Read The Harder I Fall Online

Authors: Jessica Gibson

The Harder I Fall (21 page)

“Um, thanks, but no thanks. I’m here with friends, and it wouldn’t be cool to ditch them.”

“Aw, come on, just for a little while.” He grabbed my hand and tried to tug me to my feet.

“Really, no,” I said.

“Come on, it’ll be fun.” I could tell that he was drunk, and I was starting to get really nervous.

“She said no. Move along.” Julian appeared at my side.

“Hey, I wasn’t talking to you; I was talking to her,” Gray said to Julian.

“Well, I’m talking to you, and I’m telling you to leave now.”

Gray looked like he might want a fight, but he dropped my hand and stalked away.

“Thanks, Julian.”

“Julian!” Sadie came running over. “Why is Becca thanking you?”

“Oh, some asshole was trying to get her to leave with him and he wouldn’t take no for an answer.”

Her brows shot up. “What? Why didn’t you yell for me?” she asked me.

“I thought he would take the hint, and Julian showed up before I could say anything.”

“Thank God for you, baby.” Sadie wrapped herself around him like a sweater.

We spent the rest of the night together. Even Mel gave up her search for hot boys and sat with us on the couches. It was surprisingly the best night I’d had in a long time.



Joffrey audition, my stomach was full of butterflies. Sadie pushed me to eat something, even though I was terrified I would throw up.

“You know you're going to rock this, Becs. Stop spazzing out.”

“What if I freeze up and forget all the steps?” I pushed around the oatmeal in my bowl.

“When have you ever done that?”


“Exactly. Just go in there and be confident. Renatta wouldn’t have brought them here for you if she didn't think you had something special,” she said. I knew she was right, but my stomach still was not on my side. “You know you’re going to kill it, right? You were born to dance, Becca.” She put her hand over mine on the table.

Sadie, Mel, and Layla walked me to the studio for my audition. It felt good knowing I had them there for support. I’d been told to have two pieces prepared for the audition. I had decided on the solo piece I had done in February, and the piece I had been preparing since I was sixteen.

“Becca!” Renatta ran over to me as soon as I walked through the door. “Come, darling, I want you to meet Inga and Mila from Joffrey.” She led me through the throngs of dancers who were stretching out on the floor to the duo from Joffrey.

Inga was striking - tall and blonde. I could tell she had been a prima ballerina; she just had the look. Mila I had seen before; I’d had her picture hanging on my wall from the age of twelve until I’d moved out. I was star struck.

“Inga, Mila, this was the young girl I was telling you about. This is Becca Langer,” Renatta introduced me.

“Becca, lovely to meet you.” Mila’s soft accented voice caressed my ears.

“You as well. I’m a huge fan of your work.” The words tumbled out in a rush; I was so nervous.

She smiled, her blue eyes crinkled in amusement. “It’s always wonderful to meet the youth of our craft. I very much look forward to seeing you dance in person. Renatta has sent in a couple of tapes. You blew us all away.”

I was on cloud nine. That Mila Chmerkovsky thought I had talent was insane. Renatta ushered me back to the locker room.

“You’re going to do great,” she said. “Just dance like you always do.” She kissed both my cheeks and left me to change.

I carved out a spot on the floor in the studio to stretch, and Caroline plopped down next to me. “Oh my God, I didn’t sleep a wink last night, and I feel like I’m going to throw up.”

“I know. Did you see who one of the Joffrey ladies is?” I asked.

“I freaked out when I saw her. I can’t believe Mila Chmerkovsky is going to watch us dance!”

“I’m trying not to pass out right now.” I put my head between my legs.

“Okay, ladies, to the barre, please.” Renatta clapped her hands to get everyone’s attention. She led us through our warmups, and then everyone lined up outside of the theater in order of their audition time. I was very thankful I was first, so I didn't have hours to stress out over it.

“Becca? Are you ready?” Renatta smiled brightly.

“As ready as I’m going to be.”

“Don’t be nervous. You’re going to be great!” She patted my shoulder.

I walked to the center of the stage and mentally prepared myself, running through the steps that I knew backward and forward. As the first strains of the music began to play, I was transformed. The dance bubbled out of me as though it had become me. I leapt into the air, extending my arms into a perfect line. The emotion of the routine was perfectly balanced with the song, I let the music guide me through the dance. Each pirouette, each leap, was my soul set to music.

As the song ended, I wiped the tears from my cheeks and took a small bow before going offstage to compose myself for the second routine. It was very different from the first one; it was happiness put to dance. I had chosen an all instrumental track to dance to.

I walked back out to center stage and held my head up high. I couldn't stop the smile from spreading as I danced. I felt lighter than air, like I was coming home. I knew each step so well. As I came to the final leaps and turns, I was almost laughing; the feeling of joy the music evoked was contagious. The music ended and I bowed, a huge smile on my face. Then, I walked to the edge of the stage and sat down so they could ask me questions.

“Becca, that was truly remarkable.” Inga set her pen down, got up, and shook my hand. “I’ve not seen someone of your talent level in a long while.” She returned to her seat.

“I think it’s safe to say that you will have a place in the Summer Intensive program this summer if you would like one.” Mila smiled. “We would be honored to have you dance with us.”

“Oh my gosh! Are you serious?” I was at a loss for words. I hadn’t expected them to tell me right away.

“Of course. We normally don’t offer a spot right after an audition, but Inga and I are in full agreement. We’ll see you in June.” She got up and hugged me. “I’m very much looking forward to having you in my classes,” she whispered before kissing both of my cheeks.

“Thank you again. I will be there. Nothing could keep me away.” I waved and walked back offstage and down the steps to head back outside.

