The Heart Series: Complete Boxed Set (24 page)

God, I had missed those magic fingers.

I whimpered when I grew closer, his mouth muffling my moans as his tongue took on the same rhythm as his fingers. My eyes rolled back, and I grabbed handfuls of the pillow, tightly clenching around his fingers. I was panting so hard I could barely breathe. The pleasure was so intense. My body had gone into shock. I finally managed to come down and opened my eyes to find Joel staring back.

He kissed me lovingly once again. “Are you sure, Iz?”

I looked longingly into his eyes, not even questioning my own reply. “Yes, more than anything in my whole life. I need you Joel . . . always.” I wanted to savour every touch, every kiss and feeling he evoked inside me. I gasped the moment he slipped inside, this time there was no pain, only pleasure. He filled me so deep, and it was better than anything I ever remembered.

“Oh god, Joel,” I moaned, the moment he started to slowly rock back and forwards inside me. His tongue gently swirled and caressed against mine. My hand made its way up into his hair, and I grabbed onto it as the other hand glided slowly down his skin, to stop and stroke the small dimples at the small of his back.

“Oh god, Izzy, there were times I never thought—”

“Shhh baby, I know me too.” My fingers grabbed him tighter when he began to take me higher and higher, but then I froze. It was like my body was scared once it reached that moment of euphoria, everything would be taken away again like last time.

Joel’s eyes instantly snapped open. “Izzy, are you okay?”

“No.” I shook my head, feeling the tears already.

Why was I freaking out now?

His eyes filled with concern. “Do you want me to stop?”

My face dropped to the side, unable to look at him. “No . . . I’m just scared that once it’s over you’ll leave me again, and all I’ll be left with are the memories.” A tear rolled down my cheek at the very thought.

His thumb gently grazed my cheek, wiping away the tear. His fingers slowly turned my face back around, and he pressed his lips lightly against mine. My eyes fluttered open to stare into his beautiful blue. “I’m not going anywhere. Seriously, I am never leaving your side. We may as well become surgically attached.”

His words brought an instant smile to my face. I laughed as I rolled my hips.  

Now that wouldn’t be a bad thing.

“Ahh, you like that idea.” His hips ground into me again, and my eyes rolled back as a surge of pleasure filled my body. He began his slow torture again, and my body began to climb, this time I couldn’t stop even if I wanted to. The pleasure became so intense, I needed a release.

“Joel, I’m close,” I panted, gripping him tighter, my nails biting into his skin.

“Me too, baby—oh god, Iz, please open your eyes.”

I shook my head in frustration. “I can’t—I need to concentrate.”

“Please . . . for me, baby. I need this, I need to see you.” His nose nudged against mine, and my eyes slowly opened to see the intensity in his shining back.

“Joel—oh—god—Joel.” I groaned loudly when the orgasm hit me like an explosion, shattering me into pieces.

Joel rocked inside me a few more times. “Izzy, Izzy, oh god—Izzy.” Our eyes stayed connected, watching him reach his own climax. The intense pleasure crossed his beautiful face, and I knew even after a lifetime of orgasms, I would never get tired of watching him.

My body slowly came down from the high. He lay down panting on top of me, his head pressed into my chest. “Oh god, Izzy, that was amazing. It feels so different with you, the connection, I’ve never felt anything like it before.”

I kissed his head and stroked his hair as a tear rolled down my cheek. I felt his head leave my chest, pulling himself up to look at me. “Oh god, did I hurt you? I’m so sorry, baby.”

I placed my finger over his lips. “It was perfect.”

His eyes widened, silently questioning my tears.

I soothingly stroked his face. “You were perfect, Joel. You are my perfect slice of heaven.”

A shy smile crossed his face. “Then you are my perfect little angel.”

“Not anymore . . .” My eyes instantly closed, David had long stolen that from me.

“Hey, you’ll never be less than perfect to me. I should be the one embarrassed, if I could have gone back in time and waited for you, I would. I wished things were different. I wished you could have been my first.”

My eyes opened in surprise. “I was.”

