Uni Monday. Are you sure you’re
ok being here on your own for a few weeks? You can still change your mind and
move back into Gabe’s with us.’

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