Levi was waiting for me when I got outside. “Hey.” He walked over and sat on the ground next to me. “I got your letter.”

“I meant it all,” I whispered.

“I miss you. I broke up with Leah last month. I couldn’t be with her when it was you I was always thinking about. I never got over you.”

My heart beat faster. “You didn’t?”

“Nope.” His hand inched closer to mine on ground, until our pinkies touched. “Say it. Just once, I need to hear you say it.”

My breath hitched. “I love you.”

He moved in a split second. The kiss took me by surprise. His arms wrapped around me and pulled me tight against him. “I missed you so much,” he said.

“I was lost without you.”

“Julian told me how bad it got for you. I gave myself a time limit. I told myself I would wait a while. I was angry and full of pride. I should have come back to you sooner.” He kissed me again.

“I didn’t make it easy on you,” I said. “I pushed you away whenever you would talk to me.”

“That wasn’t your fault, though. I was the one who ended it, and it wasn’t fair for me to keep coming around. You haven’t been eating.” He frowned at me.

“I know. It was a rough few months. I’m getting better, though. After I wrote you the letter, it’s been getting easier and easier to just live again. I went to a party and everything.”

“I heard. I also heard about the asshole who wouldn't take no for an answer.” The look in his eyes was intense.

“Yeah, Julian was there, though, so no harm done.”

“Remind me to buy him dinner.” He kissed me again. The feel of him against me, his lips on mine, I could die happy. “God, I missed you,” I murmured into his lips.

“I promise you, I’ll never break your heart again.”

“I’m going to hold you to that.”





a second too soon. The earth was reborn, just as I was. Levi and I spent every available second together, making up for lost time.

“What are we doing tonight?” I asked him while we were in my bed reading. It was Friday night, and for once I didn't have anything I had to do until Monday.

“Want to go somewhere for the weekend?” he asked.

“Really? Where would we go?”

“There are some really cool bed and breakfasts on the coast we could try,” he suggested casually.

I sat up. “And how do you know about those?”

“I may or may not have researched them yesterday.” The corner of his mouth tugged up in a half smile.

“Did you happen to make a reservation at one of the places you researched?” I asked.

“I might have.”

“Well, what would I pack to go to this hypothetical place?” I got up and went to my closet.

“Just casual stuff, nothing fancy.” He put his arms behind his head and watched me pack.

“Don’t you need to pack?”

“Already done,” he said.

“When were you going to bring up this spontaneous trip? What if I hadn’t asked what our plans were?”

“I wasn't. I was going to drag you off as a surprise.”

I jumped back on the bed with him, covering him with kisses. “Have I told you how much I love you?”

“You might have mentioned it once or twice, but I never get sick of hearing it. Now go pack. I want to leave in ten minutes.” He swatted my butt.

We were on the road twenty minutes later, roaring off toward our mystery destination in Levi’s fancy car. He took my hand in his and brought it to his lips, brushing a soft kiss against my knuckles. It was simple things like that that I’d missed more than anything. Just being next to him, breathing him in.

“How far away is this place?” I asked.

“Less than an hour.”

As we drove, I got a little nervous. We were going to be all alone. No one was going to barge in and interrupt us. My nerves coiled up in my stomach.

“You’re quiet,” he remarked as we drove into Newport.

“Sorry, just thinking.”


“Nothing really, just thinking.” I didn’t want to tell him I was nervous about being so alone with him.

“You don’t have to be nervous around me. When have I ever asked you for more than you wanted to give?”

“But what if I want to give more?” I whispered. He sucked in a breath and his grip on my hand tightened.

“Pay attention to the road, Klein. We’ll discuss it when we get there.” I laughed.

A few minutes later we pulled up in front of the Hydrangea House Inn. It was adorable, on a street that looked like it came off of a postcard. Levi grabbed our bags and led the way into the building.

“Hi, welcome to Hydrangea House. My name is Ellen. How can I make your stay amazing?” the older woman behind the desk asked when we stopped in front of her.

“I’m Levi Klein. I made a reservation yesterday afternoon for today through Monday morning.”

“Oh, yes. I have you right here. You requested the Hydrangea suite. I think you’ll both love it.” She handed something over for Levi to sign and then took us up the stairs. “This is our nicest suite,” she said as she opened the door.

The room was really beautiful, done in sage green, with a huge king-sized bed, a two person tub, and giant bathroom.

“Wow.” I walked around looking at everything while Levi spoke with Ellen. I heard the door close and I felt him walk up behind me.

“More?” he whispered.

“Yeah, more.” I turned to face him. “Are you ready for that?”

“Do you even have to ask?” The hunger in his eyes made me shiver.

“Okay then.” I didn’t know what else to say, and I hoped he wasn’t expecting to dive right in.

“Do you want to go and get some dinner?” he asked.

“I really do, yes.” I was thankful that he wasn’t pushing the subject further.

We walked hand in hand through Newport, window shopping and finally ending up at The Brick Alley Pub. I loved the energy and the décor; it was noisy and full of life.

We talked about anything and everything over our meal. I found that I was always learning new things about him.

“Did I ever tell you how Julian and I met?” he asked.

I shook my head. “I don’t think so.”

“I picked a fight with him in sixth grade. I was a surly preteen with something to prove. Julian was tall even back then. I was in a new school, and I wanted to make a name for myself.”

“What did Julian do?” I asked.

“Oh, he had no part of it. He told me I could hit him, but he wasn’t going to hit me back. Then asked me if I wanted to come to his house after school and play video games.”

I laughed. “That totally sounds like Julian. I assume you went to his house?”

“I did, and he punched me in the stomach.”

“What? Why would he do that?”

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