“What?” he gasped. I pressed my hand onto his steadily fast beating heart.

“I was the first person you loved, gave your heart to, the other things are just insignificant. You own me body and soul, wherever you go you take me with you, you carry my heart in your heart.”

A tear rolled down my cheek, and he tenderly wiped it away with his thumb, pressing his lips against mine. More tears trickled after, and I pulled away, I had to finish telling him exactly how I felt. “This body burns only for you, Joel. My heart beats only for you, and I will never feel this way about anyone else. If you leave me, then I will be nothing but an empty cold shell. I need you to breathe, to function, to live.”

His finger caressed against my cheek. “Then I am yours, all yours. You . . .  me . . . forever.”

“Perfect,” I breathed. His lips once again merged with mine, our union now complete.

Chapter 21 – New Home



The familiar creak of the stairs put an instant smile on my face, knowing within moments his warm, hard body would be pressed up against mine. My smile grew even wider at the fact my mother remained oblivious to it all.

Joel had taken a week off work after the accident and had been carrying out the charade of leaving early each morning. He returned twenty minutes later when the coast was clear, parking his car a couple of streets down to avoid being caught out.

My heart beat faster at his close proximity. I positioned myself with my back to the door to conceal my smile. I lay in pretence, wondering what magical technique he would use to rouse me.

I heard the door handle push down, causing my breath to hitch. The door gently brushed along the carpet, immediately clicking shut behind him.

His breathing was soft. I felt his eyes on me without turning around. He made no attempt to speak. I almost strained my ears to hear his next move.

His belt jangled as he began to undress, his Converse made a light thud when they dropped down to the floor. The light rustle of his jeans alerted me I barely had seconds to wait.

I bit my lip to hide my grin, at the urgency of his need. Fighting hard not to turn around, to look at that glorious naked body. I would see him soon enough. The duvet lifted up as cool air surrounded my body giving me goose bumps. The bed dipped beside me, and his breathing became louder.

“Iz,” he breathed, kissing my neck. “Are you awake?”

I pressed my lips tight together, trying to stifle a laugh.

“I know you’re awake,” he said teasingly. “I can tell by your breathing, it changes every time I kiss you.” He kissed me again, this time long and slow. His lips sucked gently against my skin, and I let out an involuntary shudder, making him chuckle with delight.

His fingers gently caressed my skin, gliding along my arm. His body pressed up tight against mine, spooning me from behind as he pressed his erection into me.

“Always ready I see.” I laughed and turned around to look into his lust filled eyes.

“You do this to me—only you.” He grabbed my hand, placing it on his erection. I squeezed softly, and a low moan escaped his lips. I stared deep into his eyes as my hand worked its way along the shaft, watching his expression change with every movement. Just knowing how hard he was, that I did this to him, was the biggest turn on of all.

“You know you do the same to me,” I whispered, staring deep into his eyes. I moved to straddle him and reached for his hand to rest it lightly against my stomach. His fingers were splayed across my skin as the heat began to build between us. His eyes were locked on mine, and I licked my lips, sliding his hand down beneath the satin material.

His eyes glazed over, and he lightly gasped when his fingers felt my need for him. He teasingly stroked me, watching my desire build before slipping inside. I pushed against his fingers, my hips grinding, enjoying the sensation as my body covered his, our foreheads locked together. Soft gasps of delight left me, his fingers were amazing, but I needed much more.

“I need you, Joel, right now,” I panted. I sat up, ripping off my T-shirt as his fingers grabbed my hips. He rolled me over onto my back, his hands quickly making short work of removing my underwear. His intense stare was enough to make my breath hitch. I gasped, feeling his lips begin their torturous trail down my body, but it wasn’t enough. I needed the release now.

I grabbed his hair, pulling it hard. He looked up in surprise, his eyes questioning my actions.

“I need you inside me now.” My look was so urgent and full of need, I didn’t wish to discuss it further.

“Are you sure you don’t want me—” His mouth was almost within reach, but I wanted him right now.

“I think you can see I’m more than ready. Please, I need you inside me now.” I closed my eyes, and his body weight shifted on the bed. I heard the rip of the plastic wrapper as the bed dipped once again. I shivered when his warm skin pressed against mine, sending ripples of electricity through me. I moaned softly with delight the moment he pushed himself deep inside.

“Is that what you want, baby?” he whispered.

I groaned in pleasure when he began rocking in and out. “Oh god, yeah.” I pushed my tongue deeper into his mouth as my legs wrapped tightly around his waist, holding him in place. My hands fisted his hair, our mouths remained locked together, kissing and exploring each other until he broke away.

“What’s got you all excited this morning?” I could see the amusement shining in his eyes, obviously enjoying my new demanding side.

I blushed when his eyes scrutinised me more to reveal the reason behind my sudden urgency. “Well . . . I had a dream . . .” I smiled closing my eyes, remembering every glorious detail.

His nose brushed up against mine, stirring me from my daydream. “Care to elaborate?” he asked, raising an eyebrow waiting for a reply.

My cheeks heated at the very thought. “Oh you were just kissing every inch of my body.” I groaned again, at his sweet, delicious torture as my fingers gripped his back tight. “That’s why I didn’t need you to—”

“But I love watching you come apart using my mouth.”

I popped an eye open, to look into his disgruntled face. “Oh, believe me, you’ll be doing that later, but all I want is this, just you buried deep inside.”

He nuzzled my neck, kissing the sweet spot that always drove me crazy.

“Oh yeah . . . just there.” I felt him smile against my skin. he knew how to set my body on fire. I dragged my nails lightly down his back, and he groaned with the sensation. “Please Joel, I need more . . .”

He pulled away, staring deep into my eyes. I gasped the moment I felt his thumb begin to rub against my clit. Each movement was teasing, pushing me ever nearer to my impending orgasm.

“Is that helping?” He chuckled, when my groans grew louder. His rocking inside became more urgent as we worked our way nearer. “Iz, look at me—Izzy, open your eyes,” he urged, but I was lost.

“I can’t. It’s too intense. I need to concentrate, I’m so close.”

“Izzy . . . please.” The pleading sound of his voice jolted me back. I fluttered my eyes open, staring into his intense ones, just as the explosion hit me.

“Oh god—Joel,” I screamed. My eyes widened, and my fingers gripped his back tight. I pressed my body into his, and the orgasm ripping right through me.

“Fuck—Izzy.” He screwed his eyes tight and stiffened, feeling him pulsate inside, gasping when he reached his own climax.

We both panted hard, our bodies locked tight, coming down from our high. Our breaths mingled together, tickling each other’s faces. Joel still lay on top, his elbows supporting his weight with my legs still coiled tightly around him.

I lovingly brushed his hair away from his damp brow. “You know you have a cute frown line just here when you come.” I pressed my lips against it, giggling as he grinned.

“You look sexy as hell when you come, that’s why I wanted to see your eyes to know I’m the one that does that to you, only I get to see that.”

I blushed imagining my look to be far from sexy. “I don’t even want to know what my sex face looks like, thanks.”

“I can show you,” he replied teasingly. My eyes grew wider at the sheer thought of it.

“Don’t you dare! I don’t want to know.” I squealed, pushing him over so we were both lying on our sides. He chuckled drawing me closer, kissing my hair. I wrapped my leg over his, and his hand began caressing my thigh.

“You know being here with you, this is my heaven. This is as good as it gets.” His sweet words sent tingles throughout my body. I snuggled into him further and kissed his neck before moving away looking into his beautiful blue eyes.

“I feel the same. I don’t ever want to know what it feels like to live without you again.” I felt the tears prick my eyes at the very thought.

“Hey, you won’t. My heart beats only for you.” He grabbed my hand, holding it against his heart. I slowly rolled him over onto his back and lay my head against his chest.

“I missed this, hearing it every night, while I was alone in my bed.” I listened to the most beautiful sound ever. I lifted my head up to place a kiss over the same spot before lying back down.

“I know, I missed not having you in my arms too. The sound of your breathing, the smell of your hair, and your body curled up tight against mine.”

I nuzzled into his chest and his arms tightly wrapped around me. I sighed with contentment lying in the arms of the man I loved before drifting off into a blissful sleep.


* * *


I woke to soft, feather light kisses being placed down my body. His lips weaved their usual magic, appreciating every inch of skin. When he arrived at my belly button, I shivered when his tongue dipped inside.

“Ahh, I was wondering when you’d wake up, I didn’t want you to miss this.”

I leaned back into the pillow, closing my eyes, to brace myself for the imminent pleasure when a loud rumble ripped through me. I felt the vibration of his laughter against my body.

“I really couldn’t be sexy if I tried.” I groaned, hiding my face behind my hands. God, I could curse my stomach for its inappropriate timing.

“Let’s try that again, shall we?” His lips brushed against my skin, and I began to relax again until another rumble signalled my need for food.

He sat back up laughing, and my embarrassment hit an all time low. “Come on, let’s get you some breakfast, growler.” He pulled me upright, and I cringed with shame as a flush hit my face. He kissed me still chuckling, finding the whole thing entirely amusing.

He jumped off the bed, tossing some sweat pants and a T-shirt my way. I watched in pure lust as he pulled on his jeans leaving his underwear on the floor.

Oh my.

He was going commando.

He went to grab his T-shirt, but I snatched it out of his hands and hid it behind my back.

“Can you leave your top off?” I didn’t need to give him a reason, he knew how much his body affected me. I wanted my eyes to feast over his hard, tattooed torso.

He chuckled, shaking his head in amusement, enjoying my eyes roaming over his chest. I bit my lip, taking in the perfection standing before me.

“Let me know when you’re finished perving over my body so we can get you something to eat.”

My eyes flicked back to his face. “Well then, I may have to starve.” I’d never think about food again, my eyes would be content just feasting over every single inch of that sexy body.

He grabbed me sweeping me up into his arms, and I giggled. He pressed sweet kisses against my lips as we made our way downstairs. He kissed me once more before placing me down. I was reluctant to let go, so I kept my arms locked around his neck, not ready to feel the loss of his body just yet.

“Iz, I need to make some breakfast. The sooner you have something to eat the sooner I can get back to tending to your other needs.” I reluctantly dropped my arms. I knew what would follow breakfast would be more than enough to appease me.

“So what would madam like to eat?” He opened the fridge peering deep inside. I nibbled on my lip deciding what it was I fancied.

Well, other than Joel.

“Do we have any bacon? I could really go for a bacon sandwich right now.”  My stomach growled in approval of my decision.

“You’re in luck.” He pulled out the pack of bacon grinning. He switched on the grill, pulling out plates and utensils to get breakfast underway.

“Do you want me to make the coffee?” I made to stand up, but his look stopped me dead in my tracks.

“No, I’m looking after you remember. Can you let me do that?”

I smiled at the tenderness in his eyes; it was useless to argue. “Okay.” I sat back down, and my eyes studied his magnificent back, flicking over each tattoo, watching his muscles flex with every movement.

He grinned looking over his shoulder, catching me outright staring. “Enjoying the floor show?” he asked winking, turning back to tend to the bacon.

Oh yeah.

I sighed, leaning against my hand for support. “I could watch it all day.” His body was like something Michelangelo could have sculpted, every single inch of him was truly breathtaking to watch.

The succulent smell of bacon soon filled the air. My mouth watered, and my stomach reacted, rumbling loud enough for Joel to hear over the radio.

Oh dear god.

“Not long now, growler.”

I pulled a face already hating my pet name. My eyes widened when the plate was placed in front of me. I licked my lips eagerly taking a large bite. I was so ready for this. I groaned in pleasure as the combination of flavours hit my taste buds.

“Nice?” he asked, but he already knew my answer. I shook my head in approval. I couldn’t talk right now, I was too busy eating. I finished off the last bite and pushed my plate away smiling contentedly.

Joel began clearing the table. I sipped on my coffee, watching him move around the kitchen with such ease as he finished off the dishes. I hummed along to the song on the radio, lost in my own thoughts.

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